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A Pirate's Obsession (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix Book 4)

Page 21

by ML Guida


  She nearly wept at his husky voice. He was alive. “Where are you?”

  “Get out of here.”

  “Where? Back to Palmer’s cabin?”

  “The foul-hearted bastard.” The rattle of chains got her attention. She lowered Hannah to the floor and wasn’t sure if she was awake or not. Forcing herself to move, she headed in the direction of the chains. “Ronan, is that you?”

  “Aye, ’tis me.”

  “I…I can’t see.”

  “Follow my voice,” he said. “And the banging chains.”

  The clanking only heightened her fear, but she moved toward it. She inhaled, and a brief scent of Ronan’s spiciness dampened the stench. Her muscles relaxed, and she hurried forward. She bumped her forehead into a wall and staggered backward. “Where are you?”

  “To your left.”

  His strong voice calmed the last of her nerves. She stretched out her hand, slid it against the wall, and her fingertips brushed against hard flesh.

  “You’ve found me,” he whispered.

  She patted his side, moving her hand across hard, coiled muscles leading up to his broad shoulders. “Ronan, Ronan, ’tis you.”

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and leaned her head against his chest, listening to his thumping heart. “I couldn’t stay in there.” She wished he could hold her, protect her from the monster hunting her.

  “Angelica, he’ll find you.”

  She sobbed, holding him tight. “I know.”

  “You’ve got to unchain me. It will bide you time.”

  She raised her head, hoping her eyes would adjust and she could see Ronan’s face. “Time? Time for what?”

  “Steal the longboat. Get you and Hannah out of here.”

  “I think they’ll notice us taking the long boat.”

  “Hannah can—”

  “Ronan, they drugged her. I think it might be black magic. When she draws on her power, sickness and pain grip her.”

  “Bloody codfish. You’ve got to get the keys.”

  She peered into the darkness, trying to see the tiniest of silver, but there was not even a hint of light in this hell hole. “Where are they?”

  He tilted his head. “On the wall next to me.”

  She didn’t want to tear away from him. Touching him fueled her bravery, and she braced her shoulders to find the keys. “Ronan, I can’t see a thing.”

  “You’ve got to try. He’ll soon discover you’re missin’.”

  Angelica inhaled and put her hands on the damp wall, forcing herself to move away from her rock. Slime and dirt slide over her palms, and she cringed. She wanted to hurry but if she did, she might miss finding the damn keys. Why couldn’t Palmer hang a damn lantern down here? There was no depth to the man’s evilness.

  Bellowing and thundering footsteps propelled her on.

  “He’s comin’. He’s lookin’ for you,” Ronan said. “Hurry.”

  “I’m trying.” She was no nearer to finding the damn keys.

  A glow came down the stairs, lighting up the dungeon. “Bitch, are you down there?”

  Rage reeked from Palmer’s voice. God, he’d hurt her.

  The skeleton keys dangled on a ring from on hook and were only a few feet away. She seized them and ran over to Ronan and fumbled unlocking the manacles. Why hadn’t she moved faster?

  “I’m free.”

  Angelica blinked. She’d only unlocked one manacle. Ronan grabbed her shoulder and pushed her aside. An anguished cry caught her attention. Panting heavily, Hannah flattened her back against the wall. Blood trickled down her nose.

  Ronan grabbed a bludgeon off the wall and raced over to the stairwell, raising it high over his head.

  “Angelica, release me.”

  Kane was strapped to the rack. She rushed over to him and, her fingers trembling, unlocked the straps holding him. He rolled off the rack and slumped onto the floor. “Get me a weapon.”

  On the wall where the keys had been, there were whips, knives, and mallets. She grabbed the whip, hoping he knew how to wield one. If only Ewan was here…

  The dungeon grew brighter. Hannah crawled away from the opening and huddled behind a table. Palmer rounded the corner, his meaty hand holding a lantern. Ronan smashed the bludgeon down on his wrist. Palmer howled. The lantern crashed onto the floor, glass breaking. Fire broke out, and smoke filled the dungeon.

  Ronan swung the bludgeon again, smashing it into Palmer’s red face. Bones cracked, and blood spewed. He staggered. Men raced around him, swords drawn.

  Palmer held his wrist. “Seize them, you fools!”

