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Page 5

by Sean-Paul Thomas

  'Hey!' I said nervously. 'Steffi...! Is your name Steffi?'

  The woman mumbled something in between sobs. I couldn't make out a word so I stepped closer towards her, both desperate and intrigued about what she might have to say.

  'I'm sorry, I couldn't hear what you said... Are you okay?'

  Steffi stopped crying almost immediately. She raised her head upwards. It was an eerie and tense moment. Then in a cold and callous voice she spoke.

  'Why did you do it David? Why? I thought you said you loved me? You said you loved me? Don't you love me?'

  I froze a few feet from her. I could hardly remember anything about this woman, just a few sporadic memories here and there. A smile, a kiss, a passionate embrace. Yet those memories felt like they belonged to somebody else. In a chilling moment Steffi stood swiftly upright, startling me with her sudden movement. I stepped back just a little.

  'David!' She said turning to face me. Her face still hard to see in this darkness. Suddenly she approached me very abruptly. The hurried way she moved made me nervous, frightened even as she came right up to my face. Without words she curiously studied my face with her icy cold eyes. After a beat she raised her hand. Gently she touched, stroked and caressed my face with her finger tips as if it were the most natural, normal thing to do in the world. I remained still, cautious, just watching her, waiting.

  'Who are you?' I whispered.

  She did not reply.

  'I think your name is Steffi' I went on. 'but who are you to me and what are you doing in this place? What are we all doing in this place?'

  Steffi continued to study my face with both her eyes and fingertips. I noticed she didn't even blink once. Her eyes like ice steel marbles. She looked older than me, but still very attractive, yet in a different kind of way to Anna. Anna was more pretty, pale, fragile, wholesome and innocent. Like a small, cute animal/child that I wanted to protect and take care off. Steffi seemed more attractive to me in a physical/sexual kind of way. She made my loins stir much more than when in Anna's presence, if my recent shower room memories of Steffi were anything to go by.

  'This is... all your fault David.' Steffi said finally, interrupting my thoughts.

  'What's my fault Steffi? I don't understand? What is all my fault?'

  Suddenly Steffi grabbed me forcefully by the ears. Her fingernails scratching, digging deep behind the lobes, into the skin. For a second I thought she might tear them clean off. She began screaming insanely right into my face. It was horrific, terrifying, It scared the living hell out of me.

  'THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!' She shrieked in between her terrifying screams, right at my face. She took her hands away from my ears to place them upon her own head, tearing violently at her blonde locks as she continued to shriek. I covered my ears, stumbling backwards even more terrified. I tripped over a small box and fell onto the floor. Quickly I clambered up onto my feet and ran as fast as I could, back up, over the steel boxes, cages and containers, back through the dim darkness, away from those hideous screams. I scrambled up the ladder without even looking back. 'Climb, climb, climb to the light.' were the only thoughts screeching through my head. Get the hell away from the terrifying crazy woman. Get back to Anna and the safety of the soothing light. Finally I scrambled out of the hole and onto the corridor floor. Once my legs were fully out of the hole I collapsed in an exhausted heap right upon the floor beside the black window. As I gathered my thoughts, my breath, I noticed Anna sat against the far corridor wall, right outside the bedroom and pod room where I'd last seen her, eagerly awaiting my return. As soon as she saw me she stood to her feet and hurriedly made her way over.

  'David! What is it? What's wrong? What happened to you down there?' Anna said anxiously, kneeling down beside me, trying her best to be comforting. I was still shaking, scared, in shock. I desperately tried to control my over shot emotions and breathing but it was a struggle. Anna hugged into me tightly then began rubbing my back soothingly.

  'Oh David!' Anna said as she continued to hold me. Her touch and the feel of her arms around my upper body felt good, calming me down. As I rested my head upon her shoulder I noticed for the first time the faint brown bruising marks upon her neck, bruising that I had inflicted upon her. I felt even more terrible and closed my eyes.

  Chapter 10

  I awoke in the bedroom. This time I felt the light delicate touch of someone stroking my forehead and running their fingers through my hair. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the pretty and pale smiling face of Anna lying close.

  'How are you feeling?' She whispered.

  'Okay... I think?' I replied softly. There were so many thoughts and unanswered questions running through my mind that I didn't know whether to share them with Anna or keep them far away from her own fragile mind. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her again, getting her all emotional and sobbing. I mean if I was struggling to deal and come to terms with what I'd seen then how the hell was Anna going to react with everything that was happening to me.

  'Are you sure you're okay?' She persisted. I took a deep breath and gently sighed. I decided to open up to he, tell her something, but only a little.

  'I don't know, it's like... It's like I don't know what's real here in this place anymore you know? Nothing that is happening around me here makes any sense. None at all... I mean are you even real?'

  I was almost serious. Anna let out a sly grin. She took my hand brushing it softly against her cheek.

  'Do I feel real to you?'

  Her soft skin felt good. I couldn't help but smile at her unexpected action. She had made her point.

