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Mouse: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Coast: Book 7)

Page 15

by Hart, Eve R.

  I picked the best spot, not all that thrilled that it was further away than what I wanted. It didn’t really matter, I would make it work, at least the containers were stacked high, with one row having an extra one on top. I could tuck myself into the corner and be a little more hidden.

  Like I said, I didn’t have to go through all these lengths, not for the Irish, but it did help to keep my skills sharp. Plus, I loved this sort of thing. My mind worked well in these types of situations. I had my dad to thank for all of this. He taught me everything I knew about how to shoot and what to look out for.

  Popping my earbud in, I pulled up the app on my phone that Cable had set me up with. It linked me into the closest security feed so I would have ears too. Since I had my scope, I didn’t need to watch.

  “You good?” Knight called out as we heard the incoming vehicles make their way around the stacked containers to us.

  “Good,” I called back right before I caught sight of the first hood.

  I hunkered down and flattened out as much as possible while I lined up my eye and slid my finger parallel to the trigger.

  I didn’t listen in on the conversation. It would have taken too much away from my focus. I was more tuned into tones and breathing. I had trained my mind to pick up on the differences even if I wasn’t listening to the words.

  There was always a hint in someone’s voice before shit went down. Whether it be a big meet like this, or someone robbing a convenience shop, or even a man about to jump off a building. It was a slight pitch change, or a quick, inhaled breath. Or even in some cases, a small relieved exhale. It was usually involuntary and most people never caught onto it. Even the person that was about to make the move.

  The problem came when I went up against people like me. People that were aware of all those things and had learned to control their body to where their mind cut off. In these cases, raising an arm to shoot became that pitch change and there was no warning. That was when you had to be quick on your feet and have a sharp eye.

  But enough about that. I was pretty sure the Irish weren't trained like that. While they were rough and a little crazy, they weren’t the type to go the extra mile to learn these things. I wasn’t calling them dumb. I just knew who I was up against here.

  I watched as Connor got out first, followed by Fergal. Elliot got out of a separate SUV and I was a little surprised to see him here.

  I studied the kid for a second. He was young, probably about the same age as Sketch. And he hadn’t gotten the serious vibe down. No, he was too playful, too wet behind the ears. It was clear in the way he puffed up his chest and tried to walk like the big men. I held back a chuckle because it was almost embarrassing to watch him. I moved my focus to his hands as he got settled on Fergal’s left side. I didn’t have to look to know that Connor was in his right. Elliot’s fingers twitched at his side but I knew it wasn’t because he was eager to draw. No this was a nervous kind of tick. I almost felt bad for the guy but I figured I didn’t have anything to worry about with him.

  My focus shifted. Connor stood tall, that cop stance clear as day, only both of his hands were at his sides instead of one of them resting on the butt of the gun on his hip. Thank fuck, it made him look a little less like a tool. Hey, I didn’t mind the guy, and he might have been an outlaw like us, but he was still also a cop.

  A few more men stood sporadically behind them, ready to go if shit went down, much like I was.

  I knew Fergal had more seasoned men that he usually brought with him. I wondered why he’d chosen to bring Elliot and not one of them.

  That was something to think about for another time.

  Fergal seemed at ease, his tone light with the faintest hint of playfulness as usual, which was good. But that didn’t mean I was going to relax my finger.

  The crates had already been brought out and were waiting for Fergal to look over. I waited patiently as he checked over each one. You would think these hand-offs were exciting, but really it was kind of dull. Especially when I didn’t get that edgy buzz that had my hair standing on end.

  A few minutes later the deal was done, but Fergal didn’t move back.

  “Well, shit,” I muttered under my breath wondering what the hell was going on.

  Fergal’s arm went around Elliot’s shoulder as he spoke in his ear.

  “Where are ye, boy? Show my boy what he needs to be aware of,” Fergal called out but he didn’t look around.

  I mentally shook my head. Of course, he knew I was there. I had always wondered if he did.

  I moved my aim to the side and down a little. My finger rested on the trigger and I knew, just knew, this was what he wanted.

  With a slow breath out, I calmly pulled my finger back against the trigger. The pop rang out and as quick as I could, I regained my scope vision.

  As intended, I hit the dirt about a foot away from Elliot’s feet.

  I shifted my focus to Fergal and the fucker had his head thrown back as he laughed. I gave up the scope for a second so I could look at Elliot. He was far away, but not far away enough to where I couldn’t tell that he was frozen with fear, his eyes as wide as saucers.

  I almost felt bad for the guy.

  I wasn’t all that thrilled about being part of the lesson, but I had indulged him anyway.

  I got it, he was grooming Elliot for something bigger than what he was right now. And hell, I didn’t mind if they knew I was there. Truth was, they probably never knew exactly where I was, just that we had someone ready and waiting in case shit went down. It wasn’t like it would take away from how fucking good I was when I did pull the trigger.

  “Thanks for that,” I heard Fergal say only in my ear as he stepped up to shake Knight’s hand. “He needs to learn that things aren’t always as simple as they might seem.”

