Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4) Page 3

by Dana Arden

  “Good, Sir.”

  “Good girl. I promise this will be over before you know it.” He whispers so I’m the only one who can hear him.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He pulls a strip of green silk from his back pocket and covers my eyes as he ties it at the back of my head. The loss of sight enhances my sense of hearing. I hear the muffled breathing around me. Then I feel the leather strips and beads of a flogger brush up my leg to my torso and then across my breast.

  The shiver that runs through my limps to my core in anticipation of the first stroke of the leather against my skin is exhilarating. Swoosh. The slap against my skin arches my back with the sensations against the sensitive skin of my breast and nipples. The next glides across my stomach making the muscles tense and release, bringing a sigh from my lips.

  The sound of his steps moving away brings me back into focusing on waiting and wanting the next round of sensational torment against my vulnerable flesh.

  A few seconds later the strike on my skin is a welcomed sensation that is followed by three continuous blows to my chest, stomach and thighs close enough that a strip from the flogger grazes my clit sending a tremor of pleasure.

  The simultaneous pain and pleasure absorbs me into a dizzying subspace where all thoughts are evaporated and replaced with a sense of ease.

  I can hear Beanie speaking to me, but I can’t comprehend his words, so the only response I’m able to give him is a moan. The feeling of his calloused hands against my exposed skin sends another shock to my senses, but I’m unable to be released from the subspace.

  His hand creeps down my stomach into my thong and the first brush of his fingers against my clit sends me riveting for release. His fingers continue their journey downward to my entrance. My body jolts with the intrusion of one finger sliding deep within me, which is quickly joined with another and then a third. My head rolls along my shoulders as my breathing speeds up.

  The warm breath against my cheek and the puffs against my ear send tingles down my spine.

  He says one word, “Cum,” and my body explodes and I’m unable to keep from screaming with my release.

  I barely remember being untwined from the rope or even being carried to my room. Aftercare is a blur until Beanie begins to rouse me.

  “Razz, you did well tonight.” He rasps.


  “We need to talk about something important.”

  “Hit me with it.”

  And hit me with it he did.

  Chapter 6


  Another day congregating around the table for Church waiting to see who our local dominatrix is, who apparently doesn’t know how to tell time. When did I become such a grumpy ass, you ask? Well, the day the love of my life decided to leave me and hasn’t contacted me in months.

  The sounds of my brothers mumbling and Mad Dog staring off in space is how the last twenty minutes have gone. The only brother that has moved is Beanie. He stepped out a few minutes ago and hasn’t returned.

  A shove of my shoulder has me turning around to see Beanie walking through the door to Church with a brunette flanking him. I can only see the top of her head as she’s hiding behind Beanie’s big ass.

  The brothers slowly take their seats and Beanie continues to the front of the table as the woman walks on his opposite side still hidden. When they get to my dad, a huge smile invades his hard expression and he pulls the woman into a hug. He whispers in her ear and she moves her head in agreement to what he’s saying.

  He points to a Prospect and then at the chair in the corner for him to bring it over. Once the chair is beside my dad, he sits in his chair and helps the mystery woman sit as well.

  She finally lifts her head to the table of my brothers and I about fall out of my chair that I had leaning back on two legs. What the fuck is Razz doing here? There’s no fucking way she’s a dominatrix. She doesn’t have a demanding bone in her body. She’s more likely to submit than dominate any day.

  Dad bangs the gavel and brings the room to attention. “By the expressions on your faces you are all shocked to realize that our little Razz is the woman to help out Mad Dog.” He chuckles to himself. “As am I.” He rotates his body toward Mad Dog. “So what’s the verdict?”

  “Well,” Mad Dog clears his throat, “last night was enlightening and there is definitely no way in hell I can learn that in a few days. Beanie and Razz have agreed to go with me to Florida. She’s going to ask one of her long time clients if he’ll participate and from the conversation I had with Greer this morning she will be going with Spook.”

  My dad looks to Razz. “Is your client reliable?”

  Razz nods. “He is, but I don’t know if he’ll be able to get away with such short notice. If he can’t then I shouldn’t have an issue getting a sub at Wonderland. I’ve been there a few times over the years and I haven’t had an issue. I think it all depends on who exactly is responsible for the abducting.”

  “What do you mean?” My dad questions.

  “In our world,” she moves her hand between her and Beanie, “you could be dealing with a submissive who thinks he or she was wronged by a certain dominant. I know from personal experience when a submissive doesn’t do as asked continuously we as dominants have the right to refused to work with them. This isn’t a game. It’s a way of life. Some don’t take it as seriously as dominants do and push too many boundaries. A submissive and dominant can be blacklisted if they don’t follow the rules and that doesn’t happen very often. We could be dealing with a submissive or a dominant within the walls of Wonderland. I would prefer to have a submissive that I can trust going into this instead of finding one at Wonderland who I know nothing about.”

  “I agree.” My dad states. “What other options do you have, Razz.”

  She slowly looks around the table at the men and at the Prospects. “It’s easy for a dominant to teach a submissive than it is for a dominant to learn to command. If we are leaving Friday morning, I could take one of your men or even a Prospect and give them the basics, but they have to be serious about this because Wonderland isn’t like the Upper Hand. There is no privacy there. Yes, there are private rooms, but they have areas that others can observe the scene being performed.”

