Kate & Alf

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Kate & Alf Page 22

by Carrie Stone

  Sensing her panic, Marcus was quick to reassure her. ‘No, no, don’t worry, he’s not going to theirs. He’s staying with me.’ Megan noticed that he didn’t look entirely thrilled at the prospect. He turned his palms upwards as if in explanation. ‘Least I can do after him and Kate put me up for a month.’

  ‘Yes, I guess so,’ she agreed, not envying him.

  ‘So what do you think then?’ he asked at the same time as the waiter approached them with her glass of wine. Nodding her thanks, she gratefully picked up the chilled glass.

  ‘About Alf?’ She took a sip of her wine, conscious of his eyes on her lips.

  ‘Yes, about his chances with Kate. It’s the reason I thought it was a good idea to meet, us being the pair closest to each of them.’ He fiddled with his near-empty pint glass. ‘I thought, you know, we can perhaps give them a helping hand in sorting it all out.’

  ‘Play cupid, you mean?’ she asked playfully, her flirty smile not lost on him.

  ‘Something like that.’

  She was serious again, remembering with a start that she was engaged. To Michael. Her lovely, kind and spontaneous Michael. ‘I’m not sure.’ She screwed up her nose, considering the idea. ‘The thing is, although Kate’s not completely over Alf, I still think it’s better that she’s moving on from him. If we start meddling, then it might send her backwards. It’s going to be enough of a shock for her that he’s returning so soon.’

  Marcus shook his head. ‘Megan, you know as well as I do that Kate will only go back with Alf if she decides that it’s the right thing to do. She was the one who called it quits in the first place, remember? But you’ve got to agree on the pair of them meeting up and discussing things.’

  ‘Yes, of course.’ She looked at him in confusion. ‘You said Alf is on his way back to do that, though? Why do we need to get involved?’ She was wary. It wasn’t their place to play matchmakers.

  Marcus sighed, knowing he’d have to tell her the full story. ‘Because Alf is intending to go about it completely the wrong way. He hinted that he’s thinking of buying an engagement ring and proposing unexpectedly in a few days’ time. He’s convinced it’s the only way Kate will forgive him.’

  ‘Seriously, does he never learn?’ Megan replied, incredulous. She knew that Kate would have loved this gesture a few months ago, but what with everything that had happened…she was sure that the pair of them needed to at least sit down and discuss things first. It would be foolish to arrive on the doorstep with a ring in hand and expect all to be forgiven in an instant.

  ‘Exactly. He’s a man on a mission. Which is why I’m suggesting that we arrange some kind of impromptu meeting between them – one that neither will expect. It’ll give them a chance to see each other on neutral ground. A chance to talk honestly without any preconceived speeches.’

  She sighed, knowing that he was making sense. If Alf was expecting to walk back into Kate’s life with the intention of marrying her, then Kate at least deserved the chance to be prepared and open to the idea. As her friend, she would be helping to make that happen.

  ‘Okay fine. Let’s arrange something.’

  Marcus smiled. ‘See – I knew you’d be on board.’ He winked at her and drained the last of his pint. ‘I was thinking maybe tomorrow? A Sunday lunch here? You suggest it to Kate, I do the same to Alf and bingo – the both of them arrive and we bail out.’

  ‘This had better not backfire. What if they argue?’ Megan bit down on her bottom lip. ‘Or worse, what if Kate hates the idea, blames me and never talks to me again?’

  ‘No. You worry too much. That’ll never happen, silly.’ He reached across and grabbed her left wrist, his fingers locking gently around it causing a jolt of electricity to shoot through Megan’s body. She shivered involuntarily and as if experiencing the same thing, he quickly took his hand away, embarrassed.

  Why had he reached out to her? Why didn’t Michael’s touch have the same profound effect on her? She looked at him with questioning eyes.

  ‘You’re engaged now?’ he asked, his eyes lowering to her hand and the wrist he’d just grabbed. She looked down, noticing for the first time since she’d sat down, her new diamond ring sparkling back at her.

  So that was why he’d grabbed her wrist. She felt her heart sink and forced a smile. ‘Yes.’ She searched for the words, but none came.

