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Animal Heat (Vampyre Falls: Wolf Pack Book 1)

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by Adrianna Dane

  “Are you ready?” Trey asked from behind her. He drew closer to circle his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. “It will be all right. They’ll accept you.”

  “Am I really what you want, Trey? Can I make you happy?” She twisted around in his arms to look up at him.

  He gazed down at her with that transparent blue gaze that had unsettled her from the first. He cupped her face. “You do make me happy. I wanted to keep away from you, but from the moment you set that first cup of coffee on the table in front of me and gave me that beautiful smile, I knew I was a goner.”

  “It isn’t just the animal heat you spoke of?”

  “Hell no. I know the difference. What I feel with you goes a lot deeper than that. The animal heat is superficial most times. An itch that needs to be scratched. And we do what comes naturally. But with you it goes deeper—more spiritual, if I can use that word. I feel your spirit wrapped right around my heart when we make love.”

  “Oh, God, that’s a beautiful way to put it. I feel the same way about you. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”

  His expression grew guarded. “These are dangerous times for all of us. I wish I could promise you that nothing will happen. But I can’t. That’s why—” he trailed off and looked away.

  “You want me to bond with your pack brothers,” she finished for him.

  He remained silent. He wouldn’t make the decision for her, he wouldn’t try to persuade her, and she loved him all the more for leaving the choice in her hands.

  Rainna was treading into unknown territory here. “This will ease your mind, won’t it? It will make it easier for you to do the job you need to do. And come back to me safely. Donovan says it strengthens the ties between you.”

  “Donovan should keep his trap shut,” Trey mumbled. The heaved a sigh. “Knowing you’ll be looked after if something should happen to me, well, that’s important to me. Yes, I guess you accepting would reinforce our bond. Neither one of them will let anything happen to you.”

  “You really are that close, even though you aren’t blood brothers.”

  “We may not be brothers by blood, but in heart and soul, we’re probably closer than any brothers could be. Carson’s a bit of a loner, especially after Kyle and Sybilla were killed. It’s why you haven’t seen much of him. He’s got a lot of anger burning him up inside.”

  “I love you, Trey. I’m afraid if I do this it will change how you feel about me.”

  “Will you love me less, Rainna? Do you care less for me after what we did with Donovan in the kitchen that first night?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “I’m not going to lie…sharing you comes hard for me. But my relationship with Carson and Donovan…it’s unique and hard to describe. Even for wolves.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “But in this, you are the heart of us as a pack. I can feel it already. You have a sensitivity that keeps us all human, more human than we’ve ever been before. Even in our relationship to each other.”

  “Donovan said something about that the other day. He called me a sensitive.”

  “Did he? He’s a little more intuitive than I thought he was.”

  Suddenly she reached up and twined her arms around Trey’s neck. “Fuck me, Trey. Right now.” She needed to bond with him in that most elemental way before they left this house. Panic rose inside her, the need for that special closeness they shared. It went beyond the animal heat of sex alone.

  He didn’t need a second request. His eyes dilated as he unzipped his pants and shoved them down to his thighs. She pushed her panties down and stepped out of them.

  Without hesitation Trey lifted her and she wound her legs around his waist as he thrust inside her wet cunt. She pressed closer to him, feeling his penetration all the way to her soul.

  “Trey, whatever happens, don’t ever forget how much I love you. That I’d do anything for you.”

  She heard the rumbling growl erupt from deep in his chest. It excited her, drove her even higher. She undulated her hips, then arched forward, pulling him deeper, feeling the tip of his cock pressed against the opening of her cervix.

  “I love you,” she screamed as an orgasm ripped through her. It was fast and hard and soul-deep.

  He thrust twice more and then she felt him erupt inside her, pouring his seed into her womb.

  He was so much a part of her, filling her with such pleasure. She clung to him, unwilling to let him go.

  “Hey, you two. We’re going to be late. Carson just arrived back from Silver Creek. He’s going to report to the council, so get a move on.”

  Rainna flushed with embarrassment. Would she ever get used to this household?

  Donovan grinned and then ducked back out. Trey slowly slid from inside her. Yet even being embarrassed by Donovan’s appearance, she felt more settled and ready to face the town council, Trey’s scent clinging to her. She felt as though he’d marked her in some elemental way and she was tied to him completely.

  They straightened their clothing and exited the room. She stopped outside the door and looked up at him, a hand on his arm. She’d come to a decision.


  He turned to her. “What is it? There’s nothing to be afraid of. This is just a formality.”

  She licked her lips. “Whatever you want. I’ll do whatever it takes to stay with you…and become a part of your family—your p-pack.”

  It was a moment before she saw understanding dawn in his eyes and then an expression like relief crossed his face. He leaned down to claim her lips possessively.

  “It will be all right, Rainna. I’ll always take care of you.”

  She knew that, had always known it. But she planned to take care of him as well—it wasn’t strictly a one-way deal. The tingle between her thighs reminded her that it wasn’t strictly self-sacrifice that would allow her to accept his brothers as her lovers in this relationship.

