Mission Superstar_A Romance set in India

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Mission Superstar_A Romance set in India Page 14

by M. V. Kasi

  Finally, Dhruv opened the door, the familiar gorgeous smile covering his handsome face.

  “Well, hello, Officer Dasani,” he drawled. Shilpa was still in her uniform which she had worn to make a point during the bust. “Babe, I’ve been waiting for—”

  Shilpa didn’t allow Dhruv to finish. She pushed him in and shut the penthouse door and flung her arms around his neck before locking their lips together.

  She missed him so much. She didn’t realize just how much.

  Dhruv groaned and increased the pressure of their kiss before wrenching his mouth away. “My—”

  She pushed him against the wall and dragged his head down before locking their lips together again. She kissed him until she was breathless. Only then, did she pull her mouth away. “I missed you so damn much…” She rained kisses against his jaw while her hands crept under his shirt to run them over his chest and feel the familiar thump of his heart.

  He half-laughed and half-groaned. “I missed you, too, baby. And I want to hold you badly. But we have to wait until our reunion because—”

  “Dhruv sweetie, where do you put—” There was a feminine gasp. “Oops, excuse me.”

  Shilpa heard a woman’s shocked voice.

  Shit. Dhruv had company.

  She pulled away from Dhruv and turned towards the voice. And when she saw who that company was, she wanted to run out of the penthouse and hide somewhere and never ever come out.

  Despite the gray streaks and very lightly wrinkled skin, the resemblance was uncanny. It was Dhruv’s mother, Soraya, also known to the world as one of the most beautiful and talented yesteryear actresses turned humanitarian.

  The older woman looked more amused than shocked. And then, muttering another, “Excuse me,” she left.

  “Oh God!” Shilpa exclaimed in a horrified tone. “Just kill me now.” She was about to turn and get out of the penthouse when Dhruv caught her hand and pulled her back, laughing.

  “It’s okay,” he said.

  “No, it’s not! Your mother saw me pawing you! And why didn’t you warn me!”

  “I tired.” His tone was amused. He tugged her towards the living room. “She wants to meet you. I’ve spoken to her about you.”

  Shilpa resisted. “I can’t face her now! Or ever!”

  Dhruv chuckled. “It’s fine. Knowing my mother, I think she’d be more likely impressed with you after our scene.”

  He more or less dragged Shilpa inside where his mother was seated on the couch. He sat on the opposite couch and pulled Shilpa to sit next to him. His hand still held hers as though to prevent her from escaping. “Ma, this is Shilpa. The one I was talking to you about and wanted you to meet.”

  “Hmm… Officer Shilpa Dasani aka the woman my son can’t stop singing praises about.” Shilpa noticed an identical look of amusement on the older woman’s face as her son’s.

  Shilpa drew in a deep breath. “Mrs. Jagannath—”

  “Call me Soraya.”

  Shilpa didn’t hesitate. “Soraya. I’m sorry about—”

  “Nothing to apologize for, Shilpa.” The older woman smiled. “In fact, I really appreciate bold women who go after what they want, rather than the sweet-little-innocent mouses that most women these days prefer to be like, or at least pretend to be like.”

  “Uh… Thank you, Soraya.” After the way she had mauled the older woman’s son, Shilpa could definitely not be classified as an innocent mouse. The heat in Shilpa’s cheeks and ears intensified at the reminder.

  “Dhruv told me you were helping him with his movie.”

  Shilpa felt grateful and grasped on to that topic. “Yes. He was shadowing my team and me until a few weeks ago.”

  Dhruv let go of her hand and placed it on the back of the couch. “If it weren’t confidential, I would have told you what unbelievable cases Shilpa has worked on, Ma,” he told his mother.

  The older woman smiled. “Would you be interested in talking to some little girls at the nearby orphanages? They would love it, and you would be such a good role model to them.”

  Shilpa forgot her embarrassment and was touched. “I would be honored. And coming from someone like you, I know it’s the greatest honor,” she said while meaning it.

  Dhruv had told Shilpa about the various humanitarian causes his mother took up while traveling around the world as a goodwill ambassador. Some of her pet causes were the upliftment of a female child and empowering single mothers.

