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Serenity's Dark Beauty

Page 1

by J. R. Mitchell

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  Mystic Moon Press

  Copyright ©

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Author's Bio:

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  Serenity's Dark Beauty

  By: J.R. Mitchell


  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Oct. 2008, J.R. Mitchell

  Cover Art copyright © Sept. 2008, Quiet Warrior Designs

  Mystic Moon Press, LLC

  Santa Fe, NM 87507

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Mystic Moon Press, LLC


  To all of those Halloween fans out there.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 1

  Serenity flipped through the dozens of costumes on the rack. This was the biggest Halloween store in town, with the largest selection of costumes. But the ones she'd looked through were all too fake. There was a pirate, police officer and even a giant teddy bear but nothing Serenity thought was good enough for the party she was going to.

  "Looking for something in particular?” asked the clerk who had come over after noticing her distress. He was a short, thin man. His hair had long since fallen out and he covered his big blue eyes with a pair of overlarge, thick glasses. He was dressed in an old brown suit that was at least two sizes too big and made him look as though he wore a sack instead of normal clothes.

  "Yes,” she replied sighing with frustration, “I want something real. I mean a costume that's made for Halloween. That's scary, dark and sinister. Not a costume that's only scary when some insane man you meet on the side of the road is wearing it because he actually thinks he's a giant pink bunny! I want a real Halloween costume not one that is made of plastic and funnier than anything else!” She stopped talking only because she could find no other words to describe what she was looking for.

  At first she thought the clerk hadn't understood her but then a bright almost scheming smile began to play across his face.

  "Come with me, miss. I think I might have what you are looking for.” He led her to the back of the store, past all his new wears and to the stuff covered in real cobwebs. He stopped in front of a very old looking chest. It was locked and he brought out a large ring fastened with a variety of keys. He chose the smallest one on the ring, a skeleton key and placed it in the lock. After turning it three times to the right, he pulled the key out again and put it back into his coat pocket. Then using all his strength, for the hinges were rusted, he pried open the chest. Inside, it was upholstered with dark red velvet. It was deep but there was only one item in it. A dress. The clerk reached in and pulled it out. It was a costume like none Serenity had ever seen before. The dress was long, black and sleek. The neck was a deep v-cut that would show a hint of breast. The sleeves were tight and long. Around the waist was a gold chain that served as a belt. There were two long slits up the sides that reached from the foot of it all the way to the waistline. Overall it was the most gorgeous costume she had ever seen.

  "Oh! It's beautiful!” exclaimed Serenity as the clerk held it out to her.

  "Why don't you try it on?” he suggested and nodded his head toward a curtained dressing room. She took the dress in her hands and felt a sense of pleasure rush through her fingers at the feel of the fabric. Quickly she ducked behind the curtain and slipped it on; then stepped out to look at herself in the full length mirror. It was a perfect fit, almost as though it had been made for her.

  "I knew it was meant for you!” announced the clerk as he admired the effect the dress had on her. She gave him a questioning look.

  "Your coloring.” he answered, “You match the dress as much as it does you.” Gazing at her reflection, Serenity had to agree. She had waist length dark brown hair that was nearly black, with bangs that came down to meet her eyebrows. Her skin was pale but not overly so and her eyes were a brown as dark as her hair, looking at them you could not distinguish the difference between the pupil and the color. The dress only highlighted these attributes on her.

  "Why do you keep it locked in a chest?” she asked, “It's so beautiful you could have sold it ages ago."

  "I think I was waiting for the right person to buy it. Besides this dress is special."

  "How so?"

  "Well there's a myth about it that claims it belonged to an actual vampire!"


  "Yes, she was born a vampire on all Hallow's Eve at midnight. Then three hundred years later she died at the same time of her birth. This was said to have happened four hundred years ago! More than that, I don't know.” Serenity thought about this as she turned to face her reflection in the mirror again.

  "So are you going to buy it?"

  "Yes!” she answered enthusiastically. She knew she'd never find another dress like it in a hundred years. After changing back into her blue jeans and t-shirt, she took the dress up to the counter. It was well over a hundred dollars but she thought as she thanked the clerk and left, it was well worth it.

  * * * *

  Serenity didn't own a car but that never stopped her from going wherever she wanted. Charming was a small town. Anyplace she needed to go she could reach by walking. As she headed home she passed the dinner where she worked as a waitress. It had taken her almost three weeks to scrape up the money for the costume. But even looking in and remembering the busy crowds, loud noises, messy children, and bad tippers, she still did not regret having splurged the money on a Halloween costume. This was her favorite holiday of the year and she hadn't been able to really celebrate it since she was a child. So when, a few weeks ago, an old friend and a couple of his buddies, invited her to what was going to be the biggest party in town, she could not refuse.

