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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

Page 6

by Dana Arden


  “Standing what?”

  “Standing, Mistress.”

  I run my fingers through his thick dark brown hair and pat lightly. “Good boy.” I tug lightly on his hair and he stands and I direct him where I want him. “Stay here with your hands at your sides.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  I bring my palm against his tight ass lightly at first and when I don’t get a response, I spank harder receiving a grunt from Trigger.

  “How was that?”

  “Good, Mistress.”

  “Do you think you can deal with a little harder?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Trigger says in a whisper and I know he’s close to being spaced out.

  I move the paddle to my right hand and begin to paddle his ass and the back of his thighs. When his body relaxes instead of tensing with the pain, I move to look into his eyes. Besides the very large bulge in briefs, his eyes are dilated and distant.

  “How are you feeling, Trigger?”

  “I’m loose but turned the fuck on at the same time.” He shakes his head like that will get him out of subspace.

  “What do you need?”

  “I need to cum. I’m so hard my balls are hurting.”

  “Can I touch you?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  I place the paddle on the dresser and place my hands on Trigger’s waist moving them down and under the sides of his boxers slowly lowering them past his straining cock enough for it to be released. His cock is beautiful and perfect, long and thick with a flawless fat head. I fist it in one hand and cup his balls in the other. He moans and flexes his hips with the contact. Squeezing firmly at the base of his cock I milk him, up and down with a steady rhythm. I roll his balls a few more times with my fingers and thumb. Then slide that hand further down to massage and apply pressure to his taint. After a few more jerks of his cock with my hand, white streams of cum shoot to his stomach and chest. When the last jet has been released, I remove my hands and pull a hand towel out of the dresser to clean him and my hand up.

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “My pleasure. Do you want to take a shower?”

  He fixes his boxer briefs and stares at me with astonishment. “I want a beer and a cigarette, but I’ll settle for a water.”

  I giggle. Leave it to Trigger to cum hard and in the next instant joke.

  “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen.” I slap his ass on my way out and hear the sharp inhale he takes and feel like I’m walking on water with the way I affect him.

  Trigger appears at my kitchen counter a few minutes later picking up the bottle of water and chugging it. He’s eyeing me over the bottle and his stare makes me shiver. His eyes are intense, but there’s something else that I’m unable to decipher.

  Throwing the bottle in the trash, he sits at a barstool. “I wasn’t expecting to feel like that, Razz. It’s confusing and exhilarating at the same time.”

  I nod because it’s his first time begin subjected to having pain cause pleasure probably ever in his life. “The confusion will dissipate the more you experience the sensations.”

  “I enjoyed it and I think that’s what is so confusing.” He says unsure of his reaction.

  “The first time for me threw me for a loop. I expected to just feel a lot of pain and nothing else. It’s enlightening, but it isn’t something I like to experience very often. I don’t like feeling I have no control over my mind and body.”

  “So, you’re a control freak.” He jokes.

  “Yes.” I state seriously. “When you have so many aspects of your life that you have no control over and you get a taste of having the power to take your life back and hold the reins, it’s invigorating. For so many years, I allowed people to walk all over me. I became the ‘yes girl.’ Then when my grandfather passed away, I became a millionaire overnight and people thought since I was reserved and helped so many people out that I would just hand over my money.”

  “I’m sorry, Razz.”

  “Trigger, it’s done. I’ve became the woman I was meant to be, the woman my grandfather would’ve been proud of.”

  “Still, it had to suck.”

  “It did, but eventually I accepted that most people were just friends with me for a handout and not in my life for me.” I grin. “Enough with the heavy, I have to pick up your mom and go over some stuff with her before we leave on Friday morning.”

  “Sure.” He stands from the stool and looks as though he wants to say more, but is afraid to speak.

  “What is it?”

  “Can I tag along? I don’t have anything else to do and I don’t want to leave you yet. The past two days have been the best I’ve had in a while and I’m not ready to let that go.”

  I nod biting my bottom lip. I’m unsure about letting him be a part of the unknown in my life.

