His Reclaimed Omega (The Mountain Shifters Book 9)
Page 13
Nathan turned to Connor out of desperation, but tears were the last thing he’d expected to see in his father’s eyes, even with all that was happening. At first, Nathan thought Connor was furious, but he soon realized it was grief for his mate that was the cause of his tears rather than anger. The omega stood in silence, and Nathan knew there was no convincing Duke if Connor wasn’t even bothering to try, but he had to try anyway.
“This isn’t up for debate. You’re moving back home. Sending you here was a mistake,” Duke said, looking pointedly at his mate. “We’re leaving tonight, after the gala. Pack your things and be ready.”
Nathan watched in horror as his father left, and the moment the door fell shut, he turned back to Connor. “Please don’t let him do this. Please tell me he’s not going to go through with this.”
“Oh, baby boy,” Connor breathed, gathering Nathan into his arms to hug him tightly. He pressed a kiss to the top of Nathan’s head and stroked his hair, but he didn’t say a word. Nathan sobbed into his shoulder until he was out of tears, but there was no end to the pain. It cut deep like a knife and twisted every time he thought of the look in Duke’s eyes as he’d passed down a declaration of judgment on his own son’s fate like some outmoded Mountain Ridge monarch.
“I’ll never forgive him if he does this. I’ll never forgive him.”
For the first time in his life, Nathan looked into Connor’s eyes and found nothing. No answers, no comfort, no hope.
Chapter Eighteen
Kent had been plagued by a vague sense of worry the entire day, and the overcast sky seemed to reflect his doubts. He knew Nathan was with his parents, so nothing could be too wrong, but he remembered the omega telling him he had a doctor’s appointment that day. Kent didn’t like not being there, but he knew it was important to give Nathan time to spend with his parents while they were visiting. Being away from home for the first time was hard on anyone, let alone a pregnant omega. Nathan needed all the support he could get, and Kent knew that even if he did convince Nathan to accept him as his mate, he would still need his family.
Just as Kent had promised himself he was only going to stop by the house to check on things--or make a cursory sweep around town if Nathan wasn’t there--he saw Connor walking toward his property. His first thought was, Well, shit. His second thought was that the omega was perceptive enough that he must have seen through Kent’s failed attempt to conceal his interest in Nathan.
Fair enough, he decided, wiping the sawdust off his hands before he walked to meet Connor at the edge of the stone path that led up to his house. In his attempt to keep himself occupied rather than going crazy at not being able to claim the mate who lived right down the road, Kent’s home renovation checklist had dwindled to nothing. “Afternoon, Mr. Miller. Anything I can do for you?”
“Please, Kent. I’ve known you most of your life, I think you can call me Connor.” The omega’s words were friendly, but his demeanor was icy. At first, Kent thought he was the source of the problem, and he could certainly understand why. Connor was as brilliant as he was infamous, and the mate of a prominent Alpha, at that. And then there was Nathan, who was… well, he was Nathan and that was reason enough why he deserved better than the middle son of a clan that ran a podunk wolf pack. If Connor had come to express his distaste for a union between his son and the mediocre Alpha, all Kent could do was agree with him. On the other hand, even if he hadn’t imprinted on Nathan, the way he’d come to feel about the omega wasn’t something he could just set aside and ignore.
“Alright, then,” Kent said with a respectful nod. “Is there anything I can do for you, Connor?”
“As a matter of fact, there is,” the omega said, folding his arms as he glanced up at Kent’s house. “But I’m afraid I’ll need a drink before I have the guts to tell you. Better make that one for both of us.”
“Sure,” Kent said, heading up the walk toward his front door. He opened the door for Connor, watching in surprise as the omega led himself straight to the liquor cart and poured two heaping glasses full of scotch. He offered one to Kent before gulping his down.
Kent blinked. “You uh, doing okay?”
“I’ve had better days and I’ve had worse,” Connor said, falling back onto Kent’s couch. “I’ve come to make you a proposition, so get comfortable.
