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Torrid Teasers Volume 21

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by Michelle Marquis, Cheri Valmont

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2007 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  VOLUME 21:




  Michelle Marquis & Cheri Valmont


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright ©

  2007 by Michelle O'Neill & Veronica McCartney

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-59374-835-7


  Cover Artist: ESCORPIO

  Editor: Louise Bohmer

  Printed in the United States of America


  From author Cheri Valmont:

  As always, to the girls: Sarah, Lauren, Victoria, and Dawn.

  To my honey for his patience and encouragement.

  To Ellen, Jeff, Jackie, and Mike for sharing all the good news over the Friday night fires.



  Michelle Marquis

  Jenna stepped off the shuttle into the dry, hot air of Puma and wondered what in the world possessed her to volunteer for this. A strong wind brushed her face carrying with it the sickening stench of rotten eggs. Must be a gas pocket nearby venting sulfur. Just like in hell. She shouldered her carry-on bag, and made her way to the check-in tent to join the line of grumpy passengers.

  "Next,” shouted the astro-marine, a blonde crewcut gentleman with a hard chiseled face.

  Jenna moved up and plopped her purse on the desk so she could fish for her ID and orders. The astro-marine shoved the bag off onto the floor without a word and gave her a contemptuous stare.

  She stared right back. “What the hell did you do that for?"

  "All baggage stays on the floor, ma'am,” he said, pointing to the sign above his head. The sign was white with harsh black letters stenciled on it. Oddly, it reminded her of the astro-marine, harsh and unwelcoming. “No baggage on the counter. Just like the sign says. Can I have your orders please?"

  Sighing, she crouched and pulled a folded bunch of papers from her overstuffed bag. “Here,” she said, thrusting them at him and flashing him her ID.

  The astro-marine took the papers and read them carefully. “Another biologist, just what we needed,” he mumbled. She stifled a protest. She really didn't want to get into a confrontation with him right now. All she wanted was some decent noncryo-induced sleep.

  He signed the last page of her papers and shoved them back at her. “Join the blue party to your left, please,” he said, already shifting his attention to the next passenger behind her.

  Jenna struggled with her bag and the papers as she made her way over to a roped off section with a giant blue dot on the floor. Bill Markus and Jim Flanders, two MIT grads she knew from Earth, were both standing by a podium. She made her way over to them and gave them a warm smile.

  They greeted her, and Bill helped her settle her bag on the ground. “Welcome to Puma,” he joked, beads of sweat rolling off the sides of his pasty brow. Bill was a heavyset man who tended to sweat even under the best of conditions. He raked his fingers through his thinning brown hair.

  Jenna tugged at her shirt collar a few times trying to get a breeze down her shirt. This was going to be a hell of a deployment, on a sweltering jungle of a planet. She gestured to the podium and looked at Jim. “What's this for?"

  Jim gave her one of his infectious smiles. Like Bill, he looked to be somewhere in his mid-forties, only he had all of his dark brown hair and a much more athletic build. He was still paunchy though, like her. Sitting in a lab all day did take its toll on the human body. “Probably one of those ‘don't-mess-with-the-aliens’ speeches,” he said.

  Jenna pulled her honey blonde hair into a ponytail and rolled her eyes. “As if we won't be busy enough."

  Bill gave her a curious look. “Why are you here? I thought you said the last time we spoke that Robert told you no more deployments."

  Jenna felt her gut wrench. Robert. She should have known that subject might come up. “We're divorced,” she said, trying to make it sound as casual as possible.

  Bill looked at the ground and shuffled his feet. “Sorry,” he said in a soft voice.

  Jenna shrugged. She hoped she appeared more at ease than she felt. “Forget it."

  A dark uniformed man with grey hair and a full beard squeezed through the group of scientists and made his way up to the podium. He adjusted the microphone's height and tapped it a few times to make sure it was working. It made a muffled pounding in their ears.

  When he appeared satisfied, he cleared his throat. “Can I have everyone's attention, please?” Everyone fell silent and turned their focus to him. “We have a few rules I need to go over with you before we take you to your barracks. Once we're done here, you'll be able to get to your rooms and unwind, so the quieter you are the faster this will go."

  A few of the scientists near the front folded their arms but everyone remained silent. The man glanced down at some notes. “My name is Captain Ross O'Bannon and I'm in charge of you all while you're here. If any of you have problems or concerns, you are to bring them to me. Also, as many of you may know, there is a garrison of AEssyrian soldiers here. Please keep your distance from them. They're an aggressive alien race and we don't need any of you causing an intergalactic incident."

  Jenna scowled and joined the collective groan of the crowd. Did they think they were dealing with children? It was very unlikely that anyone in the science sector was going to start any incidents with the resident aliens.