  Chapter 14


  Riding in the back of Razz’s Prius is the biggest fucking joke ever. I decided to be the gentleman I was raised to be and let my mom ride shot gun and ended up with my knees to my chin sitting slanted on the seat. But you know what I enjoyed the most out of this uncomfortable ride, the joy in Razz’s eyes looking at me through the rearview mirror and the continuous banter between the three of us.

  We pull up to Razz’s grandfather’s house and my mood darkens. Otis was a big part of my childhood and he was a good man. I feel like shit because when I became a hormonal teenager, I became an asshole to the little people that had always been a part of my life. Otis and Razz were the first to be dismissed and I’m sure there are others.

  Razz opens her door and my mom follows. I slink out of the back seat almost falling on my face. Stretching out my body to work out the kinks, I take in the enormous farmhouse. It hasn’t changed except maybe for all the girly flowers that Otis definitely didn’t plant.

  I quickly follow my mom and Razz up the walkway and before Razz can put the key in, the door opens and a young girl with a toddler on her hip smiles brightly at Razz.

  “Hey, Nicole.” Razz greets and holds her arms out for the baby who giggles and dives for her. “Hey baby girl.” She kisses the baby’s temple and I watch with amazement.

  “Hey Razz, Queenie.” She spots me and her smile dims.

  My mom touches her arm to get her attention. “Nicole, this is my son Trigger.”

  The smile returns and she shakes my hand. “Hi, Trigger.”

  “Nice to meet you, Nicole.”

  She steps back and we walk through the front door. I take in the foyer and the living room to the right. It’s all been updated and modernized from Otis’s taste of brown, white and black to bright yellows, blues and greens. The further we get into the house, the memories of Razz and my laughter floating through the house as children reverberates through my head. There were some good times held in this house.

  Coming to an abrupt stop in the kitchen, there are four more women with a couple of kids sitting at the table. I watch Razz go to each of them with warm embraces and forehead kisses for the kids. My mom does the same and I still can’t figure out how she knows all of these women.

  Razz hands the baby back to Nicole and brings her attention back to the women. “I’ll be leaving on Friday and will hopefully be back on Sunday or Monday. If you need anything, just call Queenie. Greer will be with me so she won’t be available.” The women nod. “We’re going to take the Tahoe, so I’m going to leave the Prius here as an emergency vehicle.”

  The women are silent and I have an odd suspicion that it is because I’m here. I back step out of the kitchen and back to the foyer trying to figure out why these women are living in Razz’s house and how my mom and Greer fit into the equation when my mom and Razz round the corner heading towards the front door.

  My mom yells over her shoulder, “I’ll be back on Saturday for pizza and movie night.” There is a chorus of ‘see ya then’ and squeals from the kids’ excitement.

  When we get outside, Razz calls my name and tosses me
her keys. “Can you back the Prius up?” I nod. “Then when I pull out the Tahoe can you pull it into the garage?” I nod again.

  Before even sitting, I pull the seat back as far as it goes and it still isn’t enough room for my long legs. Jesus, I’m packed in here like a sardine. I turn the key in the ignition and look up to see my mom laughing her ass off at my big ass in this compact car.

  Backing out of the driveway, I watch Razz drive out of the garage in a brand new navy blue Tahoe. My mom crosses in front of it and gets in the passenger seat. I steer the roller-skate into the garage, open the door and force my legs to unpretzel.

  Getting into the Tahoe, I sigh. It’s a beautiful SUV with tan leather seats with all the bells and whistles. I lounge back and ask the question I’ve wanted to ask since Nicole opened the front door.

  “Who are those women?”

  Razz looks up from the road and peers at me in the rearview mirror. “Two of them are from Nevada. They were in Dimitri’s basement. The others are single mothers who had nowhere else to go.”

  “Well shit. I just figured the women in Nevada had been sent to their families.”