  'I think there's someone else here with us?' I continued.

  'Like who? I haven't seen anyone else here but you.'

  'I don't know. But someone or something. I don't understand how you haven't seen anyone else or some of these other things that are happening here.'

  'Like what David? What other things have been happening?'

  'I don't...' Had I said to much? It was impossible to even try and explain this to her if she'd seen nothing. 'I don't know if I'm seeing things Anna or what the hell.' I paused. My mind was such a mess with so many conflicting thoughts, images and emotions.

  'What did you see David? Please tell me?' Anna said insisting. I paused. Did I really want to tell Anna about this? About Ian? About Steffi? The trail of blood! The second skeleton?

  'Tell me what you saw. I want to know?'

  'I saw... I saw a woman.'

  'A woman.' Anna replied confused.

  'Like you... A little older with lighter hair.'

  'So where is she now this woman? Did you speak with her?'

  Did I speak with her? Ha! I almost snorted, laughing out. I replayed the horrifying images in my head of Steffi screaming at me insanely. Right into my face.


  'No... No I did not.'

  'Do you want me to go and speak to her?' Anna said.

  'No.' I replied bluntly.

  'Why not?'

  'Because I don't think... I don't think she's real.'

  'So how did you see her then if she's not... real. I don't understand?'

  'I know...' I sighed in frustration. 'It's just so damn confusing. Everything is just so bloody arghhhh!' I continued, almost growling. I turned onto my side facing her now. 'Just forget I said anything okay. I think my mind was playing tricks with me that's all.'

  'Okay.' She smiled and just like that it seemed she were quite happy to let this conversation slip away, forgetting all about it.

  'So how are you feeling?' I asked.

  'Better.' Anna said with a bit of joy in her tone.

  'Good.' I replied studying the bruising on her neck again. Little blotchy brown and dark blue patches covered the sides of her neck. I felt so bad at the sight of them and the fact that she probably didn't even realise they were even there. It made me feel worse.

  'My head doesn't hurt so much anymore.' She continued.

  'Me to.'
br />   'I still feel scared though and confused.'

  I remembered something. Something that might cheer Anna up a little.

  'Hey.' I said letting out a coy smile. 'Close your eyes.'

  'Why?' Anna said curiously.

  'I want to give you something?'

  'Okay.' She replied smiling giddily like a child. She closed her eyes and I leaned gently into her, kissing her right upon her forehead. Anna smiled delighted opening her eyes again.

  'I'm sorry about hurting you in the shower before.'

  Anna nodded like she'd already forgotten all about it. She cuddled up to me.

  'It's okay. I'm sorry too. I scared you.'

  'Yes...' I said with a flickering smile. 'Yes you did.'

  Chapter 11

  We had both fallen asleep again, but this time hugging close, side by side. Anna startled me by unintentionally waking me up. She winced continuously like she were about to be violently sick. She quickly covered her mouth while clambering out of bed then rushed out of the bedroom in the direction of the shower room. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned onto my side, listening carefully to the sound of Anna vomiting into the self flushing toilet. After a few beats her vomiting ceased and I waited patiently for her to return so I could check if she was at least okay. Instead, I heard only the sound of the shower water running. I raised myself from my slumber deciding to check Anna was all right and at the very least could, of course, work the shower facilities. By the sound of things she seemed to be managing just fine.

  Wearily I left the bedroom. I made my way towards the shower room wiping my eyes again from heavy sleep. When I reached the doorway I found myself caught in a startled daze at what I saw. Anna had stripped fully naked with her back turned towards me. I watched in awe as she stepped into the hot running shower. Her face was full of joy and excitement as she let the warm toasting water stream all over her deliciously pale, naked body. I couldn't help but remain still, watching, frozen in a hypnotic trance at seeing this beautiful, wet, naked angel in front of me.

  I remained in the doorway for some time, just watching, engulfed in her raw, natural nakedness. I could feel my loins growing, stiffening, filling my mind with the strongest urges and desires to walk on over to Anna and join her inside the shower. Maybe she'd even let me hold her close, comforting her like she'd held and comforted me in the bedroom. I shook my head, resisting such stupid, uncomfortable yet delicious thoughts and urges from my confused mind, yet I still couldn't tear my yes away from her. I continued to watch as she used her hands to wash and guide the running shower water all over her smooth naked body. From her small firm breasts and erect nipples to all around her tiny delicate hips and waist, then all the way down to her delicious, curvy thighs, then finally in and around her own womanly cracked loins and soft pale buttocks. Anna half turned in my direction. I froze in shock, not knowing which way to look in embarrassment. She'd caught me watching her in the act and all words and thoughts had escaped me. Thankfully though her eyes were closed tight and I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't seen me and continued to enjoy her shower.

  Still I did not move though. After a beat I jumped out of my skin as a firm hand placed itself down upon my shoulder. I half turned in fright to face the source, only to find Ian standing behind me on the edge of the doorway.

