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Darker Passions: Frankenstein

Page 14

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  "As you say, Master Krempe."

  "Good. For I will exact a promise from you that you must not break, for all your future joy depends on it."

  Breathless, Crea panted, and a pink rash covered her chest and cheeks. Her hips rocked back and forth in tune with the professor's thrusting fingers.

  We had already learned that Crea was most receptive to learning new things when in a state of arousal. Once she learned something, it seemed to be retained. In that manner, she was like an animal, learning tricks. And tonight the professor had the reward dangling before her.

  He thrust in and out of her cunt. Her long thick cock strained so that the veins stood out against the skin. Her nipples appeared to ache for want of attention. My own body was responding, yet I kept my distance.

  When M. Krempe had her on the point of orgasm, he withdrew. A small cry of despair escaped her lips. Her eyes fluttered open.

  "Victor," he said, "bring me the paddle. The leather one."

  I walked across the room and took the paddle from its hook.

  Once I had handed it over, the professor pointed to his lap. Crea had never lain across a lap and been spanked before —here was something new and titillating.

  She crawled forward and positioned herself for the paddling.

  "Now, Crea," the professor said, running his hand softly over her sweet bottom. A bottom that had enjoyed a reprieve of late while the bottom of Henry took the heat. "I am one of your masters, am I not?"

  "Yes, Master Krempe."

  "And as I order you, so shall you obey." His fingers slipped into her cunny and his thumb into her anus.

  "Oh yes, Master."

  "And you obey happily, do you not?"

  "We obey you out of love, for we love to please you." Her voice had become husky, male-like.

  "Then the command I shall issue at this moment will stay in effect until further notice, is that understood?"

  Her bottom rode the air, longing for those fingers to finish her off, but he now kept them still, not thrusting, simply holding them there. "Oh yes, Master."

  "I command that you will not orgasm, neither your female parts nor your male sexual organs. You will remain in a perpetual state of arousal but will not permit yourself to sate your appetites."

  A sob issued from her, but her voice rang out clearly, "Yes, Master Krempe, as you wish."

  With that he withdrew his fingers and began with the paddle. He paddled her left cheek only, hard and firm. Her body hopped and jumped into the air from the stinging, but she took it, as always, because she enjoyed punishment so.

  That one cheek was ablaze quickly, and I was happy we had added a second layer of skin to the derriere, for intuitively I knew that tonight those cheeks would endure what hitherto they had not.

  The paddling lasted two hours or so, on the one cheek only. In the meanwhile Henry joined us and to the sound of moans and cries and hide slapping hide, I briefed him on what was underway.

  At one point, M. Krempe nodded and Henry joined him. Immediately the professor ceased paddling Crea's one worried cheek and turned her over Henry's knee.

  Henry warmed to the task instantly. His finger rode her cunny and her rectum, charging her up again. We watched her body take on the electrical tension of sexual stimulation. Once he'd brought her to the edge of fulfillment, he withdrew.

  He went through the same questions and Crea answered him in the same manner, promising to do as commanded. Only then did he give her what she craved.

  He took advantage of the fresh cheek, bringing the flexible leather paddle down with much energy. Quickly that cheek turned color, although it would be some time before it reached the same shade as the other.

  As with the strap, Henry's strokes were short and sharp compared to the long and precise work of M. Krempe, but the results were the same in the long run.

  When another time had passed and the hour chime had rung twice, Henry nodded and I stepped forward.

  "Stand up!" I ordered, and Crea did so.

  Her face was flushed and ripe, reflecting the heat of sexual passion. She was a being a man could do with as he wished. Juices ran down between her legs and the large cock throbbed with desire, but I could see that she had not climaxed.

  I walked to the wall and removed a pair of dissection clamps. As I questioned Crea in the same manner as the others, and as she moaned out her answers, I attached one clamp to her left tit and tightened it until the nipple looked about to burst.

  The scent of cunt juice coming from her was overwhelming and my cock wanted a ride on her river.

