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Harlequin Special Edition July 2013 - Bundle 2 of 2: The Widow of Conard CountyA Match for the Single DadThe Medic's Homecoming

Page 16

by Rachel Lee

  “I don’t know,” she said finally. “I just know I like you being here.”

  “That’s what worries me,” he said quietly. “That we’ll get to like this setup for all the wrong reasons.”

  She couldn’t deny it concerned her, too. But she’d been thinking long and hard during the night as she waited for him to return. “Maybe we should just stop worrying long-term and just take everything a day at a time. Unless you’re in a rush to get away.”

  “Getting away from you is the last thing I want right now,” he said frankly.

  “Good. Then stick around. I’m going to nap on the couch until Ed arrives with the paint. He’s bringing the sprayer if you want to save some labor.”

  He shook his head. “Like I said, I’d rather do it the hard way. I’m missing the gym.”

  “Okay.” Smiling faintly, she rose, but as she started to pass him, he caught her hand. Then, astonishing her, he raised it and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “You’re a special lady,” he said huskily.

  After the miserable night, her heart felt incredibly light as she headed for the sofa.

  * * *

  He needed sleep as much as Sharon did, but he was still too wound up. Liam sat at the table, not yet worn out enough from his long walk, hoping the paint would arrive so he would get started on the barn.

  He clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to ease the tension that crackled along his nerves. What the hell was he getting into here? Could he even judge?

  Sharon was right about one thing: he’d been cut loose after a whole heap of warnings about his new limitations, followed by a cheery, “But you should improve with time. You’ve improved a lot already.”

  What did that mean? How long would it take? How would he know when he was improving? And whatever improvements might be happening, he still had the temper and frustration to deal with. The nightmares. The losing himself in time, the forgetting what he was doing unless he talked himself through it or had some physical reminder to pull him back.

  Why would anyone want to deal with all that? But Sharon didn’t mind, and that suddenly seemed like absolutely the scariest thing of all.

  Someone who didn’t mind his outbursts, his explosive moods that he could handle only by walking them off. Sometimes the rest of it didn’t seem so bad, not even the nightmares, or the occasional flashback. What drove him nuts was being unable to follow a line start to finish without losing track of where he was without some reminder.

  That drove him crazy.

  Sharon was beginning to drive him crazy, too. The thing was, with her it wasn’t a bad crazy. It was a good crazy, and that really worried him.

  Brain damage or not, he hadn’t completely forgotten how to gauge other people, how to be concerned about them, too. She was getting attached. So was he. And that could turn out to be so bad if it was for the wrong reasons on either side.

  He’d found a haven here. That wasn’t necessarily a good thing if he clung to it simply because he could handle things better here. Low pressure, a nice lady to whom he was attracted... Yeah, that could be a bad thing. Because that was not a good reason to trash someone else by grabbing for a lifeline that might only be temporary.

  How could he tell what he was reaching for here? He didn’t know. And the last thing on earth he wanted was to bring more grief to Chet’s widow.

  But he wanted her. The more he was with her, the deeper the craving seemed to grow. He sure hadn’t felt that for any of the women at the rehab place, and there’d been plenty of pretty ones. No, he wanted Sharon, and he was beginning to think that walking away would rip him up good.

  But thinking about himself was selfish. He needed to think about her.

  Unfortunately, thinking about her only brought him around full circle. He liked her, yes. He wanted her, yes. But that wasn’t enough, especially when he looked down the tunnel of his future and couldn’t figure out what should be there. He owed any woman more than that, more than a half-reborn man.

  But maybe he was making a mountain out of a molehill. He didn’t know what Sharon was feeling or wanting. Hell, she was probably as wary as he was.

  That made him feel a little better, but he made up his mind to one thing: he was going to have to leave as soon as he was through painting the barn. They both needed time and space from a situation that was getting too cozy too easily.

