Someday Soon (the Not Yet series Book 3)

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Someday Soon (the Not Yet series Book 3) Page 19

by Laura Ward

  It didn’t matter what she said after that. Hearing the truth in her voice, the hitch in her breath, seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks, I knew. I was going to forgive the one person I swore I never would.

  I pulled her up off the floor and wrapped my arms around her frail body in a hug. “Okay, Mom. I forgive you. Shhh,” I coaxed, trying to calm her sobs. “Everything will be okay.”

  It hit me how young she was when she became a mom and how young she still was. She hadn’t given parenthood her best effort, but she tried. At that moment, I felt like her equal. Like one day we just might be able to move past what we’d been through and move forward with what could be.

  Watching the way Landon reacted to his dad, I learned the true power of forgiveness.

  We sat back on the sofa, and she lay against my side until her breathing turned heavy. I rested my head against the back of the couch and closed my eyes. One door slammed closed today, but another opened, just a little. I wasn’t completely alone.

  And that was a start.


  The smell of coffee coaxed me out of sleep. My hand pulled a blanket higher on my body. I turned my face and found a pillow was under my head. Mom must have woken up early and tried to get me comfortable.

  I sat up, stretching my arms over my head, and yawned.

  “Morning, Jon.” Mom walked over with a cup of coffee.

  “Morning, Mom.” I took the mug and sipped. “Thanks for this.”

  A small, soft, almost shy smile formed on her face. “Thank you for forgiving me. I know I have a lot of work to do with you, but I’m just happy for the chance.”

  I nodded as the corners of my mouth lifted. Mom handed me a thick, white envelope.

  “What’s this? I asked her before turning it over to inspect the address.

  She shrugged. “I assume you forwarded your mail to the Goldsmith’s address, but this got sent here. I didn’t open it.”

  The return address read: New York University, School of Law.

  No fucking way. Not that it mattered at this point. Daisy and I could both be living in the Big Apple, and I knew we wouldn’t see each other after last night.

  I ripped the envelope open and pulled out several pages.

  “What is it, Jon?” Mom asked.

  I scanned the page and then handed it to her.

  She looked over the front page, and her head shot up, papers flying to the floor. “You got into law school?” Her hand flew to her chest, and her voice rose an octave.

  I rubbed my chin, mind racing. “NYU Law as well as Boston University, School of Law, actually.”

  “Boston and New York?” Mom shrieked and danced a happy dance in front of me. “My baby’s gonna be an attorney?”

  “Gotta get through three years of law school and the bar exam before that happens, Mom,” I reminded her with a smile. It was kind of nice to share this with her. She was the only one as excited as me now.

  She bent over, gathering the papers that flung about. “Which one will you choose?”

  “Not sure yet.” I walked into the kitchen and poured more coffee into my mug. Resting my hip against the counter, I crossed my ankles. “There’s something else going on with me.”

  Mom’s eyebrows drew together as she walked into the kitchen. She mirrored my stance on the opposite counter. “Well? I know we don’t ever talk much, but fill me in. Maybe I can help.”

  I puffed out my cheeks and then exhaled. “I only really realized it last night, but I’m in love with Dean’s younger sister, Daisy. Dean and the rest of his family found out that we’ve been sleeping together and are furious. They kicked me out, which was why I was in the parking lot.”

  Mom held her coffee mug up to her mouth. “Mmmm, so you’re in love with your best friend’s little sister? That’s a whopper, even for me.”

  “I haven’t said it to her, but yes. Based on her explanations to her family, I don’t think there’s a chance in hell she feels the same way.” I finished my coffee and placed the mug in the sink. “So, yeah. That pretty much feels like shit.”

  Mom walked closer and patted my forearm. “Take it from me. Don’t waste time. Tell the girl you love her, Jon. I mean, really. What do you have to lose?”

  True. I had nothing left to lose.

  My phone dinged, alerting me to a text.

  Please be Daisy.