The corner of Kent’s lips twitched in amusement, but he didn’t dare laugh. He obeyed Connor’s order to have a seat in his own chair and waited curiously. “You have my full attention.” He was also fairly certain he was about to die, but at least it was a humorous way to go.
“I love my mate,” Connor began, leaning forward on his elbows. “He’s a good Alpha, something I’m still inclined to believe is quite a rarity in this world. I happen to believe you’re a good Alpha, too, or I would be here for a very different reason after seeing the way you were looking at my son all night.”
Kent gulped. “Connor, I --”
Connor held up a hand to silence him. “This will be easier for both of us if you don’t make words until I’m finished. To put it frankly,” he said, even though Kent very much doubted the omega had the ability to put it any other way, “Duke is freaking out about the baby. His whole life, he’s been able to break down doors and huff and puff, and solve every problem he comes across. Until this. He looks at Nathan and he still sees the little boy who needed him to chase the monsters out of the closet rather than a young man who’s capable of making his own decisions.”
Connor sighed and polished off his glass. Kent poured him another, for both of their sakes. “Thank you. Anyway, I can’t say that I agree with some of Nathan’s decisions myself, but I do believe he has the right to make them. He’s decided to keep the baby.” He paused as if waiting for Kent’s reaction.
The Alpha cleared his throat. “I got the feeling that’s what he was going to decide, to be honest.”
“And how do you feel about it?” Connor pressed. “Considering that you imprinted on him.”
Kent’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Oh, please,” the omega said with a dismissive wave. “You Alphas like to pretend you’re so dark and mysterious, but you wear your emotions on your sleeves. I’ve been around your kind long enough to know that dopey world-shifting stare when I see it.”
Kent sighed. “Imprinted or not, it doesn’t really matter how I feel. It’s Nathan’s decision, and he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Whatever he ends up choosing, I know he’d make the decision that’s right for both of them. My wants don’t factor into it.”
“Humor me. Say they did.”
“If it mattered what I think, I’d want Nathan to keep the baby,” Kent admitted. “I know this wasn’t the plan. Trust me, I get it. My plan was to be mated ten years ago, but like my dad always says, sometimes on the way to the plan, you get lost and find a better one. For me, Nathan is the better plan, and if you could just see the look in his eyes whenever he talks about that kid, you’d know as well as I do that there’s not another person in this world who could love that baby more than he does.”
Connor listened in silence, swirling his glass thoughtfully. “I have seen it,” he said after a long pause. “Which is why I came here. I believe you could stop Duke and Nathan from doing something they’re both going to regret.”
Kent frowned. “What exactly is your mate planning to do? Force Nathan to give the baby up for adoption?”
“Yes, and he’s going to bring Nathan home tonight,” Connor sighed.
“What? Why? The baby won’t even be here for another four or five months.”
“That’s the problem. Like Mountain Ridge, Silver Lake is a sanctuary pack. Growing up here, I’m sure you’re familiar with the laws.”
“Well, yeah,” said Kent. “Omegas can find sanctuary here regardless of the laws of claim in their home pack. Doesn’t matter if they’re mated or marked, once they make it to our territory, we protect them, no matter what. Duke is afraid Nathan will claim sanctuary?�
“I’m afraid it’s more than a fear,” Connor muttered. “I know my mate and my son. They’re more alike than either of them is willing to admit, and when pushed to defend what they love, they’ll stop at nothing. Duke may want to get Nathan home before he has the chance to claim sanctuary, but I’m more worried about him running away.”
“Why would he do that?” Kent asked, feeling a surge of panic at the thought of Nathan leaving his pack with his parents, let alone going off on his own.
“To spare Duke the humiliation of having his own son seek asylum in another Council pack,” he said sadly. “Nathan has always felt like he didn’t measure up, and I’m afraid the way my mate and I have handled this situation isn’t doing anything to help change that belief. He doesn’t understand that the reason Duke is panicking has nothing to do with our reputation and everything to do with the future he thinks Nathan is throwing away.”