  Soraya had come from a middle-class family who pushed her into acting at a tender age of five. She was swept off her feet by a rich, influential man who was a decade older than her. She got married at the age of seventeen and had Dhruv before she had turned eighteen. But after Dhruv was born, her husband began to cheat on her and had even turned abusive. And since she was forced to quit acting after her marriage, she had endured it for a few more years until one day she simply walked away along with Dhruv.

  Soraya had lived in abstract poverty for a while along with her four-year-old child. Her husband and his family had offered her a fortune to give Dhruv to them and disappear, never to show her face in public. They even threatened Soraya saying if she didn’t take the money or give Dhruv to them, they would disown Dhruv and not acknowledge him as their heir.

  Soraya asked them to shove their money up in their asses. She was the fierce lioness who protected her cub.

  She had a comeback into the movies and took up any role that came her way. Bold, sleazy, daring, nothing mattered to her except for the money to make her independent and bring up her child to the best of her ability.

  Dhruv had told Shilpa how it always gave him a sense of belonging to know that his mother loved him so much that she would endure so much for him. The initial poverty and the constant traveling for various shoots hadn’t bothered him.

  And when Dhruv was independent enough, Soraya had quit movies and did what she was most passionate about—the humanitarian causes. Dhruv had inherited that as well from his mother. Because even he was a staunch philanthropist.

  When he told her about the various causes, including the one where he had gone to the Caribbean to help in the cleanup operations after a major oil-spill. But for some reason, Dhruv liked to keep most of his philanthropy work a secret.

  “So tell me how did my son manage to keep you a secret for this long?” Soraya asked with a smile. “By now, Neeru would have had the picture of you two in the front page of all the newspapers and magazines.”

  “Oh, believe me, Ma. Neeru wants to do that. Even my threats to fire her didn’t stop her much. Only when I agreed to host this year’s awards function, did she finally relent.”

  Soraya shook her head. “Typical Neeru. Showbiz first and then everything else later.”

  Dhruv looked at Shilpa with a smile. “Neeru was Ma’s agent before Ma retired from acting. And then Neeru set her sights on me and got me into the acting world.”

  Soraya huffed. “I wanted him to be a doctor. Enrolled him in a medical school, too. But then, that damn old hawk swooped in and lured my young chick away with the bright lights.”

  Dhruv laughed. “Neeru didn’t have to do much luring. I was more than willing. I grew up watching you on the sets.”

  Even though the talk and topic at hand were out of her depth, Shilpa enjoyed listening to the warm camaraderie between the mother and son.

  “How about your parents?” Soraya asked. “I heard they live abroad.”

  “Yes. They moved there ten years ago. My mother was a professional dancer before becoming a homemaker. My father and brother are doctors.”

  “Ah. So medicine is somewhat in your blood then. That gives me hope that maybe one of my grandchildren will be a doctor.”

  Dhruv’s hand which had been playing casually with Shilpa’s hair froze. Shilpa could feel the tension radiating off him. It was almost like he waited to see how she would react to the topic of grandchildren. Did he expect her to panic or bolt?

  But Shilpa didn’t find it all that scary that
the older woman was planning way, way ahead. Rhima Kumar was the kind to do it all the time too. So all Shilpa did was simply smile at Dhruv’s mother as a reply.

  “So are you joining Dhruv at the awards show next week?” Soraya asked.

  Shilpa shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. I am working on a case that has a court hearing which might need my presence. But I was planning to join him later.” Ma was attending the awards show too. When Dhruv gave her the tickets, Ma almost fainted with excitement that she would get to see and maybe even meet the biggest stars.

  “That’s good,” Soraya replied. “I’ll see you there. I enjoy attending them to catch up with familiar faces and old friends.”

  They chatted for some more time until Shilpa had to get back to work. She took a shower and was changing into the set of clothes that she left at Dhruv’s place when Dhruv sneaked into the bathroom.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist as she applied a moisturizing cream to her face. “Sorry to spring this on you like this. I thought my mother would visit me this weekend. But she came as soon as she could because she wanted to meet you.”

