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Mission Superstar_A Romance set in India

Page 8

by M. V. Kasi

  She pressed her lips together. “No,” she replied even as her eyes said otherwise.

  He kept grinning at her. Shilpa didn’t know what came over her, but suddenly she grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her.

  She kissed him. It was a quick and hard kiss on his cheek. But the look on Dhruv’s face made it seem like she had kissed him in an intimate manner.

  “That’s me fulfilling my promise. You said dinner and a kiss. Consider the promise fulfilled with the kiss. Now, let’s go, Mr. Jagannath. We have a job to do.”

  Dhruv seemingly pulled himself together. “You, Officer Dasani, are a cheat. And also, a snob.”

  “What? How can you call me a snob? I’m not even rich.” A cheat, yes. Because she didn’t want to go on that intimate dinner. But she felt outraged that he called her a snob.

  “You don’t have to be rich to be a snob. People are snobs even when they look down on the rich or other more famous people, thinking they are much better than them.”

  Shilpa thought that over. “I don’t think I’m better than you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Really? So you consider us equals? You don’t think I’m too rich and too many other things? Don’t you think a guy with a modest background automatically has better morals and principles or added depth than me? You wouldn’t have hesitated to go out with me on a simple dinner had I not been a movie star?”

  Dammit, he was partially right.

  Dhruv continued talking. “I know you find me attractive, but you still wouldn’t give me a chance. You—”

  She didn’t let him finish. She grabbed him by his shirt and kissed him. This time it wasn’t a peck on his cheek, but on his lips.

  Dhruv froze for a split second, most likely with shock, but a second later, he pulled her even closer. And then, he took over.

  Shilpa could barely think. All she could do was feel. And holy hell how she could feel. She didn’t know whether it was the adrenaline from what had happened over the past hour or it was the man who was kissing her.

  She knew it was entirely due to the man.

  Her body felt as though it was coursing with live electricity. The feeling was entirely exhilarating and addicting.

  She grabbed his shirt as he deepened the kiss. Even the well-defined muscles under his shirt seemed to send off sparks because she felt her fingertips tingle at the sensation.

  A loud moan escaped her which caused her to finally snap to awareness.

  She pulled her mouth away from his. “See,” she breathed out in gasps. “I’m not a snob.”

  He was breathing equally hard and fast. “I’m not convinced,” he said, before pulling her back to kiss her again.

  She half-moaned and half-laughed. Then increasing the pressure of her hands on his chest, she pushed him away. “We better stop.”

  “Why?” he grumbled.

  She shook her head with a smile. “Because my entire team is outside waiting for us. And also because this is not how I usually behave with someone I find attractive. I have much more control over myself. I don’t often go kissing them.”

  “Too damn bad.”

  She laughed.

  He smiled. “So you’ll come out with me on a proper date?” he asked.


  “What? Why the hell not?”

  “Because we have a working relationship. I’m supposed to mentor you. Not kiss you or date you.”

  “That’s bullshit. Nowhere is it mentioned anywhere regarding such a protocol. I personally made the contract, so I know it.”

  He was frowning, and she found that endearing and hot at the same time. “Okay fine. I’ll think about it.”

  That seemed to appease him for now, because he didn’t argue.

  Just before they stepped out of the building, Shilpa tripped over something. She figured she must be still slightly groggy from the chemical sprayed on her face.

  The next thing she knew, Dhruv had swung her into his arms and carried her a few steps outside where they seemed to be surrounded by her entire department as the backup.

  “Oh my God! DJ really rescued Madam Sir!” someone remarked.

  Shilpa squirmed in his arms. “What are you doing? Put me down, dammit!”

  With a wink and a grin, Dhruv let her down slowly. At that moment, Shilpa knew it wasn’t her being groggy or a random thing she had tripped over, but it was the infuriating man’s foot which he must have deliberately placed in front of her.

  She shook her head in exasperation at the superstar who will now turn into a bigger hero in her department’s eyes.