“What can I do?” Kent asked. “I’d mark Nathan on the spot if it that would convince Duke, but I don’t want Nathan to feel like this is something he has to do in order to keep the baby. I was hoping to get to know him better and give him time to ease into things, but you know him better than I do. If you think that’s what he needs, I’ll do it.”
Connor watched him for a moment, and Kent found it unnerving that he could never quite tell if the omega was looking at him in approval, amusement or disdain. Maybe some combination of the three. “I appreciate that more than you know, Kent. Unfortunately for all of us, things have very quickly come to a head,” he said, rubbing his temple. “I’ll admit, I came here to explain the situation to you partly because I was curious how you would react. If you’d seize the opportunity to play hero, or if you’d put Nathan’s wellbeing ahead of your own.”
“This was a test?” Kent asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Are you offended?” Connor asked in a cool tone. Now he was definitely amused.
“No,” Kent said, running a hand through his hair. He’d never broken into a sweat without moving from the couch before, but the omega’s presence had a way of getting his heartrate up. “It’s just that sometimes, it’s easy to forget who you are. Sometimes, it’s not.”
A slow smile spread across Connor’s lips. “I’ll take that as a compliment. It’s good to know I’ve still got it after all these years,” he teased, standing to set his half-empty glass on Kent’s end table. “I had a scheme or two when I came here, but if you truly mean what you just told me, I think the best solution is for you to tell Nathan the same thing. Things have a way of coming out at parties, and my mate will be on his best behavior.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kent said, standing to see Connor to the door.
The omega paused, glancing around the spacious living room. “Nice house, by the way.”
“Thanks. I built it. Installed the security system, too,” he said wryly.
Connor tilted his head and for a moment, Kent wondered if his joking reference to Connor’s criminal past was going to get him killed. Then, Connor laughed.
Technically, it was more of a snort than an actual laugh, but coming from, well, Cutter, it was a damn wonder and Kent would take it. “I always did like you. I really do hope Duke doesn’t kill you,” he said with a wistful sigh, waving as he sauntered back down the walkway.
Kent let out the deep breath he’d been holding throughout the omega’s visit. “That makes two of us.”
Chapter Nineteen
Nathan ransacked the drawers in his room and shoved everything he could into the duffel bag he’d come with. He had accumulated quite a few new clothes since coming to Silver Lake, but most of them didn’t fit anymore anyway. At least Duke had already told him to pack. Duke didn’t need to know that his son wasn’t packing so he could be dragged back to the region where he would be forced to give his daughter up as soon as he met her.
Even in the face of such cruelty, Nathan couldn’t bring himself to enact the plan that had been in the back of his mind ever since he’d decided to keep the baby. If he claimed sanctuary in Silver Lake, Adam would have no choice but to give it to him and the consequences would be far-reaching. No wolf would respect an Alpha whose own son had fled his unit to seek sanctuary in another Council pack, and it would weaken Duke’s standing within the whole of the Mountain Ridge pack system.
And yet, as much loyalty as Nathan felt to his fathers, the responsibility he felt for his daughter was even greater. It was only the love he felt for her that helped him understand that, as cruel and extreme as they seemed, Duke’s actions were fueled by that same devotion.
He had to run. There was no way around it, and as much as the thought of leaving Silver Lake and all the wolves he had grown to love within it pained him, Nathan didn’t feel like he had a choice. He’d thought of running before the gala, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave without at least saying goodbye to Kent.
Still struggling to stem the flow of his tears, Nathan changed into his suit and prepared himself mentally to leave. By the time he made it downstairs, all the others had already gone to the dance hall where the gala was to be held. He paced the length of the foyer, deep in thought. He had cousins on Duke’s side in the West Haven Pack, which was outside the Council system. He knew they would put him up for a while, at least until he could figure out what to do, and he had more than enough money in his bank account to get out there. Getting out of the territory would be more of an issue, but with all security focused on the gala and visitors from the other regional packs going in and out, it shouldn’t be impossible.
