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Sky's the Limit

Page 15

by Janie Millman

  ‘Tariq.’ His sister spoke sharply.

  There was a moment of silence. Tariq blushed and turned to me. ‘Sky, that was unbelievably rude of me, I do apologise.’ He shook his head. ‘I know that you have come to support Gail and I am very grateful. Without you she may not have ventured here at all. Do please forgive me, and do accompany us.’

  His formality made me smile.

  ‘Don’t worry, Tariq, I think everyone is a bit nervous, with the exception of Sonny.’ I grinned as a burst of childish laughter came out of the study. ‘Of course there’s no need for me to come, I know you’re not going to abduct her, but I did promise to keep close to her side.’ I laughed but I nonetheless looked at Gail for confirmation that she was comfortable without me. She nodded imperceptibly.

  ‘Go, Tariq, but don’t be long, we will have lunch in about fifteen minutes.’ Jasmina patted her stomach. ‘I don’t know about you but the baby and I are starving.’

  ‘I was like that towards the end with Sonny.’ Gail smiled sympathetically. ‘I was constantly hungry but I was never sure what for.’

  ‘I hope they can work things out.’ Jasmina said candidly after they’d left, pouring me some iced water. ‘Tariq was absolutely broken-hearted when Gail left him.’

  ‘Gail felt pretty much the same,’ I replied. ‘You do know that she didn’t really leave him?’ I was anxious that she should be in no doubt as to what had actually happened.

  ‘Yes, Tariq told us, a dreadful misunderstanding.’

  It was more than a misunderstanding, I thought, more a wilful act of cruelty but I didn’t say anything. ‘I imagine this must be a bit of a shock for you all.’

  ‘You can say that again.’ Jasmina grinned. ‘Papa will suddenly have two grandchildren in quick succession.’

  ‘When are you due?’

  ‘Supposedly not for another few weeks but I feel like I’m about to burst.’ She patted her bump. ‘My husband is away on business so the baby cannot possibly arrive until he returns.’ Her stomach suddenly rippled beneath her loose top. ‘But as you can see, he or she is very impatient.’ She laughed. ‘Do you have children Sky?’

  I was caught unawares. ‘No, not yet, well, nearly, but… it’s sort of complicated,’ I stammered.

  Jasmina looked at me steadily and I could see the immediate understanding in her eyes. ‘I had two miscarriages before this, Sky,’ she said softly. ‘The grief was almost too much to bear, especially after the second.’ She paused a moment before adding, ‘It doesn’t matter how many weeks, months or even days pass before you lose the baby, it still feels like a piece of your heart has been ripped out.’

  It was very still and quiet in the courtyard as she spoke. A gentle breeze cooled my face. Her words touched me in a way that none of the banal platitudes of the doctors and nurses at the hospital had. Their talk of it being Mother Nature’s choice had driven me insane. In my drug-induced state Mother Nature took on the mantle of a starched sister marching down the wards choosing which baby would live or die. But Jasmina’s words, coming straight from the heart, helped me.

  ‘You will have a child, Sky, when the stars are right.’

  And when I find a new husband, I mentally added.

  Gail and Tariq came back into the courtyard about twenty minutes later. The tension between them was palpable but so was the electricity, the air practically crackled and fizzed. I looked at Jasmina and she raised her eyebrows. I got up and went over to Gail. She looked tense and nervous.

  ‘Sonny is still playing with Amir,’ I tried to put her at ease. ‘We have heard him laughing non-stop.’

  ‘I will go and fetch them for lunch,’ Tariq said, a little stiffly.

  ‘Are you OK?’ I whispered as he left the courtyard. ‘Did you manage to talk about anything?’

  ‘Not really, Sky. I don’t think either of us knew where to start.’ She sighed. ‘I have a thousand questions to ask him but all we talked about was the house.’

  ‘It’s early days still, Gail.’ I gave her a quick hug. ‘You’re bound to be a bit tongue-tied with each other.’

  The table was laid and Amir was bringing in drinks.

  ‘Sonny is in the kitchen washing his hands,’ he informed Gail before she had time to get worried. ‘He has been stroking the parrot, who has behaved with remarkable patience.’