  ‘Wow. Congratulations. Fast work. I don’t recall you being engaged when we went to the Thai restaurant that night with Kate?’ He looked into her eyes, searching for something. ‘Who’s the lucky guy?’

  He knew already, of course he did – he’d been there when she’d made the phone call to Kate. But she didn’t know that he knew. He noticed a flicker of disappointment spreading across her face and it pleased him. She felt it too. He could sense it by her body language. There was something there between them. Something so much more than the chemistry he’d had with other women.

  She regained her composure and tried to act happy. ‘Yes, it was quite a surprise when Michael asked me. But you know…’ she glanced down and stroked the diamond, tailing off.

  No, I don’t know, he wanted to say. So why are you marrying him? Why aren’t you single and available so that I can pursue you? Instead he nodded. ‘Yes, I do know. I was engaged to my ex.’

  Megan’s interest was sparked; it was the first time he’d mentioned his ex to her. Kate had once disclosed that Marcus had never spoken about what had really driven the breakdown of his relationship and his eventual decision to move back South. She narrowed her eyes, her intrigue overwhelming. She wanted to know all about him, every last detail. ‘What happened?’ The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

  The cloud that passed across his face was one of painful memories. It was all she could do to stop herself from reaching out and taking his hand in hers. She waited, noting his eyes dropping to the empty glass in front of him.

  Silence pulsated between them for what felt like an age, before he finally spoke. ‘Linzie was an addict. Cocaine.’ He looked up and met her eyes. ‘Well, she still is an addict as far as I’m aware. Seven years.’ He sighed sadly. ‘Seven years of trying to get her clean. In the end I couldn’t do it any more.’ His voice cracked and he turned away, embarrassed, coughing to clear his throat.

  Instinctively Megan reached out and took his hand and squeezed it, feeling as if her own heart were being squeezed in a vice. Jonnie. It was just like Jonnie. ‘I understand,’ she said simply.

  When he finally looked back at her, he squeezed her hand in return. ‘I know you do, Megan. I know you do. I’ve met Jonnie.’

  She gasped, not quite believing that she’d finally found someone who could relate to her.

  He cleared his throat again and gently removed his hand from her grasp, drawing back and away from her, breaking the intimate moment.

  ‘So where were we? What time for lunch tomorrow, then?’

  The conversation was over, but she couldn’t help wondering if she’d finally met her perfect match.

  Chapter 21

  ‘Why this place? Is the food any good?’ Kate asked, scrunching up her nose at the traditional-looking pub they were heading towards. Its peeling black paint and wilted hanging baskets did little to give it credit. Yet from the throng of people standing outside, she knew it must be a popular choice. ‘I hope we can get a table. I don’t want to have to stand around for ages waiting. Not when I could have just cooked us something at mine.’

  Megan wasn’t listening; instead she was desperately scanning the crowd for Marcus, wishing she’d never agreed to this ridiculous plan in the first place – not only had it taken her all morning to convince Kate to accompany her, but she was anxious about the possible outcomes. All of them were currently looking increasingly likely to be bleak – especially given that Kate appeared to be in a grumpy and less than pleasing mood. She caught sight of Marcus’s head, swiftly followed by Alf’s torso, obscured behind a large potted plant. Relieved, she quickly stepped in fron
t of Kate, blocking the view in the boys’ direction. ‘Yes, yes don’t worry – a table’s reserved. I did it when I was here yesterday.’

  ‘Yesterday?’ Kate frowned. ‘You were here yesterday and you wanted to come again today?’ Baffled, she shook her head and fanned out the pretty, recently purchased pastel summer dress she’d chosen to wear. The dress had been Megan’s idea – a suggestion that she make a bit of an effort given her new single status. Stupidly, despite feeling bloated, premenstrual and stickily hot, she’d agreed. ‘I wish I’d worn something looser,’ she complained, feeling uncomfortable.

  Waving a hand dismissively, Megan marched ahead. ‘Stop moaning. We’re here now.’ Pushing past the customers milling outside, enjoying their drinks in the sunshine, she headed for the entrance, keen to get the introduction over with. ‘This way.’