  I placed her on the chaise on her back and pressed between her legs. My cock entered her deep. Her own cock pressed hot and firm against my stomach, and I found this extremely arousing.

  As I impaled her without moving, I gave the same command as the others, "You will not climax, not now, not ever, but will ride the wave of excitement forever. Is that understood?"

  "Oh yes, Master Frankenstein!"

  I had seen too much this night to deprive myself. I fucked her hard and quickly, spewing my juices up her cunt while those folds gripped me tight but did not spasm.

  Once I'd had my way with her, I attached the other clamp to her right tittie, again turning the knobs until the nipple was a brilliant cherry about to burst its juices.

  Crea moaned in ecstasy. "Yes, Master Frankenstein," she cried. "You may do with us as you wish, as always. And we beg of you to take us as many times and in any manner you like!"

  I turned her onto her tummy and used the nine-tailed cat on her back, the one she had used on me so well. First I worked her back down to her waist, then her thighs and the backs of her calves. She begged me all the while to whip her harder.

  When my arm gave out, I entered her behind and took her that way. This tunnel, like the other, closed around me and held me while I took her roughly, but she did not come.

  I handed over the whip to M. Krempe, who had revived and used it on her bottom, flailing with renewed energy. He, too, took her in both places, and when he was finished, Henry took over.

  We proceeded in this manner for nearly twenty four hours.

  Crea took it all as no human could. Her derriere had long ago turned liquid. We had to turn her over and whip her front.

  The clamps had been removed and reapplied several times.

  All of our penises had entered her mouth as well as her cunny and her rectum, and we had each permitted her cock to enter us orally and anally. By the end of the next day, Crea was in a state of bliss. Her body emitted a powerful sexual odor. How she restrained herself, none of us could establish, and questioning her could not produce answers either. We were left with the knowledge that she had incorporated this lesson as she had the others. She could punish or receive punishment, but she would not climax. Finally, as morning arrived, I felt it was safe to send her to Elizabeth.

  "There is one other thing which must be done," M. Krempe stated.

  "And that is?" I asked.

  He opened an ice box he kept in the laboratory, where he stored body parts, and removed something.

  "Bring her to the table," he said.

  Henry and I walked the moaning Crea to the dissection table. Her body seemed to vibrate with sexuality. Every touch from one of us brought cries of delight from her smiling lips. At one point she grabbed my hand and began sucking my middle finger suggestively.

  Crea lay back in a lascivious manner, spreading her legs, and the professor strapped her down. I had no idea what he had in mind, but knew that his ideas were generally good ones, or at least had learned that the hard way, so I acquiesced to his authority.

  He lifted a scalpel and immediately cut a line across the base of Crea's cock at the top, under her stomach. Interestingly enough, very little blood came from the wound, but then Crea was not strictly human. Yet even this sharp instrument produced another gush of moisture from her soaked cunt.

  I watched stunned as the professor began forming a crater, of sorts in the spot where he had
made the incision. What he had removed from the ice box was a cock complete with its own set of testicles. This he fitted into the groove he had made. At first I was speechless as I watched him folding and sewing and reconnecting the skin, making fine sutures that left the impression of dovetail joints. Crea's crotch above her penis was a mortice, the bottom of the prepared penis a tenon. Those two parts fit together snugly and, with the addition of small metal bolts and wingnuts that had attached the tubes inside to the new cock, it all stayed attached.

  After the professor had finished, he turned to wash his instruments.

  While he worked, he said, "Victor, you are likely wondering why Crea needs a second phallus."

  "The thought had occurred to me, sir. Especially in that now that we have reprogrammed her, neither of them will ejaculate."

  "Well, it dawned on me recently that if our experiment is to function in a superior manner, there should be a removable part or two. Crea should be more than any mere mortal. What a normal woman and man are capable of, she should be capable of twice that, or more. We have no more time, but I think this experiment will suffice, at least in the short term. This phallus can be removed or added at will, like an extra leaf at the dinner table."

