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Tank (The Bad Disciples MC Book 3)

Page 6

by Savannah Rylan

  “Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?” he asked, and I crossed my brows in surprise.

  “What?” I snapped, and Tank stepped closer to me. He kept his hands to himself, as though he was afraid that if he touched me, he would break me.

  “Will you let me take you out on a real date?” he asked, and I could feel my breathing returning.

  “You want me to have dinner with you?” my heart was thudding in my chest. What made Tank think, that after everything he had just told me about himself, that I would want to have dinner with him?

  “Yes. I want to see you again,” he said, and another one of Tank's rare smiles had begun to appear on his face. I stared at him, into his hazel eyes, at the thick beard that had grown on his jaw, at his scruffy long hair, at his wide muscular shoulders…

  “Yes. I’ll have dinner with you tomorrow,” I said, and Tank stepped away from me.

  “Good,” he said and returned to his bed and sat down again. I could feel my knees weakening like he had released an imaginary hand from around my throat.

  “Meet me at Corleone's at seven tomorrow night. I’ll be waiting there for you,” he said, and I realized that I had run out of words. So, I ran out of his room, like I was trying to get away from him.

  Outside in the corridor, I tried to catch my breath. I hadn’t even responded to him, I was so afraid of what I had agreed to do. But I couldn’t help myself, I felt like he was an addiction growing on me.



  I didn’t expect Noelle to turn up. I had been sitting at the table for two that I had booked earlier that day, and by now, I was on my third beer. When Noelle walked in, a little after seven thirty, I noticed how heads in the restaurant turned to look at her.

  She was speaking to the hostess near the door, who then started leading her towards me, and I stood up from my table with a jerk. I hadn’t seen her in anything but her hospital scrubs yet, and now that I saw her, in a red silk cocktail dress, I felt like I was running out of breath.

  Like a nervous, giddy teenager, I walked around and held a chair out for her. Noelle smiled at me like this was all completely normal for her, and she sat down. The dress clung to her curves, its neck dipped deep down so that her cleavage was revealed…making promises of how juicy her breasts were. She had her hair loose, and it delicately grazed her hips as she flipped it over one shoulder. She had parted her bangs, and it lay across her forehead now on the right.

  Noelle was staring back at me as I looked at her. She was this gorgeous, perfect princess out of a fairytale or something, and I felt like the ogre who had no chance with her.

  Even though I knew this restaurant was relatively fancy and way different from the usual joints we hung out at; I was still in my usual leather jacket and dark jeans. My hair was hung down on my shoulders, but it was brushed, which was probably the only extra mile I had gone for tonight.

  “I didn’t expect you to come,” I said to her, and she blinked her eyes as a smile spread across her face.

  “I didn’t expect me to come, either. But here I am,” Noelle replied in a soft, seductive voice and already, I could feel my cock moving in my pants.

  “What made you change your mind?” I asked her and Noelle reached for the glass of sparkling water that the hostess had poured for her. I watched her as she took a sip, leaving a faint mark of her red lipstick on the rim of the glass. I wanted those lips on me, on my cock…and I shifted in my chair. Being around her made me uncomfortable with a desperate desire for her body. I wanted her to know what she was capable of doing to me.

  “I wanted to see you again,” she said, in a matter of fact voice and I picked up my bottle of beer.

  “Order anything you want,” I told her, and she gazed at the menu.

  “Do you know what you want?” she asked.

  “I’ll have what you’re having,” I replied and she smiled as she looked down at the menu, her bangs falling over her eyes.

  “Not a fussy eater! You don’t fail to surprise me do you?” she said and looked up at me again.

  “What made you think that I was a fussy eater?” I asked her, leaning over the table a little towards her. I got a whiff of her expensive floral perfume, and I breathed in the scent, allowing it to take over my senses.

  Noelle shrugged her shoulders.

  “Just something about you told me that you like things a certain way, and if you don’t get your way, you make sure to put up a fuss,” she said with a smile. I could see from the twinkle in her eyes that she was teasing me.

