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Darker Passions: Frankenstein

Page 5

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  The tight orifice struggled to open, to welcome me, but it was unaccustomed to visitors and expressed shock that tonight its small room would be crowded to bursting.

  I had brought along a small pot of butter from the kitchen and lubricated both my cock and the hole a quarter of an inch in.

  Even this little movement caused Elizabeth's ass to wiggle and squirm and the opening to dilate.

  I placed myself at the door surrounded by burning walls and proceeded to push inward. She tightened, then loosened, caught between the fear of such a large guest inside her for the first time, and the delicious desire I knew she felt at the idea of being penetrated.

  "Victor! Oh, Victor! You must plant yourself deep. It is your right. And my need."

  Her words were sweet and encouraged me to ram in fully.

  But I wanted both of us to savor these first moments that could never be repeated in exactly this virginal manner.

  Slowly my engineer burrowed through the tight tunnel.

  Her moans and cries of being filled and fulfilled lingered in my ears. I took my time and the sky was light before I was buried completely in her dark moist passage.

  I lingered there, allowing her to understand the nature of impalement, enjoying the tight pressure on my cock and the intense pleasure of being in charge. She moaned exquisitely, the sounds music to my ears. My balls were tight against my body, the seed waiting there for the slightest movement on my part.

  I grabbed hold of her wounded ass. Elizabeth cried out in agony laced with joy. In one quick movement I withdrew and thrust deep and firm into her. Her anus convulsed wildly around me and my sperm fired. For sweet moments we were still, joined for the first time. I knew in my heart it would not be the last, that this was only the beginning of our delightful union.

  Chapter Seven

  When next I saw Elizabeth it was the morning I would depart. She was radiant, a glorious blush to her lovely facial cheeks —which no doubt equaled the glow of those not visible cheeks. Her lips full and dark red, her fair hair glittering in the sunlight made her an exquisite cameo. Her eyes sparkled and despite the underthings she wore by necessity in a proper household, I noticed that her nipples were firm against the fabric.

  She sat gingerly during breakfast, the act deliciously painful for her, and titillating for me. Whenever I glanced in her direction, she blushed heavily and lowered her eyes. I knew now that she belonged to me completely.

  Parting from her seemed an impossible task, but anticipation of when we would be together again and the continuation of our game renewed my energy. And with her bottom so fully conquered, I expected her thoughts would be strongly with me until my return.

  My family allowed us time alone by the carriage to say our goodbyes.

  "When next I see you, it shall be Christmas, my love. What present would you like from England?"

  Her eyes sparkled and she lowered her voice. "Oh Victor, something designed by your creative hand. An object that will bring me a fraction of the pleasure you give me so that I may think of you often in your long absences and be prepared for your return."

  This was a difficult request, to be sure, but I promised to give it some thought.

  "Something mechanical," she suggested. "And disguised, so that others may think it a practical item, but you and I will realize its true use and the value thereof."

  We kissed one another under the watchful eyes of my family. I patted her bottom surreptitiously, causing her to wince and blush. "Remember, Victor, a gift that will remind me of you."

  Even before we arrived at Le Harve, a design had formed in my brain. Simple, practical and yet it possessed the potential for pleasuring my Elizabeth. I would set to work immediately so that it would be ready in time for the holidays.

  Chapter Eight

  The minute I arrived at Oxford, I set about purchasing the parts needed for the equipment I planned to build, for on the long ride to England I had devised an invention which I considered ingenious. School work took up much of my time throughout the fall. The manufacture of this gift for Elizabeth took up any free moments I possessed.

  I wandered the hallowed ivy-covered buildings, watching the leaves go from green to brown, then shrivel and finally die.

  No doubt it had an impact on my young mind which would not become apparent quite yet. Anatomy was my main course of study at that point, and as I acquired the knowledge of the greatest thinkers in the sciences of the day, it only aided my work on my darling Elizabeth's present. After all, a good grasp of anatomy would make my gift far more wearable as it would accentuate both the comfort required for extended use and the discomfort necessary for enjoyment. The knowledge I was acquiring would stand me in good stead with a greater quest I would embark on in due course.