  Dean: I don’t want Grace’s plans to be ruined. Come to the rehearsal. Just keep quiet and stay away from Daisy.

  My chest felt a little lighter. Dean was extending an olive branch. There was hope we could fix our friendship. And if I could forgive my mom, maybe the Goldsmiths could forgive me. I closed my eyes and formed my plan.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  EVERYTHING IN MY life was wrong at the moment, but for Dean and Grace, it was finally right. The weekend they waited for was here. They were getting married.

  The ceremony and reception tent that were set up this morning took up well over half of the backyard. Now we stood inside of it, practicing where we would be and what we would do.

  “Let’s pretend that our bride and groom just shared their first kiss—” Pastor Jeff was interrupted by a coughing fit from Landon.

  Dean glared at him, but Grace laughed.

  “Okay, their first married kiss.” Pastor Jeff looked at Landon with raised eyebrows. Landon issued him a thumbs up, and the rehearsal continued. “They’ll head back down the aisle first, and then I’d like to watch you all proceed after with your partner.” He nodded at Grace and Dean, and they linked arms and walked down the aisle toward our house.

  Next up was Dean’s best man, Finn. He held hands with Grace’s maid of honor, Amy, and they beamed as they skipped down the aisle. Landon and Emma were next, followed by Ricky and Dianna. Because of my birth order and general luck, I walked with Jon.

  Jon looked just as thrilled to be walking with me as I was to be with him. He stared straight ahead, jaw clenched. As soon as we reached the end, I pulled away, turning to watch Delilah and Devin and then Damian, who escorted my mom down the aisle.

  “Excellent! I think you’re all set for the big day. Any questions?” Pastor Jeff asked.

  My mom motioned him over to her boxes of programs, candles, and other wedding paraphernalia. The wedding party chattered, everyone giddy with excitement.

  Well, everyone except for Jon and me. I’d say giddy was far from what we were feeling.

  “Listen up!” Dad clapped his hands and gave a low whistle. “Dean’s mother and I would like all of you to join us at Da Mimmo’s Italian restaurant for the rehearsal dinner. We have a private room, so head right on over there.”

  The group scattered, reaching for jackets, purses, and keys, and exiting the tent. Dad took my elbow, gently leading me to Damian.

  “You ride with your brother. No one else.” His voice was low and hard, making my eyes sting.

  Damian frowned up at my dad, but followed orders, slinging his arm over my shoulder and pulling me to him.

  We walked in silence to the car, and I fell gratefully into the front passenger seat. Emotions from the past twenty-four hours had exhausted me.

  “Daisy, talk to me. You’re miserable.” Damian put the key in the ignition and started his truck.

  “Of course, I am,” I snapped, picking at the edge of the nail polish on my thumb. “I’ve lost everything. I can’t go to New York, and I can’t be with Jon. My entire family is mad at me. Tell me, Damian. What exactly is there to be happy about?”

  Damian drove on, a thoughtful look on his face. “You made it seem like everything with Jon was pretty casual last night. Just for sex. So why are you upset at losing him? Sex is sex, and you’re a hottie, despite being my sister. You’ll find another lay.”

  My jaw dropped. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted to diffuse everyone’s anger.” I looked out the window, focusing on the cars passing by. “It did sort of start out that way. I mean we were friends, and there was an a
ttraction, but we knew it couldn’t go any farther than that.”

  “Why not?” Damian asked.

  “Damian.” I sighed. “For all the reasons I stated last night. We’re heading to separate places, there’s an age difference, he’s Dean’s best friend, and he’s like family to all of you.”

  Damian pulled into a parking spot, put the truck in park, and pulled the keys from the ignition. “None of that matters for shit if you love each other. Just look at Mom and Dad. Can you imagine them not being together? They’ve always been in love and stayed together through thick and thin. Last night, you made it sound like you were just sleeping with Jon for fun. All I’m saying is if you think you love Jon, tell him. Nothing else matters.”

  My words were shaky as my chin quivered uncontrollably. “You’d be okay with that? If Jon and I were together?”

