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Serenity's Dark Beauty

Page 7

by J. R. Mitchell

  "Your brother used to be a straight A student. But in the last month his grades have dropped to failing and he seems to have no interest in class. That is until my lecture on vampires this morning.” Now Phillip was listening closely. “Your brother seemed to know a lot about them. Then when I mentioned that vampires only used humans for food he became angry. He yelled she would never do that."


  "Yes and I have my theory on who she is.” Mr. Wallington paused for a moment as a couple of students walked by. After they passed he continued. “A little more than a month ago I had a visit by a real vampire. A female. And it wasn't long after that your brother's strange behavior began. I think she is using him for blood and if something isn't done soon she'll kill him."

  "What did she look like?” The Professor didn't seem at all surprised that Phillip believed him. He had heard, as had everyone else, of Erika's crazy stories about vampires and how she was going to hunt them.

  "She had long brown hair with dark brown eyes. Very pretty. Looked to be a year or two older then you."


  "You know her?” Phillip nodded. He knew his brother loved her but he hadn't expected this.

  "Well she is more dangerous then a normal vampire. That black dress she wears once belonged to one of the most evil and powerful vampires alive. Her name was Lilith. When Lilith was killed, she cursed the dress so it would bring her back when the right person put it on. This Serenity was the one. She has all of Lilith's powers which makes her far more dangerous then any other vampire. If you and your mother are going after her you had better be prepared."

  "You're not going to help us?"

  "No.” The Professor seemed shocked at such an idea. “I'm a scholar not a hunter."

  * * * *

  When Phillip got home that afternoon he found Garret in the kitchen finishing off a sandwich.

  "So what happened at school today?” He decided to take the subtle approach. After all they weren't sure it was Serenity that was affecting him so. It could be something else all together.

  "What do you mean?” His brother finished the last bite and started to leave the kitchen.

  "I heard you walked out during the middle of class.” Phillip followed Garret up the stairs.

  "The teacher was getting his information wrong.” The boredom in Garret's voice made it clear that he wasn't interested in the conversation but Phillip pushed on anyway.

  "What was he getting wrong?"

  "You know I'm tired and I don't feel like talking.” Garret headed toward his room. Phillip couldn't let him get away; he had to find out what was going on.

  "Garret wait!” When his brother kept walking, Phillip grabbed his coat to pull him back. It was then he saw them. Garret's neck was covered in bite marks. Some old but some were new. Jerking his coat out of Phillip's hand, Garret covered the marks again.

  "She's been feeding off you.” Phillip was in shock. He had not expected this. He figured his brother would tell him if she had been using him for blood. “Why didn't you tell us? We could stop her!"

  "I don't want her to stop!” Garret yelled in reply.

  "What?” Phillip couldn't believe his ears. He knew his brother loved Serenity but this was taking it too far. “She could kill you!"

  "She won't."

  "How do you know?"

  "Because I told her to drink from me!” Garret sighed as if giving in. “She didn't want to use me because she was afraid she'd kill me. If she knew I was dying then she would stop."

  "Then tell her!"

  "No. If she goes out to hunt then she runs the chance of being caught by mother. Mom will kill her, I can't let that happen."

  "But she is killing you!” Phillip yelled trying to talk some sense into his brother.

  "I'd rather die than live without her.” The look on Garret's face was pleading. He meant what he had said. “Don't tell mom. Phillip please.” Phillip lowered his eyes. He couldn't stand to see his brother like this. Garret took that as an answer and went to his room closing the door behind him. Phillip loved his brother and wished he could do as Garret asked, but he didn't want Serenity to kill him. He knew what he had to do.

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  Chapter 12

  As Serenity was about to leave for Garret's house when Maverick showed up. She hadn't seen him in a while.

  "What do you want now?” She asked expecting another fight.

  "I've been thinking."

  "About what?” As if she didn't know.

  "I've been watching you.” He paused, “And him. It seems that you have already chosen your mate."

  "He's not a vampire. So it is impossible."

  "Not yet a vampire. But he can be."

  "No!” She knew what he was saying but she couldn't do it. She had never turned anyone before and if she made the slightest mistake she could kill him.

  "Serenity, he is already taking on vampire traits. Probably from you feeding off him for so long. He has our moods. He avoids his friends. His grades are failing. He has become almost completely different from the person he used to be. But what is most curious is that he senses your arrival each night."

  "What?” She asked confused.

  "When you go to him, he knows when you are near. I've seen it. That is impossible in humans and I would have thought that it was part of him starting to turn but you are drawn to him."

  "I am not!” She protested.

  "You are drawn to him as if he were your mate. That is why you cannot resist going to him every night. There is no use denying it, I've seen you struggle. But always you go to him."

  "Humans can't mate with vampires!” She yelled.

  "That's what I thought too. But you are Lilith's creation. You are different. Special. Maybe you have found a way.” Serenity didn't answer him. She hated being called Lilith's creation. “Either way the connection is not complete. He needs to be a vampire for that to happen."

  "I am not turning him!” She growled hoping he'd take the hint and leave.

  "Then he will die.” Maverick turned as if to go.