  “Nicole and Jenna were of age and their families sold them to Dimitri. There was no way I was going to let them go back to that or live on the streets. Beanie called me when ya’ll were there after the raid and told me about the girls. I flew into Nevada the next day and when they were released, I brought them here.”

  “That’s awesome Razz.”

  My mom butts in. “That’s not the only house Razz has like that, Trigger. Our girl is somewhat of a miracle worker.”

  Just then we turn into the driveway of a two-story house with an older gentleman on the porch that reminds me of Otis. Razz gets out, but my mom doesn’t budge so I stay in the truck.

  I watch Razz approach the man and he wraps her in his arms. She steps back and pats him on the arm and they disappear into the house.

  “Who’s that?” I question my mom.

  “That’s Rodney. He’s a Vietnam Vet that was homeless until Razz found him in Atlanta. She brought him here, gave him a place to lay down his head and food in his belly. He runs the house for her.”

  “What do you mean ‘runs the house’?”

  “Well, Razz has always had a good heart and people took advantage of it for so long. When she got the inheritance from her grandfather it got worse, so Razz started investing so even if people were after her money she couldn’t touch it. Last year, she started TNB House. It’s a place where veterans can come and get back on their feet. She has connections that help with getting them a stable job and then eventually they move out. Some pay it forward, while others end up coming back. Rodney has been around a long time and he’s experienced a lot, so it was only logical that Razz let him run and help out. Plus it gives him a place to live and some pocket change.”


  “You shouldn’t even question that. You were her best friend and then you went off to the sand pits. It was only fitting that it be named after you or so it was in her eyes.”


  “Yep, fuck. Don’t screw her over son. She has the biggest heart and deserves more than to be a spare.”

  I agree because the more time I spend with her, the more I know how wasted my time with Sadie was. I never felt this undying need to be close to Sadie the way I do with Razz. Yes, I was stuck up Sadie’s ass, but it makes me wonder if I wasn’t just trying to hold on to the fantasy of her. Sadie never got me like Razz always has.

  “She’s definitely something else.” I rasp.

  Chapter 15


  The next day Trigger was challenged, but excelled and I couldn’t be more proud of him. It takes a lot for a man who’s never been a submissive and probably doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body to submit. I have complete faith in him to pull off what needs to be done this weekend.

  The butterflies in my stomach haven’t subsided. Nope, they’ve only caused a tornado. Ever glimpse I get of Trigger nude or the hunger in his eyes, I feel the need to keel over.

  The past few days seem to have wiped the past years of dread and self-pity away and replaced it with desire, want and acceptance. The more I’m around him, the more I feel as though we have become one with each other.

  I know it’s probably stupid to think that Trigger considers the time spent with me to be more than preparation for the upcoming weekend, but I’m a woman. I’m a woman who has wanted him even when he was a pimple-faced boy. Attractive, huh? Judge all you want, but when you have your dreams standing in front of you and don’t have anything standing in the way who wouldn’t fantasize about what if.

  Right now, I’m watching that fantasy in tight faded blue jeans, a black wife-beater, and kutte bent over his bike pretending it has an issue. Here I am standing innocently holding oil in one hand waiting to ruin his father’s jeans just to make our prank come to life.

  Gravel crunching behind me has my nerves skyrocketing hoping I can pull this off.

  The sound of Rudy’s booming voice makes me startle even though I knew he was behind me. “Son, what’s wrong with your bike?”

  Trigger rises and winks at me. “Not sure. It seems to be leaking oil but I can’t find anything wrong. Just wanted to figure it out before we leave.”

  Rudy slaps a hand to my shoulder lightly and I jerk in the process, releasing the oil container from my hands which lands directly on to Rudy’s crotch.

  “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.” I stammer out trying to hide my glee with actually accomplishing my task. “Let me get a rag and help you clean it up.”

  “No, darling.” Rudy soothes. “I can just go change.” He takes in my face then my eyes. “You okay, hun? You’re awfully jumpy.”

  “Yeah, I’m good, just trying to mentally prepare for this weekend. I guess I still have some kinks to work out.”

