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Storm Front (The Charistown Series) (Volume 2)

Page 31

by Lisa N. Paul

  “Technically, it’s my birthday cake,” Ashley piped up, laughing, but Lyla and Janie were already staring each other down.

  “Okay, Ly,” Janie smiled devilishly, “please don’t stick your finger in my cake.”

  “Umm, it’s my cake,” Ashley interjected again.

  “Ouch, stop it!” Lyla squealed when another flick followed her second swipe. Ashley laughed at the two women. It still amazed her how far they’d all come in just a year. Last year she hadn’t even met Lyla and Janie and while she’d spent Christmas Eve with Danny and Julie, it had been a quiet celebration and she’d spent most of the time trapped in her own thoughts. And Christmas day—her birthday—was spent mostly alone and then with Danny and Julie for a small dinner. Even Ryan had gone home to see his father. Everything was so different now.

  “Speaking of gorgeous…” Julie’s statement intruded upon Ashley’s thoughts. “Tell us about the gorgeous boy you brought with you tonight, Ms. Dalton.” Julie herded the women to the kitchen table so they could speak freely without the threat of being overheard by the men, who were now settled in the family room having after-dinner drinks.

  “Honestly, there’s nothing to tell.” Lyla occasionally brought what she liked to refer to as strays around to family dinners. While she claimed she did it because the men had nowhere else to be, Ashley assumed it was because almost everyone else was paired up leaving Lyla and Kyle the odd ones out.

  Even though Lyla’s walls were up and she was always standing guard, Ashley noticed the sometimes far-off lonely look in Lyla’s sky blue eyes. “Rick’s nice, he’s great in bed and he’s harmless. We’ll use each other for a little while and then move on without hurt feelings when it’s over. No biggie.” Her shrugged shoulders may have seemed nonchalant, but Ashley could sense Lyla felt something else entirely and it pained her to not only feel it but to realize there was nothing she could do about it.

  “What about Gage?” Ashley blurted. “It looked pretty damn steamy between you guys for a bit and then what…?” Was she imagining the pale pink flush that rose in Lyla’s cheeks?

  “Gage is, well…he’s…” Ashley had seen Lyla Dalton in all kinds of moods, states, and situations, but never had she seen her in a state of speechless fluster.

  “He’s what, Ly?” Janie goaded their friend with a light elbow to the side.

  “For the love of chocolate, Jane, if you lay a hand on me one more time tonight, I’m gonna twat-pop you! We clear?” When Janie acknowledged the open threat, Lyla continued to explain her relationship with the sexy and illusive Sebastian Gage.

  “He’s sexy as hell, okay, I’m a big girl and I can admit it. But the man comes and goes. He’s like the fucking wind.” She flipped her sable hair over her shoulder and sighed. “And it’s fine. I’m not looking for anything thing serious.” Ashley wasn’t sure who Lyla was trying to convince with that little speech, but it certainly wasn’t convincing her.

  “Hell,” Lyla continued, “I’m not looking for anything more than a night or two. But Gage says he won’t give me that. So as far as I’m concerned, he can keep blowing past ‘cause I don’t need any boy drama in my life.”

  Danny bellowed from the family room bringing an end to the girly chat. “Ladies, get your fine behinds in here. It’s time to open presents.”

  Flames crackled in the fireplace and the Christmas music playing softly in the background enveloped the group in warmth and love that could only come from being around honest love and friendship—a family made of choice, not of force.

  Sitting on the plush rug that backed up against the soft leather sofa, Ryan leaned forward and placed another soft kiss on the top of Ashley’s head. Her sweet scent traveled up his nostrils and splintered like a firecracker in a hundred directions through his body. With her sitting between his legs it was hard to hide the affect she had on him.

  So when she shimmied herself backward, closer to the apex of his hardening center, and giggled nonchalantly at a comment Max had made, Ryan knew she was playing a little game with him. She was throwing down the gauntlet. Warmth ebbed through his body as he leaned forward, breathing in her citrusy smell. She wiggled herself a little closer. Oh yeah, she started this game, but I’m gonna finish it, he thought to himself smugly.