  Yeah, he’d finish the barn and resume his trek to nowhere. Maybe when he’d been gone a month or so, they’d have clearer heads. Maybe he’d discover, like she said, that he wasn’t as badly messed up as he thought.

  But dang, he’d have liked to help her with those goats. He’d have liked to help her build that dream she and Chet had shared.

  He’d have liked a lot of things. Life wasn’t often kind enough to listen.

  * * *

  Sharon woke to a gentle voice calling her, and when she opened drowsy eyes, she saw Liam bent over her. Her heart leapt at the sight, and she drank in the lines of his face, the strength of his build, and realized she would have preferred to be wakened by his touches, by his lovemaking.

  The sleepy wish lasted only a second or two before shock zapped through her and she sat bolt upright. They were dangerous feelings for a man she believed had every intention of moving on. Hadn’t he told her he couldn’t offer her a future?

  She’d be a fool not to listen.

  “Ed’s here,” he said.

  “Thanks.” She popped up off the couch feeling royally grungy, and that didn’t even include the sharp sand in her eyes. It’d been a long night, caused by her own foolishness, she thought wearily. She needn’t have sat up waiting for Liam. He could take care of himself, she was sure.

  But in her heart of hearts she knew that wasn’t why she’d stayed up. She’d feared he wouldn’t come back. Great. Super. She felt as if her emotions had taken a roller-coaster ride without her permission.

  Liam stepped back, giving her plenty of space to rise. So the guy who had kissed her hand a couple of hours ago was now afraid to brush against her. Great. Just great.

  Irritable, yet feeling a horrible sense of impending loss, she went outside to greet Ed. He looked chipper and alert, which only made her feel grumpier. She could feel Liam standing on the porch as she went down to greet Ed, have him put the paint in the barn and sign the slip for it.

  “So how’s your friend working out?” Ed asked.

  “Great,” she said. “Don’t leave the sprayer, though.”

  “C’mon, it’ll make the job easier. I can’t believe he painted that whole damn building by hand.”

  “I like the work.”

  The unexpectedness of Liam’s voice so nearby almost made Sharon jump. She had thought he was still back on the porch.

  “Suit yourself,” Ed said with a shrug. “Anything else?”

  “Not for now,” answered Sharon with faked cheer. “I know where to find you if we need more supplies.”

  “That you do. Three days before the next delivery?”


  He waved as he drove away, leaving her and Liam standing in the yard before the barn where the cans of paint sat in a neat row.

  “I’ll start now,” Liam said.

  “Like hell you will. You haven’t had any more sleep than I have and if you take a fall, I’ll have to call the air rescue. We need sleep and something to eat.”

  Without looking at him, she marched toward the house. A few seconds later she sensed him following her.

  Whatever resolutions they’d both been making died as she climbed the steps. Weary as she was, she stumbled. He caught her.

  Everything went out of control in an instant. His arms around her felt so damn good, and the desire she felt for him surged like a forceful fountain. God, she wanted this man. Wanted him. Reason couldn’t beat that down.

  As soon as he caught her against his hard body, she looked up and saw the same fire in his gaze. He wanted her, just like he’d said, and the sight of his hunger, printed so clearly o
n his face, fueled hers like tinder in a fire.

  Their eyes locked for one breathless instant. Then, without a word, he picked her up, eased her through the screen door, and headed up the stairs. This was going to be no kitchen-counter quickie. Her insides clenched with sheer passion.

  She looped her arms around his neck, surrendering already, beyond caring about all the roadblocks she had tried to throw up. Whatever it cost, she was going to steal these moments from life, and she was damned if she would ever regret them.

  At the top of the stairs he didn’t even hesitate. He carried her to the room he was using, thank goodness. The double bed in there would be ample and there was a line she wasn’t ready to cross in her own bed.

  But the thought barely crossed her mind. More important things were building, like the rumblings just before a summer storm.

  He said only one thing as he let her slide to her feet. “You won’t hate me?”