  Serenity turned down the street to her house. It was the last one of the right before you reached the collage. To get to it she had to pass the Ramsey house. She always hated this part of the walk home. It wasn't that the Ramsey's were bad people, because they weren't. She liked the two boys, Philip and Garret, both of which attended the collage past her house. She also liked their dad, Robert. But their mother, Erika, was another story. Erika had hated Serenity for as long as anyone could remember. Serenity didn't understand why and suspected that Erika didn't either. But that didn't stop the older woman from showing her hatred any time she got the chance.

  The Ramsey's were one of the many well-to-do families in the neighborhood. Robert worked at a computer company, a standard desk job. Erika, on the other hand, was the most independent woman in the county. Her husband made plenty enough money to support her and their sons but she was not the stay at home type. She had a fascination with mechanical things. She used her savings a few years back to open a garage across the street from her house. There she worked fi
xing cars, clocks, radios and other things for her friends and neighbors. They trusted her to fix their cars more than anyone else. She made considerable money from all the work, which she did herself.

  Later she took on an assistant to look after the front desk, take inventory and other such things she had no taste for. His name was Frank Coppersmith, a rude, old man. It was rumored that the reason he liked being mean to everybody was that he had spent most of his life in jail for murder. Nobody liked him and he didn't care, but nearly everyone liked Erika and she got a good amount of business. All the money she earned she saved. Never spending a dime more than she had to on supplies and Frank's check. She didn't trust the bank so she kept all her money in a secret safe hidden in her garage. A safe protected by Frank, pit bulls, and a very good alarm system. The only ones who know how to get into it is her family and Frank.

  Erika and Robert's sons seemed to be completely different from both parents. They were going to the city college and making straight A's. Phillip, the younger by two years, excelled in sports and was very close to his older brother. Garret was built like a quarterback but did not play any sport. He loved learning and reading a new book was more interesting to him than most of the things others his age did. He still liked to hang out with his many friends. He was, thanks to his good attitude and as much as Serenity hated to admit it his good looks too, the most popular guy in town. Garret was six feet two inches tall, with light brown hair, green eyes, slightly tanned skin, and a smile that made it irresistible not to smile back. He was two years Serenity's senior and like every other girl in town, she could not help being in love with him. But, unlike the other girls, she never showed it. Erika would kill her if she knew.

  Serenity reached the Ramsey's house and nearly made it by undetected when Erika suddenly stepped out the front door.

  I swear she timed it, thought Serenity as she pretended not to notice.

  "I thought I smelled a stench.” said Erika rudely, “What are you doing outside my house you little slut?"

  "Nothing Mrs. Ramsey, just going home."

  "Then why can't you go the other way and come out next to the college?"

  "Because that's twenty miles and I have to walk!” replied Serenity trying to remain calm.

  "Well, I can't help it your too poor to afford a car.” said Erika spitefully. Then, glancing down at the bag which contained the Halloween costume, “or maybe you should quit wasting your money on worthless junk.” Erika's green eyes sparkled with mischief and she tossed her head so that her reddish brown curls danced. She thought herself a beautiful woman but Serenity knew otherwise. Erika's features were too sharp and demanding for such a round face. Her light skin was covered in a variety of freckles and her tendency to wear men's t-shirt tucked into heavy jeans with big boots did not improve her looks. Not to mention, she was always covered in grease from working on cars.

  "What is that? Some whore's dress to seduce good upstanding boys into paying you their hard earned money? Or do you prefer women?” Serenity clenched her fist trying hard not to slap Erika across her smug little face. “Well” she continued, “Either way it doesn't seem as if you've been doing very good business if you can't even afford a car."

  "Oh shut up you mean old hag!” yelled Serenity and she took off down the street at a run to keep Erika from seeing the tears in her eyes. She could hear the horrible woman laughing at her hurried flight, which succeeded in putting Serenity in an even worse mood.

  That night after she showered and painted her face white, Serenity slipped once again into the beautiful black dress. It had taken several repeat listening to her favorite classical cd to calm her down and now that she was in the dress again she felt absolutely perfect. She wasn't going to let Erika ruin her night before she even got to the party. To finish her costume, she slipped on a pair of fish net stockings and some high heeled boots. In her mouth she placed the stick on vampire fangs then admired herself in the mirror. In the dim lighting of the room, she could have been a real vampire.

  "Perfect!” she exclaimed then turned and headed out the door. She took great caution when she reached the Ramsey house, hoping Erika wouldn't make an appearance. Then the front door opened and she ducked behind a tree. When she peeked out she saw, instead of Erika, Phillip and Garret. Each dressed in a costume for the party. Phillip was wearing a very tattered tux and was painted to look like his flesh was rotting. Overall it was a good zombie costume. Garret, though, made the most handsome demon Serenity had ever seen. He had a pair of black horns coming out of his hair and was wearing a suit that resembled the naked body of a monster. He even had a pitchfork and a pointed tail. The two got into Garret's red convertible and drove off. Maybe I can make this party even more interesting, thought Serenity as she watched them disappear into the dark.

