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Kate & Alf

Page 31

by Carrie Stone

  ‘Sure, go ahead.’ She grabbed her bag, shifting it closer to her whilst studying the willowy man with the awkwardly big nose, shrugging off his coat to reveal an orange jumper – one that clashed sharply with his hair. Something about him reminded her of someone. She looked at him quizzically.

  He smiled; a warm, inviting, kind smile that flashed perfectly straight teeth. ‘You probably won’t remember me, but I think we’ve met.’ He sank his tall frame into the seat, noticing Kate’s taken aback expression.

  ‘I thought I recognised you,’ she began, studying his face once more and taking in the unusual dark-hazel eyes that betrayed his red-orange hair.

  ‘Lanesborough Park?’ he said softly, a hint of an Irish accent in his sing-song tone.

  Kate flushed, realising all at once who he was and the circumstances under which they’d last seen one another. ‘Oh, yes…’ she cringed slightly, embarrassed. ‘The evening I tripped over in front of you and your girlfriend.’ She tried to make light of it, feeling her cheeks burning bright. ‘Goodness, what a small world, though? Seeing you here, of all places….’ She refrained from mentioning she’d also seen him once in Swoonies. It didn’t seem right – almost too coincidental.

  ‘I know. I had to do a double-take when I first spotted you.’ He looked at her with a cheeky grin. ‘Especially as you look quite different.’ He watched as she laughed, knowing full well what he was hinting at. ‘I wasn’t sure if it was you – all the more because it’s Brighton not London.’

  Kate nodded her head, thinking about how the night of Marcus’s rejection and hearing about Michael’s proposal to Megan hadn’t been her finest hour. ‘Well I’m surprised you remembered me in the first place.’ She brushed back a strand of hair from her mouth, feeling suddenly self-conscious, his gentle-giant presence intimidating her. ‘So what brings you here? Are you on holiday with your girlfriend?’ she asked, a part of her feeling intrigued to know more about him, this stranger with the soothing voice.

  He shook his head, a brief shadow passing across his face. ‘No, nothing like that, I’m afraid. My fiancée and I split up – nearly five months ago now. So it’s just me.’ She noticed how he looked down at his feet, reflective. ‘I grew up in Brighton, even though I’m originally from Ireland. So it seemed the right time to head back here. I’m staying with my mum for a bit. It’s a good place to be.’ He looked at her then, his expression a wistful, peaceful one.

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’ And she was, because hearing his words and watching his reaction brought her own feelings of loneliness back to her. The ones that she’d successfully managed to keep at bay since her split with Alf. It was only in the last few days that they’d began to sprout up… The small fears that maybe she wouldn’t have her happy ending with love after all. She forced a smile.

  ‘I’m in a bit of the same position, actually. I recently split, too.’ She was grateful when he nodded sympathetically and didn’t pry further. ‘Anyway you’re lucky to have such an eclectic and creative place to take stock. I think I’m falling in love with Brighton myself.’

  ‘You’re only here for a visit, then?’ he asked, his deep-hazel gaze flitting around her face as he waited for her to answer.

  ‘Yeah.’ She hesitated, picking at her scarf. She noticed he was looking at her, waiting for her to say something more. She took a deep breath, knowing that once she said the words aloud, they would make things somehow all the more real. ‘As a matter of fact, I’m here to discuss a business proposition – to take over a small shop and possibly the flat above it.’

  He grinned then, a wide flourishing smile that made her heart skip a beat, for some insane reason that she couldn’t understand. ‘Wow, that’s great news. So does that mean you might be moving here, then?’ His eyes held her gaze and she could see the sparkle of expectancy within them.

  ‘I suppose it might do.’ She couldn’t help but laugh as his smile got even wider at her words. ‘And why are you grinning at me like that?’ she asked, watching as he ran a hands through his floppy, messy hair.

  ‘Well, you’re a familiar face and I’m in need of new friends.’ He laughed then, a hearty laugh that she didn’t expect from someone so softly spoken. ‘Besides, I need new guinea pigs for the taster evening I’m about to do.’

