The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2)

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The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2) Page 10

by Zara Novak

  She traced her fingers slowly down the lines of his perfect abs, feeling sparks of want jolting through her as she did so. Biting her lip, she unfastened her bra and threw it behind her somewhere into the void.

  His eyes widened at the sight of her breasts, and he sat up, half cradling her as he sucked the creamy pink of her nipple into his mouth. She dropped her head back and moaned through a wide smile of pleasure.

  Ansel. She thought.

  “Your name is Ansel.” Kat said, taking his head in her hands once more. She rolled her hips against him again, opening her thighs a little further. He lunged back against her damp and growled, nibbling her nipple gently with his teeth.

  “That’s right.” Ansel laughed. “Had you forgotten?”

  He pulled back and Kat was shocked to see his eyes had blown with black, leaving only a slight ring of crimson red at the edge of his pupils. His teeth were long and pointed too. His lips were back on her in a second, leaving a hot trail of pleasure across her chest. His hands moved down her body. One snaking under the fabric of her panties at her front, the other pushing down the back.

  The pads of his middle fingers found both ends of her wet line at the same time, and he started rubbing small circles over her, meeting them in the middle and pushing inside of her slightly.

  “You’re a vampire.” Kat said through breathless whispers. She dropped her head back and started rolling her hips against him in a rhythm. “I remember now… I remember how-”

  Her sentence broke off as Ansel ripped her scarlet panties from her body, revealing only the splendid curve of her milky white thighs. His crotch lunged up against her once more, and she glanced down to see the throbbing head of his cock poking out. She nestled her wet groove against him and pushed back.

  “You remember what?” Ansel’s lips were back on her breasts, kissing and sucking at her nipples until they ached with pleasure. He wrapped his hand around her rear once more, pushed his finger against the wetness of her slit and sunk his finger inside.

  Sparks erupted in Kat’s vision as she felt him cleave her in two. A long and protracted gasp of pleasure leapt from her mouth and she rolled her hips against his fingers.

  “You’re bad for me.” She gasped in a quick breath. “I need to run from you.”

  “Run? From me?”

  Ansel flipped their positions around quickly so Kat was on her knees with her face down against the obsidian blanket. He crouched behind her thighs and pressed his mouth against her wet lips.

  Eyes widening, Kat took a deep breath to gather the air necessary for the loud scream of pleasure demanding to be let out.

  “Yes!” She bellowed shortly, a wide and silent smile spreading over her face to finish the rest of her exaltation.

  Ansel pulled his lips away from her for a second to taunt her further. “How on earth do you think I could be bad for you?” He chuckled to himself and brought his lips back to her slit, pushing his tongue inside of her warmth.

  Kat couldn’t take it any further, and the sensation sent her spiraling over the edge. Her body rocked back and forth as warmth crested inside of her and spiraled out like a firework in every direction. She came and she came hard, gathering ink blank bedding between her fingers, her face frozen in an expression of ultimate ecstasy.

  Ansel’s hands kept her body still, keeping her pussy locked against the loving tirade of his mouth. His tongue worked over her like an expert, dragging up slowly, flicking down, pushing in, running small and intoxicating circles over her bud.

  She collapsed in a heap on the bed, and the next thing she knew Ansel was laid down behind her, spooning her. His crotch lunged against the wetness between her legs and she pushed her ass back onto him, loving how good it felt. She opened her legs and rubbed herself there.

  His hand came around her and found her breast once more, squeezing it and teasing her nipples relentlessly. His lips were on her throat.

  “I want you…” she gasped. “Inside…”

  She turned back to look at Ansel, and saw the long pointed teeth in his mouth once more.

  “To do that I must drink from you…”

  For the briefest second Kat didn’t question it. If that’s what it took for him to be with her, then she would do anything.

  “Do it.” She mewed. “I can’t wait another second longer.” The deep and burning ache inside her body crested for the first time, demanding that she take him into her body.

  “Do it, Ansel!” She pleaded. “Drink!”

  The vampire’s eyes flooded with black. He didn’t need much encouragement. He surged forward and his teeth sunk into the ivory skin of her throat.

  Kat jolted upright in the dark bedroom, sweat pouring from her body. It took a few minutes for her breath to return. When it did she climbed out of bed and sat in the large bay window overlooking the front of the property.

  Her panties were flooded, the room felt like an oven from the passion of her dream. She opened the black wooden shutters on the window and saw it was still dark out. She pushed the glass pane open and took a deep breath as a cool whisper of summer night came into the room. She sat there for a few minutes, savoring the coolness of the stone underneath her, listening to the quiet breath of night outside.

  She considered for a brief second, that now might be a good time to plot her escape, but then the faint sound of singing floated up from below. Kat sat listening, and realized the voice to be Ansel’s. Glancing down at her watch, she could see that it was nearly four in the morning.

  Probably not that unusual to be up at this time for a vampire… best I only try to escape during the daylight when it’s safe.

  Kat sat there for a little while more, thinking about the bizarre erotic dream that had just plagued her sleep. After a few more minutes she climbed from the smooth stone and crawled back into bed once more, sinking further into another stream of erotic fantasy.