  I didn’t like being teased, but with Noelle, I quickly realized that she was allowed to do anything she wanted with me. I smiled at her, and her eyes glowed.

  “You should smile more often, Tank. It makes you look more approachable,” she said.

  “I don’t have any business being more approachable,” I said and leaned closer to her. She did the same so that there was a distance of only a few inches between us over the table now.

  “What if I told you that I want to make it my business to make you smile more?” she asked, in a soft husky voice. I looked into her dark blue eyes, she was calming me down, she had that magic about her.

  “Then I would say that you have a long road ahead of you,” I replied and with a comical roll of her eyes, that made her look more childish than she was, Noelle sat back down on her chair and drew her glass of water up to her lips again.

  “I’ve decided what I want. The Garganelli with mussels in a white wine sauce,” she said and laughed when she saw that I had no idea what she was talking about. All I knew about Italian food was pizza and pasta.

  “I’ll have the same then,” I said, and she arched her eyebrows at me.

  “Are you sure?” she asked with the smile still tugging her lips. She was testing me against my claim about being a non-fussy eater. I decided to present her with a smile.

  “Yes, I’m absolutely sure, Noelle. Order away,” I replied and indicated to one of the waiters to come over to our table.

  Noelle was beaming widely at me, studying my face.

  “I think I’m going to have a lot of fun getting to know you tonight, Tank,” she said as the waiter approached us.

  He had his notebook ready to take down our orders, and Noelle looked up at him, after passing me a flourishing look.

  “We’ll both have the best pasta dish on your menu,” she said. “That’s a relief to say!” she looked at me again and noticed the confused expression on my face.

  “I’m tired of ordering fancy,” she admitted with a slight laugh. Watching her laugh made me happier than I could have possibly imagined and I knew I was in deep trouble.

  “And his investments really paid off. He retired at fifty and hasn’t worked a day in his life since,” Noelle was telling me about her father’s work, and from the sounds of it; she came from a family that was not only wealthy but mixed with the higher strata of society that I was completely unfamiliar with.

  I nodded my head and watched her as she ate. She was delicate and feminine with her food…was that a sign of good breeding? There was nothing about this woman that was familiar to me, and yet, it felt like I knew her already.

  “And what about your mom?” I asked, and Noelle arched her eyebrows like she was going to tell me a joke.

  “Well, mom is a lady who lunches,” she said and let out a soft laugh. I didn’t have any idea what she was talking about, but I smiled along, paying more attention to the curves of her lips as she laughed.

  My gaze fell over her shoulder then, at the two men at the bar at the back of the restaurant. They had been looking in our direction, and I looked back at them; recognizing their Dragon Knights patches immediately. A wave of rage washed over me, and I shifted in my chair. My leather jacket was off, and I hoped they hadn’t noticed who I was.

  “What about you, Tank? Tell me about your parents,” I heard Noelle say, but my eyes were fixed on the men behind her. They were both drinking beers, staring openly at me and I glar
ed back at them. They wanted to be found. They wanted me to know that I was being watched.

  “Tank?” Noelle’s voice interrupted my glare, and I turned back to her, no doubt she would have noticed the icy coldness of my gaze.

  “What?” I snapped, and she knotted her brows.

  “I was asking about your parents, but you don’t have to talk about them if you don’t want to,” she said, the humor in her voice had dropped instantly. I clenched my jaws and stuck a fork into my plate of pasta.

  “Nothing to tell. I left home when I was fifteen, and I haven’t seen or spoken to them since then,” I said in a low growl and to my surprise, Noelle reached a hand out to me and clasped mine in hers. I clenched my fists, my eyes shifting to the two DK assholes behind her, who were watching everything. How had I not noticed them before? I was cursing myself to have led them to Noelle.

  “Do you want to talk about it? We don’t have to if you don’t want to, I’ll understand,” I heard her say and I looked at her again.