The knock at the door made Nathan jolt so hard he felt in danger of shedding his skin. He opened it to find Kent on the other side and the way the Alpha looked in that crisp black tux made every other thought--including Nathan’s clandestine plans--flee from his mind.
“Nathan,” Kent breathed. The way the Alpha said his name elicited a shiver that ran all the way down Nathan’s back. Like that name was something sacred between the two of them. To be fair, any word that passed the Alpha’s lips in that tone would sound seductive. Kent’s gaze traveled down over Nathan and the omega could feel it as surely as a touch. “You look...wow.”
Nathan’s cheeks turned hot and he found it hard to look into the eyes he usually got lost in so easily. “Thanks. So do you.”
“I uh, brought you this,” Kent said, holding out a small white flower. It looked absurdly tiny in his substantial grasp. “Some of the omegas wear them. You don’t have to, if it doesn’t match your suit.”
“It’s nice,” Nathan said, taking the flower from the Alpha’s hand. His breath caught in his throat as their hands brushed briefly, and he twirled the clipped stem between his fingers. “How do I put it on?”
“Here,” Kent said, stepping forward. He took the flower again and carefully pinned it to the lapel of Nathan’s jacket. His gaze swept over the omega’s face and fell to Nathan’s lips. Nathan wet them automatically, unable to dismiss the thought of how intoxicating Kent’s kiss would be. His first kiss had been a whirlwind, overwhelming him with its newness and power, but the sheer force of it had left him in chaos. As Kent leaned closer, his hands settled on Nathan’s shoulders, the omega found himself all too willing to submit to fresh devastation, as long as it came from Kent.
At the last moment, Kent pulled back and seemed to remember where he was. Or perhaps simply who he was with. The thought made Nathan’s heart sink, but he understood. Kent was a catch, and he’d done everything the right way. What would he want with an omega who’d failed at life so soon out of the gate?
“I should get you to the gala,” Kent said, stepping back to open the door.
Nathan smiled and followed him out, telling himself it was for the best. He vowed to enjoy the night for what it was, a pleasant way to say goodbye to an Alpha who’d been a dear friend and could never be anything more. After all, Nathan knew what Kent’s type was and that he wasn’t it. Tyr Amari was everything an omega should be and then some.
He was elegant and dashing, as skilled with a sword as he was in the healing arts. Kent deserved an omega like Tyr, and while Nathan understood that a mate bond wasn’t something that could just be overlooked, he still didn’t understand how it would be possible to have an Alpha like Kent look at you the way he had always looked at Tyr and not fall for him in return.
Sometimes, during a bout of particularly powerful self-indulgence, Nathan would imagine that Kent was looking at him that way, but he knew it had to be delusion. Maybe if things had gone differently. Maybe if he hadn’t kept his nose buried in his books all those years. Maybe if he’d waited like he was supposed to, instead of falling into the arms of the first Alpha who came along and showed an interest in him…
No, he couldn’t think like that. No matter what might have been, even if it was Kent on the other side of that rainbow, Nathan couldn’t bring himself to regret the way things had turned out. He regretted his impulsiveness, he regretted all the secrets he’d kept to cover it up, and he regretted ever meeting Vance with a passion, but he could never regret the object of the love he already felt so much stronger than all of it.
The banquet hall was fully decorated with strung lights and a flowing fountain. Well-dressed wolves from throughout the Council system and beyond were gathered, sipping cocktails and conversing in civil tones. A few people stopped to stare when Kent and Nathan entered the hall, but for the most part, they went unnoticed.
Nathan caught Duke’s eye from across the room and the Alpha’s stern gaze didn’t falter. He turned from his son back to the other Council Alpha who had his attention. Nathan jolted when Kent’s hand rested overtop of his. “He loves you,” Kent said in a knowing tone. “I’m sure he just thinks he’s doing what’s best for both of you.”
“How did you know?” Nathan asked.
“Let’s just say a former evil genius paid me a visit,” Kent said with a glint of amusement in his eyes.