  Heading left, towards where she’d previously spotted Marcus and Alf and planning how best to handle the approach, it was a few moments before she realised that Kate had stopped following her. She was surprised to feel a firm hand on her right shoulder. She jumped in response and span around. It was Marcus.

  Her mouth formed an ‘Oh’ in surprise, her eyes flitting towards Alf – who was standing next to him, very still, with a shocked expression – then to the deathly pale Kate who stood a couple of yards away, bewildered.



  Alf sucked in a deep breath. She looked like a vision, an absolute vision – he couldn’t quite believe that she was standing there in front of him. He rushed to speak, a wave of ecstasy and fear coursing through him all at once. ‘What are you doing here?’ What was she doing there? He looked towards a shifty Marcus, and then at Megan, her eyes lowered guiltily, confusion muddling his thoughts. What on earth was going on?

  ‘You’re back?’ Kate spoke at exactly the same moment, surprising herself at the buoyancy in her tone. It was absurd, how was it possible that Alf was here? Why wasn’t he in Scotland? Her heart was banging against her chest as she looked into his familiar eyes, noting the tiredness and dark circles, but wanting, all the more, to rush forwards and cuddle him. A million questions danced through her mind, all of them overwhelming her with the urgency for answers.

  Squeezing Megan’s shoulder, Marcus stepped forwards. ‘Guys?’ He looked apologetic as he interrupted, drawing their attention reluctantly towards himself. ‘Sorry to lure you both here under false pretences, but we thought it would do you good to chat.’ He caught Megan’s eyes and tried to reassure her with his gaze, noticing that Alf and Kate were eyeing each other with nervous expressions ‘So if you’re up for chatting, we’ve got you a table reserved under my name.’

  He waited for someone to say something, wondering if it had been a good idea after all. Aside from the loud buzz of activity around them, the four of them stood in uncomfortable silence, Megan looking more and more edgy by the second.

  Finally, Alf turned to him with an exhilarated expression. ‘You planned this?’ He rubbed his face with his hand, going quiet. After a moment’s hesitation, he slowly patted Marcus’s back, a smile breaking out across his face. ‘Well, I guess I should say thanks, mate.’

  ‘Kate, are you okay with it?’ Megan asked, flustered, conscious of her part in the matter and reluctant to leave her friend, who was wide-eyed with shock and staring transfixedly at Alf.

  Kate slowly shook her head, incredulous, before allowing an exuberant smile. ‘I can’t believe you two arranged this.’ She glanced from Megan to Marcus, her brain trying to assimilate all that was taking place. Her eyes eventually met Alf’s again, a burst of emotion rising up from the depths of her stomach.

  Unable to resist Kate’s captivating presence and timid glance, he seized the moment to pull her gently into his arms, embracing her smaller frame. ‘Come here, you, I’ve missed you so much, babe.’ She wrapped herself instinctively around him, closing her eyes and relaxing her head onto his shoulder. He smelled familiar and safe. She heard a whooshing sound in her ears, the unheralded situation making her feel lightheaded. Nevertheless, she knew she didn’t want to let go of him, so she kissed him – a small, tender kiss – before pulling away. ‘I’ve missed you too, Alf.’

  Marcus leaned in closer to Megan. ‘I think that’s our cue to get the hell out of here before they change their minds.’ He rested his hand lightly against the small of her back, giving her a gentle push forwards.

  At the tender exchange taking place between the couple, Megan felt relief flood through her. Pacified, she smiled up at Marcus’s suggestion and nodded her head in agreement. ‘Definitely time to go.’

  ‘Yes, I’m back down to a size ten,’ Kate replied confidently as Alf’s gaze swept appreciatively over her. ‘And I got the highlights in my hair last month. I wasn’t sure at first, but I love them now.’ They were seated in a quieter corner and although their food had been served twenty minutes earlier, it remained barely touched, neither of them having the appetite to tuck in.

  ‘So, you’re sure about wanting to give things another try, then?’ Alf asked carefully, waiting apprehensively for Kate’s confirmation. Seeing her sitting in front of him, looking more radiant and far more peaceful than he’d see her in a long time, was making his heart contract with overwhelming desire.

