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by Fire [Evernight] (mobi)


  Flame was glad he didn’t plan to punish her but she was also getting more and more worried. She was quite prepared to cut her hair off if it would make him happy, but how could she cut off the hair under her arms or the faint fuzz of down on her legs? Even with a sharp knife it would take many hours and she’d have to be extremely careful not to hurt herself.

  And then she was supposed to eat extra food and get fatter. She was more than happy to eat more, but where would she find the food? Just feeding all these aliens would take an enormous amount of food. How would she scavenge enough for him let alone trying to find more for herself? If she was allowed to be with her friends they might be able to make some nets but it would take time to learn where the fish liked to hide so they could put the nets in the right place. And she still didn’t know where the nearest river was. They absolutely had to get drinking water and the only river she knew about was more than a day’s walk away.

  Her master had the right to beat her or even kill her if she displeased him. Already he was cross because she didn’t understand what he wanted her to do. Instead of the long walk to the ocean taking her to safety, Flame thought it was much more likely that she’d come here to die. Her master would get tired of her very soon now and kill her. Unless maybe he’d give her to one of the other aliens? No, that wouldn’t happen. None of them would want a useless slave.

  Flame couldn’t look him in the face anymore. She bent her head down and clamped her jaw shut so she wouldn’t cry.

  “Let me show you what to do. In the future you can shave yourself, but today I’ll do it for you.” He sat on a chair in this room, his legs wide apart.

  “Put your foot on the toilet between my legs.”

  Toilet must be another word for chair. She stood on one leg, her right foot between his thighs.

  “See the numbers here on the razor? For your legs all you will need is one because there’s very little hair. But for your cunt you might need two or even three.”

  He pointed to the writing on the dial and again panic flooded Flame. How was she supposed to be able to read the words? She had no idea which was one or two or three and what they meant. She screwed up her eyes and focused intently trying to see which one he set the razor to as he held her ankle.

  The machine tickled against her skin but she was much too worried to giggle. That was probably a good thing as she needed to watch and learn. She was going to have to this after today and so she had to get it right.

  He moved the little machine over her leg and it made a soft brrring noise and puffed air on her skin as it took away the tiny hairs there.

  He did both her legs then made her kneel on the floor in front of him and hold her arm up so he could take the hair off her underarm.

  This was going to be much harder for her as it was quite difficult to see what he was doing and it’d be even more difficult to do by herself. Unless one of her friends could do it and she could do their underarm. That would work.

  “Lie on the floor and open your legs wide apart. Put your feet flat on the floor.” This time his voice sounded a little husky although she didn’t know why. She hoped he wasn’t annoyed at the time this was taking, although the razor was so very fast compared to the extra effort it would involve to cut off her body hair with a knife.

  Quickly she did as he said, noticing pieces of her red hair on the floor. She wondered how she was to clean it up. There were no leaves here to brush it up with, and no fire to throw the rubbish on either, although there had to be a fire in the room where the food had been cooked. Maybe she would have to carry the bits of hair back there.

  Her master sat on the floor in front of her, and pulled her legs up and over his thighs until her pussy was very close to his cock. Now she could stare at his enormous erection. Of course, he was a very big man, but even so, his cock was gigantic. He held the razor over her pussy and began to shave her, moving it slowly and carefully over her skin, gradually getting closer and closer to her clit and her pussy lips.

  “By the fates you look delicious. I can’t wait to fuck you, Flame.”

  Flame worried about telling him she was a virgin. Should she tell him now or wait for him to find out for himself? He seemed a little nervous right now and she really didn’t want him to be angry with her again. He was doing his best to be a good master. It was she who was the failure as she didn’t know what she should do.

  His fingers on her pussy were gentle, and the razor’s touch was arousing now, instead of tickling her. Flame’s nipples hardened and she licked her lips as she stared at her master’s chest, which was all muscle. Actually he was all muscle everywhere. His upper arms bulged with muscles as did his thighs. He looked enormously strong, yet his huge hands on her skin were delicate and kind.

  Flame understood that she was fortunate to have been given to a man who, even though he didn’t find her attractive, was prepared to be kind and gentle with her. That realization was almost as arousing as his delicate touches on her ultrasensitive skin. Everywhere he’d shaved her, the skin tingled at his touch. Maybe this shaving was better than she’d expected if it made touching so much more erotic.

  He moved the razor over the edges of her pussy lips, and then back to her rosette, holding her ass cheeks apart. She was leaning up on her elbows watching, but she couldn’t see all of herself. What she could see was the alien’s huge cock standing upright. In a moment he’d put it inside her and she’d just have to hope he wasn’t disappointed at her lack of sexual skills. But she’d learn how to please him as fast as she could. He was her master and she wanted to serve him well.

  He turned the razor off and reached up to sit it on the chair. “I want you. I need you. I can’t wait any longer to claim you. Do you understand that you belong to me?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “We should begin the claiming with me fucking your mouth, but I want to come inside you much too badly to do that first.”

