Book Read Free

Running Northwest

Page 20

by Michael Melville

  “Why, what happened” Daniel wondered not knowing the good news.

  Erin leaned down on one knee, looked at the boy and said, “Me and your uncle Derrick are going to get married” Daniel.

  The boy looked at her for a second and sort of cocked his head not sure what to say.

  Then he simply said “Oh okay, well I’m going to get ready for bed now I think”.

  Thomas and Derrick almost fell over laughing because the boy clearly did not understand the importance of it all.

  “Goodnight Dad” Daniel said then turning around and going into his bedroom.

  The two women followed him to tuck him in and give him a goodnight kiss. When they came out, they found Thomas and Derrick out on deck. The rain had stopped briefly so they walked around on the beach for a while. After a little bit they went back inside and had one more glass of wine when the rain started coming down again. A half an hour later Derrick and Erin decided it was time leave so they left Tracie and Thomas alone for a minute to talk and say goodbye. The new couple was standing alone at the back of the house holding hands.

  “You are going to look very sexy in a tuxedo Mr. James” Tracie said as she poked Thomas in chest with her finger.

  “Me…I’m more looking forward to seeing you all dressed up and sexy” Thomas replied then adding “I’m really happy for them”.

  “Me to, Erin was worried Derrick would never ask her to marry him” Tracie said.

  “Yeah well he’s full of surprises these days” Thomas said then asked so you don’t work tomorrow, what are you up to…do you have plans?”

  “No not really just some shopping and stuff, why what’s up?” she asked.

  “I was wondering if you want to have lunch, just you and me” Thomas asked.

  “Yeah I’d love to, just give me a call in the morning, around ten?” she said smiling.

  “I will do that,” Thomas answered. Then he bent down slightly, pulled Tracie into his arms and kissed her, not attempting to hide it from his friends who were standing nearby and yelling at them.

  A few minutes later after saying goodbye Derrick and Erin and Tracie left and Thomas went back inside his house. He went and opened his son’s door just a crack to see if he was sleeping. The boy was curled up with his arm wrapped around his dog Harley who lifted her head just a little to acknowledge Daniels father. Thomas shut the door and a few moments later sat on the couch to relax. Or at least try to. For some reason he was feeling very restless since Tracie and his friends left and could not figure out why.


  A few days had passed by since Sunday night and Derrick sat on his motorcycle rumbling his way through the wooded curves of the coastal mountains on his way back from Portland. Sometimes Derrick did things without Thomas’ knowledge, usually because they had to be and because Thomas himself for many reasons was not always able to take care of it personally. Usually Derrick already knew how Thomas wanted things to be dealt with without Thomas even having to say so. It was how friendships worked or at least theirs had worked that way. However, it was always Derrick’s choice and his friend Thomas never forced the choice upon him. Today was one of those kinds of days…sort of. Derrick had thought all week about the situation with Samuel Terreto; if they should deal with it or not and how. He had long talks with Thomas about it, but Derrick had kept some of his gut feelings to himself. Moreover, those gut feelings combined with what he and Thomas had talked about led him to Portland, and the newspaper that employed Samuel Terreto.

  Hours earlier Derrick had pulled his motorcycle loudly behind Terreto’s car as he was getting out of it and about to head into work. It was for show more or less and was intended to only prove a point and scare him. Derrick never meant Samuel Terreto any real physical harm. As soon as Terreto got out of his car and saw Derrick, sitting on his motorcycle looking at him his face went pale. Samuel knew exactly who was sitting only a dozen feet away from him and he had a good idea as to why.

  “How did you find me and why”? Samuel asked Derrick and looking around, the tone of his voice showing nothing but fear and nervousness.