  ‘Of course I am.’ She reached across the table, grabbing his hand and squeezing it in her own. She held his stare. ‘Like I said to you before, I feel there’s been a silver lining in us having this time apart and both of us being able to reassess things. I’m so much happier in myself at the moment, Alf, and I know that was part of the problem before. Me not being happy.’

  ‘It was me as well, though, Kate. I see that now. I was too wrapped up in work, thinking that if I could achieve a good level, then it would benefit our relationship in the long run. But look where that attitude has got me.’ He sighed, gazing sentimentally into his pint of bitter and absentmindedly tickling the palm of her hand with his fingers.

  ‘Well, we’ve both been at fault, but let’s not focus on the past. If we’re going to make amends then it’s got to be with a fresh perspective, agreed?’ She tilted her head sideways, smiling adoringly at his tender expression.

  ‘Yeah, I agree.’ He reached across, delicately stroking a lock of hair away from her face. ‘As long as you promise to open up to me about things, too. No more holding back about how you feel. If you ever want to discuss stuff, I’m right here, okay?’

  Knowing from the way he spoke that he was referring to the miscarriage, she nodded her head slowly. ‘I know. I won’t hold my thoughts in any more. It’s a new start for us.’

  And it was. For if she’d learnt anything from being apart and having time to reflect, it was that experiences of the past were no longer to be given power over the present. She’d made her peace with her loss and it was now time to move on.

  Megan felt the vibration of her mobile in her shoulder bag, but chose to ignore it, instead licking her thumb as another drop of vanilla ice cream landed on her hand. ‘This is melting too fast. I haven’t even eaten the flake yet.’

  Marcus glanced at her barely touched ninety-nine and then back to his own, already empty of ice cream to the rim of the cone. ‘No, you’re just a slow eater, Megan. You’ll be wearing it soon if you don’t hurry up.’

  ‘Or maybe you’re just a pig!’ she joked as he crunched down on his wafer cone, half of it disappearing into his mouth.

  He smiled, wiping the crumbs from his lips with the back of his hand. ‘Maybe.’ Narrowing his eyes, he slowed his steps and cocked his head. ‘Can you hear that noise? Like a buzzing sound?’

  Feigning straining to hear, she discreetly slipped her hand inside her bag and pressed the silence button on the mobile. The vibration stopped. She knew it was Michael wondering where’d she’d got to – she was already at least an hour late, but she’d have to think of a suitable excuse later. She hadn’t been expecting Marcus to ask if she wanted to take a stroll by the river – her plan had been to head strai
ght home after the pub incident, but the suggestion had made her heart leap. ‘No, I can’t seem to hear anything…’ She shrugged her shoulders and moved closer to him as a group of people almost collided with them on the narrow riverbank edge. ‘So how’d you think they’re getting on?’

  Marcus finished chewing the last of his cornet and wiped his hands on his jeans. ‘Well, I’d say if that kiss is anything to go by, and the fact we haven’t had a phone call from either one of them yet – then they’re doing okay.’

  ‘I hope so. Kate’s going to go mad at me otherwise.’

  ‘Na, she won’t.’ He shook his head. ‘She’s going to thank you. You wait and see.’ He pointed at a nearby canal boat painted in bright yellow and red – its deck adorned with various exotic and colourful potted plants. ‘Look at that, that’s a beauty. I’ve always wanted to live on one of those.’

  Megan looked at him curiously, a strange feeling in her chest. ‘Have you really?’ She couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice. ‘When I was younger that was my dream too – to live on a narrowboat and go where the wind blew me.’

  ‘Really?’ He looked at her oddly, checking that she wasn’t humouring him. She wasn’t. ‘Wow! You’re the first woman I’ve met that’s shared that same idea.’ He grinned at her.

  She smiled back, feeling her stomach fluttering in a way that it had never fluttered before. The sensation scared her – it was overpowering. Michael’s face flashed into her mind and brought her back to earth with a bump. ‘I don’t know about now, though. I’m a bit older and obviously there’s my shoe collection…’ she joked, feeling guilty for encouraging things and wanting to put a stop to the idea before it got out of control. ‘Plus Michael isn’t really the type to go in for something like that.’ She let the words hang between them, resurrecting a barrier and reminding them both of their places.


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