  'Nice view.' He grinned. I remained silent, turning back to face the showering Anna. 'Why don't you go to her? Join her? I know that's what you're thinking young man.' He continued. ' And I know she'd like it too...'

  'What?' I said confused, flustered.

  'Don't you feel that?' He sighed.

  'Feel what?' I asked, even more baffled. Ian brushed his hand against the top of my thigh gently touching my stiffening groin.

  'Down there.' He grinned.

  'Don't do that?' I said feeling uncomfortable.

  'It's only natural you know... to have these kinds of urges...desires... down there.'

  Ian brushed his hand against my thigh again. I closed my eyes. Frozen in a state of anger and shock of what I should do and how I should react. I wanted to lash at the bastard for laying his hand upon me. But I also wanted to hear more of what he had to say.

  'Please! Don't do that.'

  'Doesn't it feel good though?' He replied teasing.

  'Please... don't.'

  'Would it make it any easier David if I told you that Anna was yours.'

  I opened my eyes again staring hard at Anna. What did he mean by that? Anna was mine! It didn't make any sense.

  'What do you mean she's mine?' I said. I could feel Ian leaning closer, pressing his lips right up against my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my ear lobes as he finally whispered.

  'She's yours David. She is your wife.'

  'My wife.' I said, still confused.

  'Yes!' He whispered. 'She's your wife David. She belongs to you. To do with what you will... And in anyway that you see fit for her to please you.'

  I stared more intensely at the beautiful, naked, wet and loin stirring figure of Anna. I wanted to be naked with her inside that shower right now and more than anything else I had ever cared to want or remember. I imagined what our skin would feel like pressed against one another's underneath the lusciously warm shower water. I imagined how good it would feel to hold her tightly against me. Naked body against naked body. Soft wet skin against my firm wet skin.

  'Go to her David.' Whispered Ian. 'Go to your wife and be with her.'

  With those words I found myself in an intense trance of arousal and stepped further inside the shower room. I took off my white trousers and pants and walked closer towards Anna. I casually slipped in beside her like it was the most normal thing to do. I touched her shoulder and Anna quickly turned to me. She appeared startled at first, but soon smiled giddily. She stepped closer. Her open, friendly actions in this uncomfortable environment reassured me that I was doing the right thing, being here.

  'Feels good yeah.' Anna said smiling.

  'Yeah... It feels nice.' I replied still feeling a little unsure and uncomfortable of my presence here. Anna continued to wash herself. I continued to stand nervously still beside her. I watched her clean and wash her naked body all over again. I started to feel more and more uncomfortable by the second. The images I had imagined before getting into the shower with Anna were not the images happening before my eyes. In truth, I just didn't know what to do next. I wanted to hold her, touch her, but some fear inside held me back. Finally Anna, as if reading my mind, turned to me placing her hands upon my hips, both urging and pushing me to turn my back to her. I felt confused about what she was planning, trying to resist. When I eventually turned away she began washing the shower water all over my entire back with her soft hands. I didn't know what to do, say or act. I became totally submissive, letting her get on with it. Her rubbing and washing hand movements all over my back felt good. It felt really good. When she was done she guided me back around to face her. This time she began cleaning and washing at my front side with greater care. It felt even better than when she was cleaning my back yet only slightly uncomfortable as I struggled to control my ever growing sexual urges and burning desires towards her. Anna seemed happy enough though with what she was doing, smiling joyfully. She gently massaged the whole entire front side of my body without a care.

  But something just didn't feel right about this situation though. I don't know why, but there was a niggling little feeling in the back of my mind that I should leave the shower right now. Right this very second. No matter how good these feelings felt. No matter how good the touch of her hands all over my wet naked body were. Finally she finished massaging and cleaning my entire front side. She then unexpectedly turned her own back towards me.

  'Your turn to do me now.'

  For a few seconds I stood staring at every square inch of her beautiful, slim back and small curvaceous buttocks. She was simply stunning and with my urges so great I just wanted to pull her close against me from behind, wrapping my arms tightly
around her breasts and upper body. I wanted to grind my hips hard and so much into the backside of her buttocks. Instead I just shook my head, stepping back.

  'This doesn't... this doesn't feel right.' I said placing my hands against my head, letting out a deep sigh. Anna turned quickly to face me. She looked concerned.

  'David! What's wrong? Is your head hurting again?'

  'I'm sorry!' I replied. 'I can't do this... I'm sorry.'

  I was about to leave when Anna grabbed my wrist, gently pulling me back. She smiled sympathetically. I froze, still in two minds about leaving. Anna then stepped towards me, throwing her arms around my back hugging me tight.

  'It's okay... please stay. I like you being here with me.'

  The way she touched and held me, I felt my loins becoming more stiff and alive than ever before. She must have felt it too yet continued to hug into me. Suddenly I couldn't contain myself any longer. A wave of lust and desire overcame my emotions. I pushed Anna hard, back against the shower wall but still holding her firmly. She looked shocked, confused, a little frightened, yet still smiling, it was fading, but it was still there.


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