  “Did DJ really tackle the Mafia leader to get him?” someone asked in awe.

  “Yes, he did,” Shilpa replied as she threw a stern look at Dhruv. “I gave him explicit orders to stay put in the vehicle as it might be dangerous for him, but he ran an operation of his own and brought down Keshav Thakur and his men.”

  “He rescued you from the clutches of an evil Mafia king. That’s so romantic.” One of the female officers had a similar look in her eyes that Shilpa began to associate as the DJ’s fan-girl look.

  “Definitely not romantic.” Shilpa had to squash the idea before word began to spread in such a vein. But Dhruv rescuing her was a truth even she couldn’t deny. “Dhruv—” She cleared her throat. “I mean Mr. Jagannath was doing his moral duty as an upstanding citizen to help our police force when the opportunity arose.”

  Shilpa watched as Dhruv shrugged like it were an everyday occurrence for the biggest superstar to bring down a Mafia leader and rescue a trained police officer. “My pleasure,” he said with a modest smile.

  Chapter 15

  According to the contract of Mission Superstar, it was the last week Dhruv could shadow Shilpa Dasani, the senior police officer leading the Special Task Force.

  Dhruv didn’t know how he felt about that. On the one hand, he had mixed feelings regarding not being able to spend time with Shilpa for legitimate reasons. But on the other hand, it would also mean, Shilpa would no longer use their working relationship or contract to keep him at a distance.

  Even as they continued to work together for the rest of the week, their kiss stayed in his mind constantly.

  He had always known Shilpa was fiery and exciting, but he had no damn idea how much she could affect him even when she let only some of her fire loose. She had kissed him to prove a point, but that little demonstration had almost brought him to his knees.

  “Are you even listening to me, DJ?” a woman’s voice snapped.

  With great difficulty, Dhruv focused his attention on his manager. Neeru was watching him with a speculative look.

  “Yes, I heard you,” Dhruv replied. “You just went through the list of engagements I have starting next week.” Then he shrewdly looked at her. “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that, Neeru. So, what do you really want?”

  “There’s a tiny bit of favor. I want you to be seen with—”


  “Come on, DJ! You didn’t even hear the name.”

  “Doesn’t matter, Neeru. I already told you, I’m sick of those games.”


  “I said no.”

  Neeru sighed dramatically. “Fine.”

  “And why are you going with me to the police station again?”

  “To meet Shilpa Dasani. I had a friendly chat with her on the phone before you started working with her. So, I thought it would be polite if I met her in person to thank her.”

  Dhruv highly doubted if Neeru had a ‘friendly chat’ with Shilpa. Knowing Neeru, she would have barked out instructions, expecting people to immediately scramble and cater to her demands.

  He grinned, imagining how Shilpa would have reacted to those. No wonder Neeru was curious to see the rare specimen who dared not to bow to her demands.

  Ten minutes later, Dhruv helped Neeru out of the car and led her into the police station.

  With Neeru’s bright-colored clothes and a dramatic headscarf paired wit
h huge, pink-colored sunglasses, both of which were in fashion decades ago, she was met with curious stares.

  “Where is the lady in question? I don’t see her anywhere,” Neeru remarked.

  “In her office.”

  They knocked on the door, and as soon as Shilpa asked them to come in, Neeru burst inside. “Shilpa! My girl! How have you been?”

  Shilpa frowned when she saw Neeru, trying to place her.

  “Been a while since we chatted. But my boy here says you have been taking good care of him. Thank you for doing that.”

  “Mrs. Thadani—”

  “Miss Thadani. But call me Neeru. All my friends do.”

  Shilpa smiled. Dhruv could see the slight amusement dancing in her eyes as she took in the small bundle of dynamo in front of her. “You are welcome, Neeru. However, Dhruv did a good job taking care of himself.”