  Shilpa smiled at his reflection in the mirror. “I like your mother. And I’m fine. I just wish the first sight of me wasn’t me mauling her son in the hallway.”

  Dhruv chuckled. “Oh, the son was thoroughly enjoying the mauling. In fact, he is dying to do some mauling of his own.” He leaned his head and sucked on the skin at her neck.

  “Ow! Dhruv! You’ll leave a mark!” Shilpa shook her head in exasperation, hunting for a concealer in his bathroom drawers. She was never the type to ever use a concealer, but after she began her relationship with Dhruv, she realized she needed one.

  Dhruv grinned. “Look who is complaining. The woman who sent me off to shooting with a love bite on my chin and obvious scratches on my back. And that too when I told you in particular that I had a shirtless scene to shoot.”

  Shilpa smiled in amusement. Okay, so maybe she was marking her territory a little bit. “That must have helped Tina,” she said.

  Dhruv scoffed. “Quite a bit. You should have seen some of the magazine headlines. Neeru more or less cackled in glee as she shoved them in my face.”

  Shilpa laughed. And then, she turned in his arms and laid her head on his chest with a tired sigh. “I wish I could attend the awards show to watch you.”

  “It’s okay,” he said. “Maybe I’ll offer to host next year, too.”

  She smiled and was about to reply when her phone buzzed. “That’s my alarm. I have to leave now,” she said softly.

  He bent his head down and kissed her, this time on the mouth. When he raised his head, she felt dazed and breathless. “See you next week, babe. Hopefully, this kiss will keep us going until then,” he said with a cocky smile.

  Shilpa smiled, hoping the same.

  Chapter 29

  A week later, Shilpa had just returned home after a long day at the court where the case she was working on was being prosecuted in court. It wasn’t anything her team couldn’t handle, but she wanted to be there for the initial hearings.

  When her phone began to ring, she knew it was Dhruv. He was probably heading to the awards show right then. Smiling, she answered the call.

  “What is the most beautiful woman in the world doing?” he asked.

  Shilpa laughed. “I have no clue what she might be doing. But I just returned home.”

  She heard Dhruv chuckle. “You really need to accept compliments with grace, Officer Dasani.”

  “Then you really need to make those compliments realistic, Mr. Superstar.”

  “It is the truth. You are the most beautiful woman in my eyes.”

  Shilpa’s heart flipped. “Flatterer,” she said with another laugh.

  They chatted for an hour, mostly talking about their day. But soon it was time for the awards function to begin, “I’ll call you in the morning before I shower.”

  “Why before shower specifically?” she asked.

  “Because I’ll need a cold shower after our dirty talk.”

  Shilpa laughed. “I’ll make it very dirty,” she promised.

  She couldn’t wait to meet him the next day.

  SHILPA WAS IN deep sleep when her phone rang. She woke up and rubbed her eyes groggily. Reaching for her phone, she guessed it to be work-related. But it was Dhruv’s phone number.

  She smiled. He must be impatient if he was calling right in the middle of hosting the awards show.

  “Shilpa.” It was Ma.

  Shilpa sat up because Ma’s tone sounded off. It wasn’t the excited tone like that morning when Ma flew to the location and had told Shilpa which celebrities she had spotted. Ma had used Dhruv’s phone at that time because her phone didn’t have international roaming.

  “Are you okay, Ma?” Shilpa asked.

  “Shilpa…” Rhima Kumar’s voice sounded choked. “Dhruv met with an accident.”

  “What?” Shilpa’s heart thudded even as her brain stopped functioning. “A-accident? He was already at the show when he called me earlier.”

  “The accident happened during the show. A malfunction while he was performing a stunt. He fell from a height and hurt his head.”

  “H-how is he, Ma.”

  “He’s lost consciousness. They are taking him to a hospital right now.”

  “I’m coming right away.”

  “Shilpa, my love. I’m sure he’s going to be fine. Just be brave.”

  Shilpa didn’t reply to that. “Send me the hospital address, Ma.”

  SHILPA THANKFULLY STAYED mind-numbingly blank during the flight journey as well. And when she got near the hospital entrance, she saw huge crowds thronging outside. They were holding pictures of Dhruv and written messages of prayer for him to get well soon.