  ‘Thank you so much,’ Gail replied. ‘I’m sure he has enjoyed himself.’

  ‘You bet he has,’ Jasmina said as she came to join them. ‘I can tell that these two get on like a house on fire.’ She smiled at her father. ‘Will you be as besotted with this one?’ She patted her stomach.

  ‘Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?’ Gail asked.

  ‘No idea,’ Jasmina replied. ‘I don’t really mind.’

  ‘I hope it’s a beautiful baby girl like its beautiful mama,’ Tariq said, coming into the courtyard in time to hear the last remark. ‘That would make us all very happy.’ He gave Jasmina a sudden hug.

  ‘What a lovely thing to say.’ Gail smiled at the brother and sister. Then I saw her face cloud over as she suddenly remembered what her own sister had done. I was about to say something but Amir beat me to it.

  ‘Have you spoken to your sister?’ he suddenly demanded, as if reading her mind. ‘What did she have to say about her part in all this?’

  ‘Father!’ Tariq was shocked. ‘It’s none of your business.’

  ‘Well, I think it is.’ Amir was unrepentant. ‘We have all lived in ignorance of Sonny for five years.’ He turned to Gail. ‘Why would she do such a thing? Why would she lie like that?’

  This time Tariq did not interrupt. I guessed that he was interested in hearing the reply.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ Gail said slowly. ‘I’m as shocked as you are.’ She swallowed hard. I could see that she was trying to be as truthful as possible and I could imagine how hard it was for her.

  ‘I’m afraid that she is rather spoilt and selfish, I’m only just beginning to wake up to that. She wants only what suits her.’ She shook her head sadly. ‘I clearly didn’t do a very good job of bringing her up.’

  ‘Well, you’ve done a marvellous job of bringing up Sonny.’ I couldn’t bear hearing Gail put herself down. ‘He’s adorable and you should be very proud of yourself.’

  I could tell that Amir was not really satisfied with the reply but he didn’t pursue it. He directed us all to the table. ‘Tariq, you sit at one end, I’ll sit at the other, Glee, you come beside me.’

  ‘Gail, Papa, her name is Gail.’ Tariq looked mortified but Gail merely laughed.

  ‘Actually I rather like Glee.’

  ‘Then Glee it is.’ Amir held out the chair for her. ‘And I hope someday I will hear you call me Father.’

  There was a stunned silence. I could see Tariq glaring at his father and Jasmina was trying hard not to laugh. I caught her eye and winked.

  ‘Please, Papa, it’s a bit early to be talking like that,’ Tariq growled.

  ‘Bit too late in my opinion,’ Amir retorted. ‘No point in playing games, you two have wasted enough time already.’ Gail was scarlet and Tariq was looking as if he would like to kill him on the spot but Amir didn’t care. ‘Tariq, there has never been any other woman in your life, and anyone can see from the way Glee looks at you that she is still in love.’

  Gail gasped and I giggled.

  ‘You are neither of you getting younger, you may want more children, I certainly hope so, and you need to get a move on.’ Having delivered his piece, Amir contented himself with pouring the wine and Gail was spared any further comment by Sonny running from the kitchen.

  ‘Mummy, the parrot was amazing, it could talk and everything and Pappy Amir has bought kebabs for lunch.’

  ‘Pappy Amir?’ Gail turned slowly to the man on her left. He had the grace to look slightly abashed.

  ‘Amir just didn’t sound right from a small boy.’ He shrugged.

  ‘You are going way too fast, Papa.’ Tariq was seething.

is you who are going way too slow.’ There was a pause and then the old man suddenly chuckled. ‘Maybe I’m getting carried away, but someone needs to make you see sense.’

  I smiled at him. He really was something else and I liked him enormously. He reminded me of Nonna. The same no-nonsense approach to life.

  ‘You’ll have to fight me for the kebabs, Sonny.’ I tickled him under the chin. ‘Kebabs are my all-time favourite food.’

  ‘I think we have enough in the kitchen to satisfy everyone.’ Jasmina raised her eyebrows at both her father and Tariq.’ I think everyone has gone a bit over the top.’

