The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2)

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The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2) Page 11

by Zara Novak

  In the fridge there had been nine full bottles of blood in total. It was a good three or four days supply of blood at least. Ansel slammed the last bottle onto the counter top and stood in the light of the open fridge momentarily, staring at nothing.

  He had drank all nine.

  His chest heaved slightly. His eyes were all black. He had opened and drank each bottle with increasing speed. The thirst had consumed him so much he hadn’t even realized what he was doing. The man panted as his body attempted to gain control again. Two thick trails of blood ran down from the side of his mouth this time. They ran down the white skin of his throat and onto his chest.

  Ansel went back outside and took a place in the chair on the porch again. He stared out into the darkness and let the sights, sounds and colors of the world around him keep him distracted, until the sun started to rise and it was time for him to retreat inside.

  Before retreating inside again, he pulled out the burner phone he had acquired the night previous and made a call.

  “Lazarus speaking.”

  “Lazarus, it’s Ansel.”

  “Draco… I hear you’ve been up to all sorts. What can I do?”

  “I’m going to have to make a run into town tomorrow to pick up some supplies. I was wondering if you could have some blood ready for me?”

  “Again? Shit… I just gave you nine bottles yesterday. What happened to that?”

  “It’s gone. I need blood Lazarus. Can you get it for me, or do I have to get is elsewhere?”

  “I’ll have it for you my man. Give me a call when you’re about.”

  “Will do. Thanks.”

  Ansel ended the call, snapped the phone in half and headed back inside. Sleep wasn’t something that usually called to him. He usually spent most of the daytime reading or plotting.

  The events of the day must have had their force on him however, as he found he was extra tired.

  Ansel turned the lock in the front door and put the key onto a chain around his neck. He didn’t anticipate that Kat would run, but this had the added advantage of keeping other visitors out. All the other doors in the house were locked too, and there was no escaping through the windows.

  Ansel retreated upstairs, stopping briefly outside of Kat’s door and listening in the direction of her room. Her pulse was quicker now, and he sensed that she might not be sleeping. He was about to investigate when he decided against it. She was only mad at him at the moment, and snooping around her would only lessen her trust of him. He’d leave her be for now, and check up on her tomorrow when he was awake once more.

  He made his way to the bedroom at the end of the corridor and closed the door behind him quietly. He stripped naked, fell back onto the bed and read the piece of folded up paper on his bedside desk once more. On it was the information Hurst had given him. The name of the witch, her location, and the date she would be there.

  It wasn’t long now.

  He placed the paper back onto the desk, spread himself out on the covers and stared up at the stone ceiling.

  His mind recalled how Kat’s hands had felt as they brushed over his body back in the bathroom earlier. He grew hard at the recollection, and a different thirst rose up inside of him. The thirst to take the girl for himself. His cock screamed for her body and his mouth screamed for her throat. His heart wanted nothing more than to have bonding sex with her, but he knew that would be a mistake right now.

  The girl didn’t even want to be there any more. There would be no sense in bonding her with him, no matter how much he wanted her.

  Ansel lay there in the cool dark, his cock burning like steel marble on his stomach. He closed his eyes and breathed his frustration out through his nose, until finally, he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  13. Ruth

  Ruth came to slowly, somewhat confused and disorientated. She opened her eyes and stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling. Her entire body ached. Her skin felt hot. Every moment was accompanied by a hinge of pain.

  She sat up hazily and looked around. She was in a dim bedroom, well decorated but plain looking enough. There was a double bed, a window to the left with a long black curtain over it, and a set of drawers on the wall in front of her, next to which there was a stool.

  Looking down, Ruth noticed that she was naked and had been placed on top of the covers. Panic beat in her chest momentarily, and she tried desperately to recall something, or anything.

  The last thing she could remember was being outside the club. There had been gunshots, and she had managed to get outside okay, but she hadn’t been able to find anyone.

  That’s when she remembered the man in the black van.

