Darker Passions: Frankenstein

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Darker Passions: Frankenstein Page 7

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  "'I'm sorry,' I said, not wishing to begin on the wrong foot.

  "'Not as sorry as you shall be,' came the stern reply.

  "She rose from the chair on which she was sitting, picked it up, as well as a black bag from the floor beside her. She walked to the middle of the room where I stood and set the bag down onto the floor again.

  "She is a tall, slim woman, with piercing black eyes and grey hair which she wears in a bun. Her face can be described as harshly handsome, a no-nonsense visage. One look at the firm set of her lips and I knew I was in trouble.

  "'Enough!' the tutor said. 'I have been invited here to mete out punishment, and that is what I intend to do.'

  "My mouth dropped open."'Sit down, Elizabeth,' she said. Her voice was deep and harsh and brooked no resistance. She pointed at the Chippendale she had just vacated with a long thin finger of correction.

  "'I prefer to stand.'

  "'And I prefer you do as you're told.'

  "Reluctantly I perched on the edge of the chair. A shiver ran through me as I stared up at this stern-looking woman towering above. I wondered what I had gotten myself into.

  "'Now, Elizabeth,' she began, 'you have already disobeyed me...'

  "'But how?'

  "'Once by arriving late, the second time by not obeying my order immediately.'

  "Well, she had me good and proper there. What could I say.

  "'You are fortunate in that I have dealt with overindulged young ladies before.' Miss Heidi crossed her arms over her small chest and stood with legs apart in front of me. 'Stand up!'

  "I stood, aware that these simple 'sit and stand' commands were designed to let me know who was in control.

  "'Strip off your clothing.'

  "I hesitated only a moment. A firm hand smacked my face sharply. The slap rang out in the stillness. My cheek burned, bringing tears of shame to my eyes.

  "Partly I felt shocked. And yet my cunny belied this feeling, as I felt a tingle there, and heat rising.

  "The back of my hand wiped the tears from my eyes.

  "'Would you like another, Miss?'

  "I shook my head.

  "'I cannot hear you.'


  "'No, what?'

  "'No, ma'am.'

  "Well, this was interesting. She had intuited how to treat me, which caused a thrill to ripple through me, as well as dread. I should not be telling you this, Victor, but this woman managed in moments to understand my greatest fears and deepest longings. I began unbuttoning my dress, interrupted only with a 'Faster!' from Miss Heidi, to which I readily complied.

  "'And now undress me,' she ordered.

  "Tentatively I reached out and began unbuttoning the simple frock the governess wore, undoing the fasteners and buttons, slipping it to the ground. Beneath, Miss Heidi was naked to the waist. Her nipples were the darkest and hardest I'd seen —not that I'd seen any but my own —stretching out nearly an inch. I thought they invited teeth. I realized I was licking my lips. But when her skirts fell to the floor, I was startled to see underneath that she wore breeches, like a man. Curiously, they were fastened at the hips with buttons, and a series of small buttons ran along the crotch and between her legs.

  "The picture before me was a study in firm feminine beauty. Her nipples so long and hard, her hips slim and sturdy, accentuated as she stood legs apart in those tight trousers. She half turned and I saw that the dark fabric did not cover her bottom at all, which excited me. Her low slung, tight cheeks were fully exposed to the air. My, what a sight that was, I assure you.

  "'Turn around!'

  "I turned my back to Miss Heidi, feeling both fear and anticipation. It was a delicious combination that excited me.

  "Instantly I felt her hands exploring my bottom cheeks, sliding over them, lifting them as if gauging their weight, squeezing one then the other. I felt like a fruit being examined for market. Recently I had visited Gilles, and my bottom was still sore to the touch. As she squeezed so hard back and forth, a gasp escaped me.

  "'You will remain silent, Miss, if you know what's good for you.'

  "'Yes, ma'am,' I answered automatically.

  "Miss Heidi rounded my cheeks again and again, her firm fingers squeezing and pulling the flesh. Then, suddenly, her hand slipped down between my crack, past my anus, and to my womanly hole. I bit my lip to stop another gasp from escaping.

