Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 17

by Maia Starr

  “I’ll close the entrance,” Kavik said as he left my side in the hallway.

  “Dekario!” I heard the familiar feminine voice shout. I turned to see Reena coming into the hallway.

  “I would like to see the village,” she said.



  “I said no,” I said turning toward her completely.

  “But I want to see it. I am a scientist, and learning is in my nature. There is much to see and learn out there, and I might as well make use of this damn crash and loss of life that we have suffered. I want to go out there and gather information,” she said.

  “It is too dangerous for a human female out there. No,” I said, moving closer to her.

  “I am going with or without you. I am not your prisoner. I can do what I want when I want,” she said putting her chin in the air and staring me down.

  “You are a fiery human, aren’t you? You want what you want when you want it, don’t you?” I said moving closer to her as she backed away until her back was against the wall. I pressed close to her. “I can understand that. I am the same way, and guess what I want right now?” I said.

  “What?” her voice was a quivering whisper.

  I didn’t answer. I pressed my lips to her soft full lips. She moaned softly, and I felt her body go limp as I pressed my body against hers. I was hungry for her. For a split second, I forgot that we were in the hall of the ship. Her hands pressed flat against my abs and she pushed me away from her.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?!” she slapped me. It did not sting my face at all. I found it amusing.

  “I apologize, Reena. I couldn’t help myself,” I said as I stepped back away from her. I heard a thick sound. It was the clearing of a throat. I turned to see Commander Triq standing there staring at us. He was pissed.

  “Commander,” I said nodding to him.

  “If you will return to the quarters, Nalox is bringing the food and water now,” he said to Reena. She was a flushed pink and embarrassed. She didn’t say anything. She turned and walked back into the quarters with the other humans.

  Commander Triq stepped over to me. “What do you think you are doing, Dekario?”

  “Just welcoming our guests,” I smiled.

  “That one is mine,” he said bluntly. Then he walked past me and into the quarters to speak to the humans.

  “Like hell she is,” I said as I turned to join Kavik. I knew what she wanted, and she wanted me; her body made that obvious to me. There was no denying that she felt the attraction as well. I knew how to please her. She was interested in the village, so I would make it a point to take her on a stroll. It would please her; then she would please me. I grinned at that last thought.

  “So, what do you make of it all?” Kavik asked as I helped him look over the map of the Pacu village where we had marked hot spots that the opposition could be hiding in.

  “About this? I think we have swept these areas over and over and there’s nothing,” I said rolling up the map.

  “I don’t mean this. I mean about the humans. The redhead is very sexy,” he said.

  “Yes, she is. But not as sexy as the brunette,” I laughed.

  “What is Commander going to do, you think?” he asked.

  “The same as any Draqua would do: take them back to Kelon and make wives out of them. It is what our race needs and these two just fell out of the sky, literally. It is unheard of,” I said.

  “Do you think they are lying? Maybe Earth has finally figured out what has been happening to their missing females and this crew was sent to figure it all out? They seem to be different,” Kavik said.

  “Yes, they are. The brunette, Reena, mentioned she is a scientist. We have not come across that before. We have never come across an Earth ship and mission this far out from Earth. There is something strange about it. I guess we will find out.”

  “Dekario! Kavik! Commander Triq says we leave for Kelon in ten hours. Keep that information to yourself,” Nalox said as he walked into the room.

  “Confirmed, ten hours. I will go out on another patrol, the last one planned on the east side of the village blocks,” I said, already planning ahead.

  Nalox nodded then left the room.

  “Patrol? By yourself?” Kavik asked.

  “No, not by myself. There has been a request to see the village. I will make that request happen,” I said, smiling as I walked out. Then I popped back in and said, “And Kavik, keep that information to yourself.”

  He laughed and said, “Understood.”

  I made my way to the quarters of the humans and found them eating and drinking. I stood quietly in the doorway as Reena turned to me.

  “You requested your research time. Now is a good time, but I can only take you,” I said.

  “What? Where?” the redhead named Luka said.

  “I don’t like the sound of that. Exactly where are you going? Where are you taking her?” the human male asked.

  “She requested some information from me, and I am here to see that request through, unless you have changed your mind?” I said.

  “No. No, I have not,” she said standing up. “I will be right back. Don’t worry. I trust Lieutenant Dekario to return me safely. They did rescue us, remember? And they did offer us food and shelter as promised. We have no reason to fear them. I will return shortly,” she said as she followed me out.

  “The village awaits you, but stay at my side. I am very serious about this. The first sign that you might even be thinking about disobeying that order and we return to the ship. Is that understood?” I said as we stood at the entrance of the ship.

  “I understand. I’ll do what you say,” she said.

  “I like the sound of that,” I said as I opened the door. She narrowed her brown eyes at me. I grinned. “This way.”

  She followed me out as I closed the ship door behind us. “So this is the port, one of twenty or possibly more around the village. Of course, smaller ships are able to land inside the village, but larger ships like ours are only able to land just outside the city at these ports.”

  “Is everyone on this planet like you?” she asked. “Able to shift into dragon form like that?”

  “No, absolutely not. All sorts of races from all over the galaxy inhabit this planet of Tiok. I don’t know which ones are the natives, but it has been a trading post for so long that there are many mixed races here.”

