Darker Passions: Frankenstein

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Darker Passions: Frankenstein Page 8

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  I ventured down to the parlour to greet my family properly and enjoy a bit of nourishment. Elizabeth was not met me at the door with the others. She was not at the house, and I began to worry.

  Tea and a light meal of open-faced sandwiches were served immediately and amid the chatter of catching up on all the news, I asked again, "Where's Elizabeth?"

  "I believe she's gone for her riding lesson, dear," mother said. "If she had known you would be arriving this early, I'm certain she would have been here."

  I put my half-eaten herring sandwich down on the plate, no longer hungry. This did not please me. Precious moments of my visit were wasted while Elizabeth was no doubt receiving rigorous training from the stable master.

  Fury brewed in me while I sat amid the family and exchanged pleasantries. I struggled to find appropriate answers to questions and a facial expression that would hide the violence that gripped me. I had gone to such trouble to build an item to please Elizabeth. This I had intimated in my letters to her, letting her know that what I brought home would ease her frustrations and she would not have to resort to the attentions of strangers. And now here she was, unable to wait a few hours for my return when we would be together again and her bottom would be in good, caring hands.

  Apparently I did an excellent job of disguising my true emotions. No one appeared to notice the turmoil I felt inside. No one but Miss Heidi. I caught her watching me, another knowing look in those cold grey eyes.

  While we were having a second cup of tea, the front door opened and Elizabeth came running in. "Oh, Victor! I saw the coach! You're home, my darling."

  She raced into my arms and I held her, enjoying her scent and the warmth of her flesh through the clothing she wore, at the same time aware that I felt angry with her. Her lilac cologne could not disguise the undercurrent, a barn-like smell. Over her head Miss Heidi caught my eye again and this time we shared that knowing look.

  The afternoon hours were spent with the family. There was, however, an hour before dinner and Elizabeth and I had time for a stroll outdoors.

  "My darling," I said, wrapping her arm over mine and leading her down the path to the lake, "I take it you were enjoying your riding lesson today."

  "Victor, forgive me. Had I known you would arrive early, I would certainly have been at the station."

  "And yet the trains frequently do not arrive on schedule. I should think you'd have waited for me."

  She sighed heavily but said nothing. For what was there to say? Rather than wait for me, Elizabeth had placed herself over Gilles' saddle once again. And, presumably, between her tannings in the barn, she indulged herself with lickings from Miss Heidi. The woman was insatiable, not that I could anticipate being unable to fulfill her on a daily basis. But until she belonged to me in a manner that would permit us to be together each night and day, it seemed I must be cuckolded on a regular basis by both men and women.

  "You know, Elizabeth, I'd forbidden you to see Gilles. And now you not only continue with him, but add another factor to this perverted equation of yours. You have disobeyed me."

  "Well, we are not married yet. I'm not certain I must do as you bid me any more than you must do as I bid. At least not now." She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek, as though this would placate me.

  "I do not see things that way."

  She said nothing.

  "Tonight you will meet me in the attic."Her eyes lit up immediately but then she said, "Victor, dear, is that a good idea? Your parents."

  "Father, as always, will hear nothing. Mother sleeps like a log. As you well know."

  Her face altered as though she were hiding something.

  "What about James?"

  "His room is on the other side of the house. You know that also."

  She paused. "And Miss Heidi?" There was a hopeful tone to her voice.

  "If I did not know better, I would think you were trying to either dissuade me or replace me."

  "Oh no," she said too quickly. Then, "I would love to meet you there and have you enter me as always. Nothing would please me more. It's just that..."

  "Just what?"

  "Well, you must promise we will engage only in that manner."

  "We have agreed to save your hymen for our wedding night."

  She turned away from me slightly and I felt her body tense. "That's not what I'm talking about. It's the other things we do."


  Here she paused, searching for the right words. There were none. "Meaning that I have doubled up on my riding lessons. In fact, I've taken lessons every day this week. Those plus the instruction from Miss Heidi, well, they've left me..."

  "I see. And you are telling me..." I would not let her off the hook.

  She sighed again. "My bottom will tolerate no more attention for a few days. I should be fine by Friday, which will leave us plenty of time to resume our usual activities before your departure. In fact, I've a few games planned to entertain you, and a new surprise, so you won't be missing out on much."

  "Is that a fact? In truth, Elizabeth, I intend to not miss out on anything. However, if your derriere seeks a respite, I give you my word I shall not lay a hand on you until the weekend. Your rear door, though, is mine to do with as I wish, unless that too is exhausted from riding, or should I say having been ridden?"

  "Oh, my love!" She threw her arms around me. "You are so understanding."

  "Am I?"

  "Indeed. I shall hardly be able to contain myself through dinner, thinking of your spicy sausage feeding me on two fronts."

  "And I too shall hope for dinner to end quickly that we might enjoy a night of foreplay."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Supper was a jovial affair. The family was eager to hear of the state of things at Oxford. My father had attended there, and was surprised and amused to learn that old M. Waldman still taught, and still horked mightily into his handkerchief at regular intervals through his lectures. We discussed my studies and I confided to all that I was on the verge of new discoveries involving animation.