  12. Ansel

  After Kat had helped nurse him back to health, Ansel escorted a reluctant Kat to a bedroom at the very top of the stone house. He knew that more than anything, all the girl wanted to do was leave now and find her sister. Ansel’s refusal for her to go seemed to only further stem her feelings toward him, both good and bad.

  He pulled up a chair on the stone porch at the front of the house, deciding that he would keep watch for a while. It was very unlikely the Red Circle would ever track them back here, but with Kat now in his clutches, he was going to be extra cautious. He would keep watch all night just to make sure she was safe. With a stake in his hand, he sat and stared out over the town of Dead Rest below.

  Wind swept through the trees, bringing with it scents of far off things.

  There was the immediate musk of the forest, rich with scent from the dry soil to the very tops of the tall pines swaying silently high above him. The wind brought a sweet trace of flowers from somewhere down the hill, followed by the unpleasant scent of a wild animal, something small - probably a fox, nothing to worry about.

  Beyond the immediate breath of nature, there was the distant spring of flavor brought from the town below. Smoke from exhausts, pollution from factories - this was not as pleasant as the scent from the woods around him.

  He’d been a vampire for some time now, and it had taken quite a while for him to grow use to his heightened senses. The scent of highly populated areas was one of those things that had taken quite a while to get used to.

  Bringing a lot of people together and putting them in one place produced interesting results for someone who could trace a drop of blood from five miles away.

  A sort of collective aroma formed, which defied all explanation. Ansel couldn’t explain what it was like, only that each place seemed to have it’s own unique profile. Each town, each city, each building. Each distinct collection of humans formed it’s own arrangement, it’s own unique scent.

  There were layers to the profile, ranging from pleasant to unpleasant. There was the common everyday stench one could associate when being in the presence
of another person, but amplified by a thousand times. He could look past this though and find other things.

  There were the traces of certain hormones as they flooded through blood. Exploding and springing across a hundred bodies in different ways to form a picture that was always changing. There was the floral allure of a woman having sex nine blocks over. Or the raw and acrid punch of adrenaline from two men getting into a bar fight.

  They all produced different effects, and mixed constantly in a soup that was always changing. It even amazed him how different areas could be so different. Rich neighborhoods with their excessive perfume and poor neighborhoods which were more earthy and somehow more close to nature.

  Past all of that, there was the scent of blood itself, which was always dominant and always at the forefront of the mind. It had been four hours since his last drink, and the aching itch had slowly returned to sear across his mind.

  Ansel paused the briefest moment to try and exert some control over the will that drove his every want.

  He sat on the porch, squeezing his fingers into the wooden arms of his chair until he heard them start to splinter.

  He tried to a catch a trace of the distant mountains on the wind to distract himself. Tried to look beyond the fresh sheets of snow on their peaks, tried to find the bright fields of flowers beyond them, which brought a symphony of sense like no other.

  He tried to find it, but the only thing present now was the scent of blood calling to him from the house. He began to feel the faint throb of hunger as it pulsed in his temples. He could sit there and try to ignore it for as long as he wanted, but the throb would only get louder and stronger, until it was a drum that beat so loud, every strike felt like an unbearable dagger to the skull.

  Ansel rose from the chair with a heavy sigh. He retreated from the porch momentarily to answer the call of his thirst and stepped inside the house.

  After Kat had gone to bed, he’d returned the house to darkness once more, for which his eyes were very thankful. He was happy to sit in the blaring bright while Kat had needed it, but it was unnecessary to subject himself to it now she was gone.

  He stood in the darkness of the hallway, and realized that the scent of the blood that was calling to him was not from the bottles that were stored in the kitchen fridge, but from the room at the top of the stone stairs. The room on the third floor.

  The room where Kat was sleeping.

  He let out a long and lumbering breath, growling at the demon inside of him for even suggesting such a thing.

  Not Kat. He thought to himself as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists in the dark.

  Ansel knew that if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

  The girl was very obviously precious in a multitude of different ways. As much as that dark part of him wanted to go upstairs and drink the sweet nectar from her veins until she was dry, he could never forgive himself if he did so.

  To do that would permanently deny himself of all her other nectars that he found so utterly enticing.

  First and foremost, there was the insatiable sexual allure he felt toward the girl. Ansel wanted nothing more than to strip her clothes back and taste every inch of her perfect body. Pulling, squeezing, searching, kissing - he wanted it all and he wanted it now.

  He’d never felt such an absolute attraction to someone the way he had with Kat, and not being able to answer that desire burned a hole through his chest that stung a thousand times more than thirst for blood ever could.

  He kept thinking back to how good it had felt when she was pressed against his chest with his arms wrapped tight around her. He kept thinking about how her lips had felt pressed against his when he stole a kiss from her on the rooftop. Having to put her down and release her from his grasp had been the hardest thing he’d done in a long while.

  Standing here now and stopping himself from running up those steps and taking her might have been even harder.