  “I should be asking you the same thing Mr. Terreto; in fact that’s why I’m here. Do me a favor please and put your cell phone on the top of your car where I can see it. Otherwise I’ll be forced to take it from you and you don’t want that”. Derrick said as he got off his motorcycle and walked a few feet towards the reporter, cornering the man in between his own car and a neighboring pickup truck. The reporter looked around frantically not sure what to do but was scared nonetheless and set his phone on his car as ordered.

  “Mr. Terreto I just have some questions for you. I’m here alone and I’m not going to hurt you…at least I’m not planning to” Derrick said quietly trying to calm the man down as much as possible but maintain control.

  “How did you find me Mr. Pazinkski?” Samuel asked again, still nervous and shaking.

  “I followed you from your house Samuel, then from your 4-year-old’s preschool where you dropped him off. From there you went to the gas station and a coffee shop, you got a cinnamon cappuccino with a little foam and a banana muffin. And now I’m here standing in front of you” Derrick said as he played with his gloved fingers and staring at the reporter, his stance alone was menacing.

  Terreto who had started to regain color to his face answered with only silence at first as his face went a shade of white Derrick didn’t think was possible.

  “You’re not going to hurt my family…are you?” the man finally asked and looking like he was going to have a nervous breakdown in the parking ramp.

  “Oh hell no, I’m not that kind of person…at least not anymore. But let’s just say for the sake of conversation that I could be that kind of person again and that would mean you are going to be very honest with me…yes”? Derrick said as he leaned on the pickup truck, looking around.

  “Umm…yes, I believe I would,” the man answered quietly.

  “Okay wonderful, so why were you in Tillamook asking questions about me and my own”? Derrick asked.

  “You could have just called me you know, I mean obviously it was not hard for you to track me down. You didn’t have to follow me and go to my home and my child’s school,” Samuel asked trying to force himself to sound gutsier than he really was.

  “And what…have you lie to me and hang up the phone without giving me anything tangible to work with Mr. Terreto. If I had gone that route, we would have met face to face regardless. Besides, I couldn’t risk having you alert whoever it is you work for. I’m an in person sort of guy Samuel and I don’t deal well with games and bullshit,” Derrick said raising his voice then adding “so cut the bullshit and start talking Samuel. The more you tell me and the quicker you do its just gunna be that much faster that I am out of your life and you can leave this all behind you”

  Samuel got a look of acknowledgement on his face and seemed resigned to fact that he had no choice in talking to Derrick, which is exactly how Derrick wanted it.

  The reporter wiped his sweaty forehead and sighed and then said, “Fine okay what do you want to know?”

  “Why were you in our town?” Derrick asked slowly.

  “I was doing research,” the reporter said.

  “For a story you’re doing?” Derrick asked.

  “No, not for story, for a friend they hired me to get some information and take some pictures. It was really more of a favor I suppose,” he answered.

  “Information on what and who?” Derrick asked.

  “Mostly on your friend Thomas and his life there, and it wasn’t easy to find out anything either. I had to do some digging on you just to get what I needed about him…hell to even get started I had to. The people in your town do not like to talk about their own.” Samuel said quietly.

  “No they do not Sam, not at all and that’s how I found you. The folks out on the coast work differently than the people in the big town here. You never should have used your own car to drive out there; four different p
eople got your plate number. Now who hired you to do this?” Derrick asked intently as he inched closer to Samuel, who now was just an arm’s length away.

  “A lady friend of mine, I know her from back when I was working in Chicago at a paper there,” Samuel replied.

  “And what’s her name Sam. And don’t lie to me either, it would only take a phone call to have your phone records emailed to me and your email accounts hacked. Not to mention let your wife know” Derrick said.

  “Karen Barns” Samuel answered quickly making Derrick smile slightly. He liked the literal and mental corner he had this man backed against.

  “And where is this Karen Barns from and who does she work for” Derrick asked.

  “Michigan…she’s from some town called Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I’m not sure where she works she never really said but I know she is a secretary. I sent everything to her home address.” Samuel said.