  It was the animal heat of desire that threaded through her body, helping her to recognize what she must do.

  Chapter Twelve

  The town hall was a wooden structure near the heart of the town at the opposite end of the lake from the waterfall. Rainna couldn’t deny that she was extremely nervous about what this meeting would entail. The first part of the meeting would be with only the council members. At nine o’clock, an hour later, the town meeting would take place where the community would vote on issues the council brought to their attention. If all went well, her admittance into the community would be placed before them.

  She was flanked by Treynor on one side and Donovan on the other, with Carson, the man of few words, trailing behind.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Trey said as he opened the door and allowed Rainna to precede him inside. The room reminded her of the inside of a church. There was a stage at the front, and wooden benches lined up evenly facing the stage.

  Trey called them the Council of Five. The five members of the council were already seated at the table in front of them. Treynor also told her that the five represented the five sections of the town as it was now laid out. One member represented the shifters, one member for humans with special abilities, one who represented water species, one representing the miscellany of species that had been mutated from other species, and half-breeds. It wasn’t perfect, but for the time being it sufficed to see that everyone was represented equally in the running of this sanctuary.

  If one walked through the town and understood its makeup, the town itself was divided into quadrants by species, like any city where cultures gathered together with like cultures. Rainna expected she fell under the heading of humans with special abilities. But then again she lived with three werewolves who were represented by the shifter faction.

  She guessed it was no less complicated than any other government political structure utilized in order to maintain order among a vast number of differing cultures.

  There were three women and two men on the council. One of the women rose and, ra
ising the gavel brought it down, bringing the meeting to order.

  “We will hear the report of Carson Temple of Treynor’s pack. He’s just returned from Silver Creek. We will hear what he has to tell us of his investigations. Then we will discuss the matter of Treynor Black’s human visitor for whom he has requested sanctuary and whether she will be accepted into our community. Carson?”

  Carson got to his feet and walked over to stand before the Council of Five.

  The council woman returned to her seat and the members waited attentively for Carson’s report.

  Rainna studied Carson as he stood, still as a statue, and reported on the growing number of hunters gathered in the town below. Carson was tall and gangly, a haunted look about his narrow face. Unlike, Trey and Donovan, Carson had dark, hungry eyes, the look of a soldier always on his guard, closed off. Someone who had witnessed more than his share of tragedy. In the few times they had been together, he’d kept his distance, but his eyes were always studying her as though he was trying to dissect her. She had to wonder what conclusion he had come to where she was concerned.

  Rainna was brought back to the present, when the council woman again rose. “Thank you, Carson. We will consider what you have told us before we make any decision on re-enforcing the security of the town.” She turned to the other council members. “I believe we need to get in touch with our contacts in other localities to see if they are alerted to any new or increased activities in their areas.” The others nodded in agreement. Then she turned back to Carson. “I think that’s all for now. We will call on you if we have any other questions or need further clarification.”

  Carson slide a sideways glance in her direction and then he quickly returned his attention back to the council. “I may not remain here long. I think it wise to go back down to keep watch of their activities.”

  “Don’t we have supporters there to send word if things get worse?”

  “Yes, ma’am, but—”

  She cut him off. “Then, we think it’s best you remain here for the time being.”

  Rainna could tell that as far as the council was concerned, for now the matter was closed.

  Carson’s shoulders slumped for a moment, then he straightened, turned and walked back to the bench and sat down. He didn’t look in their direction, but kept his attention straight ahead. Rainna really did have to wonder what he was thinking.

  “On to the next matter. The application of Rainna Spaulding for sanctuary. Ms. Spaulding?”

  Rainna nervously rose. What if she said the wrong thing? And suddenly she very much wanted to stay in Vampyre Falls. Treynor squeezed her hand in a display of support and nodded. She stepped forward.

  She felt like she had been shoved under a microscope as the five very different council members surveyed her as she stood before them. It was her worst nightmare, like being thrust into a crowd naked. Under some circumstances that might not be an altogether horrible thing, but here was a different matter entirely.

  “Ms. Spaulding, we read Treynor Black’s report and understand your life would be in danger should you return below. Is that correct?”

  Rainna tried to clear her throat and speak. It took her a moment before she could answer. “Yes, I believe so. I was in hiding from people who wanted to see me dead because I testified against them regarding a drug matter. And then,” she looked over at Treynor, who nodded, “a man came to my cabin in Silver Creek looking for Trey. He would have killed me if Trey hadn’t come in the nick of time.”

  “So not only are you in danger from your own honorable past deeds, but because of your association with one of us.”

  “Well…yes, I guess so.”

  The council woman leaned forward. “Tell me, Ms. Spaulding, what skills do you have that would benefit this sanctuary? We’ve never allowed a human such as yourself into the community before. It would be too easy for our enemies to infiltrate us in that way. Anyone with paranormal abilities is welcome because by virtue of that special gift alone they would eventually become one of the hunted. But what about you?”

