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Reluctant Gods (The Awakening Book 2)

Page 12

by Keri Armstrong


  He sneered. “The Greater People were revered as gods by their created servants and by the Lesser Ones. Once they went into what you would call stasis, the Lesser Ones came to worship the rest of us. It is only ignorance and superstition.”

  Lesser and Greater?

  He waved a hand, as if brushing away the words and continued before I could interrupt again. “I was supposed to watch over them all, but him…” he smiled cruelly, “Him I burned alive after the rest were Sleeping. He will never see again. Never.”

  My mind flashed back to the smudges of soot in the caves. So, the natives weren’t the only ones playing with fire. I tried not to react, though it was hard. His eyes were wide and glittering again and I didn’t want them to scrutinize me too closely right now.

  Oblivious to my growing fear, he continued, his voice rising in excitement again.

  “He had looked for her hand, but didn’t find it because I’d already taken it to preserve. I’d met with the Oracle on the way who also related her prophesy to me.”

  His excitement reached a fevered pitch and he grabbed me close. I went still as a frightened rabbit, heart pounding so hard I feared he would feel and it.

  “Now you are here, just as she said you would be!” He pulled back a little then kissed my forehead, cheeks, nose, and even my eyepatch.

  Before I was frozen. Now I couldn’t even breathe. My limbs were weak and shaking, my entire body a shocked parody of desire. But it wasn’t desire I felt.

  It was terror.

  When his lips slowed finally, descending toward mine, the paralysis broke. I turned my head so that he only grazed my cheek.

  I pushed back, breaking away on trembling legs. “No. I don’t…,” I couldn’t finish the sentence. There was only no.

  I refused to be moved by his shocked, hurt face. I was not his Izzara reincarnated, no matter what he said. And even if I were, he was moving too fast.

  Geez, buddy. At least buy a girl dinner first.

  An hysterical giggle began burbling up through my throat. I tried to hold it in, knowing that if it broke free, I’d be puddle soon.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. It is too much, too soon for you.”

  Damn straight.

  “But you will see, Phoebe. The Oracle said Izzara would come back to me with the same face so I would recognize her. Your face has been damaged, but I can still detect what was once there. The Oracle also said she’d have a protector to see her through the tunnels, and you had your cousin and your friends, didn’t you?

  “Look there,” he pointed toward Izzara. “Do you see how my beloved is missing a hand?” He gently picked my arm where I, too, was missing a hand. He held it tenderly, and looked at it with reverence. “It is so that I would know you.” He gave it a gentle kiss before letting go. “And once we send you through the Pillar with your original body, you will finally be whole, body and soul.”

  For the first time in my life, I was glad for the stiffness of my scarred face. It kept most emotions from showing. I lowered my eye so he couldn’t see what I was feeling.

  He was stretching the prophesy, definitely. The only thing that might have fit was the hand, but Izzara’s was cut off. I was born this way. Furthermore, the hand wasn’t even mentioned in the Oracle’s words. Just the face.

  And the same face? Not even close.

  Icy fear washed through me again. There was someone who came through these tunnels with the same face as that body in the crystal coffin. Someone who’d always had a protector.

  And I’d still protect her with my life.

  I forced a semblance of a smile to my lips, but kept my gaze down, as if suddenly shy. “I just need time to process all of this, Ammon.” I put my hand on his arm, his muscles warm against the chill in my fingers. I hoped he’d mistake the trembling for other emotions.

  He must have, because he closed his hand over mine then pulled me against his hard chest again. “I understand, my love. It is all new to you, still. Soon, you will see. When you pass through the healing fires, you will understand.”

  I inhaled sharply. Again with the healing fires. What had those old letters said? They gave life that didn’t end?

  Ammon misunderstood my expression. “You need not worry. The fire will not burn you, because it is not really a fire at all. The ancient tribes called it that because of its appearance. They had no other words for what they saw. But the life force energy will make you whole again.”

  Whole again. For a second, I gave into the fantasy. What if it were real? What if I really could be healed completely? Gran had refused to ever buy me prosthesis. She said I was meant to be this way. And maybe I was. I was used to it. So much so, that I hadn’t even bothered to check getting a new hand once she was gone.

  But what about my face? My eye? To never have to wear a wig or a pirate patch again.

  It was seductive. Maybe, just maybe, I could protect Sara and still get something else out of this for me.

  In spite of everything, I suddenly wanted it to be true. Wanted it more than I’d ever wanted anything.

  Should I allow Ammon to convince me that this moment between us was predestined? Or at least, let myself convince him and go through with it? What would it mean if I said yes to everything? To him?

  I shoved all the probabilities, possibilities, and wishes to the side and forced myself to calm down. It was the time I concentrated on the actual. I still had to keep Sara away from him and get her out of here. Caleb and Nathan were also still missing.

  I looked at Ammon and swallowed in the face of his overwhelming joy. “I’m feeling a little tired now. Do you mind if I go back to check on my cousin and rest some?”

  He gave one of his radiant smiles. I had to admit, happiness looked good on him. “Anything you want, I will give to you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile back. I wished those words were true.