  There was a trace of her in the still air of the house. It floated down the staircase and he felt it on the air as he breathed in. She was aroused. Extremely aroused.

  He turned his head to listen to her heart. He felt the dull beat of a sleeping pulse, followed by the deep breath only heard of someone in slumber. She was definitely asleep, but in her dreams it had seemed she had found something which had caught her interest.

  Ansel smiled to himself quietly and thought of all the other ways he wanted her.

  Beyond the sexual need he felt for her, there was the personal desire he felt to know her better as a person.

  Behind those beautiful crystal blue eyes there was a mind and personality that was just as beautiful, in it’s own cunning way. He imagined there was centuries of good conversation in that mind. It was the mind of someone that made truly honest and uplifting observations, it was a mind that made him feel comforted and somehow embraced, as if he were speaking to a close friend or someone that he’d known for years.

  Ansel still couldn’t get over the fact that he had opened up so freely to her when they’d joined hands back in that dingy office. She’d shown him one thing, and he in turn had shown her everything. It hadn’t been his intention at all to do so, but his mind was lost in the unexpected thrall of her power. She’d taken everything from him and he’d given it without thinking.

  That was the final part of Kat that intrigued Ansel the most. The absolute mystery surrounding the girl. Who was she? Where had she come from? People didn’t just walk into a place of vampire scummery like the Black Font and live to tell the tale, especially not a girl as beautiful as Kat.

  And then there was the fight back at the club, and the way she had dealt with that rogue male so swiftly and so simply. The agents were decent fighters, no match for Ansel, but they outstripped any human a hundred times to one. The fact that Kat could get close enough to one without being hurt was testament enough to her power, but the fact that she managed to kill one too?

  That was something else altogether.

  The final piece of the puzzle that linked it into a giant swirling picture of mystery, was the fact that she was cognizant too. Ansel had only been a vampire for one year, and in that time he’d learned a small amount concerning his people and the lore surrounding them.

  Cognizance was a rare gift, and a powerful one at that. He thought back to his very first days after being turned, when he had been listening quietly as the members of his house took council. The topic of cognizance had come up and the vampires around him burst into an animated and passionate discussion about it’s rarity.

  “There are many strange things in this world.” One had said. “But the idea that something as impossible as cognizance exists is ridiculous!”

  “Ridiculous!” said another. “My maker knew of one who had that gift, a century before I was born…”

  “Lies!” another interjected. “All myth! There are none alive today who…”

  The voices faded away in his mind and Ansel pulled himself back to the present. Through the rest of his short time, the topic had come up maybe twice more with different groups of vampires, and all had held the same belief. Cognizance was a long lost power, or something that had never existed in the first place.

  But yet it seemed now, that Kat did possess some form of that power, and their joining together had brought a latent awakening of it inside of her this night.

  These were all parts of Kat that he desired to know, and they were all parts that he desired to explore at some point in the near future. He was sure that a taste of the sweet life force running through her veins would be unlike any other he’d ever taste again. He was also sure that even indulging himself in a few drops would send him spiraling out of control.

  No, not Kat. He thought to himself once more as he breathed deep in the hallway. There was too much about the girl that would be lost to eternity if he succumbed to one moment of pointless weakness.

  Ansel turned with all his might from the stairs, and directed his reluctant feet in the direction of the kitch
en. He found relief at the cool sensation of the tiles underfoot. From the hallway entrance, the fridge was in the far corner to his right.

  Ansel stalked through the dark kitchen silently, tracing his fingers over the cool worktops as he did so. He seized his hand around the hard metal handle on the fridge and pulled the door open.

  Light cut across the black room in a blinding yellow wedge. Ansel winced and stood to the side, waiting for a moment as his eyes tried to adjust to the new influx of bright. The distraction that was Kat had momentarily been pushed to one side for now, and the beating call of his blood thirst had returned, only magnified further by the fact that he had made himself wait.

  He stepped in front of the fridge and looked inside at the nine milk bottles full of dark rich blood. He pulled one of the bottles out, rolled the foil back and drank from it deeply.

  The aching thump of pain began to ebb away instantly as he pulled mouthfuls of blood from the glass spout. His pupils burst with black, leaving only a thin slither of brilliant red around it’s very edge. His teeth grew long and pointed, sliding against the edge of the glass bottle as he drank deeper. He felt the cool liquid swill within him, spiraling down through his body until it pooled in his stomach like comforting fire.

  A moment later he felt the spark of hunger and frailty melting away as the life force surged through every fiber of his body. He drank until the bottle was empty, set it down and opened another.

  Ansel couldn’t understand the sudden and unexpected elevation of his hunger. As he emptied the second bottle and grabbed a third, he could only suppose that the intensity of the battle earlier might have had something to with it.

  Physical exertion always prompted the body to ask for more.

  There was also the possibility that he was deliberately drinking too much to keep himself full, and to keep himself distracted. With a belly full of blood and a body well rested, his mind could rest at ease knowing that he wouldn’t succumb to any stupidity, and feel tempted to do something irreversible to Kat.


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