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Eric The Guardian - Book 2 of the Raven Series

Page 6

by Rhiannon Neeley

  Behind her eyelids, she pictured the pond, smooth surfaced and calm. Clear and inviting. The air was humid, making her want to take off some of her clothes. Then she felt hands on her shoulders from behind. In the daydream, Lydia looked up over her shoulder.

  Eric was there. Smiling. Removing her pack.

  Then, he helped her remove her clothes.

  Lydia blinked and they were both naked, Eric's skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. She felt a thrill race through her, moisture pooling down low, ready for him. When Eric took her in his arms, their bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. His lips met hers and he kissed her long and deep.

  Lydia's heart pounded against her breasts as Eric lifted her off her feet and cradled her in his arms. He began to walk, and Lydia felt the water lap up around her.

  Eric gazed into her eyes, lowering her into the water.

  The water of the pond was delicious. When her feet touched the bottom, the water came up to just cover her breasts. Bubbles rose from below, tantalizing her skin with a million tiny kisses.

  Lydia put her arms around Eric's neck and drew him down to her. She couldn't get enough of him. Would never get enough of him. Her tongue entered his mouth, tasting. He was so hot inside, and she wanted him inside her.

  Eric took her by the waist and lifted, the water helping to buoy her. She wrapped her legs around him as he impaled her on his hard shaft. Lydia eagerly took him in, tilting her hips to get all of him inside. As he started to move, the water rippled around them. It lapped at Lydia's straining breasts, caressing her nipples with its warmth. She rode him, throwing her head back. Her hair trailed in the water, fanning out around her, brushing against her like silken strands. Eric's hands gripped her waist, branding her with heat. Lydia smiled, feeling every nuance of the moment, reveling in this man's touch.

  Then Eric's movements took on a faster rhythm. Lydia's lips parted. She began to take deep breaths as the orgasm began to build. She gripped him with her legs, not wanting to lose the connection with him. Water splashed around them as Eric thrust harder, Lydia urging him on as she pressed her heels into his hard buttocks.

  As the orgasm rolled through her, Lydia dug her fingers into his hair, her legs clamping his waist. She never wanted to let go, his throbbing penis spearing her center all the way to her liquid core. She was molten with passion, riding the wave of the release until she felt her muscles give way.

  Then he came. Eric rammed into her like a freight train as he shuddered with his own release. Lydia held him to her as best she could, totally spent from her own earth-shattering orgasm. She clung to him until he stopped quivering, her eyes closed.

  When she opened them, Lydia gasped.

  She was in the pond, all right.

  But she was very much alone. Twirling in every direction, she surveyed the banks. Nothing. No one. The only thing out of place in the undisturbed natural setting was the pile of her clothes, lying on the bank where she had slipped in the mud. Lydia hugged herself and turned around, more slowly this time.

  It had happened again.

  She had had the most exciting sex with Eric, but it had been a fantasy. A daydream. She blinked, watching the algae float on the surface of the water. "Great, my hair is probably full of it," she said, starting to wade toward the bank. Tiny bubbles rose from the bottom every time she placed her foot down, inciting the memory of the wonderful orgasm she had just had. It had been a very satisfying wet dream. She couldn't deny it.

  She wondered if she was losing her mind.

  Stepping out of the water, she wished for a towel, then remembered she had put one in her pack in case of rain. She dug through her pack, got it out and started drying herself. Thank goodness the day was warm, though cloudy.

  She wondered where Eric was right now, at this moment. Funny, she thought, it feels like he knows just exactly what I'm thinking. Like he's a presence in my head.

  "I am," said a deep voice in her head.

  "Oh crap," Lydia said, scrambling into her clothes. "Now I'm hearing voices."

  "Be calm, baby. It doesn't mean you're crazy. It just means that I'm with you."

  Lydia stood frozen, one hand holding the strap of her pack but not lifting it from the ground. "Eric?" she whispered, her eyes scanning the woods around her.


  "Where are you?" Now she was getting scared. A voice was in her head and she was talking back to it.