  "She did not pause, but entered me with several of her fingers immediately. They thrust up into me until stopped by the natural barrier which has as yet to be pierced by you, my love.

  "A small whimper did escape me at that point. But another thing escaped me as well, a thick secretion of juices that gave me away.

  "Miss Heidi took my place in the chair. In an instant, she pulled me across her lap, bottom rising into the air.

  "Miss Heidi opened the suitcase and pulled out a length of hemp. 'You will place your hands behind your neck, Miss. Now!'

  "I did this and she tied my hands tightly together, looping the rope around my throat so they would stay in this position or I would choke."'Spread your legs!'

  "'I really don't see...' I began.

  "Miss Heidi grabbed the flesh between my anus and vagina and pinched hard. My hips jumped into the air and my cry filled the air. My legs spread quickly.

  "I could feel my glistening pink slit oozing liquid.

  Above it my bottom hole lay waiting to be filled, and dear heart, how I wished you were there that night to plunger me!

  "Miss Heidi searched the case. In a moment she said, 'Since you cannot keep your mouth shut, you will now open it.'

  "Again, I hesitated, not knowing what she was about.

  "I should have known she was about determination. With one hand she squeezed my jaw at the hinges, forcing my lips apart. Quickly she shoved in a round rubber ball. This was followed by a scarf tied around my head at the mouth, presumably to keep me quiet. I had no desire to be caught in an uncompromising position with the governess, and was grateful that she was so thorough.

  "For long moments I stared at the floor in the dim room, and at Miss Heidi's leg. Lying across her lap with my legs spread was titillating. Her body felt warm on my belly. The soft hairs at my crotch pressed against her thigh, and my cunny must have been seeping hot moisture onto the fabric of her trousers. Where she had pinched me, the skin still burned, but she offered me no comfort there. My nipples jutted out and soon the slim fingers of one of her large hands reached under and toyed with both nipples at the same time, pulling them out until I felt they should be pulled off, twisting those nubs so far that pain streaked through me. She squeezed, pinched, rubbed, pressed them inward until I thought I could no longer contain the passion that soared through me. Waves of heat rushed through me. My cunny pumped liquid until I believed the room must be flooded. The terrible ball gagging my mouth kept my verbal response to a minimum, but enough sound came from me that Miss Heidi knew when to increase her actions, and which of those actions produced the desired results."'Well, Miss, you have earned this punishment, that is certain. I expect Herr Frankenstein has put up with more than enough of your nonsense, more than any man should. I, however, am not so blinded by your charms. Your lesson will be a hard one; all the better. That way you shall not forget as easily.'

  "She bent over the case again and I heard her rummaging in it. I admit I was curious to see what tool she would employ. After all, I had already felt Gilles' crop and the paddle with holes, and various birches and even a bamboo cane, most at the hand of you, my beloved. My bottom was no novice to pain, mildly tender though it might be at the moment. Still, what the former head mistress pulled from her bag of tricks startled me.

  "I'd expected some object of great torment, but what emerged was merely a leather glove, which she slipped onto her hand before my eyes that I might see.

  "I was disappointed, at least I thought so, although my bottom began to quiver as if it understood something my brain did not.

  "'No doubt you anticipate a mild chastisem
ent from this glove. But mild will not produce the desired results. You, Miss, are begging for correction. I expect you will continue your misbehaviors until someone takes a stand with you.'

  "Miss Heidi lay the gloved hand on my ass and began rubbing gently. Instantly I knew this was no ordinary leather glove, but the palm and fingers were imbedded with pointed grommets. At first they those metal bits were cool, and rolled over my skin easily. Soon, however, they warmed, and she began to press harder.

  "My cheeks ached still from Gilles' attention, and the harder she pressed, the more they ached. It wasn't unpleasant, though, and I found myself dripping more moisture as she rubbed.

  Meanwhile, her other hand had resumed its work on my titties, coaxing them out far from my chest, twisting and turning, as they thrust straight out like the masthead of a ship, because of the way she had tied me. My body slid and squirmed across her lap and I thought I should go mad from sensation.