  She reached the party in around an hour. It hadn't started long ago and the house was already trashed. The once clean lawn was covered in toilet paper and beer cans. The music was blasting loud enough to make the porch vibrate, and everyone inside was dancing and having a good time.

  "It's a miracle the cops haven't showed up yet.” she murmured to herself as she made her way through the crowd.

  "Hey Serenity!” she heard shouted over the noise. Turning she saw Dan making his way toward her. “Glad you made it!” he said upon arrival and gave her a long look up and down, “very nice costume!"

  "Thanks and thank you for inviting me. I didn't want to have to spend another Halloween at home waiting for trick or treaters."

  "No problem.” Dan was Serenity's friend through out elementary and middle school. But they had gone in different directions in high school and hadn't seen each other much since. He was around five feet ten inches tall with short blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was dressed as a fireman.

  "Nice costume.” remarked Serenity sarcastically.

  "Thanks” he replied knowing she hadn't meant it. He always thought she took Halloween costumes too far.

  "Hey who's the babe!” came a new voice.

  "It's Serenity.” answered Dan, “I'd think you would recognize her Phillip, with how your mom's always cussing her out for nothing."

  "Oh!" said the young man surprised. Phillip had his mom's reddish brown hair but not the curls and his eyes were brown like his father's and brother's. “But you two can't hold me accountable for the sins of my mother. I have absolutely nothing against the dark beauty of Serenity.” It was obvious he was more then a little drunk but Serenity was pleased anyway. “Would you like to dance pretty vampire?"

  "Sure.” she said and let him lead her out onto the floor. Dan gave her a curious glance before disappearing into the crowd. This was defiantly starting to be a most interesting night.

  * * * *

  Garret was trying to get away from Penny when he noticed Phillip dancing with a very beautiful Serenity. It caught him off guard and gave time for Penny to latch onto him again.

  "Oh come on Gara ... Garee ... Garrethh. Just one dance.” her language was slurred badly and she was having trouble staying on her feet.

  "Penny, your drunk. If you try to dance you're going to fall over and hurt yourself."

  "Oh” she said blowing out an alcohol scented breath, “I'll be fine."

  "Hey!” called Dan coming up beside Penny, “What's happening?"

  "Danny tell Garathhht to dance with me. He thinks I'm drunk.” Dan got a good whiff of her breath as she spoke.

  "You know, I think he might be right.” he started to reply when she suddenly passed out and fell over on top of Garret. The two of them worked together and finally pulled her over to a chair where they could leave her to sleep it off.

  "Thanks.” said Garret as he turned back to look for his brother.

  "No problem. I'm always glad to help beat off the throngs of love stricken women.” he replied happily, “but I came over to tell you that Phillip's dancing with Serenity Stoker."

  "I know I saw them before Penny passed out."

  "Do you think that's sma
rt considering what your mom thinks of her? He's drunk and if things go too far..."

  "They won't. Serenity's not that kind of girl.” replied Garret cutting him off.

  "And how would you know what kind of girl she is?"

  "I've seen her around."

  "You mean you've been watching her?” Garret didn't answer, “You're crazy you know. You could have any girl in town and you've got your eye on the only one your mom would murder you over!"

  "I don't have my eye on her. She's just hard to miss. I mean look at her.” He said as he spotted them again and started making his way through the crowd. “She's beautiful."

  "You're not fooling me man. I've known both of you too long and I can tell when you've got a thing for the wrong girl.” Garret ignored him and finally reached Phillip and Serenity.

  "Hey Garret.” called Phillip nearly tripping over his own feet. Serenity caught him and held him up. “Isn't this a great party? And look who's dancing with me! The hottest babe here!” Then he seemed to loose consciousness for a moment and started to fall forward. Garret and Dan caught him before he hit the floor since his weight was dragging Serenity down too.

  "Phillip, you're drunk. You need to sit down for a while.” Garret said as they hauled him back up to his feet.

  "Nooo, I'm okay.” he insisted the red headed zombie.

  "Dan take him some where to lay down."

  "I think Penny might like some company.” Dan replied as he dragged the drunken boy off.

  "Penny!” smiled Phillip, “I like Penny."

  "Good. Then let's go see her.” Dan said sounding as if he were talking to a two year old.

  "I'm sorry about my brother.” Garret apologized as he turned back to face Serenity, “He usually doesn't drink this much."

  "That's alright.” She answered, “He was very entertaining.” Garret nodded politely and turned to leave. He would have preferred to stay and take his brother's place but his mom would be furious when she found out and he knew she would. “You're just going to leave me here without a dancing partner?” she asked. Her voice was low and sweet making a rush of warmth go through him. She was so beautiful in that dress. He just couldn't bring himself to turn her down. The music turned slow and they moved closer to each other. He could smell the sweet perfume of her hair and it was driving him mad. For years he had wanted to ask her out but couldn't because of his mom's hatred toward her. She was so soft and warm in his arms it was starting to make him crazy.


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