  Neeru waved a hand. “Hah. That boy is a rebel. Gives me a ton of trouble. I’m glad this mission succeeded. Say… I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure. I’ll try to help.”

  “Can you go out with DJ on a—”

  Dhruv interrupted Neeru. “All right, Neeru. Time for you to go. Shiv will drive you back to the penthouse where you can rest before flying back home.”

  Before the older woman could say anything, Dhruv led her gently outside.

  He closed the door of the car and was about to turn when Neeru lowered her window. “Aah… so that’s how it is then,” she remarked.

  “What is?”

  “I just saw how you were looking at the girl.”

  Dhruv raised a cool eyebrow and didn’t comment.

  That didn’t stop the older woman. Neeru grinned. “You were looking at her as though she was a tasty cookie that you were torn between wanting to either savor slowly or devour as fast as you could.”

  Dhruv looked at Neeru. “Officer Dasani is not a cookie, and neither would she appreciate being compared to one.”

  Neeru giggled. “Oh, you are so full of it. Admit it, my boy, you have it bad. You should have allowed me to ask her to be seen in public with you as part of the promotions. Then you would get to spend more time with her.”

  “There is nothing between Shilpa and me,” he said in a stern tone. “And I don’t want to see even a whiff of scandal regarding Officer Dasani.”

  Neeru chuckled. “Shilpa, huh? Maybe I don’t have to create a made-up scandal. Your wedding to her might be enough publicity.”

  Dhruv took a step away from the car, shaking his head. “Bye, Neeru. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Take care, my boy! Muah. Muah.”

  Dhruv continued to shake his head at the ridiculous conversation while he headed towards Shilpa’s office. He could barely get the woman in question to go out with him, and Neeru was expecting a wedding already.

  Chapter 16

  Shilpa was on the phone with the Commissioner. “No, we can’t summon them for questioning, sir. At least not yet,” she said.

  Shilpa had briefed the Commissioner on the information received so far.

  Keshav Thakur was given the third-degree. Having known Keshav, Shilpa knew he would barely last a day or two until he gave in.

  She was right. Keshav cracked in less than twenty-four hours. And although Keshav was a relatively small crime boss, he had information that could bring down the major players. One of the things that Keshav had revealed was that some of the major key players who peddled drugs in large portions within the city were also movie celebrities.

  “Then what do you propose to do, Shilpa?”

  “We’ll first catch a few of them red-handed. Just so there are no protests of being targeted unfairly.”

  “Sounds reasonable. But how?”

  “I have a plan. Please give me until tomorrow to confirm.” Shilpa gave him the high-level details before ending the call.

  Shilpa was just reviewing the files when she heard Dhruv return to her office.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, she looked at him with a small smile. “Dhruv?”

  “Yes?” His tone was slightly huskier than usual, instantly reminding her of their kiss.

  Over the last week, Shilpa kept recalling the rough feel of his five-o’clock shadow against her cheek. She even recalled the taste of his lips and tongue, the hardness of his chest against her, and the unique smell of his cologne. And as she had done over the past few days, she pushed her attraction and feelings to the side and concentrated on the task at hand.

  “There’s an exclusive nightclub opening this Friday.”

  His eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. “I didn’t peg you as a woman who liked visiting nightclubs or being in any place too crowded. Instead, why don’t I book us a table at an exclusive restaurant which serves good food along with a decent ambiance?”

  “It isn’t for a date, Dhruv.”

  He was silent as he watched her face for a few seconds. “You need my influence to help you get inside. Does this have anything to do with the recent revelations Keshav Thakur made? ” he asked.

  Shilpa knew he was very intuitive. Which was good, considering what she was possibly going to embroil him in. If he hadn’t been a billionaire movie star, she would have suggested he use his skills to be on the police force.

  “Yes. We need your help with an undercover operation.”

  He didn’t even blink or hesitate before saying, “Tell me everything.”

  She gave him the briefing.

  He listened quietly, and when she finished, “What would be my role?” he asked.