  ""We shall begin, Miss,' she said 'with a common instruction, although not perhaps as familiar as that to which you're accustomed."

  "All the while Miss Heidi had been rubbing the glove over my bottom. What had been at first comforting had altered and now the sensations had become uncomfortable, so I was eager that she cease. In the candle glow, I saw a shadow on the wall. Her arm lifted. Suddenly she brought it down hard. The sound was muted. The pain sharp. Those cone-shaped grommets dug into my sore bottom. That, plus the intensity of the spank, made me nearly leap off her lap. Her strong fingers gripping my nipples held me in place.

  "Miss Heidi is a powerful woman. Although slim, her arm muscles rival a man's. She is also capable of great speed. The pace of those spanks was so quick I could not tell exactly one from another. I knew, though, that the color on my cheeks was altering exponentially.

  "Oh, Victor, how can I convey the spanking that followed?

  Never have I been punished so thoroughly! The woman is a fiend! She has the strength of ten, and the determination of an army. She did not let up. No bottom could withstand such an onslaught, I can tell you from experience.

  "Soon, I was beside myself. My poor cheeks trembled in pain. My bottom did not know a woman could spank so hard and fast, so tirelessly, and was startled and ill prepared for what it received. Each cheek accommodated equal attention, one after the other, in blows that virtually rained down. Those small licks from Gilles' crop were nothing compared to the demon glove which covered such a large area of flesh. My legs kicked out uncontrollably as I strove to avoid her resolute hand.

  "Her fingers squeezed my nipples harder than before, until they numbed. She held them thusly while she whaled the juices from my throbbing cunny. My ass had nowhere to run and hide and soon learned to submit to the blows because it had no other options. But even my submission would not make her cease.

  "My poor titties had lost all feeling, or so I imagined. And then, suddenly, she released them from her piercing grip. In an instant sensation returning. Stinging, stabbing, aching, as the blood flowed back in. And all the while that fierce hand laid on more and more spanks until my bottom turned the tide and no longer remained passive: I found myself lifting into the air, as if inviting the next spank, and the next. When my bottom could take no more, it invited more.

  "She worked at my bottom with those horrible grommets until the sky lightened and birds sang outside the window. Victor, I had reached a state I did not know was possible. I had cried a million tears. My body throbbed and pulsed with the universe. It was as though I were finely tuned to Miss Heidi, and all else. I was a receptacle for all that would flow into me. All she could give I would take, gratefully.

  "So many tears had spilled from my eyes that a puddle had formed on the floor beneath me. My nipples felt alive, tuned to the air waves, giving and receiving little charges of energy as they pulsed beneath her constant ministrations. The painful spanks had long ago turned to pleasurable spanks. I could not get enough of her hard hand teaching my bottom its place in the universe.

  "I could have gone on and on, riding and cresting wave after wave of pleasure and pain, so intermingled that I could no longer tell them apart.

  "But, Miss Heidi stopped. She pulled the scarf from my face and removed the ball from my mouth. Suddenly. With a shove she thrust me from her and I landed on the floor on my belly.

  "Startled I looked up at her. She was unbuttoning the buttons that lined the crotch of her breeches.

  "'Miss, you will crawl to me on your belly and thank me properly,' she said.

  "I squirmed around on the floor and shoved myself forward with my feet until my face was at the edge of the chair. I used the seat as a prop for my chin and she eased forward.

  "Her dark woman's hairs were like a black jungle, between them a wet path that led to where? Without question, I wanted to explore that path and see what treasures lay ahead.

  "My tongue lapped at her sweet juices. The moisture was like honey, thick, yet tartly sweet. I wanted more. She bent to the side, to that black case of hers, and removed something else. While I lapped at those soft lips that guarded her secrets, she flicked a long thin whip against the crack in my bottom. I did not know I could feel more in the area of my heated backside. Her efforts inspired me.