  He nods and with a final squeeze of my shoulder, he turns and walks towards the Clubhouse. I turn to Trigger, who’s wearing a wicked smile that matches my own.

  He lifts his hand and I high-five him. “Showtime, Razzle Dazzle.”

  We move around the Clubhouse hand-in-hand and take a seat next to Greer and Queenie, who have knowing smirks on their faces.

  Ten minutes later, Rudy rushes out of the door and heads towards the grill. He bends over in the cooler to pull out hot dogs for the kids.

  The chatter, that was once overwhelming, silences. Looking around the yard, all eyes are on Rudy’s ass and I can’t hold back my chuckle that has a domino effect on the crowd.

  I watch as Marc saddles up to Rudy’s side and speaks in his ear. Rudy’s spatula-less hand reaches behind him and rubs the pockets of his jeans. He tries to look at his ass without much luck.

  The smoke is rolling out of his ears as he glances around his brothers, kids and the women. His glare reaches Trigger and me. I grip Trigger’s thigh trying to hold in my laughter as he stomps towards us.

  “Little girl.” He growls.

  “Yes.” I respond naively.

  He bends over the picnic table and is nose to nose with me. “Did you do this to my jeans?”

  “Nope.” I say as I pop the ‘p.’

  He rolls his shoulders and turns to Trigger. “Son, did you put fucking jewels on the ass of my jeans.”

  Trigger shakes his head. “Nope.” He says in the same fashion as me.

  They have a stare off until Greer and Queenie bust out laughing behind him taking in the pink jewels in the form of a heart and the ‘I’ in the middle on his left pocket with another pink heart with ‘love big butts’ on the right pocket.

  Rudy turns around suddenly and puts his hands on his hips as he stares at his daughter and ol’ lady. With his new position, Trigger and I get a marvelous view of his bejeweled ass and we both roll off the bench of the picnic table on to the ground laughing our asses off until I’m hauled off the ground and over a shoulder eyelevel with Rudy’s bejeweled ass.

  Rudy’s steadily mumbling. “I
should’ve known it was your ass. You’d think after all these years your ass would stop putting jewels on shit.”

  I have no clue where he’s headed until he sets me on my feet near the woods edge. I look up expecting a pissed off Rudy, but he’s grinning like a loon. I’m confused because this shit isn’t supposed to be funny to him. I just embarrassed him in front of his brothers.

  “You’re supposed to be mad not grinning. Wipe it off your face and put a scowl in its place, and maybe furrow your brows.”

  “Not happening, darling. You just achieved in less than a week what we’ve been trying to do for months.”

  “What are you talking about? Have you been trying to Bejewel your jeans?”

  “Nope.” He drawls sarcastically. “We’ve been trying to get our Trigger back since Sadie left.”

  I scoff. “That shit is not on me.” I bite my bottom lip processing. “Maybe he just got sick of booze and pussy, Rudy.”

  “No darling. He got his best friend back. She brought him out of the dark even if she hasn’t realized it yet.”

  I take in his serious expression now and contemplate how to respond. I’ve missed Trigger and have enjoyed our time together recently, but I also don’t want to take credit for something anyone of them could’ve done themselves.

  “Okay, maybe you’re right or maybe he’s just tired of feeling like shit, but you’ve got to be mad or at least act like it.”

  He nods and then we plot on how to fool everyone that he’s upset with his new designer Razzle Dazzle jeans.



  I take in my dad hauling Razz away with his sparkling ass shaking and still can’t find the urge to stop laughing. I can’t believe he fell for that shit and damn if the laughing doesn’t feel good. I’ve missed letting loose without the hindrance of alcohol and it’s all because of the brown-haired, blue-eyed typhoon that is giving my dad a piece of her mind.

  She has her head bobbing, hands on her hips when they aren’t pointed at my dad’s chest. He still seems pissed shaking his head and every so often you hear him call her name exacerbated. It is comical how a little bit like Razz can get someone spitting fire and ready to blow.


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