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The Instructor

Page 6

by Terry Towers

  Tony took a moment to caress her breasts, pinching and rolling her already hardened nipples between his fingers. As much as he wanted to stop, to take a moment to savour those delicious-looking breasts, he wanted to see her fully naked standing before him more.

  As he reached down to undo the zipper at the back of her skirt, she reached out and grasped his now limp cock in her hand. His breath caught in his throat. "I don't think... I think it's still too..." He hadn't even gotten the sentence out of his mouth before he felt a stirring in his groin, and his cock slowly began to harden once again.

  Faith chuckled softly as she looked up at him. Her eyes danced with mischief as their eyes locked onto each other’s. "I beg to differ," she replied smugly, as his cock continued to harden.

  "God, you're amazing Faith," he whispered into her hair before trailing kisses along her jaw and capturing her lips with his own. His fingers finished unzipping her skirt and it joined the rest of the clothing in a heap on the maroon-coloured carpet.

  Breaking off their kiss, he stepped back to admire her fully undressed in front of him. As Tony's eyes took in each and every inch of Faith, she was doing the same with him. He looked magnificent. Tall and powerful silhouetted in the doorway, the light from the other room surrounding him. His chest was wide and muscular, his torso lean and defined. The years of manual labour had done him well. Nothing like a man who knows how to work with his hands, Faith thought as she finished her inspection of him. A shiver of anticipation ran up and down her spine as her eyes caught glimpse of his erect cock.

  Tony began to walk toward her and the bed, but she stopped him. Meeting him halfway she stood less than an inch from him, their bodies lightly grazing each other. She finished closing the distance, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest as she reached around his neck, joining her hands behind his neck. Looking up at him, her eyes caught his and the all too familiar electricity sparked between them.

  "So beautiful. My Faith," Tony murmured as his lips fell to hers; his hand reached up and brushed a lock of stray hair from her face, settling it back behind her ear. He nipped at her lower lip, capturing it between his teeth. His tongue sought out hers, as he deepened the kiss, sending shivers of arousal through her.

  Faith pulled away suddenly. As he attempted to reclaim her mouth she put a finger to his lips. Giving him a coy smile, her lips began to work their way down his body beginning with his collarbone. Falling to her knees before him, she licked and nipped her way down over the chest she loved so dearly, over his lean, defined abs until she was just a fraction of an inch from the tip of his cock.

  Tony's heart rate quickened as his hands worked their way into her hair and held onto the back of her head. He urged her lower, urged her lips to his cock. His hips swayed toward her, as if working on their own, knowing what he needed.

  Faith purred against his cock, her lips barely grazing the tip. "Tell me," she demanded of him.

  "Suck my cock, honey," he moaned, his hands urging her mouth lower once more.

  "Soon," she promised, with a smile in her voice.

  One hand grasped his balls gently, massaging one then the other, then back again. Starting at the base of his cock, she trailed her tongue up the side of it. The taste of her pussy on his cock heightened her desire for him. She could feel herself getting wet, could feel the familiar pulsating in her groin as she reached the tip of his cock and worked her way back down again.

  "Mmm, Faith," he gasped, once again nudging her mouth to take in the full length of him.

  She looked up, her mouth hovering over the tip, her tongue darting out and licking the slit on the head. He was watching her intently, the look of hunger and need evident in his eyes, making her ache for him a second time.

  To his relief she took him into her mouth fully. She sucked and licked as her mouth moved up and down on his shaft. Her hand worked with her mouth in perfect sync, up and down; each time she would pull up her tongue would tease the head before his hands gently urged her to take him in fully once more.

  His hips moved against her, fucking her mouth.

  When Faith felt him stiffen, felt his body go rigid, she stopped. She kissed the tip lightly before slowly standing. She wiped her lips with her index finger, then inserted it into her mouth as if she were savouring every last drop of him. Keeping her eyes glued to his, Faith walked backward until she felt the mattress at her thighs.

  Faith crooked her finger at him, beaconing him over.

  Smiling, Tony followed her. In one swift movement, he lifted her off her feet and into his arms.

  Faith squealed partially from surprise, partially from delight.

  Tony looked down at her and smiled, but his eyes continued to carry the hunger, the need. He tossed her to the bed, climbing up beside her. Kissing her soundly, he nudged her legs open with his knee. She spread them wide for him. Tony settled himself in between her velvety ivory legs.

  Closing her eyes, Faith let herself enjoy the feel of his cock sliding into her for the second time tonight. Enjoy the feel of his rigid, warm body as it settled over her. She moaned as his shaft entered her fully, taking up every inch of her. Faith wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to move within her.

  His thrusts were quick and hard; her mouth had already taken him almost to the point of no return so his body was demanding release. Her groin moved to greet his with every vigorous thrust. Waves crashed through her, bringing her closer and closer to another orgasm.

  "Open your eyes," he demanded, his voice thick with desire.

  She did as he commanded, looking him in the eye. His mouth came crashing down on hers, kissing her hard. Her hands grasped his shoulders, holding on tight. She came closer and closer, the waves of pleasure becoming more intense with each thrust.

