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Taught by the Tycoon

Page 9

by Shelli Stevens

  “Oh.” Her back arched and her fingers clutched his hair.

  While suckling her, he slid a hand down her belly and beneath the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms.

  She wore no panties, and he let out a small groan as he discovered the damp curls between her legs. She gasped and her thighs parted, her hips lifted.

  He didn’t need the invitation to slide a finger into her slick heat, but he took it. Her tight, wet sheath gripped his finger, and he stroked her deeply before moving to the sweet spot that would bring her release.

  “Damiano.” She clutched at his hair, her hips rising and falling against his hand.

  He lifted his head, burying his face against her neck. “Come for me.”

  She shook her head, moaning and rocking against him. “I can’t. I...”

  “Come for me,” he commanded again, increasing the pressure of his touch on her clit as he kissed where her neck met the curve of her shoulder.

  Her body began to shake and her heels dug into the bed. She cried out and her thighs clenched around his hand.

  He watched her while she came undone. Saw the complete abandon and pleasure in her face and felt a sharp wave of possessiveness. He wanted to claim her completely, to slide off his jeans and briefs, and bury himself inside her.

  Just barely did he keep his self-control enough to pull his finger from her beautiful body, place a kiss on her lips, and then move away.

  “I will have you completely, Dolcezza.” He left the promise as he made his way to the couch. “Just not tonight. I will sleep on the couch.”

  Chapter 15

  Breakfast was uncomfortable, to say the least.

  They were alone at the table. Rachel sipped her cappuccino and tried to keep her gaze averted from Damiano.

  The two of them sat at the kitchen table—which again seemed more like a museum piece with the round glass top being supported by what looked like giant bicycle wheels. Every time she’d cross or uncross her legs, she’d kick one of them on accident.

  Clearly Christina put artistic style above comfort, which was completely different from her son. Damiano was all about comfort and quality. Rachel knew first hand he’d drop twenty thousand dollars on a chair for his living room, but it would be amazingly orgasmic to sit in.

  Which reminded her. He’d given her an orgasm last night. Not just an orgasm, but the most intense orgasm of her life. And then immediately afterward, he’d calmly stood up and declared he was going to sleep on the couch. As if it had done absolutely nothing for him, and he’d just been doing her a favor by getting her off.

  Arrogant son of a—

  “How is your brioche?”

  “It’s fine, thank you.” She took another bite of the rich buttery egg based bread.

  She gave him a brief glance, saw the amusement in his eyes, and her breakfast might as well have become dirt in her mouth. God, but she wanted to smack the self-assured smirk off his face.

  He knew what she was thinking about. What they were both no doubt thinking about. And he acted as if it were a normal day between them.

  Last night he’d calmly scooped her up and dropped her onto the bed, then proceeded to turn her body into an inferno that burned for his touch.

  I want you, he’d said, and it had been impossible to deny that she wanted him too. Yes, she could tell him it was wrong. Could insist that they shouldn’t do anything. But her heart refused to let her say she didn’t want him.

  Which, why? Why was she fighting this so hard? Despite her intentions, she’d already gone halfway to completely sleeping with Damiano. Would that last bit really change things so much?

  If she were worried about screwing things up at work, then it was already too late for that. Like it or not, the sexual chemistry between them was already boiling the lid half off the pot.

  “Will you be joining me for the luncheon today or would you prefer to explore the city?” Damiano asked.

  “I can attend the lunch.”

  “If you do not wish to, there is no need. You were not scheduled to be here on this trip as it was. I would be fine alone.”

  Her stomach clenched and she took another sip of cappuccino. Did he not want her to come? Because it was certainly sounding that way.

  “Fine. I’ll walk around Milan and see the sights.”

  “Whatever you wish.”

  She wished things hadn’t gotten so awkward. That there wasn’t a giant elephant—or orgasm—in the room that neither was discussing.

  “I’ll leave you to your luncheon.” She kept her voice bright.

  Damiano reached across the table and touched her hand. His voice lowered. “Are you upset about last night?”

  So maybe he was going to discuss it. Which maybe wasn’t the best idea after all, with his mother and the staff wandering in and out of the kitchen now and then.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Are you? Because you seem a bit uncomfortable.”

  She set down her drink and closed her eyes briefly. “I have no idea how one acts the morning after receiving an orgasm from her boss.”

  His gaze darkened. “You are more than just my employee.”

  “For this week.” She kept her voice low, so only the two of them could hear it.

  “I think it’s become more real than either of us could’ve imagined.”

  Her heart stuttered and her mouth went dry. Did he realize what he was saying? What he was implying?

  “I need to shower.” She uncrossed her legs to stand, accidentally kicking the tire under the table again, and winced. “I will see you at dinner tonight then?”

  “Sí.” The amusement hadn’t left his expression, but there was a hint of pensiveness there now too. “Wear the red dress this evening.”

  She mentally scoured her suitcase. “Red dress? I didn’t—”

  “I arranged for some clothes to be delivered. They are in our closet.”

  More clothes? For simply one week? This was getting out of hand. With one of the cooks entering the nearby open kitchen, Rachel knew it best not to protest or make a scene.