  Naturally letters arrived from my darling regularly. Each grew bolder than the one before, culminating in this missive just before the holidays arrived:

  "My darling, most powerful master, who has conquered me so thoroughly. Victor, how I long for your strong, stern embrace, your firm hand guiding and directing my passions, your most forceful aspects demanding an appropriate response from my receptive female nature. I await you, empty, hungry, needy, my strongest and most urgent need being to submit myself to your commanding presence and to fulfill all your desires through our play. Oh, hurry home, my love. I miss you utterly."

  The days until my train left England crawled by. I could not wait to see her once again and resume our game.

  By Christmas I had a unique gift created and when on the eve of that holiday I arrived home with my unusually-shaped package wrapped in festive paper and curled ribbons, Elizabeth was aglow with excitement and anticipation.

  The living room was warm and cosy, lighted with beeswax candles and a fire in the hearth. Fragrant evergreen brought the outdoors inside. After dinner, as a family we decorated its boughs with chains of popped corn, paper snowflakes, satin bows and a scattering of delicate ornaments my mother had acquired over the years of her marriage and which were preserved during the other eleven months by careful wrapping and storage in the attic. We sat round the fireplace singing Yule songs and Christmas carols as Elizabeth played the melodies gaily on the spinet.

  My younger brother, James, retired at his usual bedtime, followed by my parents, who understood that Elizabeth and I required time to renew our budding intimacies.

  Once the door to the parlour was closed and locked and Elizabeth had eagerly taken a seat upon my lap before the glowing embers, she asked in an excited voice, "What did you bring me?"

  "Oh, something special. You will like it, I think."

  "What? Don't tease me, Victor. Won't you show me now?"

  I laughed and kissed her full lips, so eager for mine.

  "Well, perhaps it would be best to open the package in privacy together, rather than with the family present. For their sakes, I've a more conventional gift you may open on the morrow."

  "How clever you are, my darling," she giggled. "I've done the same for you. First, this present."

  She handed me an onyx box, prettily wrapped in green cloth with a red ribbon.

  Under her watchful eye, I untied the bow. Within the stone box was a peculiar chain, approximately eighteen inches in length. Along the chain lay half a dozen silver balls, in gradually increasing sizes, from one half inch to what appeared to be three inches in diameter, with a length of chain dangling at either end. I admitted my confusion to her. "This is lovely, darling, but whatever is it for?"

  "Well, it occurred to me that while I waited impatiently for your return from school, you, likewise, must be in agony for your return as well. And the thought of you imprisoned at Oxford and spending all those hours seated upon those hard benches in the lecture theaters, listening to dreary papers written by stuffy old professors... Well, I've come up with something which will solve both problems by freeing your mind to dwell on more interesting subjects."

  I was still notably confused, which Elizabeth could clearly see. She took t
he chain of balls from my hand and stood, then began unbuttoning my trousers. Finally she pulled me to my feet so that my pants fell to my knees.

  "Bend over the wing-back seat," she said, which I did, my hands grasping the seat of the chair on the sides. She lifted my shirt tails and pulled down my underdrawers. My bottom waited high in the air, facing the warmth emanating from the hearth. The feeling of exposure at my lover's hands was titillating and my member was swelling with interest in what would follow.

  "These were made by our good friend, Gilles."

  The notion that Gilles had become "our" good friend did not sit well with me. I was advanced in my thinking, and did not feel that what is good for the gander the goose should not get a whiff of, yet my encounters with the stable master had occurred prior to our engagement. Elizabeth, on the other hand, had obviously encountered him since. I was about to inquire as to exactly what contact she had had with the Frenchman when I felt something cool press against my anal opening.

