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The Golden Age of Science Fiction Novels Vol 04

Page 781

by Anthology

  * * * * *

  At the head of the long conference table, Hilton studied his fourteen department heads, all husky young men, and their assistants, all surprisingly attractive and well-built young women. Bud Carroll and Sylvia Bannister of Sociology sat together. He was almost as big as Karns; she was a green-eyed redhead whose five-ten and one-fifty would have looked big except for the arrangement thereof. There were Bernadine and Hermione van der Moen, the leggy, breasty, platinum-blonde twins—both of whom were Cowper medalists in physics. There was Etienne de Vaux, the mathematical wizard; and Rebecca Eisenstein, the black-haired, flashing-eyed ex-infant-prodigy theoretical astronomer. There was Beverly Bell, who made mathematically impossible chemical syntheses—who swam channels for days on end and computed planetary orbits in her sleekly-coiffured head.

  "First, we'll have a get-together," Hilton said. "Nothing recorded; just to get acquainted. You all know that our fourteen departments cover science, from astronomy to zoology."

  He paused, again his eyes swept the group. Stella Wing, who would have been a grand-opera star except for her drive to know everything about language. Theodora (Teddy) Blake, who would prove gleefully that she was the world's best model—but was in fact the most brilliantly promising theoretician who had ever lived.

  "No other force like this has ever been assembled," Hilton went on. "In more ways than one. Sawtelle wanted Jeffers to head this group, instead of me. Everybody thought he would head it."

  "And Hilton wanted Eggleston and got me," Sandra said.

  "That's right. And quite a few of you didn't want to come at all, but were told by the Board to come or else."

  The group stirred. Eyes met eyes, and there were smiles.

  * * * * *

  "I myself think Jeffers should have had the job. I've never handled anything half this big and I'll need a lot of help. But I'm stuck with it and you're all stuck with me, so we'll all take it and like it. You've noticed, of course, the accent on youth. The Navy crew is normal, except for the commanders being unusually young. But we aren't. None of us is thirty yet, and none of us has ever been married. You fellows look like a team of professional athletes, and you girls—well, if I didn't know better I'd say the Board had screened you for the front row of the chorus instead of for a top-bracket brain-gang. How they found so many of you I'll never know."

  "Virile men and nubile women!" Etienne de Vaux leered enthusiastically. "Vive le Board!"

  "Nubile! Bravo, Tiny! Quelle delicatesse de nuance!"

  "Three rousing cheers for the Board!"

  "Keep still, you nitwits! Let me ask a question!" This came from one of the twins. "Before you give us the deduction, Jarvis—or will it be an intuition or an induction or a …"

  "Or an inducement," the other twin suggested, helpfully. "Not that you would need very much of that."

  "You keep still, too, Miney. I'm asking, Sir Moderator, if I can give my deduction first?"

  "Sure, Bernadine; go ahead."

  "They figured we're going to get completely lost. Then we'll jettison the Navy, hunt up a planet of our own and start a race to end all human races. Or would you call this a see-duction instead of a dee-duction?"

  This produced a storm of whistles, cheers and jeers that it took several seconds to quell.

  "But seriously, Jarvis," Bernadine went on. "We've all been wondering and it doesn't make sense. Have you any idea at all of what the Board actually did have in mind?"

  "I believe that the Board selected for mental, not physical, qualities; for the ability to handle anything unexpected or unusual that comes up, no matter what it is."

  "You think it wasn't double-barreled?" asked Kincaid, the psychologist. He smiled quizzically. "That all this virility and nubility and glamor is pure coincidence?"

  "No," Hilton said, with an almost imperceptible flick of an eyelid. "Coincidence is as meaningless as paradox. I think they found out that—barring freaks—the best minds are in the best bodies."

  "Could be. The idea has been propounded before."

  "Now let's get to work." Hilton flipped the switch of the recorder. "Starting with you, Sandy, each of you give a two-minute boil-down. What you found and what you think."

  * * * * *

  Something over an hour later the meeting adjourned and Hilton and Sandra strolled toward the control room.

  "I don't know whether you convinced Alexander Q. Kincaid or not, but you didn't quite convince me," Sandra said.

  "Nor him, either."