  An old man had approached her, and he had taken her. There had been something different about him, his voice had somehow made her body stop working.

  Then everything else was a haze.

  Breath raced from her nose as the truth slowly began to dawn on Ruth. Wherever she was, this man had brought her here, and judging from the lack of clothes, his intentions definitely weren’t good.

  She moved slowly to climb out of the bed, when she felt something catch on her wrist. She looked back at her hand and saw that she was handcuffed to the bed frame. A fresh burst of adrenaline filled Ruth’s body. She very suddenly became aware of just how much everything hurt. Every muscle felt as if it were tired and hot. She’d had the flu once when she was younger, and she’d spent four miserable days laying down on a bed in agony.

  The feeling felt very familiar to her know. There was a dull throbbing in her temples, even her eyes felt as if they hurt. She glanced at the brief sliver of light that surrounded the curtained window and squeezed her eyes. Even the light it seemed, was painful to her.

  Ruth climbed back on the bed and tried to come up with an escape strategy. She struggled with the handcuffs on the bed frame for a few minutes, before giving up. She wasn’t strong enough to break them, and every little movement felt as if it rattled through the very quiet house.

  She craned her neck and saw that her things were folded neatly on the chest of drawers on the wall in front. Her eyes stopped on her black sequined purse.


  If Ruth could get to her purse, then there was a good chance she might find her phone inside. The drawers were too far from here, but if she could find someway to reach -

  The sound of a rattling door knob broke the quiet, and Ruth sat still as a statue. From where the bed was situated, Ruth couldn’t see the door, which was just around a corner in front of her. She could tell from the sound of the door knob however, that the door was just around the corner and to the right.

  Her eyes froze on the corner of floral wallpaper as she heard a lock click. The door swung open, and in walked an absolute giant of a man, naked except for a pair of small black boxer shorts.

  The man shut the door behind him, walked across the room and took a seat in the stool at the foot of the bed. He brushed a hand through his thick black beard, sat forward and placed his elbows on his thighs with his fingers threaded together.

  “Good to see you’re finally awake.” The man said in a low and powerful voice. “My name’s Edmund, your name is Ruth. I saw it on your driver’s license.”

  Ruth’s chest raced slightly as the man talked. It felt as if he wanted her to talk, but she had no idea what to say. She had been expecting the ghastly old man to walk in, instead she was face to face with this beautiful specimen of a man.

  He was the definition of manly. Tall, dark, handsome. He was clearly in very good shape, and from his size and demeanor Ruth was under the impression he was ex military. She stared at his thick black beard, the first thing it conjured up in her mind was lumberjack. That was what he reminded her of, a tall, muscled, and very handsome lumberjack.

  “Edmund.” She said finally. “You weren’t the one who took me…”

  “No.” Edmund said. “I took you from the one who took you. If that makes any sense. The man who took you was going to harm you.” Edmund paused and his ey
es flicked down over Ruth’s naked body.

  Ruth was sat on her knees, turned with her right hand side facing the stranger. She noticed that Edmund was looking at her body, and she realized that she didn’t care.

  “So you saved me?” Ruth asked.

  “Something like that.” Edmund dropped his head and spoke to the floor. “The old man had taken a lot of your blood. I had to replenish it to save you.”

  Ruth raised an eyebrow, not quite contemplating Edmund’s meaning. She looked down at both her arms, and then she she saw a slight bruise at the top of her right one.

  “Not there.”

  Ruth looked up and saw that Edmund was watching her.

  “Here.” He raised two fingers to the right side of his neck.

  Ruth followed the gesture and felt nothing on her skin.

  “No.” Edmund stood up from the stool, walked over to the bed and sat down next to Ruth, the mattress sinking under his mammoth frame. “You drank from me.” He picked up her hand and placed it on his neck. “Here.”

  Ruth pulled her hand away and reared back. “I drank from you? What on earth are you talking about?”