  Tony pulled his mouth from hers, looking down at her once more as he thrust. Closer and closer, she cried out his name as her body vibrated with the explosion of her climax. The heat from her orgasm was enough to send him over the edge with her. He thrust into her hard one final time as he came. Faith's legs held tight to him, as his body went stiff over her before he softly collapsed over her.

  Holding his weight up with a hand on each side of her head, Tony bent down and kissed her softly.

  Faith felt a sense of loss when he pulled out of her, exhausted, and rolled over to lie next to her on the bed.

  "Come here," he said, smiling at her as he reached over to pull her into his arms.

  "Stay tonight," Faith said, in a tone that was more of a demand than a request. She snuggled against his side, her head on his chest and their legs intertwined.

  "I'll stay as long as you want," he replied, kissing the top of her head and giving her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

  With a smile on her face, Faith went to sleep happier and feeling more secure than she had ever been before.

  Chapter 5

  Faith awoke the next morning feeling better than she had in a long time. She snuggled up to the softly snoring Tony, planting a kiss on his chest. With a sigh, she laid her head back down on his chest and was about to close her eyes when she realized something wasn't right. Opening her eyes fully she cocked her head up and looked toward the window.

  The sun was shining brightly between the break in the blue-and-white-striped curtains.

  Sunshine! A slight panic shot through her as her head spun around to look at the digital clock on the night stand.

  9:30am! Classes had started an hour ago.

  "Tony!" she exclaimed, giving him a nudge as she crawled over him. She ran to her dresser and flung open the drawer, rummaging through it for some clothing.

  Tony continued to sleep.

  "Tony!" She ran back to the bed and gave him a harder nudge in the ribs.

  "Ouch." His eyes shot open and he turned his head to watch her run back to her dresser. He was silent for a moment then the realization struck him as it had her. "Shit!" He sprang from the bed, reaching for his clothing as he did.

  "I hope I'm not lat
e for the test today," Faith muttered as she began to pull up her jeans. She stopped what she was doing when she heard him laughing to look at him, confusion evident on her face.

  "I don't think you need to worry about that," he assured her, quickly buttoning up his shirt. "I have a feeling the instructor won't be there to pass it out yet."

  Faith snorted as she rolled her eyes at him.

  "You'll have to arrive a little later then me. Once I'm dressed I'll leave and perhaps you can wait twenty minutes before leaving yourself." Tugging his jeans up over his hips Tony began to zip them up as he continued, "Most of the guys won't notice, but just to be on the safe side..."

  "All right," Faith nodded her agreement.

  Tony was striding over to Faith as she pulled a plain black, form-fitting t-shirt over her head. He gave her a quick, but passionate kiss, pulling her into his arms briefly. Her body was just beginning to hum when he released her and hurried out of the bedroom. Faith followed him to the door.

  "Remember, wait twenty minutes before leaving and I want to see you tonight." He stopped, his hand on the handle of the apartment door as he turned back to her. "If you want to see me that is?"

  "What do you think?" They shared a warm smile before Tony opened the door and disappeared into the hallway, closing the door with a slam behind him.


  Faith had done as instructed and left twenty minutes after he did. Despite that, when she stepped into the classroom at 10:30am all eyes were on her. The looks from the group of guys in what she was now referring to as the "trouble corner" were especially intense.

  "Nice of you to join us Miss Veates," Tony commented, raising an eyebrow up at her as she took her seat at the front. Tony was standing in front of a white screen giving a presentation on safety in the workplace.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, which caused a hint of a grin to form at the corners of his lips before his expression became firm again. Tony went back to his presentation. Despite their best efforts, Faith found her eyes catching Tony's a number of times during the lecture; their gazes would lock for a long, intense few seconds before they went back to what they were doing.

  Faith could feel a number of eyes on her. Could feel them burning a hole in her back. She turned several times to see there was always at least one from the "trouble corner" looking back and forth from her to Tony. She began to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach about it.

  The final task of the morning was the quiz. Tony instructed them all to stay in their seats until the entire class was finished. As usual Faith had no issues with the questions and was one of the first to be finished. Tony gathered the papers once the final student finished up and went back to his desk to slip them all into a folder.

  He pulled out a sheet of paper with a list of names on it from a different folder. He called the names of the majority of the trouble corner and several others in the class; roughly sixty percent of the class was on the list.

  "The names on the list I just called need to stay in class over the dinner hour and perhaps into the afternoon to redo last week's assignment. All the others are free to go for the day."

  Faith and several others gathered their belongings and stood to leave. The few who were dismissed almost made it to the door when they all stopped suddenly in their tracks.

  "Of course his girlfriend passed the assignment," a voice from the back of the room scoffed.

  The class went silent as all heads turned toward the voice. It was Jerome. He was leaning back in his chair, arms folded over his chest, glaring at Tony.

  Tony met the young man’s glare. "Perhaps if you spent more time doing your work properly and less time passing the blame to others you might actually pass this course."

  Jerome's face turned several shades of red. With a huff he gathered his belongings and stormed from the room, giving Tony a final glare as he made his exit. "This isn't over," he fumed, opening the door and slamming it behind him.