  “Keep it up, Princess,” he whispered huskily in her ear, “because I have no problem with lifting you over my shoulder and leaving right now. I’ll fuck you in the car, in the snow, hell, in the goddamn street—anywhere just to see if you’re still giggling when my cock is plunging in and out of your sweet cunt.”

  Her gasp was inaudible but he didn’t miss it, he couldn’t. Her chest rose and fell at the same time that goose bumps lined the skin of her arms. Nipping at her ear, he heard the faintest whimper and knew his sexy words combined with his nearness probably had her all keyed up and wanting.

  “I can smell you, Ash. I can practically taste your anticipation,” his low voice was barely a whisper, “so keep giggling, I dare you.”

  “Ahem, I know you all wanna get home and get to your own gift giving,” Danny cleared his voice and chuckled, “but Julie and I have a little something we’d like to give each of you before we go our separate ways.” Ryan watched as Danny linked his fingers with Julie’s and twirled her closer to him. They were his idea of the perfect couple, so much like his parents were, and everything he aspired to be if he and Ashley ever got married.

  Julie handed small wrapped boxes to Max and Janie, Ashley and Ryan, and Lyla. There was one box left that had Kyle’s name written on the tag.

  “While I’m pretty sure you each know how Danny and I feel about you, I know for a fact that you can never hear enough how loved and appreciated you are.” Julie’s eyes glowed with the dancing flames in the fireplace and shimmered with tears. Ashley felt her throat tighten as Julie continued to speak.

  “We love each of you as if you were our own children. While the three of you—she addressed Max, Ryan, and Ashley—“have been around for many years, you two women”—she looked carefully at Janie and Lyla—“have the same unconditional love, trust and respect as if you’d been here forever. Even Kyle, who we all know has been a little difficult lately, is our son and we will love and support him in whatever way we can.” Tears rolled down Julie’s porcelain cheeks.

  “Alright, sugar.” Danny rested his big hand on Julie’s petite shoulder. “What my beautiful wife is trying to tell you kids is that we would have never been able to make it through this past month and a half without each and every one of you. Plain and simple, you are our family.”

  Ryan was trying to understand what point Danny was trying to make, but he couldn’t see through the emotions to understand the words. “Julie and I are going to start rebuilding Danny’s on Main but, well…we’d like it if you were all part of the process.”

  Queen of Hearts

  “RY, I’M SHOCKED. Did you have any idea they were gonna do that?” Ashley rotated the shiny, new key between her fingers.

  “No, babe, I was just as shocked as you were.”

  They were on their way home from the Marcus’ house and were both still taken aback by the overture that Danny and Julie had made. They wanted each person in the group to be a partner in the bar—silent or otherwise. Danny explained that they didn’t need the financial backing to re-open, but he wanted to make the bar a family owned and operated establishment. And they were family. He and Julie had given each person a key—more a symbolic gesture as there wasn’t actually a door yet—to not just the building, but to the operation itself. If they wanted in, they would love to have them. If not? No hard feelings.

  “I want in, Ry.” From the moment the offer was placed on the table, Ashley knew that she wanted—needed—to be part of rebuilding her home, her life.

  “Of course we’re in, Princess.” The complete certainty in his voice was just another reason why she loved the man sitting to her left with all of her heart.

  “Ryan,” her voice got smaller as she pulled in a breath.
They pulled into their driveway and Ryan turned off the ignition before shifting to face Ashley. Even though he had no clue as to what she was going to say, the concern was evident on his handsome face.

  “Princess, let’s discuss whatever’s on your mind inside. It’s freezing out here and while it would be my pleasure to warm you up, I’d rather look you in the eyes while we talk about what’s bothering you.”

  “Okay, Romeo, let’s go inside.”

  Hearing the click of the coffee machine, Ashley poked her head into the kitchen and saw Ryan as he stood at the Keurig, staring intently at the clock on the microwave and muttering to himself. “It’s 11:15, I still have plenty of time. So long as whatever she’s worried about isn’t horrible…”

  “What, honey?” Ashley slipped behind him, skating her hands up his abdomen and over his broad chest.