  He kneeled over her body, held his cock at her pussy entrance, and she lay back down on the floor. The alien master waited just a heartbeat, then took her hips in his hands and thrust his cock inside her cunt in one long, powerful drive forcing her channel to open for him, stretching her tissues wide, and filling her body completely.

  He groaned, and murmured, “So tight. Oh fates, so tight.”

  Flame wasn’t sure whether that was a good or bad thing, but then he pulled out and slammed into her again. Soon he was pounding into her, still holding her hips with both hands, forcing her to move with him. But already she found it was becoming pleasurable. The harshness of the first few thrusts were now replaced with slick slides inside her as her body adjusted to his huge girth and length. He held her pressed so tightly against his own skin, his body rubbed over her clit, arousing her higher.

  Flame braced her hands against the floor as his fierce fucking was bouncing her body against the hard surface and she worried she’d crack the back of her head with the force of his movements. Not that she was complaining. Her inner core was already tightening in the sure approach of a climax.

  He wrapped one hand farther around her body until he was holding her butt cheeks, and with his free hand he cupped a breast, rubbing the nipple.

  The multiple sensations surprised her and then she found she really liked it, and pressed her breast into his hand while moving her hips and body to the same beat as him.

  He swapped his hands and pleasured her other nipple and now Flame was moving with him frantically so close to an orgasm it almost hurt.

  He let go of her again, never stopping his frenzied fucking, and gripped her hips, tilting them higher. He leaned over her a little more and forced his cock even deeper into her body, farther than before, slamming into her with every powerful stroke of his thighs. His cock hit something deep inside her that sent a ripple of pain and then an explosion of pleasure in her cunt. The pain was forgotten as her core convulsed into a hard orgasm, gripping his cock and pouring her honey into her cunt.

“Fates, yes. I claim you, my bride,” he called out, filling her pussy with his burning hot seed, pumping into her again and again, until he twisted to the side, and pulled her on top of him so she lay panting in release on his hard chest. His heart was beating as fast as hers, and she enjoyed lying on him, her ear pressed to his heartbeat, as her orgasm gradually faded.

  “Come, have a shower with me, and then you can deep-throat me. I should be able to wait long enough to enjoy it now,” he said pulling her to her feet.

  Instantly the pleasure drained from her body. What was deep-throat? What was shower? What was she supposed to do now?

  Chapter Three

  Chad’s dick bounced happily. He’d just had what was probably the best orgasm of his life, but he knew his sexy little bride would be able to rouse him to another orgasm as soon as he’d showered. Maybe even sooner. Likely once he had his hands on her body his cock would rise to the challenge.

  He hadn’t changed his mind. She was far too skinny. But he still longed to suck those perfect little breasts, as well as explore her mouth and ass.

  He pushed her into the shower and waited for her to wash but she stood silently, looking at the floor. Perhaps she expected him to go first.

  He flipped the lever up and moved back as the water came down cold at first. Flame didn’t move. She stood exactly where he’d left her.

  “Do you like the cold water?” he asked, surprised.

  “Yes, sir.” she answered. But he decided she was simply saying what she thought he wanted her to say rather than what she truly felt.

  “Wouldn’t you rather wait until it’s warmer?”

  She lifted her head, cold water pouring off it, to stare at him. “But that’s not possible without a fire. How did the water get here? Is there a vessel that must be filled?”

  “Well there is, sort of, but the recirculation system, does it for us. It drains through filtration to remove the soap and dirt and then is cleaned before being reused. You don’t need to worry. It’s not our drinking water. That’s a separate system.”

  She stared at the floor again, making no attempt to move or wash herself, and at last he understood she wasn’t used to a shower. That was when Chad remembered she’d said her people moved around all the time. He stepped back and said, “Watch.”

  He turned the water off again, and then flipped the lever up to start it flowing once more. It was warm now, so he held his hand palm up under the soap dispenser and pressed the button. With a handful of suds, he dripped some on her front where she could see and then rubbed her breasts and her belly relishing the sensation of her delicate skin in his hands. Reluctantly he turned her around and washed her back, then her arms and legs.

  He stepped away. “Now you wash me.”

  She pushed her wet bangs off her forehead, and took a handful of suds. She had to stand on tiptoe to reach his shoulders, but she washed him exactly as he’d done her. When she got to his cock, he showed her exactly how he liked to be touched, and gazed at her serious little face as she worked on his shaft until he was fully aroused.

  Chad rinsed the soap off his cock, turned the water off, leaned against the wall, and spread his legs. “Kneel down and suck my cock. Deep-throat me,” he ordered.

  It was time to claim her for the second time. His dick was ready to proceed.

  She licked up and down his shaft and across his cockhead, and then sucked the head into her hot, wet mouth. Damn, it felt good in there. But she didn’t take more than just the head into her mouth. Once again she rubbed her tongue all along his shaft and especially around the head, before sucking him some more.

  It felt good, but he’d never get off on it.

  He spread his legs wider apart, lifting his hips up so more of his dick went into her mouth. “Roll my balls and then suck them.”

  Maybe she was going slowly for a reason, but if she was, it was much too slow for him. He needed a lot more stimulation than this.

