Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4) Page 2

by Dana Arden

  When I finish my five mile run and step off the treadmill, the brown-haired goddess is gone and I feel a little twinge at not paying more attention to her. Shit, I didn’t even get a glimpse of her face. She could’ve been hideous, but I guess I’ll never know.

  I look around the gym to my next stop and wouldn’t you know the goddess is beating the hell out of a punching bag with Beanie holding on to it. I make my way to them and slap Beanie on the shoulder not giving my eyes to my new infatuation just yet.

  Beanie turns and gives me a chin lift but he’s too preoccupied with the woman whose taking out her frustrations on the bag to give me his full attention. I slowly rotate my head in the direction of her face and the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen stare back up at me and the air leaves my lungs.


  She punches a final time and abruptly stops. She looks to Beanie and nods as she escapes to the locker room. I watch as her sweat glistening body speed walks away from me and various memories of my childhood invade my thoughts.

  Raquel aka Razzle Dazzle aka Razz was my sidekick for many years growing up. She helped me with my homework and I helped her with the numerous bullies. She was your typical geek with glasses and pigtails. In high school, we went our separate ways for the most part. She got rid of the glasses and her brown-hair was always in long waves down her back. She was pretty in her own way, but in those days I was all about Sadie and how I was going to convince her to be my girl.

  I don’t remember much else about Razz other than her playing where’s Waldo at my homecoming parties. I would see her off to the side and then she was gone. She started working at Dani’s a few nights a week, but I didn’t pay her much mind because once again everything was about Sadie.

  Beanie pushes my shoulder and brings me back into the present. Standing beside a punching bag, the aroma of sweat and a closed locker room door. Turning my full attention on him, he’s squinting.

  “What?” I ask.

  “What? Shouldn’t I be asking you? What can I do for you, Trigger?”

  “Nothing. Just didn’t realize Razz works out here.”

  “She’s been working out here since it opened a year and a half ago.”

  “Hmmm.” Yep, I’m stupid and have been trapped in the world of Trigger and no one else other than Sadie with the occasional family drama thrown in.

  “Don’t you see her at Dani’s?”

  “Of course. That’s about it.”

  “Sure.” He grunts.

  Before I can say anything else, Razz walks out of the locker room freshly showered with tight faded jeans with slits down her thighs and a black hoodie with Razzle Dazzle Bitches bedazzled on the front. I can’t help but grin.

  She makes her way to Beanie and side hugs him. Before she can pull back, he pulls her fully into his arms and whispers in her ear. She nods and he releases her.

  “See ya later, Beanie.” She says softly as she takes her departure not even acknowledging me. Ouch, that hurt.

  We watch her strut out the door making all the men’s heads turn in her wake watching her tight ass.

  “You and Razz seem tight.” I query.

  “Yeah. She’s been good to me. She's not like many of the women I know.”

  “What do you mean? All the women I know are pretty great.” I say with a little more bite than necessary.

  “Yeah, they are great, but they aren’t Razz. She gets me and I get her.”

  “What’s to get? She’s always been the geeky girl who had her life planned out for her since she was little. What I don’t get is why she works at Dani’s. She could have been anything, but instead she’s a waitress at a strip club.”

  “I forgot you’re woman hating lately. Being a waitress isn’t the only thing she does, but you wouldn’t know that because you were always stuck up Sadie’s ass to worry about anybody else.”

  “I’ll give you that, but I’ve known Razz since we were little. There’s nothing special about her.”

  Beanie’s fist flies into the punching bag beside my head putting me on edge.

  “Tell me Trigger, when was the last time you took time out of your life and actually had a conversation with Razz?”

  I think on it for a minute and realize I haven’t had much to do with Razz since we were teenagers. Before I can answer, Beanie does it for me.

  “Exactly, you know nothing about her or her life. You have no clue what a wonderful woman she is. That woman has done more for this community than most know and she doesn’t take a lick of credit for it because that is who she is. She’s selfless.” He runs his hands through his hair. “If I was a better man, she’d be mine, but I’m not. If I could get over my past, she’d be it for me, but I can’t. So before you run your fucking mouth about someone you haven’t talked to since you were a boy getting his first boner, stop and remember how it feels to be invisible to the person you thought would always have your back. I know you know how that feels because it’s exactly what Sadie has done to you.”

  He leaves me with his parting words that I still don’t understand. Of course, I know how it feels but what does that have to do with Razz. We haven’t been friends since we were teenagers. Yes, we were together a lot, but to me it was mutual. I scratch her back, she scratches mine. As time went on, I didn’t need her so I let her be thinking she didn’t need me either and I disappeared into Sadie’s world and never looked back.

  Fucking Sadie.

  Chapter 3


  Running into Trigger at the gym and him staring straight through me is just another day in the life of the Invisible Raquel. It’s my superpower. I can blend in and no one would ever know I was a living, breathing person with tits and ass.

  It used to get me down when I’d see him be so enthralled with Sadie and then be so indifferent towards me. I always thought it was something I did that made him turn away from me, but the older I get the better I understand that Trigger feels for Sadie as I do him and he is blind to the rest of the female population.