  "I'm nearby. Stop thinking you're nuts. I'll explain when I see you. But you need to go back to your camp now."

  "O-kay," Lydia said slowly. She lifted her pack off the ground and slung it on her back. She began to walk backwards away from the pond.

  "Love you," the voice whispered.

  A warmth came over Lydia, settling her nerves. She took a deep breath and began to walk in earnest.

  She argued with herself as she walked, the moose and the wolves forgotten.

  "Eric could be speaking to you in your head. He is a vampire," she said as she walked. "But ... you're also out in the middle of nowhere. Could the isolation be getting to you?"

  Lydia shook her head. She raised a finger. "No. You haven't been without human contact for that long. It must just be a talent that Eric has. Some kind of vampire thing."

  Lydia stepped over a log. The woods were getting darker though it was early afternoon. The cloud cover was getting thicker. Lydia thought that it just might rain. She picked up the pace, in a hurry now to get back to camp.

  Lydia arrived back at her camp just as the first drops of rain started to fall. She quickly stored her pack inside the tent and donned a rain poncho. Racing between the raindrops, she lowered her food stash and selected a few items for dinner, then secured it back up in the tree. She dashed back to the tent just as the sky opened up, sending down sheets of rain.

  Underneath the awning at the front of the tent, Lydia took off the poncho and shook the water from it. Just great, she thought, tucking it between one of the overhead poles and the awning. I'm going to be stuck inside for the rest of the day. She glanced at her watch. It was 3:30. Too early for dinner and she wasn't really hungry anyway.

  Inside the tent, Lydia shifted things around and made her bed. Hands on hips, she bit her lip. What to do? The rain on the canvas beat steadily. The sound had a calming effect on her. She was a bit tired. Especially after that episode at the pond.

  Of course, that brought Eric back to mind.

  Lydia sat down on her cot and propped her elbows on her knees. She rested her chin on her hands, thinking. Just how had he gotten into her head? Or was she just imagining it? She smiled. She hoped he'd come by tonight. If not, tomorrow she was going to find his camp one way or the other.

  Lydia sighed and glanced at the freshly made cot. She should be writing down some notes. She had brought along her trusty little battery-powered keyboard just for that purpose. But she hadn't really found anything. Not in the way of moose research. And the cot looked so inviting. She hadn't had much sleep.

  Lydia stretched out on the cot, promising herself only to take a short nap. Then she would get some notes together, if only about the wolves and the lack of moose.

  She threw one arm over her eyes and listened to the rain. Before long, she was asleep.

  * * * *

  Barack awoke early. He was parched, his mouth dry. He licked his lips, pulling Alison close. He needed sustenance. Now. Though she was still asleep, Barack rose up on an elbow and tilted her head to the side and back, exposing her neck. He trailed his tongue over it, then sank his fangs into her flesh.

  Alison shuddered, then uttered a sigh. Barack fed, drinking only enough of her blood to wet his mouth. She had need of food too and he didn't want to totally drain her. That could be fatal to a young vampire like her. And Barack liked this one too much to let her die. He cupped one of her lovely breasts in his hand and squeezed. Even in her sleep, she thrust against him, willing to allow him to use her as he pleased. Barack swiped his tongue over the wound in her neck, sea
ling it.

  He glanced at Eric. The outsider still slept, one arm thrown above his head. Barack moved silently, shifting the females away from him so he could rise.

  He stood, stretching the muscles of his human body. His legs were long and lean, his shoulders wide. Barack stood six foot five inches tall in his human form. He liked to look down on people, enjoyed his height. But he also enjoyed his wolf's body. The power it held. The animalistic lure of the hunt.

  Tonight though, Barack would leave in his human body. Clothed even. He wanted to pay a visit to the woman in the tent.

  He glanced at Eric again. No movement except for his shallow breathing.

  Barack began to dress. Finished, he found a brush one of the females used and ran it through his hair. His hair was black, shot with silvery strands of gray, falling thick and full over his shoulders. Barack twisted it into a braid that lay on his back and tied it with a strip of leather.