  “Nothing, Princess, here’s your coffee.” He had put the cream and sugar in her cup exactly how she liked it and by the time he’d done that, his own coffee had finished brewing. “Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Ashley sipped the hot liquid but her nerves kept her from really tasting it. Over the years they had discussed many things and in the weeks since they had been an official couple they had discussed many more, but other than the time they’d renovated the kitchen, they’d never discussed their financial situations. However, if they both wanted to buy into the bar, then it was time they did.

  The problem was, how did she discuss this with Ryan without making him feel inferior? She was a bartender at the same bar and while they made good money, they certainly wouldn’t have the kind of money they’d need in order to keep their house and invest in Danny’s on Main. In addition she needed to invest in her future—in their future.


  When she left home, her father had given her access to Leo’s college money. She had been using that money along with donations to fund Leo’s Lights. However, her father had also been putting money in trust for her as well but Ashley had sworn she’d never use it. She swore her life held no value without her brother, but she was finally reaching for the light. It was time to start building a future, and she wanted to share it with Ryan.

  “Ash?” The concern in his voice was unbridled.

  “Oh, sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts for a second.” The clink of her mug on the granite ricocheted through the room. His face looked serious, not sad so much, but concerned and worried. Fear gripped his lungs, making each breath a chore instead of a right. “Ry, I just want you to know that I have a lot of money. A lot of money.”

  “Okay…well,” he exhaled, relief practically rolling off him in waves, “thanks for telling me, Princess.” He looked at the clock on the microwave. “It’s getting late, you ready to go up to bed?”

  “Oh, shit, Ryan, that’s not what I meant! And it’s not even midnight, I hardly think we’ll turn into pumpkins if we stay up a little longer.” Exasperation had Ashley running her fingers through her hair. “Let me start over.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, the small hoop wavering with the movement of her tongue. She wanted to do this right, and she wasn’t off to a great start.

  “Ry, I know how much money we make working at the bar, but I have a large chunk of change that’s been waiting for me to”—her eyes stung and she took a breath—“start following my own heart. I may have ended up in Charistown by accident, but my heart has kept me here. I learned how to breathe in this town, how to trust in this town and my God, Ryan, I learned how to love again in this town. So when I said in the car that I want in…I meant, I want in. But, I want you by my side. So if you were worried about money, then don’t. Worry, I mean. I—sorry, we, have enough to invest and carry on living here.”

  She looked up and expected Ryan to be confused at her rambling—she’d managed to confuse even herself a little—but instead she saw a small smile tipping the corners of his lips before he glanced at something over her shoulder. “Ryan Baker, are you even listening to me? This is important. What the fuck are you”—she turned to see what could possibly be so important behind her that he couldn’t stay focused—“looking at? Oh my God, is there a spider? Ick, Ryan, you know I hate those things. Is it big?” She started to move away from where she was standing.

  “Relax, Princess, just checking the time.” He chuckled, taking her hand in his and lacing their fingers together as he dragged her from the kitchen toward the stairs.

  “Why the hell are you smiling like that? And you’ve looked at the clock four times. Do you have some place better to be?” His smile was breathtaking as his eyes narrowed. She felt like he was staring straight through to her soul.

  “Ashley,” His skin felt so warm on hers. Absently, she followed him up the stairs while he said, “You’re not the only one who’s been saving their pennies. You forget I’m not just a beautiful face with a penchant for pouring mean cocktails.”

  She wondered if he could hear her heart as it picked up speed in her chest just from the way he was looking at her. The exaggerated wink and the way his pierced brow lifted in question made her want to melt into a puddle at his feet but just as quickly as his flirt came on, it was swept away by the serious look that overtook his eyes.