  “He took a lot of your blood, and I needed to replenish it if I wanted any chance of saving you. I gave you mine.”

  Ruth shook her head silently and the slight reassurance she felt came crashing down. She lived her life operating on the assumption that good looking people were good people. Seeing Edmund had temporarily displaced her worries about waking up chained to a bed in a strange house. Now he was talking some nonsense about her having drank his blood?

  “I’d like to go now if you could.” Ruth said as confidently as she could. “Unchain me from this bed and pass me my clothes.”

  Edmund laughed in response, shook his head and rose from the bed. “You don’t quite get it do you darling?”

  Edmund walked over to the the curtain and paused.

  “Get what?” Ruth asked. “Why am I here? Why have you chained me in the room and taken my clothes. Why does everything hurts? What are you going to do with me?!”

  “You’re a vampire.” Edmund said calmly. “By giving you my blood I saved you. You’d lost over half of your blood by the time I got you back here. The blood in your veins now is my blood. I’m your maker, you’re a vampire. Welcome to the club.”

  Ruth shook her head, and opened her mouth to launch into a tirade of disbelief. She’d just about had enough of listening to Kat drone on about vampires endlessly, now she had to sit here and listen to this guy talk about it too? She wasn’t having this.

  “This shit again. Now you listen here, you’re going to unchain me and you’re going to - ah!”

  Ruth was barely three seconds into her list of demands when Edmund pulled back the curtain and let a shaft of light fall onto the bed where Ruth was laying.

  Pain filled Ruth’s world as soon as the light hit her skin.

  “Stop!” She screamed. “Put it back, put it back!” Ruth flung her body across the other side of the bed in attempt to get away from the light, tearing the metal handcuff from her wrist as she did so. She crashed onto the floor and scrambled back against the wall until she was in the shadow again.

  Edmund released the curtain, it fell against the window and the room was plunged into darkness once more.

  Ruth sat on the floor with her breath racing, her knees up in front of her chest. She stared wide eyed at her forearm, which was blistered and smoking from the brief exposure to the light.

  “What… what just happened to me?” Ruth pulled her eyes up from her burnt arm and looked at Edmund. Edmund stood in the same place, with his fists clenched at his sides. Faint wisps of smoke floated up through the darkness from his skin. Edmund opened his eyes.

  “You were burnt. You are a vampire now, just as I am. You cannot let sunlight fall on your skin.”

  “But you were in the dark!” Ruth cried. “Why do you burn too?!”

  “I am particularly sensitive.” Edmund sighed. “It is worse for me than it is for most normal vampires. Now, stand.”

  Ruth felt an absolute magnetic need to follow Edmund’s command. She rose to her feet, with her eyes trained intently on his. A second later the spell broke, and she looked down at herself.

  “Why did I just do that? Guys don’t order me around, I’m the one in charge.” Ruth snapped.

  “I made you.” Edmund said with a dark smile. “If I like I can control every urge…”

  Something snapped over Ruth again, and her body started walking forward. Ruth gasped at her body’s betrayal, and then she felt something else inside of her - absolute want for Edmund.

  “What is this?” She asked as her body crawled over the bed.

  “This is you answering the call of my mind.” Edmund whispered low and dark.

  Ruth sat on the edge of the bed in front of Edmund and looked up at her master. She felt warmth stir in the pit of her stomach and became aware that her panties were soaked in arousal.

  Edmund brushed a hand through Ruth’s hair, and traced a finger down her throat to her breast. He cupped it in her hand, rolling the pad of his thumb over her nipple gently.

  A small gasp of pleasure escaped from Ruth’s lips, she looked up at him with trembling breath. The pull of absolute want overtook her body.

  “Take me now.” She pleaded, surprising herself at having said it at all.

  Edmund smiled down at her, and then he pulled his hand from her body. “No.”

  His spell dissipated and with it went the overwhelming urges of want. There was a still a trace of need left inside of her, a need of natural attraction to the man in front of her, but she felt in control of herself once more. Ruth felt relieved the spell was gone, but she also felt a sense of disappointment.