  "Then perhaps we should remove it for now," I said, but he didn't answer me.

  I understood his logic well enough, but what I worried about was sending Crea to Elizabeth overprepared, as it were. Considering that Crea's functions as a temptress had been altered and precluded copulation and all its various offshoots, neither she nor Elizabeth would have need of this extra appendage. Still, the professor had been more than generous with his time and energy, and the use of his facilities. What he had done was open a new door to the experiment, one that we could examine at greater length later, once Elizabeth and I had married and there was no further need of Crea, at least in my regard.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  In the morning we dressed Crea in the smartest fashions of the day. Her corset was raw silk, and her petticoats ruffled fine-weave cotton. Henry had picked out a tight-fitting traveling suit with a velvet collar, and a matching hat with a large red feather protruding from the brim. Gloves, purse, boots —she was ready to travel.

  We took her to the station with the instructions to change trains in London, which she said she understood. In a sealed envelope, I stuffed into her purse a note of introduction to Elizabeth.

  I had one serious regret: if only I could be there when my darling received her "present". I knew she would be thrilled. I longed to watch the two of them playing together. Well, I expected I would be home and the wedding would occur in four months time, which was not forever, and would have ample time before the festivities to observe.

  Before we departed the car, I handed over a gift-wrapped box. "Give this to Elizabeth," I said. "She will know best how to use it."

  Crea sat, her face aglow, her bottom I expected rivaling it. And yet it seemed to be sadness I detected on her face. Even that treacherous brown eye appeared to have a tear lurking in its corner. When I questioned her, she threw herself into my arms, and grabbed onto the others as well.

  "Oh Masters, do not abandoned us! Have we not pleased you? Have we not meted out and borne punishments as none other is capable of? Have we not contained our own release that we might better please you? And all willingly, and with the utmost pleasure. Do not send us away!"

  "Here here!" cried M. Krempe, uncomfortable with public displays. "You knew the purpose for which you had been built. Do not carry on so."

  "I shall be returning home shortly," Henry assured her. "We shall see one another as frequently as your new mistress permits."

  "And don't forget, you will have a new mistress. One not as faint-hearted as we three put together," I assured her.

  That gave her some hope.

  "Is she pretty?" Crea asked, wiping the tears from her eyes with the lace handkerchief with a 'C' embroidered in one corner.

  "Very pretty," I said. "And stern. You will soon forget about us as she paddles your bottom briskly morning, noon and night."

  This brought a smile to her lips. "And will she want the same?"

  "Undoubtedly," I said.

  With that the whistle blew and we were forced to depart.

  The train pulled out and we all waved goodbye. It was a sad and touching moment, for we were losing our playmate.

  "What shall we do for relaxation tonight," Henry said, asking the question I myself had been thinking, for we had been hard at it for a month and needed some diversion.

  "Curious you should ask," M. Krempe said. "I have modified my basement machine and believe it now capable of attending to two bottoms at the same time."

  Henry and I looked at one another. We were both in for a fine, full evening.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  "Victor, oh Victor. What can I say? You have for once left me speechless."

  I settled myself under an ancient oak in full leaf and with a self-satisfied smile upon my lips, read Elizabeth's letter.

  "Crea is wonderful, so full of life, so versatile. But I shall tell you everything, as I know how you love detail.

  "She arrived on June first, the day originally scheduled for our nuptials. Naturally I was feeling gloomy. Your parents and brother had left for the wedding of your cousin, and I —feigning a summer cold —was alone in the house with the servants and my misery.

  "In truth, I doubt I could have restrained myself from enjoying the company of Miss Heidi or Gilles, had either been available to me. Miss Heidi, bless her, is gone, although I have had one letter from her. It seems she has taken another position, as head mistress at a finishing school in Marseille, blistering the rebellious behinds of French debutantes. And, as you know, for I expect Henry conveyed this when he joined you at Oxford, Gilles has returned home to France. Wouldn't it be curious if the two of them met? But, I digress.