  "Oh?" Sandra's eyebrows

  "No. He grabbed the out I offered him. I didn't fool Teddy Blake or Temple Bells, either. You four are all, though, I think."

  "Temple? You think she's so smart?"

  "I don't think so, no. Don't fool yourself, chick. Temple Bells looks and acts sweet and innocent and virginal. Maybe—probably—she is. But she isn't showing a fraction of the stuff she's really got. She's heavy artillery, Sandy. And I mean heavy."

  "I think you're slightly nuts there. But do you really believe that the Board was playing Cupid?"

  "Not trying, but doing. Cold-bloodedly and efficiently. Yes."

  "But it wouldn't work! We aren't going to get lost!"

  "We won't need to. Propinquity will do the work."

  "Phooie. You and me, for instance?" She stopped, put both hands on her hips, and glared. "Why, I wouldn't marry you if you …"

  "I'll tell the cockeyed world you won't!" Hilton broke in. "Me marry a damned female Ph.D.? Uh-uh. Mine will be a cuddly little brunette that thinks a slipstick is some kind of lipstick and that an isotope's something good to eat."

  "One like that copy of Murchison's Dark Lady that you keep under the glass on your desk?" she sneered.

  "Exactly…." He started to continue the battle, then shut himself off. "But listen, Sandy, why should we get into a fight because we don't want to marry each other? You're doing a swell job. I admire you tremendously for it and I like to work with you."

  "You've got a point there, Jarve, at that, and I'm one of the few who know what kind of a job you're doing, so I'll relax." She flashed him a gamin grin and they went on into the control room.

  It was too late in the day then to do any more exploring; but the next morning, early, the Perseus lined out for the city of the humanoids.

  * * * * *

  Tula turned toward her fellows. Her eyes filled with a happily triumphant light and her thought a lilting song. "I have been telling you from the first touch that it was the Masters. It is the Masters! The Masters are returning to us Omans and their own home world!"

  * * * * *

  "Captain Sawtelle," Hilton said, "Please land in the cradle below."

  "Land!" Sawtelle stormed. "On a planet like that? Not by …" He broke off and stared; for now, on that cradle, there flamed out in screaming red the Perseus' own Navy-coded landing symbols!

  "Your protest is recorded," Hilton said. "Now, sir, land."

  Fuming, Sawtelle landed. Sandra looked pointedly at Hilton. "First contact is my dish, you know."

  "Not that I like it, but it is." He turned to a burly youth with sun-bleached, crew-cut hair, "Still safe, Frank?"

  "Still abnormally low. Surprising no end, since all the rest of the planet is hotter than the middle tail-race of hell."

  "Okay, Sandy. Who will you want besides the top linguists?"

  "Psych—both Alex and Temple. And Teddy Blake. They're over there. Tell them, will you, while I buzz Teddy?"

  "Will do," and Hilton stepped over to the two psychologists and told them. Then, "I hope I'm not leading with my chin, Temple, but is that your real first name or a professional?"

  "It's real; it really is. My parents were romantics: dad says they considered both 'Golden' and 'Silver'!"

  Not at all obviously, he studied her: the almost translucent, unblemished perfection of her lightly-tanned, old-ivory skin; the clear, calm, deep blueness of her eyes; the long, thick mane of hair exactly the color of a field of dead-ripe wheat.

"You know, I like it," he said then. "It fits you."

  "I'm glad you said that, Doctor…."

  "Not that, Temple. I'm not going to 'Doctor' you."

  "I'll call you 'boss', then, like Stella does. Anyway, that lets me tell you that I like it myself. I really think that it did something for me."

  "Something did something for you, that's for sure. I'm mighty glad you're aboard, and I hope … here they come. Hi, Hark! Hi, Stella!"

  "Hi, Jarve," said Chief Linguist Harkins, and:

  "Hi, boss—what's holding us up?" asked his assistant, Stella Wing. She was about five feet four. Her eyes were a tawny brown; her hair a flamboyant auburn mop. Perhaps it owed a little of its spectacular refulgence to chemistry, Hilton thought, but not too much. "Let us away! Let the lions roar and let the welkin ring!"

  "Who's been feeding you so much red meat, little squirt?" Hilton laughed and turned away, meeting Sandra in the corridor. "Okay, chick, take 'em away. We'll cover you. Luck, girl."