  "You would be astonished," I told them, "of the advances made by science in the last few decades. We have learned much from our work with cadavers."

  "Victor!" Mother said. "I'm not certain this is polite conversation."

  "Mother, let him speak," my father said, holding the horn up to his ear that he might better hear my words. "We must be up on the latest discoveries, else we shall fall so far behind they might as well show us to our graves now."

  "Well, I'm only concerned for our guest," Mother continued.

  "Please," said Miss Heidi. "As an educator, I am eager to hear of the latest research in the field of physiology. Be assured that whatever I glean here, Frau Frankenstein, will be passed onto students who are desirous of such knowledge."

  I was grateful to the woman and saw her with new eyes, for was she not a free thinker, eager to consider knowledge from every quarter? I proceeded.

  "We have learned that the body responds to stimuli from the brain, even after death."

  "How extraordinary," father said.

  "Yes. Eye movement. Musculature twitches. One could say that but for that spark of life, the dead are living. We are a step away from knowing from whence that spark of life is derived. One could say we are on the verge of reviving the dead."

  "That, surely, is an unholy undertaking," Mother said.

  "Perhaps," I agreed. "And yet, if we mere human beings have been permitted to discover this knowledge of life itself, does this not indicate that we were meant to know?"

  "Were we meant to know of the tree of good and evil?" my brother James pitched in.

  "Apparently. And that is precisely my point. Had it not been meant to be, it would not have occurred."

  "Point well taken," Father said. "But how close are you to the secret of life? Are you on the verge, or is this another one of old Waldman's fanciful theories?" My father chuckled.

  "It's what I am devoting my life to, Father. I intend to carry on the wo
rk of those who came before me. If the spark of life can be identified, it can be mastered. We can then triumph over our greatest foe —the scythe-bearer himself."

  I admit that my zeal had perhaps gotten a bit out of hand.

  For all of that, though, none in the family circle seemed greatly concerned. I doubt that any expected much would come of my labors, except to add a few more research papers to the pile of growing literature. And, of course, they had always seen me as precocious.

  Still, this was the passion, to which, besides spending time building equipment for Elizabeth, I devoted myself. I felt with all the vanity of youth that if anyone had the ability to identify from whence life sprang, it was me.

  We talked further into the evening until, one by one, the family retreated and, at last, Elizabeth and I were alone.

  I wanted to introduce her to the item I had so loving labored over this past winter and decided that now was the moment. I took her hand and led her to the attic.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Swat! Swat! "Now, don't you move!"

  Elizabeth laughed evilly and moved around to my front. I hung suspended from a beam in the attic by chains and leather cuffs, naked, my thighs, chest and rear end stinging from the blows she'd been inflicting over the last hour.

  Swat! The infernal leather fly-swatter struck my cock again, harder than the last time. In fact each blow was worse than the one before. Elizabeth was nothing if not predictable: what I might lack in an ability to find her limits, she possessed in abundance concerning mine.

  She stood before me, a vision of uncompromising beauty in a sheer night dress, erect nipples poking against the wispy fabric, those bare feet on the boards so tantalizing, her long golden hair hanging about her lovely face in the most provocative way. In the light from the beeswax candles, her eyes shown with what I could only call a demented gleam.

  Occasionally she would turn and, though the sheer fabric, I glimpsed her darkened bottom, apparently well colored. Had I been a more generous man, I might have entertained the notion of ceasing our role reversals this evening and leaving things as they stood. But I was not feeling in a generous mood. On the contrary, that bloom on my rose drove me to fury, and I longed for the moment when she might finish with me and I could then introduce her to my unique invention. More was the pity, though, that the color I had in mind for her would not be applied to a white wall.

  Earlier in the evening, after we'd climbed the stairs, we had enjoyed oral moments together, mutually satisfying; Elizabeth was extremely receptive and responsive. I began to doubt myself.

  Perhaps the lessons imprinted on her behind by others were the best course of action, given my long absences. But then reason returned, setting my mind on a straighter course. If I continued to permit such digressions on her part, it seemed to me only a matter of time before she met someone who she preferred to me. I was no fool, or so I thought. I expected that after my actions of that night, all would be corrected in our relationship.

  In one hand she held the end of the twisted wire handle of the fly swatter. She tapped it against the palm of her other hand. This simple everyday object brought pain to my fly, that was certain. Suddenly she snapped it against my cock again, right on top of the head.

  I was amazed that he withstood such an assault. I glanced down; he was pulsing red from the swatting, and ached from longing for release, but she would permit none. She had used a corset tie to lace my cock and balls high and tight. Such forced restraint was painful, but not nearly so much as that flat flap of porous leather.

  My muscles in my upper arms ached and those in my lower arms and wrists were numbing. Only my toes touched the floor boards, causing the muscles in my calves to contract. They had gone into spasm and I knew I would have difficulty walking.

  "Elizabeth, darling, don't you think you should release me, else you will do me real damage?"