  She raised an eyebrow. ‘Taster evening? What’s that, then?’ She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

  ‘Don’t look so apprehensive. I’m a trained chef.’ He was pleased at her pleasantly surprised expression. ‘Well, I was a trained chef before I moved to London and started a successful career in advertising.’ He picked a piece of fluff from the leg of his jeans. ‘Since I moved back here, I decided to get back into the work I love.’ He stretched his arm along the back of the bench, not noticing as Kate flushed – a strange feeling was taking a hold in her stomach. ‘So I’m opening a Deli-Bar, somewhere to grab lunch or buy my unique and experimental combinations.’ He waited for her to reply, almost holding his breath – wanting her approval.

  Kate was startled. Not only had she expected him to be a corporate type of person, but from the sound of it, their current life situation was strikingly similar. ‘I think that’s amazing. It sounds wonderful. Good luck with it.’ She meant it. It was inspiring to hear of a fellow creative person following their inner urging. ‘ You’re very brave to be returning to the work you love and leaving your advertising behind.’

  He shrugged, considering her words carefully. ‘Well, the way I see it – you’ve got to follow your heart. It’s easy to stay doing the thing that’s familiar and safe.’ He turned to her again, not noticing her paling expression. ‘But sometimes to find real happiness you’ve got to take a risk.’ He grinned at her again, then, another thought occurring to him. ‘A bit like love – don’t you think?’

  Before Kate could answer – for she was rooted to the spot at his comment, eerily similar to Viv’s letter that was etched into her memory – a shrilling sound came from the mobile that was perched on the bench beside him. He glanced towards the screen and she noted his expression of surprise. He stood up clumsily.

  ‘So sorry, you’ll have to excuse me. I really need to take this – I’ve been waiting all week for this business call.’ He hurriedly pulled a card from his pocket. ‘I don’t know how long I’ll be – so here’s my card.’ He slipped the card into her hand – the exchange causing both of them to experience a jolt of chemistry as electric as lightning. He straightened himself, not quite understanding what he’d experienced, but quickly drinking in Kate’s loveliness – a feeling of absurd regret that he was having to leave her so soon. ‘Please give me a call, I’d very much like to see you again – even if it’s for that taster.’ He smiled at her then, before nodding apologetically and answering his phone.

  ‘Hello?’ She watched in longing as he turned to walk away from her, getting as far as a few metres before he turned back, covering the mobile mouthpiece with his hand.

  ‘By the way, I didn’t catch your name?’ His tone was hopeful, full of promise and Kate felt herself blush. It was a new experience, one that she couldn’t describe. But a good one – one that she wanted to last forever.

  ‘Kate. It’s Kate,’ she called out, standing up, still holding his card tightly in her hand where he’d left it. ‘And yours?’ she asked, noticing how he smiled as he repeated her name back to her.

  He was already waving now, bringing the mobile back up to his ear and turning away from her, seeming not to have heard her question. She watched as he walked away, a strange sense of harmony coursing through her; feeling like she’d discovered something that she didn’t know was lost.

  Glancing down at his business card, she smiled at the bold and interchanging colour – so very much like him, a myriad surprises. Her gaze slowly settled on his name and with a jolt she felt herself sinking back towards the seat she’d just stood up from.

  Surely not? It was almost impossible. Incomprehensible.

  ‘Alf,’ she said aloud to herself, readi
ng the small squiggly print in rainbow colour. Alf O’Reilly.

  And suddenly everything that Vivian had ever told her made complete and perfect sense. She smiled, reaching for her mobile.

  She couldn’t wait to tell Lil.


  A special thank you to those closest whose love and support made this third book possible. You know who you are and I love you all dearly. Especially you, Amelia. You brighten my world.

  My huge thanks to fellow author Sylvia FitzSimons for the endless encouragement and help. You’re an absolute star.

  And to you, the reader – thank you for taking the time to delve into my fictional world. I truly hope you enjoyed reading this novel as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Carrie Stone

  Originally from the UK, I’ve spent the last decade living and working internationally. Aside from writing women’s fiction, my main work is as a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Coach -

  When not working, my passion is travelling - exploring new places, cultures & nature. I also adore anything to do with clothing, handbags, sunglasses and shoes… Yes, I’m a typical woman and love to look fabulous!

  I currently live between Australia & Spain.


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