  She’d wanted to feel him on her body.

  “What was that?” She asked. “How did you do that?”

  Edmund walked away from the bed to the chest of drawers. “I’m your maker.” He repeated. “You are a new vampire. You will feel a natural tendency to obey my commands while you are young.” Edmund opened the top drawer of the dresser and pulled something out of it.

  “If you can control me,” Ruth asked, “Why did you chain me to the bed?”

  Edmund turned back around and she saw that he was holding a bottle of dark red liquid. Edmund walked back to the bed and stood just in front of Ruth. “I can control you whenever I like. I can make you do whatever I want. I could have frozen you to this bed, but I decided not to. I don’t like to keep slaves, I like to have companions.”

  “So the handcuffs…”

  “Just a preventative measure. To stop you from jumping out the window and burning yourself alive. As you can see from the cuffs breaking, you are stronger now than you used to be, and your strength will only continue to grow.”

  Glancing down at her arm, Ruth noticed the burns on her arm had now faded. “My arm!” She remarked, while holding it up and brushing her fingers over it. “It’s already healed!”

  “Perks of being a vampire,” Edmund smiled. “Accelerated healing. Looked like you had a broken ankle too when I took you in,” He nodded down at her ankle which had been crushed in the panic back at Avalon. “That’s fine now too.”

  Ruth rolled her foot around her ankle, marveling at it’s almost magical repair. Pain flashed through her temples once more, and she became acutely aware again of the pain hinging on every muscle.

  “Everything aches though.” She winced. “Why?”

  “You are thirsty. You need to drink. Here.” Edmund uncorked the bottle and passed it to Ruth.

  Ruth stared down into the open mouth at the dark liquid inside. She clasped the cool vessel in her palms and glanced up at Edmund.

  “What is this?” She asked in a trembling voice.

  “You know what it is.” Edmund answered assuredly.


  Edmund nodded and Ruth glanced down at the dark liquid. She took a breath and suddenly tasted a hint of something so beautifu
l and so fulfilling, it defied all explanation. Her eyes flushed, her nipples hardened, something pushed her upper lip forward.

  Ruth raised the bottle to her lips and tipped it back. The liquid spilled onto her tongue and her greed was ignited instantly.

  “That’s it.” Edmund smiled as he watched her drink for the first time. The bottle was tipped so far back, the bottom was pointing up into the air. A trail of blood a slipped around the edges of her lips, trickling down onto her white throat and between her breasts. Edmund felt himself growing hard as he watched her. He pulled his boxers briefs down.


  Ruth felt his voice overpower him once more. She pulled the half full bottle from her lips reluctantly and lowered it. She glanced up at Edmund who stood before her naked now.

  “Why do you make me stop?” Ruth whined.

  “How is it?” he asked. “How does it make you feel?”

  “Alive.” She whispered. “Like everything before this was a living death.”

  Ruth’s world flourished in a symphony of sound and color as all her senses magnified to a hundred times their usual amount. Her head swirled in ecstasy. Arousal burned through her body. She looked up at her master and pulled a tongue across her bloodied lips in want.

  Edmund took the bottle from her and drank from it briefly, before pulling the bottle away from his lips and pouring a thick channel of dark red down his muscled chest and over his abs.

  “You want it.” He whispered as he dropped the glass bottle onto the wooden floor. “So come and get it.”

  Ruth jumped forward off the bed and into the arms of Edmund. He caught her with his muscled arms, wrapping them tight around her body as their bodies crushed together.

  Their lips met in a fast and furious blur of want. One moment his lips were on hers, then they were at her throat. He held her suspended in the air all the while, her legs wrapped tight around him, his large hands cradling her behind.

  Her pussy was pressed against the hard muscle of his abs. His lips were all over her. Ruth dropped her head back, moaning in pleasure as she did so.


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