  Kane lashed out the whip, hitting one of the lackeys in the eye. He yelped, dropping the sword.

  “Get the sword, Angelica,” Kane yelled.

  Angelica lunged for the sword, but Palmer kicked it away from her. Ronan fought the other lackey with the bludgeon, and the man had him pinned against the wall. Hannah was unconscious, slumped over on her side.

  “Capt’n, Capt’n.” A man ran into the foray, his sword high over his head. “Land ho. ’Tis Zuto’s island.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Fire licked through dungeon, black smoke snaking around Ronan. His eyes burned, and he coughed. He was backed against the wall, frantic to see Angelica.

  “Fire, fire,” someone yelled.

  Angry footsteps thundered down the stairs, and men poured into the dungeon. Water splashed around, steam and smoke blurring Ronan’s vision. A sword slashed through the murkiness, but he blocked it with the bludgeon, wood splintering.

  “Give it up, fool,” his opponent said, his face masked from the black mist. “You’re aboard the Damsel, an’ Zuto awaits you an’ the undine.”

  “We’re not there yet,” Ronan glared. He glanced over his shoulder. “Kane, we’ve got to get the lasses out of here!”

  “Die, first!” A burly pirate lunged at him, his sword aimed at Ronan’s heart.

  Ronan took a chance—ducked and rolled. The sword slashed over his body. Ronan kicked the man’s leg, knocking him onto his knee. Ronan skidded away, holding onto the jagged bludgeon, and slammed it into the man’s jaw.

  Kane cracked the whip and sliced Palmer’s face.

  “You bastard,” Palmer cried, holding his left cheek.

  Ronan jumped to his feet and darted around men, putting out the fire with canvas and water. He peered through the gray smoke. “Angelica!”

  A beast of a man dragged Angelica by the hair, forcing her to arch her back, edging a dagger to her throat. Drops of blood trickled down her neck. He pressed his stubbled cheek against her smooth one. “Stop, or she dies.”

  Ronan’s heart jerked. He clutched the club tight, wishing he could smash the man’s jeering face, but he could hit Angelica.

  Her eyes pleaded. “Ronan, I’m sorry.”

  His gut wrenched. Not having a choice, he released his tight fingers around the bludgeon one by one. Men swirled around him and bound his wrists. Ronan didn’t take his eyes off the smug man, vowing to rip out his heart. “Lower the blade.”

  The man’s hand shook. “Capt’n?”

  Ronan gritted his teeth. The bloody fool could slit her throat.

  “Capt’n.” A bald man held Hannah’s unconscious body in his arms. “The elixir worked. We’ve got O’Brien’s whore.”

  Palmer dropped his bloody hand, his face smeared red. “So, what will it be, O’Brien?”

  Kane threw the whip on the blackened floor.

  “Bring the prisoners up on deck. I want O’Brien flogged.” Palmer held his limp wrist to his gut. “The rest of you men clean this mess.”

  “But Capt’n,” one of lackeys frowned. “The demon—”

  Palmer backhanded the man,, smashing him into the wall. “Zuto can wait. Any other questions…”

  Ronan pulled on his bindings, wiggling his body. “Palmer, ye scoundrel.”

  The slimy runt maneuvered Angelica in front of him, blocking Ronan’s line of sight. He immediat
ely stopped struggling and allowed the men to haul him up the stairs to the deck. Behind him, two men dragged Kane. The bright sunlight blinded Ronan’s eyes. He winced, turning his head away.

  Hannah lay unmoving near Palmer’s feet. “What did you do the poor lass?” he asked.

  “If you hurt her…” Kane warned.

  Palmer shrugged and slapped the butt of a whip in his hand. “You’ll do nothing—slave. She’s not dead. Out. Ready to be sent to Coaybay.” He nodded his head. “String him up.” As the men manacled Kane’s wrists, Palmer patted his cheek. “I want to pay you the same compliment you paid me.”

  Ronan looked out at the wide, blue ocean, but there was no sign of the Soaring Phoenix. He was helpless to stop the Damsel from sailing toward Zuto’s island. He watched the same swaying palm trees and dreaded white sandy beaches. ’Twas what he remembered. The only absence was Zuto, but he was there, waiting, watching.

  Ronan needed time to distract Palmer. He wouldn’t give up hope that the Phoenix was close behind. “Palmer, Where’s Zuto?”

