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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 19

by Shawn Bailey

  “Not me,” Brenton said as he two-stepped with Jonas. He began singing the song. “Come on Jonas, sing with me.”

  Jonas joined him. The guys dancing near them stopped and applauded.

  “We are going to be so busted,” Jonas said after the song ended. His and Brenton’s voices were easily recognizable. Instead of retreating to their table, they kept right on dancing.

  “Is this our song?” Brenton asked.

  Jonas shook his head.

  The DJ put on Sam Smith’s “Stay with Me.”

  “I like this song better,” Jonas said. “Sometimes I think he wrote it just for me.”

  “I don’t think this is our song,” Brenton said. “It’s too sad. I like that K-pop song.”

  “What K-pop song?” Jonas asked as he walked back to their table.

  “The one we heard at Brian’s studio. You know the one. You guys danced to it tonight.”

  “Oh, you mean Taeyang’s song, ‘Wedding Dress.’”

  “Yes, that’s the one.” Brenton sat down.

  Jonas didn’t sit down. “I’ll be right back.” He walked away.

  Brenton got comfortable at the table. Jonas probably had to use the men’s room. Jonas returned several minutes later.

  “A gentleman’s request,” the DJ said.

  Brenton heard the familiar tune.

  Jonas appeared and held his hand out to him. “Can I have this dance?”

  Brenton stood up again. “Yeah.”

  He followed Jonas back to the dance floor. Jonas sang the song to him as they dance. He had no idea Jonas could sing in Korean. Damn, and he’s good. Brenton picked Jonas up in his arms and swung him around slowly and then lowered him and kissed him as the song continued to play. “Marry me, Jonas.”

  “What?” Jonas asked as he slid down Brenton’s front and landed on his feet.

  Brenton pulled out a jeweler’s box. “Marry me, Jonas.”

  Jonas took the box and opened it. “Are you kidding me?”

  Brenton took the box away, took the ring out, and slipped it on Jonas’s finger. “No. We’re in Vegas. Let’s do it now. I know this is crazy, but I’ve wanted this to happen between us ever since I saw you crying in the restaurant that day.”

  “We can’t get married. Tory is going to kill us.”

  “Fuck Tory,” Brenton said. He lifted Jonas off the floor again, held him up high, and kissed him.

  “Okay,” Jonas said against his lips. “I’ve never been so happy in my life.”

  Brenton lowered him, took his hand, and hurried him out of the club. He approached a taxi driver and got into his cab.

  “Where to, gents?” the man asked.

  “The nearest wedding chapel,” Brenton said before Jonas could change his mind.

  “I know the perfect one,” the driver said. He started the car and drove away from the curb.

  “We’re really going to do this?” Jonas asked.

  “Yeah,” Brenton said.

  “But we won’t be able to tell anyone,” Jonas said.

  “We’ll have to tell Frankie and Adam.”

  “Oh, we need a witness,” Jonas said.

  “This place will have one,” the driver said. He drove a couple more blocks and then parked at the curb. “This is the place,” the driver said. He handed Brenton his card. “Call me when you finish. I’ll come back for you.”

  Brenton paid the man, and he and Jonas got out of the cab and hurried into the building.

  “This is so cute,” Jonas said as they entered the door.

  “Can I help you?” the lady at the desk asked.

  “We want to get married,” Jonas said.

  The lady chuckled. “What a charming couple? Sure. You’re in luck. This is a marriage license bureau location.”

  She handed them some forms. It all looked very legal to Brenton. He and Jonas signed the papers, paid the eighty dollars, and she took them into the chapel, where a guy waited.

  “They want to get married,” she told the man.

  The guy looked at the two of them and nodded. “Em, you can be the witness.”

  The next thing Brenton knew, the guy was pronouncing them partners for life. He picked Jonas up and kissed him.

  Jonas laughed. “Put me down.”

  “Never,” Brenton said. But eventually he had to so they could sign the marriage license.

  The cab driver came back to get them as soon as Brenton called him.

  “Congratulations,” the guy said. “Where to?”

