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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

Page 11

by Dana Arden

  My dad chuckles. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “Funny how one minute I thought I’d be single forever and then the next I’ve got a woman who respects me and hopefully two kids who I’d love to call my own.”

  Ryker slaps my dad on the back. “Prez, our little boy is growing up.”

  I flip them off and go back inside to be closer to my girl.

  Chapter 28


  Watching two caskets lowering into the ground was upsetting. Listen to two heartbroken kids and being unable to console them is devastating. I never understood why people always say their sorry at funerals. It doesn’t make it better. They’ve gone to a better place doesn’t exactly fit either. I understand saying that if their sick and in pain, but when they are perfectly happy and healthy why would somewhere else be a better place than here on Earth with the ones who love them.

  I’d have been lost without the club here to support us. I knew today wouldn’t be easy, but I didn’t think it would be this hard.

  Queenie and Rudy take the kids back to the SUV as I step to where Maggie is being put in her final resting spot.

  “Thank you for creating two perfect children. I promise to protect and love them for the rest of my life. They’ll have a good life with us I swear.” I bow my head and drop a pink rose on top of her casket. Turning I am enfolded into Trigger’s hard chest and his scent relaxes me.

  “You don’t have to be strong all the time. I’ve got you now.” Just those words bring about the overpowering emotion I’ve been holding on to. “I know you want to wipe your nose on me, but can I request you save that for another time. Snot on my kutte will only add to the jabs my brothers already bombard me with on a daily basis.”

  I lift my head and smile at this man. “I’ll hold off for now.” I place my hand on his cheek. “I love you, Tanner.”

  “I love you, Razzle Dazzle. Let’s get these kids home.”

  I nod and with our fingers entwined we make our way to the Tahoe where are family waits for us.


  The ride back to the house was solemn. Thankfully, when we got back to the house, the sight of the other kids running around perked up Emerson and Xander enough to join in.

  Friends of Maggie and Georgie mingle with our family reminiscing. I enjoyed learning more about these two women that were taken way before their time. Maggie was an elementary school teacher who loved horses. Georgie was eccentric and loved rallying for the weirdest causes. The more I learn the more I know I would have loved them. It also helps me understand why Emerson loves bright and flashy clothes. Georgie used to make a lot of Emerson’s clothes. Maggie tried to dissuade it, but after too many lost battles with Emerson, she gave up.

  After all of our guest leave and the kids are settled downstairs with a movie, we sit down around the dining room table.

  Queenie asks the question I’m sure is on everyone’s mind. “What now?”

  I glance at Trigger who’s standing with his back against the island. “Well, we go back to Cumming on Sunday and Trigger moves in with us.” He’s shocked for a second before a slow smile graces his handsome face. I pull out my cell and start scrolling through pictures. When I’ve found the one I want, I hand it to Queenie with Trigger looking over her shoulder. “I bought this house a year ago as a fixer upper. I was going to sell it, but I think it’d be perfect for us and the kids. It’s outside of the city limits and has ten acres of horse pasture surrounding it.”

  Dani takes the phone from Queenie. “Will it be ready to move in?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Monday I called Mal to get everything started. I hired movers to pack up and move my apartment and Mal went to a furniture store to get beds and dressers for the kids. Anything else we need, we can take care of sometime next week.”

  “What about Xander and school?” Greer asks.

  “Ruth was able to get his transcripts faxed to the same school that the MC kids go to and all I have to do is go in on Monday morning and get him signed up. I figured he’d start on Tuesday. Emerson can stay home with me since she’ll be starting kindergarten next year.”

  Trigger picks me up from my seat and cradles me in his lap as he steals my chair. “You got it all figured out, darlin’.” He kisses my cheek. “Has Ruth said anymore about the adoption standings?”

  “No, but it’s only been a few days. It could take months before I hear anything about it. She set us up with Eileen at the CPS in Cumming, so once we’re in Georgia, Eileen will keep us posted.”

  Rudy taps the table with his knuckles getting our attention. “Whatever ya’ll need, let us know.”

  “About that.” I say. “With getting the house and kids situated, I’m going to need help with the other houses, especially TNB House. Rodney’s having a problem with one of the men who’s struggling with PTSD and depression. He’s refusing to go to the VA or any type of counseling. I don’t know how to help him and was hoping one of ya’ll could.” Rudy nods. “The girls at granddad’s house are pretty self-sufficient, but I still like to go over there a couple times a week to make sure they don’t need anything.”

  Queenie grabs my hand from the table and squeezes. “We can handle it. I enjoy going over there and spending time with the girls.”

  “Thank you.”

  The kids choose that moment to come barreling up the stairs. When all you’ve had is quiet in your life, noise has never sounded better.

  Chapter 29


  We’ve been back in Cumming for two weeks and everything has been a work in progress.

  Xander has had a hard time adjusting to school. New home, new school, new friends really weren’t on his list of things to do. He’d rather stay home with Emerson and Razz. I can’t blame him there. I’d rather stay home with them too.