  He searched her face briefly, then swooped in for a kiss. Nothing gentle and nothing sweet happened then. What had been suppressed for too long took charge. She pulled at his clothes. He pulled at hers.

  The room filled with the sound of their heavy breathing, the sound of buttons and snaps popping. Clothes flew every which way, but Sharon was hardly aware of anything but the drive to be naked with him, to tumble onto the bed.

  Then, suddenly it seemed, they were both nude.

  “Let me look at you,” he said huskily.

  For an instant, she nearly froze with embarrassment as he stepped back, but when she saw the look on his face, her shyness fled.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous.”

  “So are you,” she said as she trailed her eyes over him. A fine physique, a little overdeveloped from all that working out, but fine nonetheless. And scars. She almost gasped as she saw them, but swallowed the sound. More than anything she feared she might drive him away. Not now. No way.

  But the marks were there. The head injury might be invisible, but not the other wounds. He’d been shot. She hadn’t known that. He had slashing scars here and there, but she couldn’t guess what from. She’d ask later. Much later. Right now nothing could be allowed to come between them.

  He paused long enough to pull out a condom and roll it on, then smiled almost sleepily at her.

  “Turn for me?” he asked.

  Feeling more confident now, she turned slowly for him, heard the sigh escape him. “You’re perfect.”

  She didn’t think so, but all that mattered was what he thought. As she faced him again, she couldn’t resist cupping her own breasts as if offering them to him.

  He groaned and reached for her instantly, carrying her down onto the bed with him.

  There was absolutely no feeling on Earth like skin on skin. Nothing like legs tangling, arms wrapping, mouths meeting. Nothing like moans and sighs answered as the journey began.

  Hearing him groan her name lifted her even higher. But even with their experience yesterday, the moment felt filled with hungry desperation. There was little finesse between them, just a passionate meeting and melding. Without warning, he lifted her to straddle him as he lay on his back. She didn’t hesitate. Reaching for his hardened staff, she took him into her, settling on him until he filled her completely, feeling that wonderful sense of stretching and fullness she hadn’t felt in so long. She threw her head back, savoring the exquisite sensation of intimate connection.

  Then he gripped her arms and tugged. “Ride me,” he demanded.

  She was only too happy to do it. Leaning forward until she was propped on her hands, she slid forward and back, felt him fill her again and again. The throbbing deep within her strengthened rapidly until it was so hard she ached with each new pulse.

  His hands found her breasts, amplifying her pleasure as he kneaded her, brushing his thumbs over her nipples, drawing shudders and moans from her.

  So fast, too fast, she was reaching the peak. Then he grabbed her naked hips, forcing her rhythm, carrying her to the highest peak so rapidly she felt she couldn’t catch her breath.

  An instant later, she shattered in an orgasm so intense it tore a cry from her. As she started to sag, she felt him buck once more, then felt the unmistakable pulsation of his staff as he jetted into her.

  An instant later she collapsed and was surrounded by his arms. Everything else vanished, except the slowly weakening throbbing in her body. And with each of those quieting throbs, a shiver passed through her.

  She felt sated. Truly sated.

  * * *

  He rolled her off him gently. “Be right back,” he murmured, dropping a kiss on her lips.

  She tried to hang on to his hand. A quiet chuckle escaped him. “There’s more, darlin’. Much more.”

  Hazy, not quite drowsy, she lay on the coverlet while her body told her she was ready for more. Much more. All of it. All night, all day, never-ending more of Liam. It had been wild, basic, fast. She had never done that before, and it kind of amazed her that she had returned to elemental feeling so fast.

  But she smiled into the empty room as she recalled the hot and ready way they had coupled. Basic, but perfect.

  And he’d called her “darlin’.” She liked it. Nobody had ever called her that before. Not once. That was another special thing about Liam.

  Before reality could intrude on the glow, he returned, tugged some more condoms out of his pack and threw them on the bedside table. She smiled again as she saw them.