  “Yep,” Knight replied and I could tell that he wasn’t all that pissed about it. I did wonder for a split second if I’d fucked up, that maybe I should have just stayed unmoving instead.

  I stayed high a few minutes after they’d driven out of sight. Just to be on the safe side and all. Then I hopped down and met my waiting brothers.

  “Sorry,” I said looking at Knight as I approached them.

  “No,” he said with a shake of his head. “That shit was funny.”

  “I thought the kid was going to piss himself,” B-ry added with a loud laugh.

  “Be a lot funnier if he had,” Blade added but his face was a mask of stone. Not even a hint of amusement there. “Bet he won’t sleep tonight.”

  “What do you think was up with that?” I asked, looking at Knight.

  “Crew’s getting old.” He gave a little shrug and I knew this was just his best guess. “He’s probably moving things into play so he can step back one day. Maybe Connor taking over. Elliot becoming second. I don’t know.”

  I saw how it made sense. Elliot was Fergal’s nephew but it was clear the guy wasn’t cut out for leadership, at least not at this stage in his life. Fergal was smart for seeing that, if that was his plan, anyway.

  “Let’s get this shit back to the compound,” Knight said and I moved to pack my rifle up into the back of the SUV.

  B-ry headed to the gym while Blade took off for the tattoo shop. Knight and I went to fill in Iron and talk about the change-up that we saw with the Irish today. Iron thought the same thing that Knight was thinking, though he figured it was a while off.

  I noted the time.

  “Need anything else from me?” I asked Iron as I got to my feet.

  “No, you’re good to go.” He sent me a chin jerk.

  “Got somewhere to be?” Knight asked, a hint of humor in his tone.

  “Yeah, I got some plans with someone. Real cute. About this tall and likes to get applesauce everywhere.” I held my hand out next to my leg about the height that Chry came up to.

  They both laughed at me as I walked out of the room.

  I had enough time to shower and since I was sweating my ass off waiting for the deal to get d
one, I thought it might be a good idea. Though, I’d probably just get sweaty and sticky on the ride to the beach.

  “Thanks for doing this,” Chris said as he opened the door and let me in.

  “No problem, man,” I told him as I stepped inside.

  “Ingram said she doesn’t think she’ll be any later than eleven,” he told me as I followed him further into the house. “There are some leftovers in the fridge for dinner for him. There’s plenty in there so feel free to have some. Or anything else, just help yourself.”

  “Thanks, Chris. I got this.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t know why this feels different.”

  “You and Ky don’t have to do it all. I know Ingram is trying hard to stand on her own and you guys want to help her as much as possible. But we’re here for all of you too,” I told him but it was more of a reminder because this is shit he already knew.

  “I know. I just…” He blew out a harsh breath.

  “Moueee,” Chry squealed as he came bounding over to me. I didn’t hesitate to bend down and scoop him up.

  “Uh, he is so cute,” Chris said making his way over to us. “Can’t get enough of this little sweet face.” He pinched Chry’s cheeks as they rubbed noses.

  Yeah, he was a really fucking cute kid. I loved him like I couldn’t imagine.

  “She wants to get her own place soon,” Chris said, finally finishing his thought from a moment ago.

  “What?” I asked like I couldn’t believe that I’d heard him right.

  “I think it was always her plan and I knew it would probably happen eventually. I don’t know… maybe I’m not ready for her to be on her own and alone and stuff.”

  Yeah, I got that because I felt the same way.

  “I know.” It was like he could read my mind. “I don’t know what to do.”

  A long sigh slipped passed my lips.

  “She’s got to live her life. It’s what she’s wanted all along.”

  “Ky and I are trying to be supportive,” he said but I could see how hard it was for him. And I knew Ky was probably worse. “Maybe I can convince her to stay a little longer.”

  “Good luck with that. Seems like once she’s made up her mind now, she goes for it.”

  And that was kind of one of the things I had started to love about her.

  “Right,” he said with a small sigh. “Alright. You two have a good night. I’m off to serve some beer.”

  “Later, Chris,” I called out as he walked off in the direction of the front door.

  “Alright, little dude. What should we do now?” I asked like he would really have an answer.

  He was getting better with his words. And he was never shy about showing me what he wanted, that was for sure.

  “Read book, please,” he said, clapping his hands.

  “Go get me one,” I said as I sat him down on the floor.

  I chuckled as he teetered off in the direction of his room.

  So we spent the next hour reading the three books he brought me— because one wasn’t enough— and playing with cars. I fed him dinner, making a plate for myself because it smelled good. I sat down at the table and ate with him like it was a normal thing. I tried not to think of it like that but I had to admit, it was damn nice. Sure, the conversation was pretty simple and things got a little messy, but I loved it anyway.

  We played hide and seek for a little bit after dinner was cleaned up. I didn’t realize there were so many damn places to hide in this house. I was having a hard time finding the little dude. Eventually, his giggles would give him away, thank fuck.

  Then his eyes started to get heavy and I knew it was about the time Ingram put him to bed.

  Twenty minutes and another two books later, I was trying my hardest to tiptoe out of his room so I wouldn’t wake him.

  I sat on the couch and decided to watch some TV until Ingram got home.