  “All right. Thank you.” She moved away from the table, intent on reaching the stairs that led to their room as quickly as possible.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something, Dolcezza?” The hint of silky warning in his voice stopped her in her stride.

  She bit her lip, knowing immediately what he expected. Drawing in a deep breath, she turned around and approached him at the table.

  He slid a steely arm around her waist and pulled her close. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. When she would’ve pulled back, his grip tightened around her, and he gave a small murmur as he quite quickly deepened the kiss.

  That was all it took to send her senses spinning and heat her blood, and when he finally released her, she backed away from him on shaky legs.

  “Until tonight.” He watched her through hooded lids. “And one more thing. Leave your hair down, I much prefer it that way.”

  The luncheon was a necessary evil and Damiano was more than happy to get it out of the way. To return to his mother’s condo and see Rachel again.

  When he returned, however, she was nowhere to be found. She hadn’t even left a note or a message with anyone in the home.

  Irritation slid through him, and he knew it was unwarranted. She was free to do what she wanted. He would hardly put restrictions on her.

  Still, needing to ensure her wellbeing, he sent her a quick text from his phone. She replied moments later saying she was in the city center enjoying a cappuccino and people watching.

  He pocketed his phone and smiled. Whenever they traveled for business, Rachel was sure to be out sinking her teeth into whatever city they were in. She was a tourist at heart, but immersed herself with the locals.

  He’d always vowed to join her one of these times, but had yet to make time for it.

  He moved about the house, noting preparations were already in action for the dinner tonight. The elegant dining room was being
set up as his mother’s staff bustled about arranging chairs and tasteful décor. The home smelled of simmering tomato sauce and the seafood that had been brought in from the market.

  With still several hours before the dinner was to begin, Damiano made his way back to the room to get some work done.

  He was immersed in emails when the door to the bedroom opened. Soft footsteps fell, and he glanced up to see Rachel entering with a shopping bag on one arm.

  “Sorry, I know I’m a bit late.” She moved past him. “I promise I can get ready in hurry.”

  “You’ve plenty of time.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “Did you enjoy your afternoon?”

  She wouldn’t quite meet his gaze as she gave a quick nod and tucked the shopping bag up under her arm. “It was lovely.”

  “What did you buy?”

  “Sorry, what?” She glanced at him sharply.

  “In the bag. What have you got there?”

  She lifted one shoulder in a small shrug. “Nothing important. Just a cute shirt I found in town.”

  She was lying, he could tell by the aversion of her gaze and the slight reddening in her cheeks. For some reason or another she didn’t want him to know what she’d bought. But she was entitled to her privacy, so he let it drop.

  “Is this a fancy dinner then?” she asked, kicking off her sandals and moving toward the closet.

  “Fancy enough. My mother enjoys throwing a party and has likely invited all nearby family to come meet you.”

  She pulled out the red, fitted dress he’d referenced earlier.

  “This one?” She turned it, observing the front and back. “It’s pretty.”

  “It will be lovely on you.” He’d discovered it in the same shop she’d found the dress she’d worn to the gala. Without a second thought, he’d added it to his tab, knowing some day she’d have a reason to wear it.

  He hadn’t realized it would be this soon, or for a family dinner in Milan.

  “Thank you.” She turned and made her way toward the bathroom. “I’ll go take a quick shower then, and be ready within an hour.”

  “If you wouldn’t mind seeing that your things are packed?” He waited for her to pause and turn around. “We will be leaving for my home on Lake Como after we eat dinner.”

  Confusion flickered on her face. “We’re not going to stay in Milan?”

  He watched her through hooded eyes. “I’ve decided staying with my mother this week is no longer ideal.”

  Her chest rose as she drew in a deep breath and realization dawned in her eyes. “Now that I’m here, you mean.”

  “Yes. I would prefer we have privacy, and space of our own.”

  He expected her to argue, or to make some form of a protest that had become customary. But her lips pressed together and she gave him a considering glance. Then, she gave a small nod.

  “I completely agree. I’ll have my bag packed before we go down to dinner.”

  And with that unexpected statement, she disappeared into the bathroom, leaving him staring at the closed door with narrowed eyes. The shower turned on a moment later.

  She agreed that easily? Surely she wasn’t naïve enough to think he was whisking her off to his lake house for simply a better view.

  Well, if she didn’t understand yet, she soon would.

  He closed his laptop and went to change into his suit and get ready. He was adjusting his tie when his cell rang.

  Grabbing the phone, he stared at the screen. The caller’s ID made him hesitate. Somehow in the past week he’d made his conscience ignore how he’d first come to know Rachel. She was the sister of his closest friend, and clearly Theo had heard the gossip.

  After cursing softly, he answered the call.

  “Good evening.”

  “So what’s this I hear about you and my sister?”

  No preliminaries, just straight to the point.

  Damiano grimaced and adjusted the cell phone to his ear. “I’d like to say your call is a surprise, but given the recent events, it’s to be expected.”