  But if ever there was a race not to get into an altercation with, it was the AEssyrians. A race legendary for warfare, most males averaged close to seven feet tall and usually were heavily armed with a sword and numerous knives. They were an attractive race, but their green skin, reptilian eyes and predatory teeth made most humans keep their distance.

  After a few more rules were announced, they were all escorted down a long, dirt path to the barracks. Jenna followed closely behind her two male companions. She was already feeling homesick.

  She made her way across the compound, glanced through the gates, and then she spotted him.

  The first thing that struck her was his human appearance but he was much taller than a human man. She est
imated his height close to six foot six. He was also shockingly handsome. He had a tough, masculine face and long, black hair that hung free except for two braids at each temple. His body was a fortress of muscle, framed in alien armor with ornamental designs. Mounted on a lizard-horse, called a Hyperia, he rode before a squadron of men passing by the compound's perimeter fence.

  Jenna had never seen anything like him and despite her good sense, she stared. In that guilty moment, he looked up and met her gaze with stunning golden eyes. Heat crept into her cheeks but she couldn't look away. His gaze seemed to penetrate her, filling her with a sudden carnal longing. Jenna felt her breath catch in her throat. Warm lust filled her body, as she imagined that beautiful and savage alien taking her in every way that pleased him.

  Jenna walked up alongside Captain O'Bannon. “Who's that human-looking AEssyrian?” she said, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

  The captain glanced over at the alien soldier then gave her a searching look. Finally he said, “His name is Severin—don't know much about him except he's a colonel in the AEssyrian army. His father's a half-human, half-AEssyrian general. Don't let his looks fool you,” he said, misreading her curiosity. “He's no more human than the rest of them."

  * * * *

  Severin came into his tent and unharnessed his armor. He hung it on a nearby stand and poured himself a double shot of Sawjack Whiskey. He sipped his drink and sank into the thick pillows tossed carelessly on the floor of his tent. He'd spent the entire morning leading a hunting party and he was beat. Luckily, he wouldn't have to go out tonight because the ten kills they had would be more than enough to feed the garrison until tomorrow.

  The burning liquor warmed him and he closed his eyes to revel in the sensation. Grinning, he remembered her. Normally he wasn't attracted to human women, preferring the more robust females of his own race, but this one was different. There was a wild sensuality—a wantonness in her—that both fascinated and attracted him. With his eyes closed, he could recall the whisper of her aroused scent. The memory awoke his lust, burning through his loins as he imagined burying his body into her hot, yielding flesh.

  He opened his eyes again and pushed the steamy visions aside. This is no time for pleasure, he reminded himself, you have a mission to complete. You'll be returning to AEssyria soon, and Father will expect that you used your time well. Besides, it was strictly forbidden to touch any of the human women on the Earth Outpost and, as a colonel, he was expected to set an example. He grinned and finished his whiskey. Getting up, he poured himself one more shot and stalked over to the tent opening.

  The foggy day partially obscured the men as they worked, stripping carcasses for the evening meal.

  Maybe someday, my bold little human, I'll be able to taste your sweet, hungry kisses. Maybe someday.

  * * * *

  Jenna lay in bed staring at the ceiling, too wound up to sleep. Luckily, being a scientist, she didn't need to share her cabin with anyone, but the quiet only served to remind her of how strange and alien her new world really was. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw his handsome face. The memory of his rugged beauty aroused long forgotten feelings in her and she shifted on the bed trying to get him out of her head. Perhaps some sexual release was in order.

  Jenna closed her eyes and a vision of him was immediately there. In her mind's eye, he towered over her, stripped to the waist and looking down at her with those breathtaking golden eyes. She arched her back and slid her hand into her underwear, surprised by how aroused and ready she was. Had she ever felt like this when Robert touched her? She was sure she hadn't.

  Gently biting her lip, Jenna moved her fingers through her sex, finding the tender places that made her body jump. In her fantasy, the alien was touching her naked body with his own, exploring her with his thick rough fingers and delicate eager tongue. The thought of them together made her gasp and she had to stop her explorations for a moment before she climaxed.

  Never in her life had she felt so free and hungry. The alien colonel was on her now, kissing her neck—the insistent probe of his sex seeking her hot center. She stroked herself again, and she gasped at the sensations that ran up her spine. She tried to stop, to make it last as long as possible, but her body refused to obey. Her fingers danced through her throbbing sex, delighting her with every stroke. Unable to control her passion, Jenna pushed a finger, then two, inside her body, imagining the colonel deep within her. The lust was overpowering and she bucked until, with a deep passionate shudder, she came.

  For a long time, Jenna didn't move, didn't think. She knew her desire was there, just below the surface, waiting for her to envision her fantasy lover again. I must be crazy. This is so unlike me.