  Beanie interrupts. “It has to look authentic or we’ll be fucked. Wonderland is open to members with only a few employees that participate other than bartenders and bouncers. Razz and I will need the next few days to gauge what we need to teach our subs as well as learn their reactions. Razz needs someone she’s familiar with as well as someone who’s serious about this.”

  “I understand.” My dad comments. “Marc, who do you think will be able to handle it out of the Prospects?”

  “I’m sorry but I wouldn’t send a Prospect. This is more than a search and rescue. This is a matter of infiltrating and adapting. We need someone with the skill set to take in their surroundings, as well as observe the demeanor of the people around them.” Marc adds.

  “Can I interrupt for a minute?” Razz raises her hand. “This isn’t my first undercover operation. I’ve worked with Mad Dog on several cases over the last year since the shit with Dimitri. I’ve had the training and I know how to handle myself in most situations. We probably wouldn’t be here right now if Mad Dog knew about my lifestyle, but since he didn’t he came to you all. I just need a submissive. I don’t need a bodyguard or even someone watching my six.”

  I glare at Mad Dog and rise from my chair. “What the hell, Mad Dog? You’ve been recruiting women from our town and putting them in danger.” I bellow.

  He shakes his head, but before he can speak Razz states smoothly. “He didn’t recruit me. I went to him. I wanted to help. When those women that were sold or kidnapped by Dimitri were released from the hospital, I was there for them. I made sure they had everything they needed and they had someone to lean on. I did that. So, I suggest you sit your big ass down and shut your mouth when you don’t know anything about me or what my life entails. Got

  Where the hell did this Razz come from? I sit down and nod my head in agreement.

  Beanie chuckles and I stare at him. “I think we found Razz’s sub.” He coos.

  “Fuck no!” Razz and I yell at the same time.

  Razz continues to shake her head at Beanie. “I can’t work with him. I’d rather take a Prospect.” She glares at me. “No offense, Trigger, but you and I, we don’t mesh well.”

  “How do you figure?” I ask.

  “You’re use to getting what you want or having it handed to you on a silver platter. You won’t be willing to submit to me and we both know that. You’ll be too combative and that doesn’t fit the mold of a D/s relationship. It would be obvious to anyone that watched that you’d be trying to top me continuously.”

  “Since when do you know who the fuck I am?” I growl.

  “Trigger, I’ve known you since we were kids. I used to think we were friends, but we weren’t. I was a means to an end. When you had what you wanted in your sights, you forgot about a lot of other things, like friendship. Over the years, you’ve continued to be the same way. If that person wasn’t giving you what you wanted, you dismissed them. I’m not sure if it was intentional, but it was done all the same. You obsess on one item, i.e. Sadie, and don’t care about anything else unless it’s in your inner circle. A dominant and submissive relationship is just that a relationship. It’s is collaborated with the utmost respect for one another and trust. I don’t respect you nor do I trust you, so you working with me will not work.” She stands from her seat and gives Mad Dog her full attention. “Figure it out and bring them to the Upper Hand. If there’s anything else, you know how to get in touch with me.”

  My eyes follow her as she walks out of the room and slams the door. I can feel the stares of my brothers on the back of my head.

  “Son.” My dad says to get my attention. “You know she’s right. You’ve been that way your whole life.” He shakes his head. “You dropped that poor girl like she never meant a damn thing to you for as many years as you two were inseparable. I think this one is going to be one you sit out and let us figure out who’s acceptable for Razz.”

  “You’d trust a Prospect over me. I’ve got training and I can do this. Just let me prove it.”

  “It’s not about trust and proving. It’s about her not trusting you. She has to be completely comfortable with the person who she dominates and she doesn’t with you.” Beanie announces. “She’s my friend, Trigger and I know a hell of a lot more about her than you do. Her whole life has been people walking all over her. In the last three years, she has eliminated those people from her life and she’s stronger for that. Do you honestly think she’s ever going to let a person who walked all over her as a kid into her circle?”

  “It shouldn’t matter. This isn’t about our past. This is about finding out who is kidnapping people in Florida.” I spit.

  “You know what, Trigger, come to the Upper Hand tonight.” Mad Dog says. “You’ve never been before and you don’t understand just like I didn’t understand until I saw Beanie and Razz last night. It’s a lot more than you getting your ass spanked and getting tied up. It connects the dominant and the submissive in more ways than just physical.”

  “Sure, why not.” I state snidely.


  I’m in the center of the Upper Hand in faded jeans, black T-shirt sans my kutte and I’m fucking out of place in the sea of nakedness to leather pants and barely-there panties. At least I’m not the only one. Mad Dog is in the exact attire as me, but the difference is, he’s sweating balls. Beanie, on the other hand, is in his element; shirtless, dark jeans and brown Doc Martens.

  We move around the stage and sit at a booth in the corner. Taking in the atmosphere and the sexual tension in the air is overwhelming to say the least. I’ve never once been in a place other than Dani’s bar where nakedness is this natural for most of the patrons.