  After endless conversations about going to school and making new friends, we were at a standstill. He wasn’t budging until we took him to school that Tuesday and all the club kids were waiting at the front door for him. When he saw Jake, Rory and Tate, it was as if Razz and I didn’t exist.

  Emerson has a routine with Razz that includes afternoons at the park and Thursday nights at dance class. But today, she has another surprise on its way here from Tennessee.

  Today is our housewarming party, but it’s really a way to celebrate the kids and their accomplishments over the past few weeks. We’ve had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day it’s better than what we could’ve asked for.

  The backyard is full of leather, screams and booming voices as the women escaped inside to finish preparing the food. Razz is in her element, helping take care of everyone around her. What she doesn’t know is that she has a surprise too.

  Fifteen minutes later, tables are filled with food and plates are full. The kids have their own table and watching them act like their grown is comically. Rory is the oldest girl and is trying to mother all the kids. Jake and Tate are being typical boys and trying to cause trouble.

  The women are at their own tables gossiping, while the men are taking up about six tables talking shop. Of course none of that matters to me because all I can think about is how Razz is going to react to her surprise.



  The housewarming has been magnificent; family, friends and plenty of food to fill our bellies. The kids have enjoyed the nice November weather and the adults have enjoyed the entertainment.

  I’m thankful everyday for the Southern Chaotic’s MC as well as the gorgeously rugged man who stole my heart when I thought boys had cooties. He’s been a key part of us all adjusting to each other. He hasn’t lost his patience or been too overwhelmed that he was ready to run from my chaotic life. He has embraced his role in our lives as father figure, lover and friend.

  A red Ford F-350 kicks up dust with a silver horse trailer attached to the back. Today is the day that I get to give the kids something that they can share with their mother. Originally, I told Trigger I was just going to get Emerson a pony, but I ch
anged my mind at the last minute.

  Kurt Wyatt is a horse breeder in Tennessee and we’ve been talking to him about his horses for the past week. He, also, runs a camp for Veterans. They spend their days taking care of the animals and learning how to cope with their demons.

  He backs the trailer up and gets out of the truck. Trigger and I walk towards the trailer as Kurt opens the door.

  Inside is a white Shetland pony with a big pink bow around its neck. With him are two Paints and one Appaloosa. I take the lead from Kurt for the pony and bring him to Dani to hold on to. Kurt brings the two Paints out while I go in and get the Appaloosa.

  “Razz.” Trigger chokes. I give him a mischievous smile.

  “Trigger, we can’t ride as a family with just a pony.” He runs his hand down the horse’s neck. “We might be a little rusty since we haven’t ridden since we stole Mr. Holden’s horse in sixth grade to take it for a joyride.”

  “Shit, Razz.” He croaks.

  I turn back to the Appaloosa and thread my fingers through her mane. As I turn to take her into the pasture, I stop abruptly to the sight in front of me. Trigger is on one knee with a pear-shaped engagement ring between his fingers.

  “I had this all planned out.” He shakes his head and smiles. “But you always seem to one-up me. I told you not too long ago that I wanted our us back. Without you, there is no us and I want an us, so Raquel will you marry me today. Here in front of our family. Spend the rest of your life with me like we should have been doing from the beginning.”

  Glancing around our friends and family, I notice Paster Glenn standing behind Trigger. I squat and whisper. “Trigger, are you sure? I mean I want to be your wife. I always have, but we don’t have to do it today.”

  “Shut it, Razz. No more talking. Yes or no.” He demands.

  “Yes.” Before I can say anymore, the horse’s lead is taken from my hand and I’m side by side with Trigger. Pastor Glenn stands in front of us with our family surrounding us.

  Pastor Glenn opens his Bible. “Do you, Tanner and Raquel, pledge to create a life of mutual respect, compassion, generosity, and patience toward each other as you grow together in years?”

  “We do.” We say in unison.

  “Do you pledge to recognize each other’s individuality and celebrate each other’s uniqueness as a strength in marriage? While at the same time, will you guard one another’s weaknesses with understanding, support, and inspiration?”

  “We do.”

  “And do you pledge to share the love you have for each other with all living beings? To be a couple that lets their marriage radiate into others, making their lives more beautiful because of it?”

  “We do.”

  “Tanner and Raquel, if you will face each other. Do you have your rings?” Greer steps up from behind us and hands us each a simple gold band. “Tanner repeat after me. Raquel, I give you my life. With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you.” He slides the ring on my finger. “Raquel repeat after me. Tanner, I give you my life. With all that…”

  “I object,” echos through the serenity of the moment.

  Two words just decimated my dream.

  Turning to find the offending female voice, I find myself faced with an attractive blonde that we know so well with a protruding belly.


  Thank you for reading Limitless Torment.

  What’s next…?

  Next in the Southern Chaotic’s MC series, find out what happens between Trigger, Razz and Sadie.

  Other titles by Dana Arden

  Southern Chaotic’s MC

  Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 1)

  Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 2)

  Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 3)

  You can keep up-to-date on new releases on Facebook and Twitter .

  You can also contact me at





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