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” I said to her again, but Noelle was patient with me. She assumed that my enraged mood was the result of the topic about my parents. She was looking at me with a softened gaze.

  “Tank, these things happen. I know from my own complicated relationship with my parents how hard these things are. If you left home at that early age, and if you’ve not stayed in touch with them, I’m sure you’ve had good reason not to,” she said and squeezed my hand.

  The men at the bar raised their bottles of beer in the air at that moment, and I yanked my hand away from Noelle’s hold.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, in a bruised voice as I started tapping my feet on the ground. I needed to get her out of that place, but I also didn’t want to scare her.

  “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t know what else to tell you about my parents,” I said and stared at her half eaten plate of pasta. I was toying with the idea of asking her to leave her food and walk out with me, but that would upset her or scare her. I needed to handle the situation delicately.

  “You can tell me what happened. What made you leave home and join an MC?” she asked, and I watched as she lifted a forkful of pasta to her mouth. She had a kindness in her eyes and voice, and it made me sick that there were two Dragon Knights members who were watching me and her now.

  I was glad that this was a public place though, which meant that chances of a shootout happening here were far less. However, I still tried to discreetly feel the gun I had stuffed in my belt. I needed to be prepared for anything happening.

  “Noelle, I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” I said and glanced at the guys at the counter again. They were smiling at me, goading me. I had to do everything in my power to not charge at them with guns blazing. The last thing I wanted tonight, was to put Noelle’s life in danger. But that was exactly what I had led her to. Once again, I had underestimated the Dragon Knights. I had assumed that they wouldn’t be watching me. That they wouldn’t follow me on a date. How they fuck did they even know I was here?

  “I understand, Tank. We don’t have to talk about it. It’s just that sometimes, it makes life easier just to relieve yourself of these kinds of burdens,” Noelle continued. She had tilted her head to the side as she watched me, but she couldn’t understand why exactly it was that I was angry.

  I nodded my head and pushed my plate away from me.

  “I think I’m done,” I said and looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would say the same. But instead, Noelle smirked and raised another forkful of pasta to her mouth.

  “You’ve barely eaten it. You were lying when you said you’re not a fussy eater!” she exclaimed and smiled with a mouthful of pasta.

  I watched her eat, still considering if it was going to be a good idea to just drag her out of this place without warning. She was a slow eater, and she was taking her time with the food.

  “So since you don’t want to talk about your parents, what else do you want to talk about? There is so much I want to know about you,” she continued, and I grabbed my fifth bottle of beer tightly in my hand. I took a big sip and banged it down on the table.

  The sound startled Noelle a little, and she dropped her fork down on her plate and stared at me. Without explanation, I stood up from my chair and started dragging my wallet out of my pocket.

  “We’re leaving now,” I said and eyed the men at the bar.

  “What? Why?” she asked, dabbing the sides of her mouth with the napkin on her lap.

  “Because I’m taking you home,” I said, and she stared up at me wide eyed. I pulled out as much cash as I had in my wallet and slapped it down on the table. It was definitely more than I owed, but now wasn’t the time to be careful with money.

  The two Dragon Knights were still watching us, and they knew that I was about to leave.

  “Noelle lets go,” I said, trying to make myself sound as casual and calm as possible. She had her brows crossed and her mouth set in a firm line.

  “Why? I don’t understand, Tank. Please, just explain it to me,” she said, in a weak, desperate voice and I walked around the table to her. I reached for her hand, and she allowed me to take it.

  “I want to take you home because I don’t want to talk anymore,” I said and stared into her blue eyes.

  Her expression went from looking dazed and confused to a sudden realization dawning on her. She bit down on her lip and nodded her head.

  “Okay, let's go. I don’t want to talk anymore either,” Noelle said and stood up.

  I walked ahead of her, keeping a firm grip on her hand as I weaved us around the tables. I was taking the farthest possible route away from the bar, but I had my eyes on the two men. I was ready to pull out my gun on a moment’s notice and shield Noelle with my body if I had to.