  Damian’s large hand squeezed my shoulder. “I’ve been watching you fall for Jon for a long time. The past few months, I watched him fall for you, too. I know I warned you off him, but last night he looked destroyed. I trust him to take care of you and for you to do the same right back for him.”

  I nodded, blowing out a long breath of pent up emotion. Damian hopped out of the truck and walked to my side. He opened my door and held out his hand, helping me down.

  Tears swam in my eyes, making my vision blurry. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Anytime, sis.” He hugged me in a tight embrace.

  Was Damian right? If I loved Jon, should nothing else matter?

  My heart raced at the thought. I had some thinking to do.


  Da Mimmo’s private banquet room was hopping. Waiters passed out bruschetta, calamari and mini mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers. My stomach was twisted in so many knots, I couldn’t eat a thing. The small bar in the room was packed with Dean and his friends, ordering drinks and laughing. Like a beacon to my true north, I immediately spotted Jon off to the side of the group, a somber look on his face. He was doing his best to look unaffected, but I could read the unease in his features.

  At least his face looked much improved. He must have taken good care of it last night. Both eyes were open, only one rimmed in light purple bruises. His cheek was still bruised, but with the swelling subsided and his stubble left unshaven, it was almost hidden.

  My face flushed with heat as I watched him. My God, even after the horror of last night, all I wanted was for him to hold me. Less than one day passed, and I missed him with a force that scared the crap out of me.

  What would I do next year when he was gone?

  Pressing my hands to my cheeks, I took a shaky breath. I needed a break. Down the long hallway, I spotted a restroom. I walked toward the restroom with my head down, not wanting to be interrupted by anyone. I needed space to think. I turned the corner and opened the heavy door.

  Standing at the sink, washing her hands, was Grace.

  “Daisy? What’s wrong?” Grace picked up a paper towel and dried her hands as she walked to me.

  My lips shook as I tried to form a smile. “Nothing at all. I’m fine.”

  She frowned, taking my hand and leading me to the bench against the wall. “Talk to me. I know something’s going on. Jon is super quiet, not razzing Dean or the other guys like normal. He also has a busted face. You look like your favorite pet just ran away. What happened?”

  I clasped my hands together. Nothing should darken her special weekend. I had to stay quiet.

  Grace pulled my hands apart, holding them in her own. “We’re about to become sisters,” she whispered.

  A searing pain gripped my chest. I wouldn’t lie to her, too. Not when she about to join this family.

  “Jon and I have been seeing each other in secret. The entire family found out, and Dean and Dad are furious.” The words tumbled out of me.

  Grace’s eyes grew large and then her face erupted in a smile. “I thought so! I’ve been watching you two. You both light up when you’re together. Oh, I’m so happy for you, Daisy.” She stopped and then frowned. “Wait, why are Dean and Dale upset? They love Jon.”

  “They do. I think it’s that we lied and that there’s an age difference. Probably more that we lied. Everyone thinks of me as the insecure, shy, picked on, little sister. And that was all true, before Jon. He helped me to believe in myself and to follow my dreams.” I didn’t tell her about what he did to my body and how the affection he showed me made me feel sexy and beautiful.

  And all his.

  Grace squeezed my hands tighter. “Daisy, your family will get over this. They will. Apologize and move on. But don’t let a man like that go. Believe me, I know. Dean has brought love and confidence to my life, and you deserve nothing less in yours.”

  She kissed my cheek, not letting my hands go. “I gotta get back in there. But promise me you’ll think about what I said?” she paused, as if waiting for my response.

  I gave a quick nod before she hurried out of the bathroom.

  I stayed on the bench and thought through my time with Jon this past year.

  Was there ever a time I wasn’t in love with him?

  Not for a second.

  And now was the time to tell him exactly how I felt.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  STAYING CALM WHILE I walked Daisy up and down the aisle at the rehearsal just about broke me. I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and tell her I loved her, and that we could work this all out. We could be together.