  I saw Gail peeking at Tariq. He was blushing. He saw her looking and gave her a gentle apologetic smile. The look she gave him back was so full of love I could hardly bear to watch. It didn’t matter that they were tongue-tied, it was obvious what was going to happen.

  ‘Would you like to go camel riding?’ Tariq asked Sonny. ‘I would like to take you tomorrow, with Mummy of course,’ he added hastily. ‘And Sky, if she would like to come.’

  Sonny sat with his mouth wide open.

  ‘Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this,’ Jasmina said, smiling at us all. ‘It’s fun, we will pack a picnic. I’d come myself but it may not be the wisest decision given my condition.’

  ‘Mummy, please,’ Sonny begged.

  Gail looked at me. ‘It seems we have no choice.’ She smiled at me but I didn’t smile back. I hesitated before speaking.

  ‘Um, you see, I think I may be going home tomorrow…’

  ‘Sky, no!’ I could see Gail was shocked.

  ‘Why?’ Tariq asked.

  ‘Things aren’t really working out too well here, it’s a bit, um, well, it’s a bit complicated.’ I felt very ill at ease. ‘I’m sorry. Can I let you know in the morning?’

  ‘Of course you can.’ He looked confused at this turn of events but remained polite. He suddenly turned to Gail. ‘How long are you staying?’

  She was caught off guard. ‘I only booked a week.’

  ‘A week?’ He was incredulous. ‘What are we supposed to achieve in a week?’ he snapped at her. ‘After five years you only book one week? It’s not enough time to sort anything out.’

  I could see Gail becoming angry but before I could intervene Jasmina stepped in quickly.

  ‘Tariq, be reasonable, Gail had no idea what she would find when she came here.’ She laid her hand on his arm. ‘You could have been married, or anything, of course she only booked a week, I would do the same.’ She smiled at Gail who smiled gratefully back, pleased that his sister was her ally.

  Sonny was looking around bewildered. He could sense the tension. ‘Mummy?’ His little face started to crumple and Gail was swift to respond.

  ‘All OK, darling, just a misunderstanding.’ She swept him into her arms.

  ‘Well maybe we can sort something out, maybe you can stay a bit longer,’ Amir said, smiling at Sonny.

  I watched Gail tighten her arms around him. Like a lioness guarding her young she glared around the room, ready to snarl at any given moment.

  Amir looked taken aback by the ferocity of her stare but Tariq immediately understood her concern.

  ‘I think all Papa meant was that we could perhaps try and change your flights.’ He smiled gently at her.

  ‘Well of course I meant that, what else would I mean?’ Amir looked confused.

  ‘I think Gail was worried that we might want Sonny to stay here. She’s worried we’re going to abduct him.’ He was smiling but nonetheless I detected a slight edge to his voice.

  Amir turned to Gail. ‘Glee, is this true?’ His eyes were full of concern.

  Poor Gail looked trapped and again I opened my mouth to say something but this time it was Amir who beat me to it.

  He gently placed his hand over hers. ‘Glee, please relax. We’re certainly not going to kidnap the boy.’ He squeezed her hand and smiled at her then, unable to resist, he added, ‘Well, at least not today, these things take planning and time.’ He winked at her and I was pleased to see a ghost of a smile in return.


  Bushara smiled at the young man by her side. Everyone responded to Maad in one way or another but Nick’s reaction was almost evangelical. He was earnestly describing to her how he was going to try to emulate him in his kitchen, how he would try and capture the same sense of peace and harmony. He was going to have a staff meeting on his return home, the restaurant was closed for refurbishment so now was the perfect time to make changes. His passion was palpable.

  It was at the corner of the small square with the fountain, where he had sat and smoked with Tariq on the first day, that it happened.

  The moped was coming way too fast, the young Moroccan rider desperately fighting for control. Nick heard it before he saw it. Instinctively he threw Bushara into a small doorway, placing himself between her and the oncoming bike.

  There was nowhere for him to hide, nothing he could do but watch in a sort of fascinated horror as the moped skidded around the corner, spilling its passenger and careering towards him.