  Moving to the entrance, Barack carefully left. He was always cautious, just in case there might be a animal scouting the lair. He sniffed the air, noting the damp smell of rain. That's why he had awakened early. Night had come earlier than usual due to the weather. Barack smiled.

  He stood for a moment, outside the entrance, scenting.

  Then, with a deep breath, he burst into a run, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

  * * * *

  Lydia woke with an urgent need to pee. She swung her legs over the side of the cot and hobbled toward the tent flap. She had made her makeshift restroom a few feet into the tree line so she would have some privacy. Who would be looking out here she didn't know, but people were here. Eric, for one. Lydia didn't think he needed to watch her do her business.

  She poked her head out of the tent flap. It had stopped raining but night had come early. She glanced up, noticing the bulge of water in the awning. With one hand, she shoved it up. Water spilled over the edge, splashing on the ground.

  Lydia grimaced, clamping her legs together. Damn, she really had to go. Not even grabbing a flashlight, she sprinted for the tree and relief.


  Barack watched the woman from behind a large bush. She relieved herself, sighing as she went. Then she hurried back to her tent, disappearing inside.

  Barack narrowed his eyes, wondering if she would welcome him. It didn't matter. If she didn't, he could easily change her mind.

  Barack stepped out from behind the bush and started toward the tent. This is going to be interesting, he thought.


  Lydia ducked back inside the tent, feeling much better with an empty bladder. But now her tummy was growling. She had a bottle of water in her pack and had brought in some beef jerky from her tree stash. That would do for now.

  Tearing the jerky open with her teeth and ripping off a bite, Lydia chewed and glanced at her watch. She had slept for over four hours! Shaking her head, she swallowed and gulped a drink of water. She must have been really tired.

  "Hello, the tent," a deep voice boomed out.

  Lydia jumped, almost choking on the water. Some dribbled out of the side of her mouth. She swiped at it with the back of her hand and headed for the door. Who could that be? she thought, knowing the voice wasn't Eric's. It was much deeper, with a booming mellow tone. She snatched the lantern from the center post and headed to the door flap.

  Throwing the flap back, she stepped out underneath the awning, holding the lantern high. It was almost completely dark, the sky still cloudy overhead, blocking out the last of the sun. "Who's there?" Lydia called out. She didn't see anyone. Was she hearing a new voice in her head?

  "Hello," the voice said, off to her right.

  Lydia swung around, tilting her head. Someone was standing just out of the glow of the light. All she could tell was that he was large. Extremely large. A nervous tremor ran up her back.

  "Hi," she said. "Can I do something for you?"

  The dark figure moved toward her. Involuntarily, Lydia stepped back, moving back toward the tent flap. "If you're looking for someone, I'm the only one here," she said. Then realizing what she had just done, she began to stammer. "But--but my boyfriend will be back soon. He--he just went to get some firewood."

  The man stepped into the lantern's glow, ducking under the awning. He was so tall, he had to crouch.

  Lydia dipped her head, trying to get a look at his face. His hair was a most gorgeous salt-and-pepper, hanging over his shoulder in a braid. His skin was a creamy brown. Lydia thought he was possibly American Indian. Then he looked up at her.

  Lydia sucked in her breath. His eyes. They were the strangest, most alluring eyes she had ever seen. Yellow with flecks of brown and dark black irises, they reminded Lydia of a wolf. "Do you wear contacts?" she asked, her fear forgotten for the moment.

  His lips turned up in a small smile. "No. I don't."

  Lydia shook her head. "I've never seen such eyes before."

  "They are my father's eyes." He offered his hand. "I am Anthony Barack."

  Lydia took his hand. His skin felt odd, almost like putty and his hand was cold. She wanted to jerk her hand away, the feeling was so ... weird. "Lydia Cross," she said. "What can I do for you?" She pulled her hand out of his grasp.

  "I just thought that I would see if you needed anything," he said. "I noticed your camp yesterday. Why are you here?" The pupils of his eyes shrank to pinpoints as he focused on her.

  Lydia shrank back from him. "I have permission to be here."