  "What?” Serenity gasped. Garret's death had been her biggest fear and she couldn't deny that she felt as if it were near.

  "You have been feeding off him for too long. Humans die when you do that. Frankly I'm surprised he's survived this long. Usually it only takes a couple of weeks for them to die."

  "If I stop feeding off him will he live?” Her question was more like a cry for hope.

  "Maybe but you would still be drawn to him and I'm sure he'd convince you to feed off him again. If you don't turn him that is.” Maverick did leave this time, not giving her a chance to protest.

  * * * *

  Erika was in her garage preparing to hunt. She had been late getting back and night had already begun. She was just about to call for Phillip when he entered the room.

  "There you are.” She said as she finished loading her crossbow. “Hurry up and get ready we are late. Serenity's probably already on the move. We're going to search the town again tonight."

  "You won't find her there.” Phillip said it as a fact not a guess. That got Erika's attention.

  "Do you know where she is?” Erika had stopped what she was doing and stared intently at her son. “Phillip tell me?"


  "Where?” Erika was excited. She couldn't believe it after all this time she was finally going to get her chance to slay Serenity.

  "Before I tell you. You have got to promise not to kill her in front of Garret."

  "Why?” She didn't know what Garret had to do with this.

  "And not to be mad with him."

  "Phillip, what's going on?"

  "Serenity's at the house."

  "What?” Erika grabbed her weapon and was heading out the door. “You mean she's been there the whole time!"

  "Mom listen!” Erika stopped. She could tell by Phillip's voice there was something more she needed to know. “You have to understand Garret loves her."

/>   "That's impossible! She is evil!” Erika refused to believe it.

  "It's true. That's why she's been at our house. That's why Garret's changed. She's been with him every night.” Erika couldn't understand. It was impossible to her that her own son could love a monster.

  "You must be mistaken. There's no way Garret would...” Her words trailed off. It made sense. Garret had changed. He never talked to her anymore. He was moody. Erika gasped. Garret wore only clothes that covered his neck now and she had noticed earlier that he was looking very pale.

  "The bitch has been feeding off him!” The fury in her voice was unmistakable.

  "Mom!” Phillip called in warning but she ignored him. Erika was marching toward the house. Her eyes locked on Garret's open bedroom window.

  * * * *

  Serenity climbed through Garret's window. He was there as always waiting on her. She was amazed at what it did to her heart to see him. Crossing the room, he enfolded her in his arms.

  "You're late. What happened?” His breath on her cheek was warm. She wanted to kiss him but as she turned her head she saw the marks on his neck. The marks her teeth had made. Instantly she pulled away from him.

  "What?” He asked worry on his face. “Are you alright?” He was so pale. She hadn't noticed it before. Probably because she hadn't wanted too, but he was pale. “Serenity.” Her name on his lips sent a rush of excitement through her body. It was so hard to concentrate with him near.

  "I can't do this anymore.” She was determined to stay in control. His life depended on it.

  "What?” She heard fear in his voice.

  "I can't feed off you anymore.” Tears of blood slid down her cheeks. “You're dying.” Garret looked tired but not surprised. It was only then that she realized he knew. “You didn't tell me!” She whispered in shock. “You knew but you didn't say anything. Why?” He didn't answer. “I could have killed you! Why didn't you tell me?” She screamed.

  "I didn't want you to leave."


  "If I had told you then you would have stopped. You would have gone hunting. My mother would be able to hunt you. It would become too dangerous. I was afraid you would either leave me or be killed. And I would rather die than be without you.” She couldn't believe what she was hearing. No one had ever cared so much for her.

  "Garret, I couldn't stand it if you died. It's better for both of us if I leave."

  "No!” He pulled her back into his arms. She could tell by the way he held her that he had no intention of letting her go. But she knew he wasn't strong enough to stop her even if he wasn't so weak.

  "I have to Garret.” Tears where in his eyes as well. “I can't let you die."

  "But you kill me by leaving.” She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to hurt him but she didn't want him dead either. And it was hard enough just trying and leave his arms. Despite her strength, her heart was holding her there. She was so distracted by Garret that she didn't hear them coming.

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  Chapter 13

  Garret held Serenity close. He knew that if she did leave he could not stop her. He had to try and talk her out of it. Before he could the door to his room suddenly slung open. His eyes had gotten used to seeing in the dark so he could clearly see his mother and Phillip before they turned on the lights.

  "You bitch!” His mother yelled looking straight at Serenity still wrapped in his arms. “How dare you!"

  "Phillip!” Garret said ignoring his mother. “I trusted you!” Phillip bowed his head as if he were ashamed of himself. Garret turned his attention to his mother. “I will not let you hurt her!” As he spoke, he moved around till he shielded Serenity with his body.

  "Garret, she has you under a spell or something! Trust me. Just get out of the way and I will break her hold on you!” She raised the crossbow and aimed it as she spoke. Before anyone else could react, Serenity jumped out the window.

  "Serenity!” Garret yelled as he, Erika and Phillip all ran to the window. They could see her running into the woods.

  "Come on, Phillip!” Erika yelled as she ran out of the room. “We have to catch up with her. She can easily hide in those woods if we don't get there in time.” Phillip and Garret both chased after her.