  “He’s there. He’s just binding his good time.” Palmer lashed Kane, leaving a bloody welt. Kane jolted, his hands gripping his bindings tight.

  “You’ll be screaming soon, O’Brien. I promise.” He whipped him again and again.

  Slashes ripped into the captain’s flesh, blood trickling down his shredded back. Ronan had no doubt that Kane would cry out. Lord, he would. He had to do something before Kane was nothing but a bloody mess.

  “I never realized Zuto was so patient, allowin’ you to carry out your revenge.”

  Palmer raised his hand and stopped. “Silence.” He jerked his head toward Ronan, his face pale. Ronan followed his gaze. His smirk faded as his heart skipped a beat.

  Zuto was on the beach. His long black hair hid his face, and he wore his signature loin cloth. Ronan could feel his eyes boring into him, making his flesh crawl, his stomach twisting into knots. He’d be facing him, not in a dream, but in the flesh. He wouldn’t be able to wake this time. He didn’t know if Angelica was with child, but Zuto thought she was, meaning she was still in danger. Hannah was passed out, and Kane slumped against the mast. He had lost.

  Palmer threw the whip on the deck. “Lower the damn long boats.” His voice was edgy.

  Ronan swallowed. Palmer feared Zuto—and he feared no one.

  Ronan and the other three were forced into the long boats. He and Kane, their wrists bound behind their backs, were separated from their women. Deep, bloody streaks marred Kane’s back, and he bent his head. Every time a wave rocked the boat, he’d groan, toppling close to the edge. Fear squeezing his lungs, Ronan pulled on his restraints, but he was powerless to save his captain.

  Men rowed, and the dreaded island grew closer and closer. Angelica and Hannah were in another boat with Palmer. He sat behind Angelica and toyed with her hair, bringing it to his nose and sniffing it.

  She jerked forward. “Leave me alone, you leech.”

  Silky blond strands escaped his dirty finger. “Soon, you’ll be mine.” A sickening smile spread across his bruised and bloody face.

  “Palmer, keep your filthy paws to yourself.” Ronan twisted his body, trying to get free, but only making the rope cut deeper into his flesh. “Or I’ll swear I’ll rip out your black heart.”

  Palmer laughed but kept his hands to himself.

  Hannah rested her head in Angelica’s lap, and Angelica stroked Hannah’s brown hair. Angelica could be the mother of his child, and he had to find a way to keep her safe.

  There was still no sign of the Soaring Phoenix. Zuto must have cloaked the Damsel. The crew could be hunting them anywhere. He wished he could summon William to whisk Angelica and Hannah away from this foul place, but they were alone.

  He strained to remember everything Mariah had told him. She had mentioned love was the greatest power of all. Love could defeat a demon. But how? She hadn’t had time to cast the spell. Zuto was a powerful demon. Mariah was wrong, filled with foolish notions.

  As the sun sank lower in the ocean, turning clouds pink, purple and orange, Zuto’s new curse gripped him. His throat constricted, a ferocious hunger possessing him. ’Twas not like anything he’d known before. He wanted blood, innocent blood. He reluctantly looked over at Hannah, who was helpless in Angelica’s lap. He could hear her blood thumping through her veins. He rolled his tongue across his incisors, wanting to sink his fangs into her throat. Mariah’s words echoed in his mind. He looked at Angelica, her blond hair, her curvy body, her belief in him. He took a deep breath, pushing the hunger aside. For now.

  The moon would rise soon, and he’d be able to break these bloody bonds, and Kane would heal. It would give them a chance.

  As the men reached the shore, Zuto approached Palmer. “What the hell did you think you were doing aboard the ship?”

  Palmer’s face paled. “O’Brien—”

  His voice whined like a little boy justifying why he was late for school.

  The demon’s hair parted from his face, his red eyes glowing. “I don’t care what he did.” He waved his hand. “Bring them ashore and tie them up.”

  “Why?” Palmer asked. “Ronan and Kane will turn…”

  Zuto rushed across the sand and lifted Palmer out of the boat by the throat. “I want them to be vampires. ’Tis the only way for the spell to work. Ronan must feed on Angelica and draw out the baby’s soul.”