  What can I do or say? Nothing. He will forever be stuck on her and I will forever be the Invisible Raquel to him. Yep, pity party table of one at your service. I think it’s time to get my ducks in a row and make a move where my want isn’t constantly in my face, but before that I need to get my ass to the Upper Hand.

  I promised Beanie I would participate in his showcase today since his regular isn’t going to make it. This isn’t my normal scene since I’m usually in Beanie’s position, but I’ve watched and learned over the years and I know how to adjust.

  From the outside the Upper Hand looks like a regular shop on a low-key street. When you walk in, it’s a pub for the regular people in this city, but for the sadistic and masochistic, there’s a basement full of opportunity.

  I walk down the hall to Joel. Joel is a bouncer per se, but he’s also a Dom. As I near, he gives me the slightest smile before he opens the door to the true Upper Hand.

  “Enjoy Mistress Razz.” He coos as I pass.

  “I always do, Sir.”

  In the basement, you have plenty of options. There is public play in several areas, as well as private play. I’m more of a private player, but tonight will be public since Beanie has been training a couple new men who wanted to learn the ends and outs of becoming a Dom.

  Since I’m one of the Mistresses employed by the Upper Hand, I have my own private room with all the necessities I need to please men and women that come to me for what they cannot find outside of these four walls. Most of my clients are men, but I do get the occasional woman who isn’t comfortable with giving complete control over to a Dom.

  Entering my private room, I look around and take in my escape. On the outside, I’m a nobody, but here I’m needed and wanted if only for a little while. My clients need me for something I can give them without having to give them something in return, like monetary or emotional. I give them fifteen minutes to an hour of my time and they leave. No repercussions. No emotional attachment. Just me, them and what
ever they request I do to them.

  Beanie requested that I only wear a red thongs and a robe since he’s a Dom that loves rope play. This will be the third time I’ve allowed him to top me, but I trust him to take care of me. If he were anyone else, it would never happen. Between him and my best friend, Mal, they are the only two people on this earth that are truly by my side whenever I need them and vice versa. I would do anything for them. They’ve shown me over the years that I’m more than just the woman that gets walked over and since becoming a Domme, I have gained the confidence in myself to know I am worth more than what I’ve allowed myself to receive.

  I take off my clothes and fold them neatly placing them on the shelf of my closet. I open the top drawer of the small dresser enclosed in the closet and pull out a see-through thong sliding them up my legs into position. Since I’m not topping, I won’t wear my knee-high heeled boots and go for a pair of plain black four-inch heels. When my ensemble is complete, I put my black silk robe on and go to the little bathroom in the corner to braid my long brown hair so it won’t get tangled in Beanie’s ropes.

  Done getting ready I sit and wait for Beanie to come and retrieve me.

  Chapter 4


  Sitting in Church for the second time in three days is a little unnerving. Watching my cousin and sister with Ryker and Spook, as well as their families is miserable. I may be young, but this is what I imagined I would have by now or at least a good woman at my back, but those dreams have vanished. All I want now is to get through each day without wanting to hit something or bury myself at the bottom of a bottle.

  Disrupting my depressing thoughts, my dad slams the gavel on the wood table.

  “Okay, so I know you fuckers don’t like seeing me as much as you have lately, but we have some shit going on down in Tallahassee with our Florida chapter.” My dad roughly smooths his hands down his face in exacerbation. “They’ve had men and women going missing from a club. In the past two weeks, two women and one man have disappeared. No one has heard from them and the local PD is at a loss. The only connection is the club they all visited. I had Greer call in Mad Dog to see what he could find out and I asked him to be here today.” He looks towards Mad Dog who I didn’t even notice as I was drowning in my loss.

  Mad Dog clears his throat. “The club isn’t your normal night club. It’s a BDSM club. The women and men were dominates who were employed by the club a few nights a week. On the nights they went missing, they had been working at the club.”

  Beanie cuts in. “What’s the name of the club?”

  Mad Dog gives him his attention. “Wonderland.”

  Beanie nods. “I know it well. Brad Knowles is the owner and also his partner Craig.”

  “Correct.” Mad Dog huffs. “They aren’t very forthcoming with information.

  “I can understand that.” Beanie supplies. “It’s a BDSM club. It isn’t the run of the mill we all congregate and fuck club. Look there are different types of BDSM clubs. They all have members but some employee their dominants and some just let the members have full reign over what they participate in. Wonderland employs, so instead of just members they have clients that are high profiled.”

  Mad Dog stares at Beanie with confusion. “How do you know all of this?”

  “Because I’m a Dom. I work out of the Upper Hand a few cities over and they are just like Wonderland. You don’t have to be a member to get in, but you do have to know the right people to get access.”

  Mad Dog runs his thumb over his bottom lip concentrating entirely too much. “Do you have a submissive?” He asks.

  “Normally I do, but at the moment one of my friends is filling in. She’s a Mistress, so being topped isn’t her forte but because she trusts me, she’s willing to help me out. I have a showcase tonight with a couple of new dominates I’m training.”