  “Ashley, when I came to Charistown you knew I was selling my songs to record labels and, baby, that hasn’t changed. Between royalties and new songs, I’ve been collecting steady paychecks for years. My landlord”—Ryan pulled her close to him so their bodies touched—“wouldn’t let me pay for more than a small kitchen renovation and monthly rent. So, I’m set to go. I’m all in.” His knuckles gently grazed her chin lifting it up so her eyes met his. “Okay?”

  Relief flooded her body. He’s all in, she thought. This is really happening. We are really happening. She smiled at Ryan only to catch him looking at the time…again!

  “Ryan, again with the clock! What the fuck? It’s really starting to piss me off. What’s going on?” With their hands still joined Ryan led her to their bed and sat her on the edge. The relaxed stance he held only moments before had been replaced with shoulders tight with tension, sitting atop of a rod straight spine. “Ryan?”

  “Ashley, baby, it’s Christmas Eve. I know you’ve always hated having your birthday on Christmas because you feel like you get gypped on both occasions—and in your family, with your parents, you did. But, Princess, I want you to know that will never be the case again. I would like to give you your Christmas present right now and your birthday present tomorrow. Is that okay?”

  A familiar box came into sight as Ryan lifted it out of the night table drawer. Confusion clouded Ashley’s thoughts. It was the same box he had given her when she’d left Miami seven years previously. A box she had never opened but also never discarded. A gift that had, like her heart, stayed shut tight.

  “Ryan,” she whispered hoarsely, “I don’t…I don’t understand. When did you find this? I’ve had it hidden for years.”

  “Princess, I’ve known where this box was since the first week I moved in.” He shrugged, seemingly unembarrassed by his snooping. “But I took it a few weeks ago. I need for you to open this, Ash. I need for you to see what you meant to me all those years ago so that I can explain what you mean to me now.”

  Raw need was etched in the contours of his beautiful face—a desire so deep that she wanted to reach into his chest to massage his beating heart. She wanted to promise him that everything would be all right, but instead she opened the aged paper that covered the oblong box.

  “Oh, Ryan, it’s so beautiful.” Tears stung her eyes as she withdrew the gold necklace from its velvet bed. The dainty diamond-encrusted princess crown had tiny pink topaz stones at the top of each point and a small round diamond hung proudly from the center. Words failed her as she fingered the delicate gift that was meant as a token of love for a teenage girl but was now an important link to a past that she, as a grown woman, had tried to forget.

  “Ryan,” she croaked, “I love this. It’s like you’ve given me back
a piece of our past, and”—she looked down at the glimmering crown and pulled it to her chest—“I can remember us without hurting. I can feel us without the pain that has haunted me for so long.”

  “You’ve been my Princess forever, Ashley. I’ve loved you since the day we met. You were right when you broke up with me back then. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t love you the way you deserved to be loved, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t loving you with everything I had to give. It just meant that I wasn’t enough for you—not then. When I finally found you, Ash, I figured it out. I knew who I was and who I wanted to be. But I wasn’t a complete man, because I didn’t have you in my life. So I waited and waited”—he grimaced as he wiped the faux sweat from his forehead—“and waited. But guess what? Even all of that time was put to good use. Because the Ashley Kynde that I found here wasn’t the sweet princess I grew up with. No, she had evolved into a spicy, kind, sexy, beautiful, smart woman that I am proud to call my best friend.”

  It felt like the words Ryan had spoken were floating in the air, she could see each and every one of them as they drifted in front of her, cradling her heart as they sunk into her head. As he continued to speak, he unbuttoned his shirt. He started from the bottom button and worked his way up. Perplexed, she watched as his fingers deftly remove each button from its eye.

  “Ryan, what are you doing?”

  “I love you, Ashley. I’m in love with all of you—the girl that you were, and the woman that you’ve become. While I may call you Princess, you’re so much more than that.”

  As if in slow motion, Ryan leisurely peeled open his shirt and there prominently displayed over his left pectoral was a new tattoo. The Queen of Hearts was branded upon the skin that covered his heart. Bright hues of color topped each point of the crown that rested upon her head, the same brilliant colors that had been entwined in Ashley’s hair over the past handful of years. Every emotion she’d ever felt was right there, permanently etched into his skin.


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