  Then the idea came. A whisper in her ear that she refused to entertain. But once planted, it would not be denied and it hounded her until she finally got up and pulled on her shirt and sweatpants. She had to try and see him again.

  * * * *

  The night was warm and humid as she emerged from the confines of the visitor barracks. Jenna hadn't bothered to dress up, clad only in her long t-shirt, sweats and tennis shoes. This was foolish. Did she really expect him to be outside at this time of night? But then, what did she really know about AEssyrians?

  She moved through the Earth compound as quietly as she could, avoiding patrolling guards and finally making it to a gap in the fence. Slipping through it to the AEssyrian side, she crept along a stream until she was close enough to see the alien camp through some dense tree cover.

  The compound consisted of a few large scarlet tents situated around a smoldering fire pit. The animal bones from the evening's feast lay in a neat pile by the fire pit waiting patiently for disposal. Except for two armed guards strolling around, no one seemed awake. The compound looked almost deserted in its quiet peacefulness. Jenna frowned. It was definitely time to go back to the barracks.

  As she turned to go back, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. She'd really hoped to see the alien colonel. Well, better luck next time.

  Suddenly, she was seized from behind.

  A large masculine hand covered her mouth before she could scream. “Don't make a sound,” he said in a deep baritone voice. The vibration rumbled in her ear. “I won't harm you.” When she was still, he removed his hand slowly, cautious of her response.

  Jenna turned around, her heart pounding wildly. Seeing him this close only confirmed her first impressions of him. He was, without a doubt, the most breathtaking man she'd ever seen. Illuminated by the bright starlight overhead, she could see the luster of his catlike golden eyes and the fullness of his sensuous lips. His face was a magical blend of hardy masculinity and exotic mystery. He wore a black uniform tunic accented in gold, which complimented his flawless pale skin. The uniform was unbuttoned as if he'd just thrown it on, and it gapped in places as he moved, giving the occasional peek of his massive chest. His clothes smelled like they'd been freshly laundered.

  He took a step back from her and studied her curiously. “What are you doing here?” he said. His voice held a note of amusement.

  Jenna felt her mouth go dry. Oh boy, how was she ever going to explain this? She made a few gestures toward the human outpost. “I uh...” she stammered, annoyed at herself for not having thought of a lie. “I was just curious."

  He smiled, showing a hint of sharp predatory teeth and leaned back against a nearby tree. “It can be a dangerous thing being so curious.” His English held a slight accent.

  Jenna nodded. What could she say, he definitely had her there. A cool wind moved in from the west rippling her t-shirt and making her nipples erect. It smelled like azaleas. She folded her arms to hide her nipples and shifted her weight to her other foot. “I'd better be getting back,” she shrugged in apology.

  He ran his fingers through his long dark hair, pulling it back from his face. “Why don't you stay for a while and keep me company?

  "I'll escort you back when you're ready."

  Jenna hesitated. She
should go now, but what harm would there be in talking to him for a minute? When she spoke, the only word she managed was, “Okay."

  Reaching into his tunic, he pulled out a small cigar. He struck a match with his thumbnail and lit his smoke, puffing hard to get it started. The rich scent of foreign tobacco briefly touched her nose. “What's your name?” he said.

  "Jenna Strom."

  "Such a pretty name for such a pretty woman,” he said smiling. “I'm Severin."

  Jenna's fear dissolved. “I know who you are,” she admitted with a sheepish smile. “I asked our captain."

  Severin studied her for a moment puffing his cigar. His eyes roamed over her face and swept down her body then strolled back up again. “Why did you really come here?"

  Jenna squeezed her arms tighter around herself. She felt very foolish for having been caught by him. What could she tell him? I had to see you because you make me so hot? She settled for: “I was curious about you."

  "I'm flattered,” he said warmly. Noticing her arms wrapped around her, he added, “You look cold—why don't you come closer? I'm harmless."

  She knew she should refuse, but she didn't. Taking a deep breath, she took a few cautious steps toward him. She lowered her arms and rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants. She stopped a few feet from him.

  Pushing off from the tree, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a tender embrace. Jenna could feel her body stiffen with excitement. He moved his face past her cheek into her hair, inhaling her scent. Squeezing closer to her, he nuzzled her ear, running his lips lightly over her throat and jaw. Jenna's pulse raced as she tried to will herself to stop him.

  Have you gone completely crazy? You can get in big trouble for this. You have to get away from him and get back to the barracks.

  Before she could resolve herself to escape, his lips found hers. At first it was a gentle wistful kiss, a gentle reminder of love. Then it turned into a ravenous one, filled with animal lust and fire. She was helpless to resist him. Her entire body filled with such demanding heat, she scarcely knew herself.


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