  * * * *

  Erika reached the woods in time to see Serenity disappear through the trees. Phillip and Garret came up behind her. Garret had to stop to catch his breath while Phillip wasn't even winded. Erika's hatred for Serenity went up another notch. Used to be that Garret could run long distances without breaking out in a sweat. This was all that damn vampires doing.

  "You go that way!” She instructed Phillip as she handed him a wooden stake. “You go through the middle.” She passed Garret a stake. He wouldn't take it.

  "No!” He stared at her with a rage she had never seen from him before. “I'm not going to kill her and I won't let you do it either!” Erika thought for a moment. Garret was being controlled by Serenity she was sure but maybe she could use that to her advantage.

  "Alright Garret. I understand she still has you in her power. But stay out of my way! Nothing on this Earth is going to stop me from putting an end to Serenity Stoker!” Without waiting for a reply, she headed off into the woods. She walked till Garret was out of sight then doubled back around. Erika knew she'd never find Serenity on her own. Crouched behind some trees, she snuck up to her son. As he moved, she followed. She didn't feel the least bit of guilt using Garret for bait. Serenity would come to him and no one else. She could feel it.

  * * * *

  Serenity sat in the tree limbs. She shouldn't have stayed but she just couldn't bring herself to leave without saying goodbye to Garret first. Moving silently through the trees, she searched for him. Her sense of him shined above all the others and she followed it like a beacon. He seemed to sense her at the same time she spotted him because he suddenly turned to look straight at her. His green eyes showed relief. Not being able to resist, she went to him.

  "Are you alright?” He asked as they embraced.

  "Of course, but I can't stay long.” It was hard but she knew she had to do this. If she didn't then she risked both their lives. “I just wanted to say goodbye."

  "No!” It was a command this time not a denial. “You can't go!"

  "I must."

  "I won't let you! Not without me!"

  "You can't go with me! I have to get away from you! That's one of the reasons I'm leaving."

  "Why?” He yelled then dropped his head. “Why can't we be together?"

  "Because,” She pulled away from him. “Vampires and humans are not meant to be together."

  "I couldn't have said it better myself.” Erika came out of the woods with her crossbow at the ready. Neither Garret nor Serenity had known she was there. It was then Phillip came out of the trees to their left. He seemed to have been following Erika not them. Serenity didn't know if it was to hunt them or to keep an eye on his mother.

  "Garret, come away from her.” Erika's eyes never moved from Serenity.

  "No mother!” His voice was confident as if there were no doubt in his mind. “I love her."

  "No you don't! It is just a spell!” Garret wouldn't listen to her. Erika was furious. She was losing her favorite son to the one person she hated more than anyone else in the world. “Then I will break the spell!” It all happened too fast.

  Everyone knew Erika was going to pull the trigger. Serenity froze. Even with her powers and everything that had happened she was still afraid of Erika. She knew she was going to die but she couldn't seem to move. Garret could.

  She saw him out of the corner of her eye. He jumped in front of her. Right in the path of Erika's newly released bolt. Serenity screamed. It was all she could do as she watched it enter his chest. She wasn't fast enough to stop what was happening. Garret fell to the ground. Serenity was instantly by his side.

  Erika dropped the crossbow as if it had suddenly caught on fire. Phillip was yelling at Serenity as he ran over to Garr
et, but she couldn't understand a word he was saying. All she could think of was that Garret had been shot. He had taken the arrow meant for her. The end of the bolt protruded from his chest. She hated the sight of it. Grabbing it, she yanked it out.

  "No!” Phillip yelled, seeing what she had done. “He will bleed to death!"

  "He's going to die anyway!” She cried. Then fell into sobs over him. Erika seemed to be too shocked to do anything.

  "We have to get him to the hospital!” Phillip pleaded as if that would help.

  "There is nothing they can do!” Her face was streaked with blood. “He's dying and we can't stop it!” Garret raised his hand; she felt it brush her hair.

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  "Serenity.” She found it heart wrenching to look at him. “Go while you can.” He gasped, speech being hard for him as blood dripped from his mouth.

  "No! I can't leave you. I love you!” It was the first time she had spoken those words aloud and there was no doubt in her mind that they were true.

  "Now you stay.” He half laughed but it turned into a cough. He was covered in blood. Serenity had never seen so much spilled before. Even as a vampire. For once it didn't arouse her hunger.

  "This isn't funny Garret!” She yelled. “You're dying!"

  "I know.” He whispered.

  "Not necessarily.” A voice came from behind them. Serenity turned her head to face Maverick.

  "What do you mean?” She asked, not really listening to him. She knew there was no way to stop death.

  "You could turn him.” The suggestion hit her like a rock. She had not even thought of that. Before, when he had told her to do it she would not even consider the idea. If she messed up then she could kill Garret trying to turn him. But now he was dead anyway and it was the only chance she had of saving his life.

  He had already lost too much blood from the wound and her feedings. So all she had to do was feed him her own blood before he died. Quickly, she used her fangs to slash her wrist. It was then that Erika came out of her stupor.


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