  And in the control room, to Sawtelle, "Needle-beam cover, please; set for minimum aperture and lethal blast. But no firing, Captain Sawtelle, until I give the order."

  * * * * *

  The Perseus was surrounded by hundreds of natives. They were all adult, all naked and about equally divided as to sex. They were friendly; most enthusiastically so.

  "Jarve!" Sandra squealed. "They're telepathic. Very strongly so! I never imagined—I never felt anything like it!"

  "Any rough stuff?" Hilton demanded.

  "Oh, no. Just the opposite. They love us … in a way that's simply indescribable. I don't like this telepathy business … not clear … foggy, diffuse … this woman is sure I'm her long-lost great-great-a-hundred-times grandmother or something—You! Slow down. Take it easy! They want us all to come out here and live with … no, not with them, but each of us alone in a whole house with them to wait on us! But first, they all want to come aboard…."

  "What?" Hilton yelped. "But are you sure they're friendly?"

  "Positive, chief."

  "How about you, Alex?"

  "We're all sure, Jarve. No question about it."

  "Bring two of them aboard. A man and a woman."

  "You won't bring any!" Sawtelle thundered. "Hilton, I had enough of your stupid, starry-eyed, ivory-domed blundering long ago, but this utterly idiotic brainstorm of letting enemy aliens aboard us ends all civilian command. Call your people back aboard or I will bring them in by force!"

  "Very well, sir. Sandy, tell the natives that a slight delay has become necessary and bring your party aboard."

  The Navy officers smiled—or grinned—gloatingly; while the scientists stared at their director with expressions ranging from surprise to disappointment and disgust. Hilton's face remained set, expressionless, until Sandra and her party had arrived.

  "Captain Sawtelle," he said then, "I thought that you and I had settled in private the question or who is in command of Project Theta Orionis at destination. We will now settle it in public. Your opinion of me is now on record, witnessed by your officers and by my staff. My opinion of you, which is now being similarly recorded and witnessed, is that you are a hidebound, mentally ossified Navy mule; mentally and psychologically unfit to have any voice in any such mission as this. You will now agree on this recording and before these witnesses, to obey my orders unquestioningly or I will now unload all Bureau of Science personnel and equipment onto this planet and send you and the Perseus back to Terra with the doubly-sealed record of this episode posted to the Advisory Board. Take your choice."

  Eyes locked, and under Hilton's uncompromising stare Sawtelle weakened. He fidgeted; tried three times—unsuccessfully—to blare defiance. Then, "Very well sir," he said, and saluted.

  * * * * *

  "Thank you, sir," Hilton said, then turned to his staff. "Okay, Sandy, go ahead."

  Outside the control room door, "Thank God you don't play poker, Jarve!" Karns gasped. "We'd all owe you all the pay we'll ever get!"

  "You think it was the bluff, yes?" de Vaux asked. "Me, I think no. Name of a name of a name! I was wondering with unease what life would be like on this so-alien planet!"

  "You didn't need to wonder, Tiny," Hilton assured him. "It was in the bag. He's incapable of abandonment."

  Beverly Bell, the van der Moen twins and Temple Bells all stared at Hilton in awe; and Sandra felt much the same way.

  "But suppose he had called you?" Sandra demanded.

  "Speculating on the impossible is unprofitable," he said.

  "Oh, you're the most exasperating thing!" Sandra stamped a foot. "Don't you—ever—answer a question intelligibly?"

  "When the question is meaningless, chick, I can't."

  At the lock Temple Bells, who had been hanging back, cocked an eyebrow at Hilton and he made his way to her side.

  "What was it you started to say back there, boss?"

  "Oh, yes. That we should see each other oftener."

  "That's what I was hoping you were going to say." She put her hand under his elbow and pressed his arm lightly, fleetingly, against her side. "That would be indubitably the fondest thing I could be of."

  He laughed and gave her arm a friendly squeeze. Then he studied her again, the most baffling member of his staff. About five feet six. Lithe, hard, trained down fine—as a tennis champion, she would be. Stacked—how she was stacked! Not as beautiful as Sandra or Teddy … but with an ungodly lot of something that neither of them had … nor any other woman he had ever known.