  “Not much. My team will hack into the security recording of the place. What I need is for you to get me and few other undercover police into that party somehow.”

  He paused, seemingly thinking that over. “I want to help.”

  “You already will by getting us entry—”

  “No. Not just the passes. I want to be there and help the operation.”

  “You can’t, Dhruv. It’s a huge risk, especially to your reputation.” It was really a risk because he might end up in the news where he’d be associated with the drug bust at an exclusive club.

  He shrugged. “That’s not a problem. You know I have a PR team who can do wonders. I would like to propose something that will attract the attention of the key players.”

  He told her what he had in mind.

  “I don’t know if that would work, Dhruv.”

  “Why? Is it because you don’t trust me and think I would help the people from the movie industry even if they are drug peddlers?”

  “No. It’s not because I don’t trust you. And my team also trusts you implicitly. I’m saying your plan wouldn’t work because most people know of your reputation. You make large donations to many charities and causes, some of which are to help rehabilitate drug addicts. Even the dealers won’t believe that you would associate with a drug addict or buy drugs.”

  He listened to her quietly. “The only reason I’m asking you to consider my plan is because it’s a huge risk for you to take. Most of those men have licensed guns.”

  Shilpa’s heart skipped a beat at his concerned tone. “I’m a trained police officer, Dhruv. And my team will be right outside in the parking lot, listening and watching me. And whatever you are willing to do is already of great help. There’s no need to involve you further and put your own reputation or life at risk.”

  He exhaled noisily. “I don’t think I’m helping much. But believe me, if we go with the plan I proposed, you’ll instantly attract the attention of everyone at the place. Otherwise, you will be one among the similar people who frequent those places. And I’m not saying this as a boast. It’s a fact.”

  Then a cocky smile covered his face. “And also it would be the last week of Mission Superstar. Let’s end it in style by including me in a real bust.”

  She smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

  SHILPA CALLED HER team for a meeting to join Dhruv and her to discuss the specifics. She told them what Dhruv had proposed as we

  Her team thought it was a brilliant idea.

  “Yes. Being associated with DJ will instantly give you the spotlight,” one of the officers said. There were loud murmurs of agreement.

  “Okay. Fine,” said Shilpa, finally coming to terms in using Dhruv’s plan. “Let’s go with that option.” Shilpa knew she would have a tough time convincing the Commissioner of the same. But she knew if Dhruv spoke to him, the Commissioner would grudgingly agree.

  Soon, they discussed the finer details. “I will be dressed normally. But Keerthi and Gina will be dressed as under-aged girls.”

  “Why under-aged?” Dhruv asked with a frown.

  Shilpa hated this part of her job where she had to provide the reality to a civilian and seeing the disillusion and shock in their eyes.

  “A lot of teens, mostly from the wealthy families, are drug addicts,” she began. “They were introduced to drugs by the peddlers who sold drugs either at the schools or at such party places. The wealthy teens are used to exchanging drugs with money and more often than not, sex.”

  There was disgust on Dhruv’s face. Shilpa knew it was not directed at the drug-addicted teens but at the men who had no qualms about having sex with minors. Some of the men even preferred them very young.

  “There would be not-so-wealthy teens, too, lurking outside the club,” she added. “Those are the ones we would watch out for. Because during such events, a few of them might go missing.”


  “Yes. A lot of homeless teens have been missing over recent decades. Most of them were victims of trafficking. But these particular teens who will wait outside the club are the ones who are forced into full-time prostitution in exchange for food or drugs. Or as we sometimes call it—survival sex.”

  Shilpa recalled having seen way too many teens and also adult women who were found drugged in shady places. Their body held proof of constant abuse and signs of enduring sex with multiple men each night.

  Shilpa was terrified that her neighbor, Gayatri, might one day decide to run away from her house and end up on the streets to meet with the same fate. That’s why Shilpa always ensured she spent considerable time with the teen while convincing her to stay put.


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