  Then he stretched out beside her, his head propped on his hand, and smiled at her.

  “Gorgeous,” he said again.

  As his gaze swept over her, she felt it like a physical touch. Nerve endings sizzled as if he had brushed his hands over her.

  She looked him over, too, admiring him, and finally reached out to touch him, savoring the feel of his skin beneath her palms and fingers. She didn’t ask about the scars. None of that was going to shatter this precious feeling.

  He sighed as she touched him, closing his eyes briefly before reaching out to reciprocate. His hand passed slowly over her every curve, as if he were memorizing her contours.

  “Exquisite,” he murmured.

  “So are you.”

  He didn’t argue. For once he didn’t argue when she said something nice about him. That seemed like a total triumph to her, and as energy began to return to her limbs, she wanted him again. Now. Fast and furious.

  But he didn’t seem in the mood for that. He took his time fondling her, awakening her again. First he explored her breasts, cupping their weight, giving a shuddering sigh as her nipples hardened. Then he bent his mouth to her, sucking at first gently on each nipple. When he lifted his head she felt the coolness of the air on the dampness, and it added to the building pleasure in her.

  She didn’t want to push him, though. Men didn’t get ready again as soon as women did. She had read that.

  But he didn’t seem to care. He ministered to her breasts until she felt herself spiraling upward again into passion. Just that and no more, yet she felt as if she were climbing that incredible mountain again, the summit coming closer with each pull of his mouth on her breasts.

  When her hips finally rolled in response, he gave a quiet chuckle. A moment later, he rolled onto her, settling himself between her legs and making her feel so very open and vulnerable. Another shiver of delight passed through her as he smiled down at her.

  “You’re one sexy woman.” His voice was low and husky.

  He took her breast into his mouth again, this time nipping at her nipple and drawing a little cry from her.

  “Definitely sexy.”

  Then, little by little he trailed his mouth downward, causing renewed shivers as he sprinkled kissed over her abdomen. Every part of her became so alive to his caresses that she felt like a bundle of total sensuality.

  Instinctively she reached for his shoulders as he slid even lower. Her legs lifted, trying to wrap around him, her whole body needing to be as open as possible to him.<
br />
  But he continued her torment, his hands reaching up to find her breasts as he continued to kiss and lick her belly. Her hips rocked upward again, needing deeper touches, deeper pressures, which he withheld. With each touch of his hands and mouth, she felt an opening deep inside her, a welcoming need for this man and everything he could both give and take from her.

  She felt like a rose blooming in a rare desert rain. Opening, opening...

  She wanted him in her again. Now. But he still withheld as he continued to quest with hands and mouth for every sensitive part of her. She couldn’t force him closer; he just kept on teasing her until she thought she would go out of her mind.

  Finally she cried out his name. “Liam!”

  For one heart-stopping instant everything halted. Then she felt him slide lower and wonder of wonders his fingers touched her petals, stroking them, parting them. A violent shudder of delight ripped through her and a long moan escaped her.

  Oh, please, please...

  Held in thrall by the passion he awoke so easily in her, she didn’t know if she begged out loud or only deep inside. Again and again his fingers brushed her so lightly it was maddening and thrilling all at once.

  Her hips responded insistently, out of control. There was no control left in her, only hunger. “Please...” The sigh escaped her.

  His hot, wet mouth found her most vulnerable place, the first lash of his tongue painful in its intensity. Another cry escaped her and she almost jerked away, but his hands gripped her hips, holding her. He seemed to be drinking from her, alternately sucking and licking that most sensitive nub. Each sensation fueled the conflagration he had unleashed in her. Aflame with desire, she felt as if she were riding a shooting star.

  Completion came, so aching and deep it filled her entire body. Just as she was ready to sink back to Earth, his mouth went to work again, feeding the quieting throbbing until it was no longer quieting, but growing strong yet again. She couldn’t...she couldn’t...


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