  “Can you understand my concern as well?” The words were easygoing enough, but Damiano could hear the hint of dismay. “I would assume that I would hear something like this from the two of you, not the gossip sites.”

  Damiano could well imagine his friend’s brows drawn into a scowl.

  “Yes, I can understand your concern. Rachel is simply doing me a favor and has agreed to pose as my girlfriend for the week. My mother is—”

  “Being her usual matchmaking self?” Theo’s tone relaxed considerably. “I remember too well. So you and Rachel are just faking this being involved thing?”

  Technically. But there was nothing fake about the passion between them.

  “Good. You’re like a brother to me, Damiano, you know that.” Although Theo’s words were light they were threaded with a hard warning. “But I’m too familiar with your reputation, and I’m going to be pretty damn upset if Rachel ends up on the top of your pile of discarded girlfriends.”

  Damiano recalled the feel of Rachel’s mouth beneath his. Her soft cries as he’d stroked her intimately. The taste of her breast in his mouth.

  The image in his head changed to Rachel doing his dirty work. Instead of some unknown woman, she would be sending flowers to herself, apologizing on his behalf that he would no longer be able to see her.

  Discarded pile of girlfriends. Would it come to that? Couldn’t things just end amicably when they were done? He bit back a frustrated sigh and shoved a hand through his hair.

  Realizing his friend waited for a response, he managed a calm, “I understand your concern.”

  His friend was doing a wonderful job at delivering a needed dose of guilt. Dio. What had he been thinking trying to seduce Rachel? She was Theo’s younger sister. What if things ended badly?

  “The only relationship between Rachel and I is one of business.” Or would be from this point on.

  His chest was heavy with regret and something else. Disappointment? Frustration? His friend had picked a hell of a time to revive Damiano’s conscience.

  “Good. I just wanted to be clear. I’ll be back to visit New York in a few weeks. We’ll all have dinner and catch up.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll see that it happens.”

  The door to the bathroom opened and Rachel stepped out in the tight red dress. His blood heated and his cock stirred at the sight of her.

  But there may as well have been a big Do Not Touch sign on the front of her lovely body. He dragged his gaze from her subtle curves.

  “Must go now, my friend. I’ll speak to you soon.” He ended the call.

  Rachel gave him a wry smile. “Sorry to interrupt your phone call, it’s just...would you mind zipping my dress? I’m afraid the zipper is stuck halfway up.”

  Chapter 16

  Rachel somewhat regretted asking, when Damiano began to look rather pained at the request.

  Really it was a zipper. That was all. And she’d struggled with it for nearly five minutes before cursing it to hell and deciding to solicit help from Damiano.

  She was ready in every other way, with her makeup on, and hair down as he’d requested. Or maybe even ordered. And part of her had wanted to style it up just to irritate him, because really, it was her damn hair. But she’d kept it down, because she’d planned to do so anyway.

  As he stood and approached her, his mouth became a grim slash. Perhaps he didn’t want to be so close to her before dinner? Feared one thing may lead to another. Which was entirely possible. And for once, she looked forward to it.

  He was right. She’s realized that while out in the city today. They were adults and they both wanted each other, and she was done fighting it. She wanted this week with him. One week of passion and pleasure. And then she would do everything in her power to move on from him and go back to a working relationship.

  He would see the back of the bra from the new lingerie set she’d bought today to wear for him. It couldn’t be helped. She’d been excited to revea
l it its entire sexy splendor tonight when they were alone, but a peek now surely wouldn’t spoil things too much.

  “Turn around, please.”

  His gruff command was almost laced with irritation, and she frowned slightly. When he reached out and maneuvered the stuck zipper upward, she might’ve thought him completely unaffected, if she hadn’t heard the barely audible low groan.

  He stepped away a moment later. “There you are. We should head downstairs if you’re quite ready.”

  That was it? No comment on her appearance? No attempt to touch her? Confusion bloomed inside her and she gave a small nod.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” She cleared her throat and looked up through her lashes, trying to meet his gaze. Her words were soft. “Though we have a bit more time before we need to be down there, don’t we?”

  His gaze, which had so carefully avoided hers, finally connected. Realization flashed in his eyes, and then they darkened with the desire she was used to seeing. But instead of attempting to touch her, he turned away and strode toward the door.

  “We will not be too early. Besides, I’d like to have a drink before dinner.”

  Surprised, and not quite sure what else to do, she followed him.

  She heard the music and laughter before they even reached the last marble stair. The party had already started it seemed. Realizing Damiano was about to enter the room without her, she called out his name on a whisper.

  He paused, and turned around, allowing her to catch up to him and slide an arm through his.

  A bit dismayed at his abrupt change in behavior, she cast him a sharp look. “In case you’ve forgotten why I’m here this week, we’re supposed to be a couple.”

  He looked momentarily shamed, and gave a nod. “My apologies, Rachel. My mind is elsewhere after that phone call.”

  The phone call was behind his change in behavior? Who had it been? Before she could ask there was a sharp clicking of heels.

  “Damiano!” The female voice was high and full of delight.

  Rachel and Damiano turned to greet her, and Rachel smiled at the older woman.


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