  “Back to the hotel where you first picked us up,” Brenton said. Jonas hadn’t said a word since they left the chapel. “Are you okay?”

  Jonas nodded. “Frankie is going to flip.”

  “We can keep it a secret if you want to,” Brenton said.

  “That wouldn’t be fair to you,” Jonas said, snuggling up close to him. “I’m a big boy, and I knew what I was doing.”

  Brenton kissed him on the head. “I love you, Jonas.”

  Jonas raised his head. “I love you, too, Brenton. I hope I can be the type of partner you deserve.”

  “You already are,” Brenton said.

  “I have so many issues,” Jonas said.

  “Don’t we all,” Brenton said. “For better or for worse, until death do us part.”

  “Ooh, about that,” Jonas said.

  Brenton quieted him with a kiss. “For better or for worse, Jonas. I know you have asthma and diabetes, and you know I have high blood pressure. Life is all about taking chances. We’ll take care of each other.”

  The tears started streaming down Jonas’s face, not even ruining his makeup. “Why wasn’t I good enough for him?”

  Oh, the other guy, the one that cheated on him. “You were,” Brenton said. “He just didn’t know a good man when he saw one.”

  Jonas cried all the way back to the hotel. This wasn’t the way Brenton envisioned his wedding night.

  Back to the hotel, the party was still raging in the grand ballroom. They entered the elevator together.

  “Your room or mine?” Brenton asked.

  “Yours,” Jonas answered.

  The tears had stopped, and he seemed happy.

  * * * *

  “I love you, Jonas,” Brenton said as he kissed his way down Jonas’s pale, hairless body.

  “Show me how much,” Jonas said, spreading his legs.

  Brenton went down on him, savoring the scent of his freshly showered spouse. Jonas, he discovered loved to pamper himself with long, leisurely bubble baths and baby lotion to make his skin smooth. Brenton appreciated the trouble he went through. He swirled Jonas’s cock around in his mouth, loving the taste of him.

  Jonas squirmed beneath him. “Oh baby, that feels so good.”

  Brenton just dug Jonas’s masculine voice, his beautiful face and his silky, blond hair. He cupped Jonas’s behind and gently squeezed. Jonas rewarded him with a little pre-cum.

  Brenton smacked his lips. “Delicious.”

  Jonas shoved his fingers into Brenton’s hair. “There’s more where that came from.” He pressed Brenton’s head back down. “Ah!” he moaned as Brenton went down on him again.

  Brenton inched his middle finger inside of Jonas slowly.

  Jonas gasped. “Oh, Lordy!”

  “Just a finger,” Brenton said when he came up for air. He didn’t want Jonas to come just yet, but he had to make sure he prepared him properly. He rolled him over on his stomach, stuck a pillow under Jonas’s hips, and buried his face into the fluffy butt cheeks. Spittle and a little probing was all his passionflower needed. He worked the digit around and then slipped a second one inside.

  “Oh!” Jonas moaned. “I need you in me now, Brenton.”

  Diva or drama queen, Brenton didn’t care. He was completely in love with Jonas Kerry. He slipped his fingers out, guided his dick to the hole, and took him. Jonas dug his nails into the mattress, but didn’t stop moving his ass. Bottoms did that butt thing well. Brenton loved to see Jonas’s booty bounce.
It just made his dick as hard as a rock. He plunged deeper. Jonas shook the bed.

  “Oh, I almost came,” he said.

  “Hold on,” Brenton said. “We’re just getting started.” He slipped out, got on his back, and let Jonas mount him.

  Jonas descended. “Oh! Ah! You’re so big.”

  Brenton cupped Jonas’s waist with his hands and helped him move up and down until they found their rhythm. Jonas rode him like an uninhibited wood satyr, hair falling in his face, body slick with sweat, and the scent of their arousal heavy in the air.

  Jonas fucked him faster. “I’m coming! Ooh!”

  Brenton looked between Jonas’s legs just in time to see cum seeping down the length of Jonas’s dick. “You were right. There was a lot more.”