  But not long after I sat down, I heard Chry’s clunky footsteps coming across the hardwood floor.

  “No sweep,” he said and he was so cute standing there in his pjs and holding his blanket.

  “Come on, buddy.” I held my arms open to him.

  I didn’t think it was long after that when I passed out with a sleeping kid on my chest.



  “Malcolm.” Ingram’s voice called to me in my sleep. I searched for her but couldn’t see anything. “Malcolm, wake up.”

  There was something heavy on my chest and though it felt nice, I had no clue what it was.

  My eyes blinked open and I was instantly met with gorgeous hazel orbs smiling down at me.

  “Shit,” I said and before I could sit up, I realized that Chry was fast asleep on my chest.

  Ingram giggled softly and I smiled at the sound.

  I wrapped my arms around his little body as I slowly sat up.

  “Let me put him down,” I said softly.

  A moment later, I had him tucked in and was thankful that he didn’t wake up. Hell, he didn’t even move which had me watching his chest for a good long minute to make sure he was still breathing.

  “How was your night?” I asked her as I flopped down on the couch next to her.

  “Kind of long,” she replied. “I like doing inventory though. It’s something I get.” She let out a little laugh.

  I let her go on about work as I settled in and hit mute on the TV, letting the images play on in the background.

  “I’m glad to be home though,” she said as she settled down into my side like it was a normal thing.

  I freaked out. I did. I was trying to be casual sitting there in the corner of the couch with my arm slung along the top of the back cushions.

  But the moment she scooted over and rested her head on my shoulder, I didn’t hesitate to let my arm drop around her shoulders and pull her close.

  “I think my manager has a crush on me,” she said and that fucking caught my attention. “After we were done, he asked me if I wanted to go get a drink. Maybe I’m reading it all wrong, but I noticed how he didn’t ask anyone else to do that.”


  That asshole Donnie’s face flashed in my mind. I didn’t like the shit he was trying to pull the other day when I’d stopped by her work. I liked it even less now that I knew he’d made a damn move.

  What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Fuck no! He can’t have you, you’re mine. What’s his full name and address?

  No, I couldn’t say any of that. We were friends, she’d made it clear that was the thing she needed from me the most right now.

  So I had no choice but to bite my tongue, though it killed me to do it.

  All I could do was hope that our time alone together the other day was the break I’d been holding my breath for. That she saw something more with us then. And that she was starting to realize there was no way around it. It was going to happen sooner or later.

  “I didn’t really want to, not that I’m old enough anyway. So I told him I had to get home to Chry,” she continued on. “But I’m not sure that was the real reason.”

  Time stopped still, and so did my breathing.

  I waited for her to tell me that it was because of me. I needed to hear those words spill from her lips more than anything.

  However, before she could say anything else, we both heard a key in the front door.

  “Hey,” Chris called out softly. “The bar was dead, so I closed up early.”

  A moment later, he came into view.

  I gave him a chin lift as a greeting and I loved how Ingram didn’t jump away from me.

  “Chris, do you mind if we go for a walk on the beach?” Ingram asked and honestly, it threw me off for a moment.

  “Not at all. I was going to make a sandwich and relax for a bit,” he responded.

  I turned my head to look at him and the fucker sent me a wink.

  Ingram stood and held her hand out to me. I didn’t hesitate to take it and follow her out the back door.

/>   My mind and body were buzzing and I was only half aware of her grabbing a blanket from the back porch before we headed toward the sound of the crashing waves.

  We walked in silence for a bit and then she stopped and spread out the blanket.

  “Thanks for watching Chry tonight,” Ingram said softly. “And everything else you’ve done.”

  “Not a problem,” I replied as I plopped down on the blanket beside her. “You doing okay?”

  Her answer was hesitant.

  “Yes. No. Honestly, I kind of feel like I’m clueless about a lot of things.”

  “You know you can talk to me?” I said and I couldn’t help but take her hand and interlace our fingers.

  “Would it make sense if I said I have no clue what I need to talk about?”

  “You’re doing a good job with him, Ingram. He’s a great kid and I know that’s because of you,” I told her even though I had a feeling it didn’t have a thing to do with Chry.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing. I think that’s the hardest thing to admit. Does that make sense?”

  “It does,” I said with a small nod of my head. Strangely, I felt the same way. I felt that way about Ingram and that was something I wasn’t sure what to do with.

  “I feel like I ask a lot of you.”

  “You don’t,” I rushed to say. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to.” She looked at me pointedly and I huffed out a laugh. “Okay, fine. I would because you’re family to us, Ingram. You have to know that by now. Anything you ever need, all you have to do is say so.”

  I wanted to say more. To tell her how much she and Chry meant to me but I held back because the last thing I wanted to do was make her feel like I was pushing.

  “I know,” she said and her eyes shifted away from mine.

  “What is it?”

  “Sometimes. Oh, I don’t know. Sometimes it gets lonely. I mean, I know I have Chry. And of course Chris and Ky. As well as everyone at the club and all the girls. It just…”

  “Gets lonely?” I could admit that I felt the same way sometimes. Even though I’d asked, I completely knew what she was saying.


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