  “Wait,” Donovan shot up from his seat. “May I speak?”

  The council woman turned to him. “Do you have something significant to add that we should consider?”

  Donovan looked at Trey, who nodded, and then back at the council members. “Yes. I think it will have some bearing here. I was injured the other day and the wound would have required stitches. Rainna touched my arm and in attending to the cut, it began to heal, more rapidly than it would have with even Morganna’s herbs. It’s my opinion that Rainna has abilities she is unaware of.” He pushed the sleeve of his shirt back to expose his arm to the council members and ripped away the bandage. There was hardly any scar left. “As you can see, it’s almost completely healed. No human without the healing touch could have done this. Even though she apparently has never thought of herself as being in possession of these abilities, I have spoken with Morganna and she’s agreed to tutor Rainna if she is allowed to stay.”

  The council members returned their attention to Rainna, and she thought there was something more in their eyes than had been there previously. “This certainly does change things. You have several who would speak up for you. It is an admirable quality to have garnered such loyal supporters so quickly, Ms. Spaulding. Is there anything else you would like to add?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” She turned to look at Treynor and then her gaze shifted to his brothers. She turned back to the council, understanding for the first time, what she needed to say. “Except.” She gulped quickly. “I love Treynor Black and I would never do anything to hurt him. And I care for his family as well. They’ve made me feel a part of their…pack and I really want to stay and do what I can to help.”

  “Wait for us outside and we will consider the matter before us. We will call you when we have reached a decision.”

  The four of them shuffled outside into the darkening twilight. Treynor put his arm around her and she rested against him. Donovan gave her a crooked grin. The look that Carson gave her was unreadable, yet the sense she got from him was a deep hunger as he looked at her. For what, she couldn’t be quite certain.

  Suddenly, she felt the heat radiating from all three of the brothers with an intensity she’d never experienced before. It made her want to rip her clothes off right there in the middle of the town square and fuck each one of these men as thoroughly and wantonly as she could.

  She gasped and pulled out of Trey’s arms and staggered away, hunched over against the pleasure-pain throbbing through her.

  “Rainna, what is it?” Trey followed her.

  She spun and backed away from him. “Too much testosterone, I think. I’ve never been this close to all three of you. You have no idea what that does to me. I think I’m fighting a losing battle here. You win, Trey.”

  Carson and Donovan had trailed after Trey and he held up a hand to halt them. His pale gaze captured her attention. It was stormy and bright. “This isn’t a good time to say something like that, Rainna.”

  She crossed her arms over her sensitive breasts and winced. “Do you think I don’t know that? Dammit, right now you all have to stay away from me. You don’t know how much I want to just lay down right here and let you fuck me.”

  One long minute passed before he whirled away without saying anything more and hauled his brothers to the other side of the building. She watched them as they talked in hushed tones. She wondered what they were discussing, but getting any closer to them right this minute simply wasn’t possible.

  She whirled away from them. Maybe if she wasn’t looking at them directly, she could get this damned reaction under some sort of control. Sitting in the meeting with the council members she hadn’t noticed it quite as much. But now that the meeting was over, the waves of desire grabbed hold of her like stormy waves on the sea.

  She looked up as a man stepped outside. He wasn’t one of the council members.

  “They’ve made a decision. You can come back inside.”

  Stiffly, she re-entered the building, her slick thighs rubbing together, her pussy wet and dripping. She hoped this would all be over soon.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Trey grabbed her hand and pulled her out the side door of the meeting hall once the full town meeting was adjourned. Her application for sanctuary had been approved.

  “Trey, where are we going?”

  “You’ll see in a minute.”

  “I thought you were going to take me to see Morganna so I could speak with her.”

  “Tomorrow. We’ll do that tomorrow.”

  She pulled back. “What’s the hurry?”

  Finally he turned to look at her and she immediately knew why he was in such a hurry as her gaze dropped and she noticed the thick bulge in the front of his pants. But they weren’t heading back toward the house, and that was something she didn’t quite understand. But instead of asking, she just nodded.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go.”

  He grinned and she could see the flash of his white teeth beneath the full moon just before he swooped down and kissed her. He plastered her close to his body and she could feel his prominent erection against her mound. He gripped her cheeks and pressed her closer, until he was lodged between her lips, her wet panties pressed into the cleft between her labia lips.

  The animal heat and smell of her lover flooded her quickly.

  She arched back and looked up at him, but his features were shadowed in darkness. “Wherever you’re taking me, we better get there fast.”

  He turned away and pulled her behind him. They circled the lake, heading in the direction of the falls. Then he pulled away from the path and into the woods.

  When they reached a small clearing, he stopped and she saw a feral glitter of intent deepen the color of his pupils as he pushed her to the ground and covered her with his own body. She had to wonder as she arched into his hands how much of Trey was ruled by the animal side of his nature and how much the man? How much control was he required to exert to retain his humanity? She knew what it took her just to control the arousal she felt every time she was around him, and now his brothers as well. How much more was he required to exert to rein in the shift to animal form?


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