  But that wasn’t the right time.

  I followed her movement from the corner of my eye as I pretended to engage in conversations at the bar. She walked in with Damian looking overwhelmed. With what, I didn’t know.

  Then she hurried off to the restroom. “I’m gonna hit the head before dinner.” I clasped Ricky’s shoulder, and he nodded, turning to talk to Dean.

  Instead, I waited outside the women’s room. Daisy walked out looking composed, strong.

  “Sunshine?” Daisy jumped, but then relaxed when she recognized me in the dimly lit hallway. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Of course.” She clutched my hand, and I walked us to the end of the corridor, around a corner, finding some semblance of privacy.

  “I was hurt last night. By you.” I swallowed hard, gathering the courage to be truly honest with Daisy about the feelings I had for her.

  She shook her head. “I know. I tried to defend you, to tell them it was my fault, but no one listened. I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s not what hurt me. I need you to be honest with me right now.” I looked into her shiny eyes and continued. “Last night you said all we had was a physical relationship. That it was all just the deal we made to help each other out. I know that’s how it started, but is that how you feel now? Or, at least how you felt before everything happened last night?”

  Daisy’s face crumpled, her lower lip quivering. “No, but I’m afraid… I don’t want to spoil what we had or lose you in the future... by saying…”

  I cupped her face in my hands. “Daisy, I’ve fallen in love for the first time in my life with my very best friend. You’re more than I could ever ask for in this world. I love you so much. I’m just sorry I waited so long to say it.”

  Daisy closed her eyes, a lone tear rolling down her cheek. “Pinch me.”

  I chuckled, sure I misheard her. “Excuse me?”

  She opened her eyes, and they were so warm and soft and loving, my breath caught in my throat. “I must be dreaming. The man I’ve loved for as long as I can remember loves me?”

  “I love you, Sunshine.” I pinched her ass, and she laughed, jumping into my arms.

  “I love you more than… more than… cooking!” Daisy giggled, pressing her lips to mine and I kissed her, all the pent-up emotion pouring out of me and into her.

  A bell rang in the dining room, and we pulled apart.

  “Talk more later. I love you!” She laughed again, wiping under her eyes and walking quickly into the banquet room.

>   I pressed my back against the wall and blew out a long breath. One Goldsmith down, seven more to go.


  “Will the wedding party please sit at this end of the table?” Dorothy pointed at the end of the long rectangular table that would seat everyone in the room. “Find your place cards and have a seat. Dinner will be served family style shortly.”

  Walking over to the table, my place card was directly across from Daisy. I got to stare at the girl that I loved and who loved me for an entire dinner.

  Perfect torture.

  Damian pulled her chair out, waiting until she sat, and then pushed it in. That’s my job, goddammit. He sat next to her, giving me a grin and a chin tilt, and I forced myself to relax.

  Dale stood, tapping his fork against his wine glass. “As we wait for dinner to begin, I’d like to invite anyone present tonight to toast Grace and Dean. Dorothy and I would like to start.” Dorothy stood next to her husband, grinning up at him.

  “Dean, you’re our firstborn. From the start, you were a handful.” The table occupants collectively chuckled, but Dale continued. “I used to kiss you goodnight, after you finally tuckered yourself out, and prayed that one day you would have a life as good as mine. See, I love your mama with the kind of love you don’t find twice. And she blessed me with six wonderful kids. There is nothing else I could ask for, except for my family to find that kind of love. And you have. Grace, you complete my son. You’ve made Dean happier than Dorothy and I have ever seen him. You and Finn are a part of this clan. Thank you. Thank you for giving Dean a life as good as mine. Now, all I pray for is that it gets even better.”

  Dale raised his wine glass. “To Dean and Grace!” He called and choruses of “To Grace and Dean” filled the room. Dale leaned over and kissed Dorothy before taking his seat.

  To my left, Dean kissed Grace as tears fell from her eyes. In front of me, Daisy smiled, tears also rolling down her sweet face.


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