  I confess to feeling a thrill of delight course through me. The pressure she applied felt like great force, and the object bent on entering me I experienced as massive. Yet I realized that Elizabeth must have begun with the smallest ball.

  My anus rebelled. Although I willed my anatomy to open, in fact it constricted. This did not deter her. She forced the silver ball inside me.

  It was as if the world cracked open at that moment. Light exploded in my head. I realized my breathing was rapid. My underarms and chest were sweating. Although I had entertained a far larger object when the stable master's member had visited this rear room, that experience had been part of a longer, more energetic encounter. With Elizabeth, this insertion came cold, out of the blue. And at the insistent hands of my beloved.

  No sooner had I gotten a grip on my emotions and the energy threatening to expend itself through my cock, than my door was being knocked upon once again. A larger ball, the next in size no doubt, forced its way into me. My legs trembled and my bottom quivered. My mind knew the size was but a half inch larger and yet my anus felt it as ten times that. I could only moan and lower my head and allow myself to succumb to her persistent hand.

  No sooner had I accepted this intrusion and made it a part of myself when she was forcing the third to roll into me. Now I could feel the first two entering my rectum, filling me. The metal, cold outside my body, was quickly warmed by my canal. Elizabeth worked the next for some time until my opening would admit it. Being of a scientific mind, I automatically calculated that the fourth was two inches in diameter. I also knew the anus expands automatically when peristalsis occurs, and reassured myself that I could take such objects in safely.

  A far greater worry was the explosion that threatened in my groin. I needed all of my concentration to stem the tide trying to engulf me. But my own pleasure would increase greatly with a bit of restraint, and besides, this was Elizabeth's gift; I wanted to accept it graciously. There was also the disastrous thought of ejaculating on my mother's petit point chair.

  When she began with the fifth, my body rebelled. Action was called for. We both understood that.

  "You shall open to me sir, and I do not intend to wait the night!" she said.

  "It is not by choice," I moaned, feeling the cool metal pushed hard against me and my resistant opening tearing in the process. With it came a nearly unbearable urge to ejaculate.

  "Then obviously you need encouragement," she said.

  I had no idea what she meant. A scarf from her neck was tied around my mouth. Whatever would occur, she was determined to keep my simple moans the loudest noise that would erupt from me. Knowing Elizabeth and her determination, I anticipated the worse. Within moments, the worse occurred.

  Something seared my ass cheeks, first the left, then the right. I jolted and screamed. The chair I clutched at hopped twice across the floor and would have toppled if she hadn't held me steady. I smelled burning flesh and knew it to be my own. Tears spilled from my eyes. My screams fortunately were muffled by the cloth. Sweat streamed from my pores. My poor ass shrieked in agony.

  "I'll not hesitate to use the hot poker again, if need be," she assured me. I had no reason to disbelieve her.

  My anus had tightened, because of the pain. In fact, my entire body had constricted. But this time when she placed the two and a half inch ball at my door, the gatekeeper came to his senses and threw open the portal immediately.

  Between my burning cheeks she shoved that ball and it entered easily, swallowed as if I were eager to be spread wide.

  The ones before it entered me further and I moaned again.

  Oddly enough, my cock was rock hard. Even through the burning it had not lost much and now excelled its previous dimension. Yet I was amazed that he kept his juices to himself.

  I knew there was one to follow. Three inches. I felt now that I could take that in, had to take it in, and I was correct. My anus dilated and Elizabeth shoved in one movement. She dropped the end of the chain and I felt its coolness dangle down the back of my scrotum, which lay high and ready for action.

  The world became my pelvic region. My mind was gone, relieved of thoughts, worries, speculations. I throbbed with passion, my cock a bolder, pulsing against my belly, my bowels under submission to Elizabeth's hand.

  She slid up between my legs, her back braced against the front of the stool so that she faced my groin. Her beautiful lips sucked on my testicles and then found my penis.