  As we turned away, I looked back once more at the resting form of Izzara.

  Could it really be possible that Sara was her, or that she was Sara? Or was all this just some sick, elaborate joke, or scheme that I’d yet to decipher. My head pounded.

  Ammon held my hand the entire way back and I let him. We didn’t run into the guardian with the snake again, and for that, I was grateful. Neither did we speak much, but one could not top the story you-are-the-incarnation-of-the-love-of-my-life with just anything.

  Once we were standing in front of Sara’s room he opened the door, but I stayed outside of it, wondering how to keep him out.

  He smiled then, apparently mistaking my hesitation and reluctance to leave him. He slowly leaned in, giving me enough time to pull away. I forced myself to stand still as his lips pressed against mine.

  He was gentle, and tasted of spiced wine. Through the warmth of his mouth, I could feel the longing, devotion, and love that he tried to communicate. It nearly brought me to my knees again.

  It was the first kiss I’d ever had that was almost for me. Almost, because as with the only other kiss I’d ever received from a boy, it was really meant for Sara. A way to get to her through me. Although in Ammon’s case, he didn’t realize it.

  When we parted I didn’t know what to do, say, or feel. This was all just too much for me. It was crazy and terrifying but, the worst part was that I had started to like it. And all he promises he made, I wanted those too.

  Was it wrong of me to desire all those things for myself? Maybe, maybe not.

  But now was not the time. I couldn’t think about myself when my only family needed me.

  “Can you do me another favor?” I hurried to ask before Ammon he disappeared down the hall.


  “Will you check on Nathan and Caleb while I sit with Sara?”

  He frowned and opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again as if he reconsidered. He came back and took my hand, then raised our intertwined fingered and kissed mine slowly.

  A tingling went through my arm, not unpleasant. I
was really going to need to be careful with him.

  “For you, I will.” he said. “To make you happy.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He nodded, then bowed and gestured for me to go inside. I hesitated again, but he smiled and said, “I’ll need to shut the door for you until we get you fitted for it.”

  Fitted? I really, really hoped that didn’t mean I’d be getting wires in my neck, too.

  I nodded quickly and went inside, and he finally left.

  Once the door closed, I fell against the door.

  Was this really happening? I allowed myself just one moment to dream of better possibilities, before rushing over to Sara. What I saw sent all thoughts of myself out the window.

  They’d washed her, fixed her hair, and dressed her in some type of silky white gown. Angry heat rushed through my neck and face. I hadn’t seen any female attendants either on the monitors, or at any time.

  “Sara, wake up,” I whispered, gently shaking her.

  She didn’t respond.

  My hands shook as I checked her over. Even when I pulled her up to examine her, she didn’t wake, ratcheting my heart rate and fear levels all over again. I finally sat next to her on the bed, tears falling as I gently stroked her hair, whispering promises to somehow get us out of here.

  After several minutes, I realized that even though she was unconscious, she still looked much better than she had before the so-called healers came. Her color was back and she breathed evenly. Exhausted, I settled down next to her and pulled her close, praying that my promise to keep her safe wasn’t in vain.


  I came awake suddenly and shrieked as the body of a large man loomed over our bed.

  “Caleb!” I was so relieved to see him. I didn’t even realize how truly worried about him I was until he was standing in front of me.

  “How did you—”

  “There’s no time,” he cut me off, running to the door to listen for a second before returning to Sara’s side. He was tense and in a hurry.

  He started checking her. She looked better to me, but she still wouldn’t wake.

  “We’re all in danger,” he said.

  Gone was the Caleb we knew and loved, with the ready smile and warm hugs. This was someone completely different. The word ‘warrior’ came to mind. That got me on high alert as well.

  He quickly looked about the room. “We have to get out of here before it’s too late.”

  “Too late for what? What’s going on?”

  “Where’s Nathan?” he asked, ignoring my questions as he removed Sara’s blanket.

  “I haven’t seen him since he brought us here. What are you doing?”

  “Have you seen anybody else?”

  I shook my head no, but he was looking at Sara and missed.

  He looked back at me, irritation looking out of place on what was usually a happy face “Phoebe! Focus.” He did that whisper-yelling thing. “Did you see or met anybody else?”

  I sighed. “Yeah. A couple of guards, and healers for Sara and Ammon.”

  Caleb flinched at that. Abruptly, he left Sara’s side to come put his hands on my shoulders. “I need your help.”

  His eyes appeared scared, too, yet resolved. That was somehow comforting.

  “Anything.” I said.

  “We need to perform a spell to wake Sara.”

  Oh for the love of...

  “What? Why?” I snapped. “Ammon and his doctors are helping Sara.”

  “They are not helping her. We have to get you both out of here immediately.”

  Two things occurred to me simultaneously. I desperately wanted to ask what he knew about Ammon’s plans, but the other, more urgent was….

  “Caleb,” I whispered quickly, “These rooms are monitored. If it’s true that we’re in danger, they might be watching us right now.”

  He nodded. “I know. We’ve got just a few minutes. But I don’t have time to explain anything right now. I’ll tell you later. Right now, I need your energy to help with a spell.”