  I'd said this before, but she only smiled again. She paraded before me like a general examining troops she found wanting. "You are a sight, Victor Frankenstein! A man so weak he cannot stand a bit of pain. Are you more vulnerable than a woman?" Without warning, she slapped the leather flap twice against my cock, once using her forehand, once the backhand. I knew I could not take much more. Soon I would release my pent up energies despite the cutting stays. I didn't know how to tell her this without bringing on more pain. "My darling, if you want to enjoy me at my best, you must do so soon, before it is too late."

  Elizabeth laughed harshly and walked past me, slapping my right hip and bottom cheek several times as she went.

  This game was getting out of hand. Her cold and calculating manner led me to believe she'd experienced something vengeful and excessive at the hands of Miss Heidi. Not an hour ago I'd confronted her with this. "Don't be childish, Victor," she'd said, in her new cool voice. The tone terrified me and yet I found its iciness arousing.

  In my misery, I watched the light in the room flicker and shadows on the wall before me disappear. She was carrying a candle with her and when she turned in front of me I guessed her intention.

  "No! You must not. The wax will be too harsh on my sore flesh. It heats to a temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit and may cause irreparable damage. Nooooo...!"

  My head fell back and I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming and waking the family. Hot wax dribbled down onto the head of my cock, over the hole, blocking it.

  My body twitched and danced and I thrust out at her in a sexual manner, despite the pain. Tears coursed down my cheeks. I groaned as loudly as I dared. Every strained muscle in my body spasmed in sympathy. To distract me from the excruciating heat cooking the tip of my worried member, she began again on my ass and thighs, slapping the wide leather tongue of the swatter hard until my head emptied and the pain in my cock dimmed compared to the constant stinging on my behind. And yet through it all, my penis stood rigid, hard, determined to have his way eventually no matter how she mistreated him.

  Once I'd brought myself under control, only gasping for air instead of gulping it, Elizabeth was before me again, swatting my cock in the harshest manner yet. How he stood it, I will never know. Perhaps the wax did act as a stopper, because I could not ejaculate, although the impulse was nearly over-whelming.

  "Tell me, Victor, do you want me?"

  "Yes, my darling. My desire for you is unbearable."

  "Well, then, since you have exacted a promise from me to cease fulfilling my own passions until we are wed, should I not have the same power over yours?"

  "Of course. Yes." My balls cried in pain as she slapped them with the swatter from underneath. If they did not release their load soon, I felt they might explode.

  "Then you will give me your word now."

  "What? You wish me to be monogamous. I can do that easily."

  "Monogamy? How dreary. That's your desire for me, but not mine for you. No, Victor, I wish another promise. One which fits my needs."

  "Which is?" I was becoming short as agony took hold of me.

  "Which is that you shall do my bidding. You are a creative genius, an inventor. Since you have made me swear an oath of allegiance to forsake all other, then you must invent according to my needs."

  "What in the world are you getting at?"

  "What I am getting at is that I expect you to spend as much time designing and building equipment for my needs as for the needs of mankind in general. In other words, you will ignite my sparks of life with your creations, and I expect something more sophisticated than the leg braces which have proven ineffective. Is that understood?"

  I smiled at that. Little did she realize what I had in store for her. And once she did, this promise would be fulfilled.

  "Well?" she snarled at me, slapping my cock until I danced like a fool.

  "Yes, my love," I gasped. "You have my word."

  "Good," she said, dropping the fly swatter and kneeling before me. "And you have my mouth." Cool wet lips slid over my tortured phallus and, despite all the restraints in place, he gave hims
elf freely to his mistress of pain.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Playtime continued with an argument.

  "I did not promise you to stop my riding lessons —"

  "That is irrelevant, Elizabeth. Your bottom belongs to me and the sooner you understand this, the better it will be for you."

  I stood before her unbound. We had finished with the fly swatter, much to my relief, and my genitals had been liberated. My cock was eager for more action.

  "Are you saying you're jealous because of the hidings I receive at the hands of others? That's ludicrous!"

  In truth I was jealous of this, but more it was the foreplay I knew she engaged in that annoyed me. "Let me amend that, then, so that all may be clear. You bottom, your titties, your bottom hole, your lips and mouth, and your soon-to-be-pierced cunny are mine, to whip, lick and penetrate as I see fit."

  "Of course they are yours. I fail to see, though, how the attention of these others effects the situation."

  "You fail to see it? Riding the saddle while Gilles crop rides your bottom, then his cock rides your rectum —"

  "Victor, how unfair you are being!..."

  "And now you have employed Miss Heidi's services as well. She licks your bottom, then licks your cunny, and you hers. Where will it end? I have no doubts about Gilles, and from meeting the woman this morning suspect that Miss Heidi's methods, too, are highly effective with spoiled females. But that is not the issue here."

  "Victor, you are making no sense."

  "I suppose since my own methods have proven ineffective, you'd like me to hire Miss Heidi on to do my bidding. She can paddle you in my presence, and then Gilles can plow you. Would you like that?"

  "Oh, Victor!" Elizabeth said, stamping her foot at me.

  But I had the distinct impression that the idea of being punished by a woman's hand in the presence of her lover and of being taken by another man was extremely titillating. Of course, it would be for me. Even the notion had me excited. "Victor, I refuse to listen to any more."


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