  “Can you get me in? I need a better understanding of all of this. I might need a little of your domination training as well, because I have a feeling I might be going undercover.” Mad Dog growls.

  “Um.” Beanie’s neck starts to turn a light shade of red. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. If I was using my regular submissive I wouldn’t have a problem, but I’m using someone everyone knows in this room and she’s deserves her privacy.”

  Mad Dog tries again. “I promise that her secret will be safe with me. I’m not going to get my rocks off, I just need the insight.”

  Rudy interrupts. “Wait a minute. Is she affiliated with this club?” He questions Beanie.

  “In what capacity.” Beanie states.

  “Is she a club girl, ol’ lady, you know?”


  My dad is as confused as the rest of the brothers at the table on who we all know that could possibly be a dominatrix.

  “Beanie, who is she? Anything mentioned in this room stays in this room.”

  “I’m sorry Prez, but it isn’t anyone in this room’s business. She’s not doing anything that puts this club in danger as well as she isn’t club property, so who she is isn’t anyone’s business.” Beanie turns to Mad Dog. “I’ll take you and you alone, but if at anytime she’s uncomfortable with you being there, you have to leave.”

  “I can do that. I just don’t like going into something blind and I’m the kind of man that fucks in a bed or up against the wall. This tying up and gagging shit ain’t for me, but I need a quick run through so I don’t go into Wonderland looking like a dumbass.”

  “Sorry to tell you, but a quick run through isn’t going to do shit for you. This type of training takes weeks if not months. It’s not something you can watch and think you know what the fuck to do in an hour.”

  “What the fuck do you suggest?” Mad Dog huffs.

  “You need to do what you did with Greer and find a dominant and a submissive to go undercover for you. And from the looks of the abductions you need the female and male dominates.”

  “I don’t have time for all that shit. The abductions occur on Friday and Saturday nights. I need someone in there like yesterday since I only have a few days before the next one could happen.” Mad Dog roars.

  My dad stands from his chair and places both hands on the table leaning over. “Beanie, is there anyone at the Upper Hand that would be willing to help and keep on the low down?”

  Beanie looks down at his watch. “I’ll see if I can convince her to help. Then you will have your female dominate, but she’ll need a male sub. Tonight she’s just helping me out. She’s not submissive, but she is one hell of an actress.”

  Prez shakes his head. “Talk to her tonight and then we’ll call another meeting tomorrow. Mad Dog, you go and watch and see if you have the mentality to perform what Beanie’s doing. If not, I’ll send Beanie with you.” He turns to Spook. “As much as I hate to say it, but I think Greer might be the best of the women here to participate in this undercover operation.”

  Spook’s face turns hard. “What the fuck, Prez? You want to send your daughter, my woman to Florida as Beanie’s submissive.”

  My dad clears his throat. “Spook, you’ll be going with them. I’m sure Beanie can throw you in the mix somehow or you can just go as security, but she’s the only one I know that can pull it off.”

  Spook thinks on it for a few seconds and then nods in agreement. “Fine, but you’ll be the one to tell her.”

  “I can do that.” He looks around the table. “So let’s say ten tomorrow morning to get our plan in motion.” Grunts of approval erupt from the table and my dad slams the gavel ending Church.

  Chapter 5


  Beanie arrives fifteen minutes after I’m ready to go and attaches a green jeweled collar on my neck attached to a silver chain. He bends forward so he’s eye level with me and pushes the loose hair out of my face.

  “You good, Razz.” He says softly.

  “Yeah, I trust you.” He nods and begins to lead me out the door.

  Walking through the sea of people as they part with Beanie leadin
g me to the stage with my head bowed sends an electric current through my nerves. We approach the stage and take the steps slowly. On the stage is the Saint Andrew’s Cross as well as a whipping bench.

  Beanie directs me to the bench and disrobes me. He gently sits me in the middle of the bench. He signals to his trainees to bring his infamous green rope.

  “Arms straight out, palms up.” He demands and I do as he commands.

  He steps back and one of his trainees stands in front of me. I’m eye level with the impressive bulge in his jeans. The trainee starts wrapping the rope from above my elbow to my wrist. It’s intricate as he weaves it through my fingers making sure to leave a loop, so I will be easily hooked to the cross. He does the same to my other arm.

  He moves behind me as Beanie once again steps in front of me. He grips the loops and tugs lightly. He brings the loops as well as my arms over my head.


  I gracefully rise from the bench with my head bowed. Once I am up, he brings my arms back down and leads me to the cross. He turns me so my back is plastered against the wood of the cross.

  His other trainee takes my right arm and latches it through the hook on the cross above my head and then follows by doing the same to my other arm. With my arms raised, Beanie taps one heeled foot with the tip of his boot giving me the signal to spread. I spread one leg and then the other when coaxed to do so.

  The first trainee holds another set of green ropes in his hand and bends. He starts at my ankle with the rope tightly wound from ankle to mid-calf and then spreading the rope out he begins to wrap it from my thigh to my knee attaching me to the cross. He repeats the process on the other side.

  When he’s done, Beanie bends forward close to my ear. “How’s that feel?”


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