  A light stream of music can be heard over the surrounding speakers as the people part and a stunning set of toned, tanned legs with knee-high black leather heeled boots come into view. Moving further up the woman’s body, she is wearing red leather panties and a red leather corset. Her lips are painted a deep red and her eyes are the brightest blue outlined in thick black liner. Her hair is pined on the sides away from her face and this side of Razz has my balls tingling and my dick rock hard.

  Behind her is a slim man with his head bowed naked as the day he was born and blindfolded as she leads him to the stage with a hand on his elbow.

  Once there, she leads him to a contraption that looks similar to a tattoo chair. The difference is the chair has a hole near the seat.

  He straddles the seat under Razz’s direction and his erect cock protrudes through the hole. As he leans forward, Razz whispers in his ear and you can hear him respond with ‘yes Mistress.’ She rakes her fingers through his hair in approval and his cock jumps.

  He lays his cheek against the head of the seat as Razz walks to a table off in the corner. Returning with a leather paddle in one hand and leather cuffs in the other, she approaches the man. She commands him to place his hands behind his back and proceeds to handcuff his wrists. Another rake of her fingers through his hair and you can hear him moan, which gets him a swat of the paddle.

  “Quiet.” Razz demands.

  “Yes, Mistress.” He responds.

  She bends and whispers in his ear and he nods and in turn she brings the paddle down on his ass in a quickness I wasn’t expecting.

  “One more time, pet. I am going to spank you with this paddle ten times and you are going to tell me after each one why you deserve it.” Razz growls.

  “Yes, Mistress.” The man responds out of breath.

  I look to Beanie and Mad Dog who are enthralled with the show. I tap the table getting their attention. “Is this normal?”

  “No. He disobeyed her and now she’s publically humiliating him. It’s how a dominant gains respect and obedience from their sub. If you do not reprimand your sub, they’ll continue to disobey. She’s only been working with him for a couple of weeks and this is the first time she’s had to punish him.”

  “He doesn’t look like he’s taking it as punishment.”

  “He’s aroused because he likes to be controlled. His punishment will probably come in the form of him not getting a release. Razz is very good at getting men to fall into line when it comes to disobeying her. Not many like to be punished with her because the reward for obeying is so much better.”

  “Just watch, Trigger. She’ll probably reward him for being complacent but it won’t be for him.”

  Concentrating back on Razz and the man, she’s now slowly walking around him while tapping a butt plug against her palm. She strays from her circling and approaches the table picking up a bottle and returning to the man. The top of the bottle flips open and she pours it on the middle of his back. I can only assume what’s going to happen as she takes the plug and rubs it along the man’s back and then I watch as his body becomes tense and then relaxes.

  “How does it feel, pet?”

  “Good, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”

  I’m confused as to why this man is thanking her for shoving a plug up his ass. This man is off his rocker.

  Razz unravels a thin rope from her wrist and bends in front of the man. As he squirms, Razz smacks his thigh and he settles. She gets back to her task and a few seconds later she rises.

  I stare at the man’s cock that looks like it’s being suffocated with rope. The head is an ugly purplish red.

  Razz grabs a hold of the man’s upper arms and directs him to stand. Standing she turns him to face her and then lightly pushes his shoulders down commanding him to kneel in front of her.

  With him on his knees and his strangled cock standing to attention, Razz lifts her leg and puts it over his shoulder. She roughly fists his hair and drags his face to her pussy. She moves her panties to the side.

  The sound of his slurping and sucking on Razz
produces uneasiness inside me. I’ve never had this sensation before. The more he pleasures her the more I want to leap on that stage and disengage his mouth from her.

  Beanie’s words bring me out of my muddled thoughts. “This is his reward.”

  I continue to watch as Razz cums with a hushed moan. She removes her leg from his shoulder and steps back. After several moments, she lifts his chin with her hand and forces him to stand. She disentangles the rope from his cock and he grunts with relief as she leans forward and speaks in his ear.

  I watch as he cums to what she said to him. With the last of his release, she takes the blindfold off and uncuffs him.

  “You did well, pet. Now clean up your mess on your hands and knees.”

  “Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.” He responds as he goes to the table and comes back with a rag and cleaner.

  He completes his tasks and kneels in front of Razz. She snaps her fingers and he makes eye contact with her. She nods and he stands following her off the stage and back to where they originally came from.

  When I can no longer see her, I release a string of curses and rub my chest over my heart. I don’t know if it’s jealousy of watching her give the man her attention or jealousy over the fact he had his mouth on her and I wouldn’t mind doing the same.

  Chapter 7


  Closing the door to my private room, I turn to Gerry as he takes his kneeling position at the foot of the bed as I ordered him to when we passed over the threshold.

  “You did good tonight, pet, but I will not tolerate you thinking you can disobey me. You’ve been submitting to me for almost a month and you’ve had enough time to learn the rules, so going forward your punishments will get more intense. Tonight was nothing compared to the punishment you’ll receive if you disobey me again. Understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  I walk towards him and once I’m arms length from him, I run my fingernails against his scalp. It’s my way of nonverbal approval.


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