  Jonas continued to shake off the orgasm. “Yeah. Oh!” he said as he lifted himself off Brenton’s cock. He crawled up to the top of the bed and laid his head on the pillow. He brushed his hair out of his eyes.

  Brenton gave him a couple of seconds to regroup, and then he moved between Jonas’s legs, lifted his hips, and sank back into his warm crevice.

  “Oh, baby, you feel so good. I can stay inside of you forever.”

  “That will be quite difficult since we’re about to go on tour,” Jonas said. He wrapped his legs around Brenton’s waist and slid onto him. “But I do plan to make the most of tonight.”

  Brenton chuckled. Jonas had a wicked sense of humor to go with that eloquent voice. He rose, slid his cock out to the head, and thrust deep inside of Jonas.

  “Oh, my God!” Jonas shouted as Brenton started working his hips and sending his dick in and out of him.

  “Hold on, Jonas, this might get intense,” Brenton said as he fucked his new spouse. They were both covered in sweat by the time Brenton felt the urge to come in the pit of his stomach. Jonas kept right on giving as much as he got.

  “Here it comes. Good god.” He shot semen deep inside of Jonas. “Whew!” He felt as loose as a goose. He stayed in position for a moment and then sank down on top of Jonas. Jonas hair had covered his face again. Brenton swept it aside and kissed his new partner. “Your ass is the bomb.”

  Jonas chuckled and then groaned. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m so tired.”

  Two concerts, dancing, a quickie wedding, and an hour of hot sex. Jonas had earned his rest. Brenton eased out of him. He hadn’t used a condom. They would both need to clean up before they went to bed.

  “Can you stay awake long enough to take a bath with me?”

  “Yes,” Jonas said. “Although I don’t think a hotel bath tub is big enough to accommodate two grown men.”

  Brenton stepped off of the bed. “We’ll make it work.”

  Jonas groaned and followed him. “I like bubbles.”

  “Yeah me, too,” Brenton replied as he entered the bathroom. Jonas wasn’t the only pampered diva in the world.

  * * * *

  “Oh, my God, Jonas, you did what?” Adam asked as the long-haired guitarist stood before him and Frankie in the living room area of Adam’s suite in Las Vegas.

  “Got married,” Jonas said, showing off his ring.

  “Are you out of your goddamn mind?” Frankie asked.

  “So not the response I expected from you guys,” Jonas said, turning to leave.

  “Wait,” Frankie said. “I’m sorry. You just caught me off guard.” Jonas turned to face him again. Of all the things Jonas had done, this had to be the wildest. Frankie walked over and hugged him. “Congratulations. I think Brenton is a wonderful guy.”

  “You two barely know each other,” Adam said. “This is Vegas. You can get a quickie annulment before Tory finds out.”

  “No,” Jonas said.

  “No?” Adam asked

  “No,” Jonas repeated. “I’m tired of that guy trying to tell me what to do. I married Brenton because I loved him and want to spend the rest of my life with him.”

  “But, Jonas, think about your career.”

  “I am thinking about my career, Adam. Brenton and I are good for each other. He sparks my creativity, and I do the same for him. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I’m prepared to take on the heat from my fans and Tory.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening again,” Adam muttered.

  “What?” Frankie asked.

  “Nothing,” Adam said as he paced the floor. “I’m just rambling.”

  “Has Brenton told anyone?” Frankie asked Jonas.

  Jonas shook his head. “He thought it would be better to wait until after we return from touring to tell anyone else.”

  Frankie sat down. “This is a lot to take in at one setting. Have the two of you figured out how this is going to work? Are you going to move in with him? Or is he going to move in with us?”

  “No, we haven’t discussed that yet,” Jonas said. “We’re both still running on adrenalin.”

  “I wished you would have called me,” Frankie said. “It was your wedding, and I should have been there for you.”

  “It was small and perfect,” Jonas said.

  “You’ll have to let me arrange a reception for you guys,” Frankie said.

  Adam continued pacing. “Have you figured out what you’re going to say to Tory?”