  Shilpa somehow waded through the crowd, but she was stopped from going inside.

  “Do you have a pass?” a security guard asked her.

  “I’m here to see Dhruv,” she replied.

  “Yeah. You and the hundreds of others standing here.”

  “But I’m a friend,” Shilpa said in an urgent tone.

  “Sorry, ma’am. Only family and close friends allowed.”

  “I am a close friend.”

  “Really? How long have you known him? Since childhood? You went to the same school and were neighbors. Maybe you went to college together, too.” The tone used by the female security guard was sarcastic.

  Shilpa shook her head. The guards were wary probably because many of the fans must have tried using similar excuses to be able to sneak in and catch a view of Dhruv.

  “I’ve known him for three months.” Even as Shilpa said it, she knew she was probably just making it worse for the security to believe her. But she was too desperate to think straight.

  The hospital security looked tired and harassed. “We have stopped a lot of fans already with better stories than that. Please leave.”

  “Just let me in. I’m speaking the truth.”

  “No,” the female guard replied. “Leave before you are escorted out.”

  Shilpa looked around, searching for a familiar face that could help her. Short of tackling the security team in front of her, there was nothing she could do. Then in another desperate attempt, she reached for her purse. “Here,” she said as she flashed her badge. “Police. Let me in.”

  They frowned indecisively, but still didn’t move. “You are Indian police. We have strict laws in this country. I’m sorry, but—”

  “Shilpa?” Shiv’s voice called from behind. Shilpa turned in relief. “Shiv! Where’s Dhruv? Take me to him!”

  “She’s a friend,” Shiv told the security.

  This time she was let in. Shiv escorted her inside. “How is he, Shiv?” Shilpa desperately asked.

  “He hasn’t regained consciousness yet,” Shiv told her in a gentle tone.

  Shilpa saw Soraya, Ma, Neeru, and few other members standing outside the room Dhruv was most likely in. Shilpa didn’t greet them, she just walk
ed towards the glass wall where the patients could be seen. And as soon as Shilpa saw Dhruv lying motionless on the hospital bed, she almost broke down. Apart from the dark bruise on his temple, he didn’t have any visible injuries.

  “How long will he be kept like this?” Shilpa whispered.

  Soraya was standing next to her. She placed an arm on Shilpa’s shoulder. “They don’t know. They are saying it’s a concussion, and he should be awake any time soon.”

  Shilpa’s mind immediately latched on to the uncertainty. “Should be? They don’t know for sure?”

  “No.” Soraya’s voice was gentle.

  Ma held Shilpa’s hand and squeezed it in assurance. “This is not like how it was with Pranit,” she said gently, voicing Shilpa’s worst fear.

  Shilpa just nodded, unable to say anything.

  IT TOOK THREE days and four hours for Dhruv to regain consciousness. Shilpa had counted each minute, because on the third day, just when Dhruv’s vitals indicated he was going to regain consciousness, she was on her way back to her home.

  Soraya didn’t say anything, apart from, “Take Dhruv’s jet. He would want you to.”

  Not wanting to argue, Shilpa did. She and Ma headed back home.

  Ma was silent all the while. But when the jet took off, and Shilpa stared out of the window, she felt Ma’s hand on hers.

  “Shilpa, listen to me,” Ma said in an urgent tone.

  With great difficulty, Shilpa met the older woman’s eyes. “DJ is a good man, Shilpa.”

  “I know, Ma. But I can’t go through this. Not again. I’m not strong like you.” Ma had lost both her husband and her son and still managed to live a bright, fulfilling life.

  Ma’s face looked stricken. “Oh, Shilpa. Don’t give up on DJ because of a small accident. He loves you a lot. And I know you love him, too.”

  “We are just good friends, Ma. We have only known each other for three months. Pranit was the only man I loved.”

  Ma shook her head. “I know you loved my son, Shilpa. And he loved you, too. But he’s gone. And I know you love DJ. I’ve seen the way you both look at each other. I’ve seen the happiness in your face whenever you talk about him and when he’s around you. Cherish it, my love.”


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