  Okay. Here’s the thing. I’d been drawn to Wicca mainly for the philosophy of ‘an it harm none, do what ye will.’ And I’d even cast a few spells that seemed to work. And yes, there was that weirdness at the last Cakes and Ale ceremony, but still… I guess I wasn’t as much of a believer as I’d thought because right now, I didn’t see how it would help.

  We were hidden underground, surrounded by unknown technology, with a man in charge that could be, at best, described as eccentric. And at worst... I couldn’t even go there.

  Caleb must have sensed my hesitation. “Phoebe, you know there are documented cases from all over the world that support the theory of healing through prayer. So why not trust me on this one?” he persisted.

  Damn those eyes of his. He could always make me do anything he wanted. My only fortune was he was one of the best people I’d ever met.

  I nodded.

  “Thank you.” He sounded relieved.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” I grumbled. “I didn’t do anything.”

  We stood at the opposite sides of the dais and held hands over Sara’s body. It was a bit awkward because I only had one but we managed.

  I closed my eyes when Caleb started to chant. I knew some basic spells but this was beyond me. I cleared my mind and tried to channel positive energy.

  Soon, tingling warmth spread through my whole body. It started slowly then built until the hair on my body began to stand on end. Power shivering through every nerve, jerking at my spine until reached a crescendo, flying down my arms to where I was connected with Caleb. I could actually feel my power mixing with his before it was projected as white light straight to Sara’s body.

  She came awake with a start, and I couldn’t contain my excitement. “You did it, Caleb! You really did it!”

  He beamed. “We did it.”

  Sara turned her head toward my voice, her eyes fluttering. “Phoebe?”

  My arms dropped in relief. Caleb looked lighter too, but tension still radiated from him.

  “What happened? Where are we?” Sara’s voice was husky from sleep and her ordeal.

  I gave her my best bear hug. “It’s a long story, but you’re okay.”

  “We need to get the hell out of here, and fast,” Caleb warned, taking his turn at a quick hug.

  Sara picked up on the anxiety. “Caleb, what’s going on?” She struggled to sit.

  “This place is more dangerous than we thought,” I said. I hated to alarm her while she was still recovering, but I needed her on the same page. I trusted Caleb immensely, so if he said we needed to go, then we needed to skedaddle.

  She looked around the room, confused. “Where are we?”

  “We’re still in the caves,” I said.

  “What’s the plan?” she asked, looking back and forth at Caleb and me.

  Honestly, I wanted to know that one, too. I looked at him and raised my good brow.

  “I can get us out of here, but it will be difficult,” he paused, looking pained, “And I can only take one of you at a time.”

  “Then take Sara first.” It was a no-brainer for me. She was still weak and I didn’t want to leave her here in such state. And I could manage.

  Sara protested. “You should be the one.”

  I shook my head. “Caleb,” I spoke over her protests, “get her out of here now.”

  He started to gather her in his arms. Even with her reaching for me, he had no problem lifting her.

  He stopped when we heard voices from the outside.

  Cursing under his breath, he put her back down. “They can’t find me here,” he whispered harshly.

  “That’s a closet,” I hissed back, pointing to a door that I’d opened the night before.

  “Sara lay back down and pretend to sleep,” he ordered before rushing up.

  She obliged and I helped with the ruse. It didn’t even cross our minds to question him. He was our friend and we trusted him completely. He always wanted only
the best for us.

  While I fussed over Sara, Ammon entered with an entourage.

  The attendants immediately started to check Sara without acknowledging me, and I prayed she learned to lie still while in a coma because it would be a disaster if we got caught now.

  Ammon stopped in front of me without looking at Sara and smiled. “I want you to join me for breakfast.”

  I tried to return his smile. I didn’t know how to reply. I couldn’t leave Sara alone. And what about Caleb? What if he got caught?

  “Do not worry about you cousin,” Ammon said. “My attendants will watch over her and keep her safe until we return.”

  Oh, crap that was even worse. His gallantry would ruin everything. Sara couldn’t pretend forever and Caleb couldn’t get back.

  “Thank you,” I replied politely, “but I don’t think that will be necessary. Let’s all go to breakfast together.”

  He looked surprised, and I hurried to explain. I didn’t want him to ask a question I couldn’t lie out of.

  “I would just feel better if we left her in peace. She woke briefly and just needs some rest.” I said, trying to use only facts.

  I worked at keeping my breath steady, praying he’d believe me.

  He looked on the verge, so I placed my hand over his. “Please?”

  He smiled then kissed my hand like a perfect gentleman. “As you wish.”

  He told his men to retire and we exited together. I hoped he’d take my rapid pulse as a sign of happiness. I linked my arm with his and laid my head against his massive bicep.

  He moved his head back in surprise then grinned and leaned into me.

  I kept up the pose, all the while hoping that while I was gone, Caleb would convince my stubborn cousin to flee. I knew he would do anything to keep her safe, and also knew that he would return for me later. Sara would make him.

  We just had to find a way to manage all that without being discovered. Which reminded me….

  “Ammon?” I asked, sweetly.

  “Yes, My Light?” He was all smiles while he escorted me to the dining room.


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