  “No,” Jonas answered. “Tory has a wife, and he should understand what love is. Plus, he should want me to be happy since I’m making a lot of money for him.”

  “I know that’s right,” Frankie said. “I kind of thought I’d be the first one to the altar.”

  He gazed over at Adam. The man couldn’t even look him in the face. They had been engaged for nearly three years and hadn’t even brought up the subject in a long time.

  “It’s going to happen for you one of these days,” Jonas said. “Are you at least happy for me?”

  Frankie hugged his older brother. “Of course I am. Your happiness means the world to me, and I’m sure you and Brenton will have a wonderful life together.” Frankie released him.

  “Why do I hear a but?” Jonas asked.

  “Because Frankie is smart,” Adam said. “Are you sure you didn’t just marry Brenton because you’re still angry at Sean for what he did to you?”

  Jonas shook his head. “No. I married Brenton because it was the right thing to do. Regardless of the things I did in the past, I’m a changed person, Adam. Something clicked in my head that morning I woke up in that hospital room alone with tubes down my nose and in my veins. Life is short, and I know that either one of my illnesses can take me out any day. I just want to share what’s left of my time with someone who cares about me, and not someone who is just going through the motions just because he thinks I might break. I want what you and Frankie have—a loving relationship. I want babies and a home. I think I can have that with Brenton.”

  “You want babies?” Frankie asked.

  Jonas nodded. “Yes. Lots of them.”

  “Me, too,” Frankie said, gazing over at Adam again. “Maybe not now, but in the future.” He walked over and hugged Jonas again. “Congratulations again. Kalen is going to be so happy.”

  Adam finally stopped pacing, and he came over and shook Jonas’s hand.

  “I can’t say I agree with what you’ve done, but I am happy for you. Just promise me that you will take the time to get to know Brenton better while we’re on tour. The guy has had a pretty colorful life, and no doubt there is a reporter out there who is waiting to get some more dirt on him.”

  “You won’t say anything to Tory?” Jonas asked.

  “No,” Adam said. “He might be my boss, but you’re my family. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am,” Jonas said. “You guys don’t have to worry about me. I’m going to be fine.” He turned to leave. “I better get up to my room to change into my traveling outfit.”

  They were returning to New Orleans today to secure their homes and get any last-minute instructions from Tory before flying off to Paris.

  “I’ll call you when we’re about to leave,” Frankie said

  Jonas walked out of the door and closed it behind him.

  Adam walked over to him and hugged him. “I think he’s just made the biggest mistake of his life.”

  Frankie frowned, but didn’t respond. Jonas’s happiness was all he cared about.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jonas had removed his wedding band from his finger and put it away in a safe in The Kerry mansion until they returned from touring. Brenton thought it was best that no one found out about their marriage just yet. They had spent the night apart so both of them could get last-minute packing done.

  They couldn’t even sit together on the plane because Tory had made travel plans for everyone a long time ago and was lucky enough to get seats on the same planes for Vizio. The honor went to Kalen, who sat between Jonas and Kalen’s tutor, Neil Donelon. The older teacher always accompanied them when The Kerrys were on the road. Luckily, school had just ended for the year, and Kalen wouldn’t miss any classes. They would fly back to New Orleans in a month, be home a month to get their affairs in order, and then be back on a plane headed for Asia for the second leg of their tour. They would be back in New Orleans by the time Kalen was ready to attend the first grade. At the moment, the youngest Kerry was playing a game of chess with his tutor. Flying never seemed to bother Kalen. Maybe it was because he’d been on and off planes since he was a baby. They would land in New York shortly and then had an hour layover before they boarded another plane for Paris, France.

  Jonas took out his songbook. He’d been hearing a tune in his head all morning and wanted to get it down before he forgot. Four hours later they landed. He and Brenton got to see each other in the terminal while they waited for their intercontinental flight.

  “I’ve missed you,” Brenton said as he and Jonas stood away from the others.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” Jonas said. “But Adam has arranged for us to be in the same hotel room once we get to Paris.”


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