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The Forgotten Legacy of Stella Walsh

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by Sheldon Anderson

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  Kurjer Warszawski [Warsaw Courier]

  Los Angeles Times

  New York Times

  Plain Dealer (Cleveland)

  Polacy Zagranica [Poles Abroad]

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  Przegląd Sportowy [Sports Review]

  Sztandar Młodych [Youth Banner]

  Völkischer Beobachter [Folkish Observer]

  Washington Post

  Życie Warszawy [Warsaw Life]


  Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio

  MS4999 Stella Walsh Papers (Container 1, Folder 11)

  About the Author

  Sheldon Anderson is a professor in the History Department at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He teaches courses on the politics of modern sports, the Cold War, and twentieth-century European diplomacy. He is the author of four books: The Politics and Culture of Modern Sports (2015), Condemned to Repeat It: “Lessons of History” and the Making of U.S. Cold War Containment Policy (2008), A Cold War in the Soviet Bloc: Polish–East German Relations, 1945–1962 (2000), and A Dollar to Poland Is a Dollar to Russia: U.S. Economic Policy toward Poland, 1945–1952 (1993). He is also the coauthor of International Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues (3rd ed., 2014).


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