  "She grabbed my hair and twisted, guiding my head and hence my tongue to the right spots. I felt so tuned to her that I understood the whip and my tongue moved as one with it, both lapping, bringing pain and pleasure at the same moments. Which led the other, I could not say, only that we were aligned, both licking as needed.

  "The thin whip flicked against my bottom hole, and the slit that leads to my dearest parts. My tongue slid into her carefully, easing along the folds and rippling flesh, so hot, burning, as my ass and my own cunny burned. I felt her constrict and wanted to feel more of that.

  "Instinctively I made my tongue firm and hard as I could.

  Then I thrust into her, licking as I went along the front of that corridor where I knew from my own experience her most sensitive areas would be.

  "I licked. The whip licked. Heat increased. As I rubbed her cunny, I felt the contractions within her begin. They built slowly, then, suddenly, became violent, gripping my tongue hard. Her walls squeezed it and my lips, which were smeared with her precious juices.

  "To my surprise, my own cunny contracted violently, sending shudder after shudder of pleasure crashing through me.

  "Oh, Victor, it was delicious. I have never been so submissive. I know now of what I am capable and I long to experiment and explore with you all the possibilities that lay within me. I know I am capable of even more, and with you, my love, I hope to realize my potential."

  I admit that reading Elizabeth's letter excited me. My imagination had me hearing Elizabeth's cries, and in my mind I could see the red impressions left by the cone-shaped grommets in an every coloring behind. My nostrils smelled her sex scent on the paper itself, just as she promised.

  My cock itched unbearably. I freed him and my balls from the prison of my breeches and attended to their needs.

  But later, after several readings, that letter began to disturb me. I became obsessed with building something that would occupy her, for now I knew that my love needed constant stimulation. If I did not provide it, someone else would. Gilles. Miss Heidi. I dreaded to think who would come next. And all, I believed, competed with me for my love's affections.

  My school work suffered as I devoted myself full time to creating a dream-come-true for my Elizabeth.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time Easter arrived, a thaw was well underway. The ice and snow had disappeared, although the ground was not quite ready for digging. Clear sky, buds on the willows. And the harbingers of spring sang their delicate songs.

  As my coach neared my ancestral home, I grinned foolishly, thinking about the item I had brought home with me for Elizabeth.


  "What?" my younger brother asked as we rode along, he seated across from me, and next to him the governess of whom Elizabet
h had written. Miss Heidi was a stern-looking older woman who had apparently been a head mistress at a school until fairly recently when she decided to go out on her own, a situation unheard of for a woman. I learned that her sojourn with my family was about to come to an end —her contract expired shortly when James would receive the results of his entrance exam.

  This relieved my mind considerably, for I had spent the last three months worrying about what type of relationship would develop between this disciplinarian and my Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth. Why had she not met me at the station?

  "Where is Elizabeth?" I asked.

  "At the house, I expect," James answered.

  Thoughts of my intended filled my mind and I must have had a smile on my face.

  "What's so amusing?" James asked.

  "Only a private joke," I told him. He nodded, apparently knowing he would get no more from me. Miss Heidi, though, looked as though she would like to wring it out of me. She was a tall, strongly-built woman. I could imagine her as a head mistress and suspected that, given the liberty to exact corporeal punishment, she would take no nonsense from pupils. I sensed her predilection for correction, and could well imagine Elizabeth receiving the tanning of her life. This woman had a steeliness about her that even Gilles did not. In a perverse way I entertained the notion of the two of them meeting —Miss Heidi and the stable Master, that is. I had little doubt who would be over the saddle and who would be holding the crop.

  Those lascivious thoughts and others kept me in a shiver of delicious eroticism during the twenty minute ride through the countryside. I even imagined myself lying bare assed across this woman's knee and learning a lesson the hard way. As I imagined her hardwood ruler addressing my bottom, at that moment, our eyes met. Her eyes were knowing. I felt my face color and quickly looked away; it was as though she'd read my thoughts.

  Once we had disembarked the coach and my bags and the large item I'd brought with me were unloaded and taken upstairs,


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