  "Yes, I am a little difficult to classify," she said quietly, almost reading his mind.

  "That's the understatement of the year! But I'm making some progress."

  "Such as?" This was an open challenge.

  "Except possibly Teddy, the best brain aboard."

  "That isn't true, but go ahead."

  "You're a powerhouse. A tightly organized, thoroughly integrated, smoothly functioning, beautifully camouflaged Juggernaut. A reasonable facsimile of an irresistible force."

  "My God, Jarvis!" That had gone deep.

  "Let me finish my analysis. You aren't head of your department because you don't want to be. You fooled the top psychs of the Board. You've been running ninety per cent submerged because you can work better that way and there's no glory-hound blood in you."

  She stared at him, licking her lips. "I knew your mind was a razor, but I didn't know it was a diamond drill, too. That seals your doom, boss, unless … no, you can't possibly know why I'm here."

  "Why, of course I do."

  "You just think you do. You see, I've been in love with you ever since, as a gangling, bony, knobby-kneed kid, I listened to your first doctorate disputation. Ever since then, my purpose in life has been to land you."


  "But listen!" he exclaimed. "I can't, even if I want…."

  "Of course you can't." Pure deviltry danced in her eyes. "You're the Director. It wouldn't be proper. But it's Standard Operating Procedure for simple, innocent, unsophisticated little country girls like me to go completely overboard for the boss."

  "But you can't—you mustn't!" he protested in panic.

  Temple Bells was getting plenty of revenge for the shocks he had given her. "I can't? Watch me!" She grinned up at him, her eyes still dancing. "Every chance I get, I'm going to hug your arm like I did a minute ago. And you'll take hold of my forearm, like you did! That can be taken, you see, as either: One, a reluctant acceptance of a mildly distasteful but not quite actionable situation, or: Two, a blocking move to keep me from climbing up you like a squirrel!"

  "Confound it, Temple, you can't be serious!"

  "Can't I?" She laughed gleefully. "Especially with half a dozen of those other cats watching? Just wait and see, boss!"

  Sandra and her two guests came aboard. The natives looked around; the man at the various human men, the woman at each of the human women. The woman remained beside Sandra; the man took his place at Hilton's left, looking up—he was a couple of inches shorter than Hilto
n's six feet one—with an air of … of expectancy!

  "Why this arrangement, Sandy?" Hilton asked.

  "Because we're tops. It's your move, Jarve. What's first?"

  "Uranexite. Come along, Sport. I'll call you that until …"

  "Laro," the native said, in a deep resonant bass voice. He hit himself a blow on the head that would have floored any two ordinary men. "Sora," he announced, striking the alien woman a similar blow.

  "Laro and Sora, I would like to have you look at our uranexite, with the idea of refueling our ship. Come with me, please?"

  Both nodded and followed him. In the engine room he pointed at the engines, then to the lead-blocked labyrinth leading to the fuel holds. "Laro, do you understand 'hot'? Radioactive?"

  Laro nodded—and started to open the heavy lead door!

  "Hey!" Hilton yelped. "That's hot!" He seized Laro's arm to pull him away—and got the shock of his life. Laro weighed at least five hundred pounds! And the guy still looked human!

  Laro nodded again and gave himself a terrific thump on the chest. Then he glanced at Sora, who stepped away from Sandra. He then went into the hold and came out with two fuel pellets in his hand, one of which he tossed to Sora. That is, the motion looked like a toss, but the pellet traveled like a bullet. Sora caught it unconcernedly and both natives flipped the pellets into their mouths. There was a half minute of rock-crusher crunching; then both natives opened their mouths.

  The pellets had been pulverized and swallowed.

  Hilton's voice rang out. "Poynter! How can these people be non-radioactive after eating a whole fuel pellet apiece?"

  Poynter tested both natives again. "Cold," he reported. "Stone cold. No background even. Play that on your harmonica!"

  * * * * *

  Laro nodded, perfectly matter-of-factly, and in Hilton's mind there formed a picture. It was not clear, but it showed plainly enough a long line of aliens approaching the Perseus. Each carried on his or her shoulder a lead container holding two hundred pounds of Navy Regulation fuel pellets. A standard loading-tube was sealed into place and every fuel-hold was filled.


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