  Ronan’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what Zuto had said. Numbness snaked through his body, and he couldn’t breathe. His veins constricted tighter, and the hunger, the agonizing hunger, grew stronger. He couldn’t fight it. Not knowing if the captain could hear him, he said, “Kane, when you turn, kill me.”


  Men dragged Kane out of the boat, and he collapsed onto the sand. Leif grabbed Ronan’s arm, hoisting him out of the long boat. Ronan whirled around, but another brute stopped him cold with a dagger, aiming it at his throat. “Move, ye maggot.”

  “Please, Ronan.” Angelica gasped, putting her hand on her neck.

  Zuto flicked his hand. Ronan’s legs moved on their own, no matter how he willed them to stop.

  The demon gestured to four wooden stakes planted in the ground. “Now, sit.”

  Ronan held his head up high. “No.”

  “Always the hard way with you.” He pointed to the ground. “Sit.”

  Strong wind slammed into the back of Ronan’s legs, knocking him to the ground hard. Hot sand scraped his face.

  Zuto motioned with his hand. “Bring the girl.”

  “Let her be, ye bastards!” Ronan yelled, spitting out dirt.

  Ignoring him, Alfred snagged Angelica’s arm, yanking her out of the boat. She twisted her arm, and with her hand, beat on his fat hand.

  “Stop it, wench,” he said.

  “Enough.” Leif grabbed her other arm.

  Together they both dragged her to the stakes. She was only inches away from Ronan.

  His heart beating fast, Ronan looked up at Leif. “Please, donna do this.”

  Leif forced Angelica to sit. Leaning close to Ronan, he said, “I donna have a choice.” His voice was barely a whisper.

  Ronan’s eyes widened, wondering what he meant.

  Despair strangling his heart, Ronan watched Leif and Alfred quickly manacle Angelica’s ankles and wrists to the stakes. She turned her head toward Ronan, mouthing the words I love you.

  His breath quickened. Did she love him, or was it Mariah’s spell? He looked at the demon, but he was busy watching the sunset.

  The sun dipped into the ocean, and darkness descended onto the beach. “Soon, you’ll feast,” Zuto said.

  Ronan glared. “I’ll not hurt Angelica.” He hoped he wasn’t lying.

  “You don’t have any say in the matter,” Zuto said. “The spell has already been cast and can’t be undone.”

  His shadow fell over Ronan, sending an icy chill down his spine. Ronan shivered. It was as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown on him. />
  “I don’t know why you’re struggling, Macmillan. I gave you my word.”

  He snapped his fingers. Ronan’s severed hand materialized, floating within a glowing golden aura, chasing away the murkiness.

  “Once this is over, you’ll have your hand back. Isn’t that what you’ve been whining about this whole time? Complaining you’re a cripple. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be whole again.” He gestured toward Kane, tied to a tree and slumped over. “But you’ll be minus one captain. I fear sucking out your child’s soul will not be enough for your hunger. You’ll drain your captain as well.”

  Ronan yanked on his bindings, but they were secured tight. His blasted legs wouldn’t move.

  Zuto raised his eyebrow. “I’ll never understand humans. You have what you wanted. Be content.” He looked at Palmer. “Give me your dagger.”

  Palmer pulled out a jeweled dagger from his jacket and handed it to Zuto. The demon knelt on one knee next to Angelica.

  She pressed her body deeper into the sand, edging away from the demon. “I’m not pregnant. I have not felt a baby move inside me.”

  “You’re wrong. You couldn’t swim, because you are human. I can see your baby through your eyes. Before this is through, you’ll feel the baby move.”

  “Please, don’t hurt my baby.”

  Zuto brushed her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry. I need your baby, whether it’s a boy or girl. The spell won’t be as strong with a male, but I’m out of time.” He ran his long fingers down the side of her face. “But you’ll be able to have more children. If you survive the night on board the Fiery Damsel.”

  Tears stained her cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

  He jerked his hand away. “’Tis not your concern.”

  “Not my concern.” Angelica narrowed her eyes and spat into his face.

  Ronan froze. Humiliating the demon was a good way to get her throat slit. “Zuto, don’t hurt her.”

  She twisted her arms and legs, making her manacles clank against the stakes. “Because of you, I’ll lose the man I love and become a mindless whore.”

  “Such a fierce passion you have, undine.” He waved the blade inches over her face.


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