  Even though they watched us walk towards the door, neither of them made a move. I pulled Noelle around and lightly pushed her out of the door, stepping out behind her and looking over my shoulder at the guys.

  Now with Noelle in my life, I realized that everything was going to change. I was going to become a man who always looked over his shoulder because I didn’t want anything to happen to her. I didn’t want to be responsible for any harm to Noelle. It was going to make me weak. It was going to make me susceptible to defeat, and I did not like the sound of that.



  Tank was intense when he brought me back to his apartment. I had ridden on the backseat of his bike, with my arms thrown around his stomach and I was worried if I was hurting his wound. He didn’t show it even if I was.

  Tank’s apartment was clean but typically a man’s house. He had the bare minimum furniture, but everything was in its place. He led me into the living room and flipped the light switch on, then threw his leather jacket on the couch.

  I looked around me, at his large screen TV and the coffee table and water rings on the surface, while Tank walked over to the window and parted the curtains slightly to look outside.

  “Expecting someone?” I asked, and he turned to look at me again. His hazel eyes were narrowed and dark, he stared at my face for a few moments before his expression softened. His gaze drifted down to my breasts. I knew the dress I was wearing showed cleavage and he seemed to like that.

  “No, I’m not,” he said and walked swiftly towards me.

  “Look, Noelle…I know tonight was supposed to just be a regular date…” he began to say, and I could see that he looked genuinely apologetic. I smiled at him and placed my clutch on the coffee table beside us.

  “Tank, I’m here now. You don’t have to apologize to me for bringing me here,” I said, in a quiet voice and he stepped closer to me.

  “It’s just that I couldn’t sit in that place, looking at you in this dress, hearing you talk…and do nothing else,” he murmured, bringing his face close to mine. I had to crane my neck to look up at him, and I bit down on my lip.

  “I have to admit that it was getting difficult to
just sit there for me too,” I said, feeling the tops of my cheeks flush. Something about Tank, something about the way I wanted him…made me bolder, more courageous to speak my mind. I didn’t feel like I needed to make pretenses around him, or like I had to try to be someone else who I was not.

  “Why? Why was it so difficult for you?” he asked, and then he brought up his hands to my face, clasping my cheek with one hand. The sensation of his large rough hands meeting my skin sent shivers down my spine, and for a few moments; I felt tongue tied. I could feel the desperate desire growing in me again. Tank was too hot to resist.

  “I wanted you to touch me,” I said, in a low, hoarse whisper, a little embarrassed of what I was saying. I had never spoken like this before.

  “I’m touching you now,” he said, and he moved his fingers towards my lips. With his thumb, he parted my lips and then slowly, keeping his eyes on my face; he popped his forefinger into my mouth. I tasted the saltiness of his skin, and the smooth sliding motion of his finger between my lips reminded me of how his cock had felt inside my mouth. An instinctual moan rose up my throat, which made Tank’s eyelids droop heavily as he looked at me.

  “What else do you want me to do to you, Noelle?” he asked, and I reached for him, wrapping my arms around his thick neck. He slipped his finger in and out of my mouth, while his other hand held on to my waist tightly.

  “I want you to touch me everywhere,” I said, a little shyly again, and it brought a smile to Tank’s face. It was like he was enjoying how embarrassed I was of admitting these things.

  “You have no fucking idea how sexy you are,” he growled under his breath, and he slipped his finger out of my mouth, it was wet and glistening with my saliva. He dragged the same hand down my body, over my breasts and my belly, feeling the shape of my curves.

  I shuddered in his arms, a little unsteady on my feet as his hand traveled down to the hem of my short cocktail dress. Without wasting any time, Tank pulled up the bottom of my dress, rolling it over my thighs till his hand hovered over my pussy. He caressed the lace of my panties, and rubbed me through the fabric, feeling for wetness. He didn’t need to check, I was dripping wet already.


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