  Many thoughts went through Derricks mind after what Samuel just told him. In his mind some bits of information were starting to be pieced together, a broader picture was starting to form. It was something Derrick would have to keep to himself for the time being, because he hoped he was not right…for Thomas’ sake. If Derrick was right though, his friends world here in Oregon was about to be rocked by a ghost from his past. Moreover, Derrick was not about to stand idly by and let that happen if he could help it.

  “So I assume you sent the information to her, have you heard back from her since she got it,” Derrick asked.

  “Yes, but just to say thanks and that everything was very helpful and that I needn’t bother to go back there” Samuel said.

  “Hmm okay, do you have the pictures with you” Derrick asked.

  “No I do not sir. They are in my desk at my office at home,” Samuel said.

  “Okay well that’s inconvenient now isn’t it? But we can figure something out I think…can’t we” Derrick said as he pulled out his wallet on the inside of his leather jacket causing Mr. Terreto to flinch slightly and brace himself expecting a gun or some other weapon.

  “It’s not a gun Samuel chill out, it’s just money” Derrick said.

  “Money for what” he asked in reply.

  “It’s for a few things Samuel, things I need from you, things that you’re going to give me without question” Derrick said smoothly as he held up 7 crisp one hundred dollar bills in front of Terreto.

  “What do you want?” the reporter asked slowly as he started to calm down a little and staring at the cash.

  Now, in Thomas and Derrick’s world men were always motivated in some way by three things love, money and respect. Moreover, the three things were often intertwined in some way and could be used against men; thus bending them to someone’s will. Moreover, when times were tough such as now money always came first. This man was not a major reporter, he wrote sports news and about issues in the local Latino community. Therefore, he could be scared and pressured into compliance much easier than a more seasoned reporter that wrote about things that are more serious. The fact that the man was married with young children could be used against him also. Although Thomas never would do anything to harm a child, the understated suggestion that he possibly could worked rather well as it had in the past.

  “I want all the pictures and any other information you sent to this Karen Barns, and I want it sent to my bar Mr. Terreto. I’m sure you already know the address so I don’t have to give it to you. And I want them by tomorrow no later…understood” Derrick said.

  “I don’t suppose I have any other choice do I,”? Samuel asked.

  “Not unless you want me to pay a visit to your home and your family, and I don’t really want to have to do that. Do you want me to have to do that Mr. Terreto” Derrick said.

  “No sir I do not,” Samuel said quietly.

  “Okay then. We’re on the same page I think. Next, I want you to let me know if this Karen Barns contacts you again regarding the information you sent her. I have a hunch she will not, but you never know do you” Derrick said.

  “No sir you do not, but you never know about women do you,” Samuel said trying to make a joke, which made Derrick smile lightly.

  “Some women yes and some no” Derrick replied then adding, “So I can expect the package will be on my desk tomorrow?”

  “Yes sir you will get it. Is there anything else you will need?” Samuel asked.

  “One more thing” Derrick said.

  “Which is?” the reporter asked.

  Derrick stepped quickly and close enough to Samuel so they were touching and the man could smell the smoke on Derricks breathe his eyes suddenly full of rage and seriousness. Then Derrick opened his jacket, flashed a holstered handgun, and said, “After I get the package this is over for you Samuel. Then I never want to see you in my town again or even find out you have anything to do with another reporter in my town asking questions about us. I want you to forget you saw me, Thomas, his son, our town or anything about us. Otherwise trust that I will pay another visit but it will be to you AND your family, and God help you if that happens”

  The reporters eyes went huge, his face went pale white again as he caught a glimpse of Derrick’s gun and the look in his eyes. A moment later Derrick quickly pulled up the wad of bills, put them in the reporter’s hand, and backed away slowly.

  “Mail the package Samuel…today, and don’t forget either. The rest of the money is yours, do something nice with your family.” Derrick said as he got back onto his motorcycle.