  "Victor, you will remain perfectly still. No movement at all until I permit you release. If you disobey, I shall renew your acquaintance with the poker. Do I make myself clear?"

  I nodded quickly, eager to avoid that searing iron, the contact with which had hurt my flesh and would for weeks to come. My harsh mistress' mouth surrounded my cock head, then took him in completely. It was agony to remain still, unable to thrust into her, which my member was eager to do. My testicles ached and only the fear of the hot iron kept them from following their natural inclination. The silver spheres left me so vulnerable, so open, and the burning flesh reminding me to stay that way.

  Elizabeth teased and toyed with me mercilessly, until I cried out in frustration, the sounds muffled. And yet all of these sensation were the most delicious I had ever experienced. I lived in only this region of my body, which had become a volcano, contained by obedience to this force greater than myself —Elizabeth.

  I felt her hand fondle my testicles and then scratch along the back of my scrotum. Finally she reached for the chain. Now her mouth worked in earnest. I could contain myself no longer, even if it meant my very death. Every exhale was a groans of agony. The power and pressure in my groin confirmed that I was seconds from giving myself over to what was inevitable.

  Suddenly the pressure from her lips increased around me.

  At that moment her hand yanked hard and the silver balls began to pop out of my tunnel quickly. My anus contracted wildly. My testicles sent a flood of semen rushing up. My cock pumped hard and long into her mouth. My entire body contracted then released as I became one with Elizabeth, my love, my powerful dominatrix.

  Chapter Nine

  We lie in one another's arms on the bear rug before the fireplace, kissing, fondling. Warmth enveloped me. I had not ever longed so much for a woman as I did Elizabeth. I knew then that I would do anything for her and told her so.

  "I shall keep you to your promise," she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

  Once I had recovered, Elizabeth was eager to open the gift I had made her. She tore into the wrapping like a child. The box was long and thick and I know she had no idea what lay within.

  By comparison with her gift to me, mine seemed course and uncrafted and I felt embarrassed. I had no reason to be. Unlike me with her silver balls, she knew immediately what my contraption was for and appreciated its use value at once.

  "How sweet you are, my darling. And thoughtful. I shall wear this walking, and riding as well." She kissed me fully on the mouth and her eyes sparkled.

  The word 'riding
' brought back to me her acquaintance with Gilles, the stable master. While she undressed, I questioned her about him.

  "Have you been seeing Gilles, then?"

  "Not often."

  "For riding lessons, I presume?"

  "That, and other things."

  "Such as?"

  She was naked now, my view of her from the side distracting me from the answer. Her round ass jutted out behind and in front lay her flat belly. Above it, those full luscious fruits with the ripe buds extended and tilted upward, as if eager for my lips. A tuft of blonde fur formed an inverted triangle at her crotch, pointing down to that most desired spot.

  I helped her step into the braces and strapped them to her legs and the top band about her waist. The metal laced across her stomach, with flat bars attached that traveled down her legs to her feet and back up again, leaving openings for the joints. Another metal bar went between her legs and up between her bottom cheeks. I was relieved that the fit, which I had done without the benefit of measurements, was perfect. And then the piece de resistance. Along that corridor between her legs I had created holes, one for the future, one for the present. The design itself, at least this part of it, was based on the old chastity belts from the Middle Ages, modified for my purposes. In mine, the rear-most opening was the one of most interest to me, since I had claimed ownership of that orifice. I moved behind Elizabeth and fitted the final piece of apparatus into that opening. Silently I congratulated myself on a feat of engineering. I had modeled this penis on my own flesh at its best, anticipating that what she had held before she could hold again.

  "Will you do the honors?" she asked, blushing.

  Elizabeth spread her legs further apart and bent forward to the small extend the metal would permit. I could not tell whether it was the fire's glow that added such a rosy color to her bottom, or if in the light of day I should see that same flesh so pink. It was a question I was determined to find the answer to this night, for what was the extent of her contact with the stable master?


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