  "I'll admit it to you now, Victor: I've become bored with the bicycle. It has severe limitations which I discovered immediately, but I did not wish to wound your feelings entirely, so I tried to keep my complaints to a minimum. In truth, though, that machine lacks finesse. The flaps paddle one spot only, which for a time can be enjoyable. After all, to have just one area of the fanny heated to boiling, well, I'm sure you find the notion titillating. But there was so much more of my bottom left unattended to. And I could not think how to alter the machine to my needs, although I did try. But the fact remains, those flaps were ghastly repetitious, and dully predictable. To know exactly which spot will be smacked and how hard, well, where is the novelty in that? There was no surprise.

  "Still, on that morning, I planned to take an extended ride, hoping to distract myself from the misery I felt. Suddenly a knock came at the door.

  "Anna was busy in the garden weeding, so I opened the door myself. On the other side stood an astonishingly tall and beautiful woman with handsome features and shiny black hair. She was heads above me, dressed in fine clothing, with a jaunty feather in her hat. Obviously she had been traveling for some time, for her outfit had the dust of the railroad and coach clinging to it.

  "She eyed me insolently from head to toe, pausing about chest level before returning to my face. The fact that her eyes were of different colors unnerved me at first. Silently she handed over a note from you. Well, I was surprised at best, terrified at worst. Silly me, Victor, but it flashed through my poor brain that you had found another and had the bad manners to send her to me with your apologies that you no longer loved me. Oh, I know that is a ridiculous thought, deserving of a sound thrashing, which I expect I shall receive at your hands when we next are together, or at least I hope so. But you must understand, darling, I was in such despair that day, and the world looked to me to be coming to an end.

  "Once I read your card of introduction, and an explanation as to how Crea came to be, my mood lifted remarkably. Of course, I pulled her into the house at once and brought her to the parlor.

  "'Sit,' I said, then, 'let me offer you
refreshment. I'll ring for tea.'

  "'Oh, don't bother, Mistress Elizabeth,' she said demurely. 'We need no food, only a little water, and no sleep at all.'

  "'My!' I exclaimed, not know what else to say. I confess, I found the use of the plural charming, and I did like hearing the words 'Mistress Elizabeth' on her lips.

  "We talked at length and Crea painted the broad strokes of her story, of how you three had formed her, trained her, and finally programmed her specifically for me. At the time I did not pick up all the nuances, but later, of course, all would become apparent.

  "I could not have been more delighted. I hugged her to me, and she returned the gesture, our bosoms touching. I assured her, 'Crea, we shall have such fun together! I can hardly wait to begin. But we must find a way to bring you into the family.'

  "I thought for a moment, then it came to me. 'I know, I shall introduce you as a childhood friend. You were visiting your brother at Oxford and introduced to Victor, who mentioned his bride-to-be. When you leaned I was here, you came straight away.'

  "Well, Crea thought this a wonderful idea. We hugged again in solidarity over the lie. This time I was acutely aware of her firm breasts pressing into my own, nipple to nipple as it were.

  "'We shall get to know one another now. There's no time like the present,' I told her. Those delightful eyes twinkled, and the brown one especially seemed excited.

  "'Oh, Mistress Elizabeth,' she said in her delightfully innocent way, 'We very nearly forgot. Master Frankenstein has sent you this gift.'

  "The package was the worse for wear from her travels, battered, the ribbon and paper shredded in one corner, the box itself mashed in. Still, the contents were in perfect shape. I held it up to her. Her blue eye rounded with wonder. That brown eye glided over the leather in the manner of a tart. Both reactions pleased me, for they initiated our first game.

  "I grabbed her arm and jerked her to her feet. 'That's enough of that, Miss. I may introduce you as my long-lost friend, but in reality I am mistress here, and you my obedient and humble servant. It appears your trainers have been lax, but I shall forthwith correct the flaws in their efforts. You will come with me.'


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