  "I'm sure you do. But what are you doing here? Holiday?"

  "No. I'm doing some research on the moose population," she said. His eyes were drawing her in. They were almost completely yellow, the pupils a bare speck. She took a step toward him.

  Barack smiled. He reached a hand toward her.

  "No!" a voice boomed in Lydia's head. She blinked, took a step back. Raising a hand to her forehead, she scrunched her eyes shut. It had been Eric's voice. She was certain.

  "Are you all right?" Barack asked.

  "Fine," she said, opening her eyes. "I'm just tired. I'm sorry but I'm not really good company tonight. You'll have to excuse me."

  Barack nodded. He stepped out from under the awning and straightened to his full height. "I'll leave you then. Goodnight."

  "Goodnight, Mr. Barack."

  He turned and sauntered into the darkness.

  Lydia watched until he disappeared into the night. Then she ducked back inside the tent, clipping the light back on the pole.

  "Eric," she said softly, knowing that she was speaking to empty air.

  "Yes," a voice in her mind answered.

  "Who was he?" Lydia moved to sit down on the cot.

  "You don't want to know. Stay away from him."

  Lydia had to admit, the guy had been strange. She frowned, wrapping her arms around herself.



  "How in the hell can we talk to each other this way? Or am I totally losing it?"

  * * * *

  Eric stood, just outside the entrance to the lair. He smiled. She was still questioning their connection to each other. But his smile soon faded when he remembered what they were talking about in their minds. Barack.

  "I'll explain soon," he told her in his mind as he began to walk in the direction of her camp.

  "Don't take too long," she whispered in his mind.

  "I won't," he replied.

  He walked in the darkness, his eyes struggling to adjust. There was no moon to lead him. He was moving on instinct alone. He scanned for Barack but could not locate him. He must be too far away, Eric thought, as his mind picked up the females. They were just awakening and leaving the lair. Eric noted that Alison seemed weak, her hunger a living thing.

  Eric began to move faster despite the dark. He wanted to put some distance between himself and the females. Alison was likely to attack anything that moved with the waves of hunger that were coming from her.

  Besides, he wanted to get to Lydia. At least so that he could set up watch ove
r her. Barack had come to her in his human form. That only meant one thing.

  He was trying to seduce her.

  Eric couldn't allow that.

  Chapter Five

  Eric could feel Barack watching him from a distance. He didn't want Barack to catch on to just how attached Eric was to Lydia, so after checking the perimeter of her camp, Eric moved on.

  He scouted the woods, trying to keep track of the females. They were a definite danger tonight. Eric felt their hunger like a burning flame. He wanted to keep his distance, stay downwind of their hunt. He also wanted them to steer clear of Lydia's camp.

  It wasn't going to be an easy night. Eric scanned for the voids that were the females and walked on through the woods, tracking them.

  * * * *

  Lydia pulled her keyboard out of its case and placed it on the cot. She sat cross-legged, the keyboard in front of her. She wasn't tired now. Not after that nap. Besides, she was hoping Eric would pay her a call. He'd been in her mind enough today.

  She ran a fingertip over her bottom lip, remembering the daydream at the pond. This sex they were having--this out-of-body business--was beyond her understanding, but she sure did like it. Talk about sensual. You couldn't get much hotter.

  Lydia felt herself growing wet, just thinking about Eric and the way he'd "invaded" her.

  She rested her fingers on the keyboard and closed her eyes. "Eric," she said softly.

  There was no answer. She tried to focus, picturing his handsome face with those dark, piercing eyes. Eric...

  Still nothing. Lydia opened her eyes and shrugged. This was all so confusing.

  Lydia laced her fingers together and stretched them out in front of her. Ah well, might as well get some typing done, she thought. It would help if she had found some sign of a moose, but then, she could always write about the wolves. Maybe that was why there were no moose in the area. Lydia raised an eyebrow. Her fingers flew over the keyboard. Here was a way she could research the moose population and still incorporate some research on the wolves. The wolves were probably scaring the moose out of the area, since they were one of their natural predators.


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