  "Does anyone else have an issue with how I teach or how I conduct myself in this class?" Tony asked, his arms folded across his chest as he glared at each and every face sitting in the room. Tony was visibly angry; it was the first time Faith had seen him lose his cool.

  Silence continued to dominate the room as the remaining students looked down at their desk, or the floor, anywhere but at Tony or Faith. None wanted to meet Tony's eyes. Tony looked to Faith, gave her a weak smile and nodded.

  "Fine. In that case, those I called the names of stay, the rest I'll see you Monday."

  Faith was nervous as she left the classroom. The last thing she wanted was trouble for Tony because of her. He loved teaching, loved the job, and he was great at it. The majority of the guys preferred Tony over the other instructors. She chewed at her bottom lip as she made her way to her locker.

  Faith was in the process of opening her locker when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Spinning around she was relieved to see it was Mike.

  "Do you have time to go with us for lunch?" Mike jerked a thumb at Adam. "There's something we'd like to discuss with you."

  Faith paused for a moment before nodding. "Sure. Of course." She grabbed what she needed and walked with them down the hall to the parking lot.

  As they passed by the main office Faith noticed Jerome was sitting across from Jerry Alton, who happened to be the department's head. The bad feeling she was getting in the pit of her stomach got bigger. Mike and Adam also noticed this new development. They looked at each other, then both gave her a weak smile of reassurance.

  The trio exited the school to be greeted with one of the best fall afternoons a person could ask for. The sun shone bright in the fall sky as a slight refreshing breeze casually caressed their bodies.

  Mike touched her upper arm. "We'll meet you at the Daily Cafe if that works for you?" he asked, although it was evident in his tone that he didn't expect her to oppose.

  Faith looked over at him and nodded. "That would be great." Her stomach rumbled, reminding her she had missed breakfast, and had built up an appetite from the night before.

  "See you in a few," Adam called as the two men headed in the opposite direction of the parking lot.

  As Faith made her way to her car, found it, got in and started the engine, she couldn't keep herself from worrying over what may be going on within the school at that moment. What exactly did Jerome know if anything? What was he telling the department head? Worst-case scenario, where would that leave her and Tony?

  The traffic was light as she followed their small silver sports car to the cafe, then pulled her car into a parking spot beside them, just seconds after they had parked. The cafe, which was normally packed with college students at this hour, was uncharacteristically light on customers. Faith was thankful for small miracles. Depending on what Mike and Adam had to say, perhaps the fewer people around to overhear them the better.

  Shutting off the car, Faith grabbed her wallet from her backpack and opened the car door, and slid out from behind the wheel. Slamming the door behind her, she pressed the automatic door lock button.

  Faith spotted Adam and Mike standing just outside the entrance, waiting for her.

  The smell of an assortment of greasy and delicious foods made its way to Faith, beckoning her in. Her stomach grumbled in response, urging her to quicken her pace and get in there as quickly as possible.

  The Daily Cafe was well known within the city for their juicy, mouth-watering burgers and tasty french fries. Adam opened the door for Faith. She breezed past him and into the restaurant. The cafe had servers, but customers were expected to seat themselves, so Faith and the guys found a booth in a back corner of the restaurant, as far away from prying ears and eyes as possible. Adam sat next to Faith, while Mike sat across from her.

  Within five minutes of sitting down they all had placed their orders. The middle-aged waitress, took their orders swiftly, holding a genuine smile on her face.

  Once the waitress was out of earshot, Mike started, "Faith, we really like you."

  "And Tony," Adam chimed in.

  Mike nodded his blond head and gave her a smile, "and Tony." He leaned back against his seat, stretching his arms out along the back of the booth. "He's an excellent instructor. We have nothing but the utmost respect for him."

  "And you're a great student." Adam jerked his thumb in the direction of Mike. “To be honest we have both been really impressed at how far you've come in just the past few weeks.”

  Faith looked from one sympathetic, yet hesitant face to the other. "Thank you guys, but you don't need to sugar-coat it for me. What's going on? What are people saying?"

  Mike and Adam shared a look before both turning their attention back to her again.

  There were a few moments of dead silence within the trio before Mike spoke. "We know."

  Adam gave her a weak, lopsided smile before adding, "We all know."

  "Everyone can tell there is something between you two. We knew from day one. To be honest, I was going to ask you out until I noticed the way he looked at you," Mike admitted.

  Adam nodded. "It's painfully evident."

  Faith's jaw dropped. She realized her mouth was hanging open and snapped it shut. While it was initially a shock, truth be known she wasn't overly surprised. The pull that seemed to have emerged between herself and Tony was intense, so no doubt it was noticed regardless of how hard they tried to hide it. She wasn't overly shocked over Mike's admitting his attraction to her either. She would have placed bets on that the first day of classes.

  She shook her head, her ponytail swaying easily back and forth behind her head. "Well an attraction doesn't mean..."

  "Jerome saw you two," Adam blurted. Mike shot him a look, to which he simply shrugged.

  "Saw us?" She pretended to sound confused, but knew exactly the instance they were referring to.


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