  Nick stood absolutely no chance. The bike slammed into him, catapulting him across the square. There was a sickening thud as he hit the ground followed by the sound of metal scraping against the stone. Then there was a moment of silence before all hell broke loose.

  I was keeping Sonny occupied by playing I Spy while Tariq and Gail were deep in conversation behind me. It sounded as if the floodgates had finally opened and they were able to talk, and I was delighted. Lunch had been a gargantuan affair and we were meandering very slowly back to the riad. I rounded the corner and saw a crowd of people gathered around an upturned moped.

  ‘There’s been some sort of accident,’ I called over my shoulder while pulling Sonny close to my side.

  ‘Those damn bikes should never be allowed,’ I heard Tariq say. ‘The souks are not designed for them. We have campaigned…’

  I heard no more. I came to an abrupt halt. The world spun around once more and black spots danced in front of my eyes. I gazed in horror at what lay before me. I opened my mouth to speak but instead emitted a kind of banshee-like wail. Tariq and Gail were beside me in an instant.

  I pointed to a white baseball cap lying on the ground, saturated with dark red blood. The blood was already congealing in the hot afternoon sun and a swarm of flies were buzzing around.

  ‘That’s Nick’s cap,’ I croaked. ‘Nicky’s cap.’ And then I fainted.

  I came to in Tariq’s arms as he carried me into the riad. At first I was disorientated. I’d never fainted before and had always imagined it might be romantic in an old-fashioned, feminine sort of way. It wasn’t. I felt sick, dizzy and sweaty. Then rushing to the forefront of my mind came the image of Nick’s bloodied cap. I struggled as Tariq placed me on a chair in the cool interior.

  ‘Nick,’ I whispered. ‘Must get to Nick.’

  Beatrice was instantly by my side with iced water and a cold towel. She laid it on my forehead and it felt good, but I had to get to Nick, I had to get there before…

  I couldn’t contemplate beyond before. Once again I struggled, but I was pushed back.

  ‘I will take you shortly, Sky. Philippe is already at the hospital but first you must drink the water, sip don’t gulp, otherwise you will faint again.’

  I recognised the sense of Beatrice’s words but now was not the time to be sensible. Now was the time to rush to Nick’s side to tell him that I loved him. I loved him no matter what he did. He could commit murder and I’d still love him. He was my best friend, my soul mate and the person who knew more about me than anyone else.

  I sipped the water and it revived me. I started to get up. Beatrice looked anxious but realised that this was one battle she wasn’t going to win.

  Beatrice drove at breakneck speed to the hospital. If I hadn’t feared for Nick’s life then I would have feared for mine. She skidded to a halt in the space reserved for ambulances and I was out of the car and running befor
e she had switched off the engine.

  I didn’t see Philippe standing at the entrance. He caught me in his arms as I rushed past. I looked up at his sombre face.

  ‘He’s dead, isn’t he?’ I whispered. ‘He’s dead and I’m too late.’ I started shaking uncontrollably. His arms tightened around me.

  ‘He’s OK, Sky,’ Philippe said. ‘He’s not dead.’

  I looked up at him. My breath was coming out in ragged gasps. ‘Really?’ I gripped his arms. ‘Really?’

  He nodded gently. ‘He’s very lucky. He’s concussed and needs a fair bit of stitching up but otherwise he is fine.’

  I burst into tears. ‘I thought he was dead,’ I sobbed. ‘I thought he was dead and that I’d never see him again.’ I could feel Philippe pulling me close to him. I could feel him stroking my hair, desperately trying to calm me down, murmuring soothing endearments in French. It didn’t matter that I didn’t understand them, I understood their essence. I leaned into his chest and stopped fighting for my breath. I heard Beatrice’s high heels clattering up the steps.

  ‘He’s OK, cheri,’ Philippe told her. ‘Nick is OK.’ Keeping one arm firmly around my shoulders he reached out for Beatrice with his other one. He held us both tight for a second before I suddenly broke away.

  ‘I have to go and see him. Where is he?’

  ‘I’ll take you.’

  Philippe guided us down a long corridor to the room where Nick lay. A young nurse was just walking out. She smiled when she saw us.


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