  “I’m sorry for any trouble Mr. Pazinkski, I didn’t mean to cause any problems, it was just a favor for an old friend,” Samuel said as he slowly and carefully stepped away from the cement wall he was backed up against.

  “A friend who you used to sleep with, right Samuel?” Derrick said in a very matter-of-fact manner. He saw the surprised look on the reporter’s face, which proved Derrick’s gut correct.

  “How…” Samuel stared to say before Derrick interrupted him.

  “I’m not stupid Samuel. Men do dumb things for old lovers; especially things they would not do normally. Don’t worry that little fact will stay between us…I hope.”

  The man said nothing but just leaned on his car and looked down after what Derrick had just said. Derrick looked at the man who seemed to be upset and saddened by everything he had gotten himself into without even realizing it.

  “You know Samuel, Thomas knows a lot about you. He knows more than what you would think he would know or even could for that matter. However, he thinks you’re good man and talented and that you just were caught up into a situation you should not have been. If he thought you did it maliciously Samuel he would not have given me the money I just gave you” Derrick said.

  The reporter seemed to think about what Derrick had just said then asked, “What would he have done if I had meant him harm?”

  “Than this conversation would not have lasted this long Sam. And you would be dead in a parking ramp in downtown Portland with a bullet hole in your head. And your home would have been burnt to the ground” Derrick said in a low monotone voice and looked at the reporter and adding “Have a nice day Samuel, I hope I never see you again…the clocks ticking”

  Than in a flash Derrick brought his motorcycle to life, squealed the back tire, rumbled down the parking ramp, and was gone. After Derrick left, Samuel Terreto leaned against his car bent down and vomited on the ground in front of him. A few minutes later, he was back in his own car and speeding down the highway heading back towards his home near Wilsonville just south of Portland. Less than an hour later, the package with all the information and pictures he had collected in Tillamook was in the mail and sent overnight to Derricks bar The Whaleback. Samuel Terreto silently prayed to God that this was the end for him as far as anything on that part of the Oregon Coast was concerned. He went back to work and went about his day with nearly 700 more dollars in his pocket than what he had started the day with.

  After stopping for lunch along the way back from Portlan
d Derrick finally pulled into the parking lot of his bar, it was now just a little past noon. The Whaleback would be open in a few hours and Derrick had some phone calls to make and paper work to do. As he unlocked the door and walked in, he thought about his morning and the conversation with Mr. Terreto and hoped the reporter would do as requested. Thomas upon learning about Mr. Terreto’s past believed the man would do the right thing if pushed in just the right way, and so far, Thomas was correct as usual.


  The waves were peacefully rolling on the Pacific Ocean as Thomas and his son Daniel sat next to each other on the back of a 35 foot metal-hulled fishing boat. Derrick was sitting on a chair behind them facing the opposite direction and yelling at a fish he had on the line. It was May 9 and was a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon on the coast, which was a nice change because it had been raining or storming nearly every day for the last two weeks; a little more than normal for this time of year.

  Daniel had finished school the week before and Thomas promised his son they would go fishing out on the ocean the first nice day they had. Derrick had been a last minute addition to the fishing outing but Thomas and Daniel were happy to have him with them. Tracie and Erin were invited also but decided instead to have girl’s day, and spend it up in Astoria for a day of shopping. It was just the boys and they had been out for three hours already and had a few nice size salmon to show for it.

  It was a nice getaway day for Thomas for numerous reasons. A few days earlier he had gotten in an argument with Tracie; it was their first. Even though they had their, “employee/employer” relationship for some time now, the fact that they were now dating brought a new level to things. They would sometimes butt heads and separately they were very strong willed and opinionated but they were a great team. In addition to that, work had been very hectic for the last week or so also. One of Thomas’ employees, Matt Linstrom had to take a few days off and fly back home up to British Colombia. His father had had a stroke and he needed to be there. Matt lived in Oregon but his parents still lived on their farm just a few hours north of the border.


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