  Her hands were cool and gentle as she rolled his balls, and she stroked the insides of his thighs as well, which he liked. She was so much smaller than him he had to constantly remind himself, Earth women weren’t the same as Mu Araen women. Few women on his planet were less than six feet tall. She was five-four, maybe five-five tops. Having her touch him like this made him feel even stronger, and more the warrior than ever. But he needed more suction, more force than her delicate tongue flicks.

  He rested his shoulders firmly against the shower wall and gripped the back of her head with both hands, forcing his dick deeper into her mouth. He tilted her head to the perfect angle and then pushed his cockhead against the back of her throat.

  “Open your throat, damn you. Deep-throat me now, I order you.”

  He pumped his hips up again, forcing his cock in and out of her mouth, always pushing against her epiglottis until finally she opened and he was able to drive himself right down inside her.

  “Oh, yes, good. That’s what I needed.”

  Chad took control from her completely now, forcing her head up and down on his cock, pushing harder and farther until he found the tightness and heat he so badly needed.

  Groaning he drove into her mouth again and again until his cum burst out of his cock. He pulled partway out of her and said, “Swallow my seed. All of it. The claiming demands you take my seed into your body.”

  She gulped and swallowed, and then he thrust deeper again jerking his hips to drain the last drop of cum from his balls.

  “Ah yes, good, good.” He sighed in pleasure and stayed completely still for a moment as his cock began to relax.

  He let his cock out of her mouth and then stepped out of the shower and pressed the blower for warm air to dry himself. He turned his back to the blower and saw Flame still standing exactly as he’d left her, head down, gaze on the floor.

  “Come and get dried, my bride.”

  She looked up at him and said softly, “My towel is in my pack in the room where I was first taken.”

  He ignored her words as guilt flooded him. Her huge amber eyes were filled with tears and more tears had trickled down her cheeks, splashing on the tops of her breasts. He’d hurt her. But how could that be? Didn’t every teenager learn how to deep-throat a cock in Sex Ed 101?


  Flame’s throat hurt to swallow but at least she knew what deep-throat meant now. She really must be very stupid not to have worked it out much faster than she had. As soon as he’d rammed his cock to the back of her mouth she’d guessed what she needed to do but didn’t understand how to do it until he’d forced his way past the barrier.

  Well, she knew now and next time would do it better. As long as he didn’t decide she was useless and get rid of her first. Flame was very aware of how much trouble she was to him, not pleasing him the way a good slave would please her master.

  And what really terrified her was wondering how she’d ever get enough food to feed him. She didn’t know where the fruit trees were near here, or where fish hid in the ocean. A river was easy. Fish liked to hide under brush and rocks. But she knew nothing about oceans and ocean creatures. The thought of finding enough food for him to eat tomorrow was overwhelming.

  “Come here. Stand under the blower and dry your hair.”

  Even though her head was lowered so he wouldn’t see her fear and distress, Flame had noted where he stood and how he’d turned around. From inside the shower it hadn’t been obvious why he was doing it, but when she crossed to where he was standing, he pressed another of those metal markers on the wall, and warm air swirled around her. Quickly she held up her hair, spreading out the strands so it would dry. The blower was much better than mere wind. It dried her hair even faster than bright sunshine.

  When her hair was dry he pressed the metal marker again and the air stopped. Chad sat on the chair in this room and pulled her to stand in front of him.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t know you weren’t used to deep-throating a man. Or is it just that I’m bigger than your Earth men?”
r />   “I’m sorry, sir. I was a virgin. But I promise to learn to please you as fast as I can.” Flame had to tense her muscles so she wouldn’t shake with fear. What if he decided she was just too much trouble and killed her?

  “A virgin?” he was still staring at her but his eyes were blank as if he was thinking. Was he remembering the moment he’d first thrust into her cunt? That first sharp shard of pain? Then later there was a second pain when he’d knocked against something deep inside her. My womb of course. But both pains had almost instantly become pleasure. Probably the soreness in her throat would also become pleasure quite soon.

  “For the claiming to be complete I must take you three times in the same night. In your cunt, in your mouth, and in your ass. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. I will claim your cute little ass soon. Only by filling you with my seed all three times can your power be released. Until your power is released we can’t save your planet.”

  She was glad he didn’t ask her if she understood this time, because she didn’t recognize all his words, even though he was speaking her language, not the strange sibilant one he used to himself. If he wanted to fuck her ass it belonged to him and she couldn’t stop him. Besides, pleasure had come with her cunt and she supposed more pleasure would come with her ass.

  He spread his legs wide apart and pulled her between them so her knees were pressed against the ceramic of the chair he sat on and his cock rested against her belly. Even though he’d just come down her throat, his cock was still large. It felt warm against her body as she waited for him to tell her what she was to do next.

  But he didn’t say anything. He fastened his lips over her nipple, sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. He rolled it around in his mouth and then sucked harder, pulling her areola and some of the flesh of her breast into his mouth as well.

  That felt so good. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his suction, feeling her honey drip into her pussy.


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