  “Humans?” she asked.

  “No, not that I know of. But it is a very large planet, so the possibility is there, but I don’t know of any humans here. Which is why you have to stay close. Outlaws here always want something they have never seen before. That would be you, human female,” I said, whispering in her ear as we walked out the port gates and into the village.

  “I see,” she said gulping in fear.

  “This is one of the many markets. See all these booths here?” I said.

  “There are many like this all over the village, but there are areas that specialize in a certain trade. The center of the village is where you will find the sale of servants. On the east side of the village you will find ship parts and mechanical parts and such,” I said.

  “Servants for sale? As in beings are being sold for slavery? That’s just wrong!” she said loudly, and a few of the aliens in the area turned and looked at her.

  “Quiet. You don’t want to attract unnecessary attention to yourself. Come this way,” I said as I grabbed her arm and led her straight into the market to get lost in the crowd.

  “I would like to see a living space,” she shouted at me over the hum of the crowd.

  I laughed. “How about a watering hole.”

  “A what?” she shouted.

  “I’ll show you.”

  A few moments later we walked into a darkened hall bustling with activity. I still had Reena’s hand in mine. It was a necessity, but something that I was enjoying anyway. I didn’t linger in the doorway. As soon as we walked in, I pulled her to a corner
with me.

  “What is this place?” she said, looking around with awe.

  “It’s a gathering place for refreshments and food,” I said.

  “Oh yes. I see it now. It’s a tavern. Can we sit and have a drink?” she said as she turned to me and smiled.

  “Absolutely,” I said as I led her over to the counter and ordered two strong drinks. “This is called Hiwa. It’s from a plant, and it’s strong, so be careful,” I said.

  She tasted it. Then out of nowhere, she shot it back and swallowed it all. Then she started coughing. I laughed. “Yes, it’s strong. But that was impressive.”

  “I thought I might find you here. Commander Triq is looking for you,” Nalox said as he came up behind me.

  “Nalox. Didn’t even see you walk in. Have a drink with us,” I said, looking at Reena. I was completely turned on by her. She was full of surprises and moxie.

  “No. Commander has ordered you to return to the ship WITH the human female,” Nalox said as he gave me an angry look.

  “Alright. We’re going. Looks like the fun is over, Reena. Let’s get out of here,” I said as I shot back the strong Hiwa drink and led her out of the building. I knew that Commander Triq would be pissed, but I didn’t care. This human was mine.



  It could have been a dream, and for a moment, I thought it was. It was still hard to understand, but after the one that was the most attractive of all of them kissed me and pressed his body against mine, I had no choice but to know that it was truly real.

  I was ashamed of that moment. When it first happened I went with it. I had no choice because my body wanted him. I melted into his arms and enjoyed the feeling of his strong chest against my breasts. I enjoyed the scent he emanated and the way his tongue softly played with mine. I wanted him to pick me up and take me against the wall. Then my logic came back to me and I realized that I was allowing this stranger to dominate me! That was when I slapped him and moved away. I couldn’t let that happen again. I was a scientist, and I had hit the gold mine: true alien beings. I needed to follow my new path to discover as much as I could about them. I could not be distracted by how attractive and bold this Dekario was.

  So as I made my way back to their ship with him and Nalox, I did not let his presence distract me from taking in the sights and sounds of the village of Pacu. It looked like a painting of an ancient Roman market. There were colorful cloths hanging from market tables with all kinds of wares and the scent of heavy spices filled the air.

  “What’s the protocol?” Commander Triq’s voice seemed to come out of nowhere. I turned to see him standing in front of the gate to the port. He looked pissed and was staring down Dekario.

  “Patrols are to be done together while the commander remains with the ship,” Dekario said standing at attention like a soldier.

  “Yes, that is the protocol. Yet here you are disobeying it,” he said. Then he turned to Nalox and said, “Take her inside with the others.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  I looked at Dekario who stood motionless. I didn’t realize that he was defying his Commander by taking me out into the market. I was impressed by this action. Though it was probably very stupid on his part. I did like that he was willing to get in trouble to do something for me.

  “This way,” Nalox said as he urged me inside the port. I walked through the gates, giving a glance back at the Commander shouting at Dekario. I felt a bit guilty.

  A few moments later I was back in the large room that the Draqua had given us aboard the ship. It was ample and clean, with a couple of places to sleep and a table. Luka and Phoenix were sitting at the table when I walked in.

  “That was fast,” Phoenix said.

  “How was it? What did you see?” Luka said excitedly.

  “It was amazing. It is very vibrant out there, and there are many, many, races of alien. These Draqua are not the only aliens out in the universe. I just can’t believe all of this,” I said as I sat down with them.

  “That is unbelievable. To think this whole time we have never ever seen an alien or knew if they really existed, then we get stuck in space and drift into the jackpot of aliens. I just can’t believe it,” Luka said.

  “Did they hurt you?” Phoenix asked.

  “What? No. The Draqua were pleasant, but the other races out in the market, well, they looked very dangerous. I learned that there is a slave market of sorts, so it’s not exactly a safe place,” I said.

  “A slave market! That’s just wrong!” Luka shouted.

  “Yeah, I agree,” I said.

  “There’s not much we can do about it. We just have to keep a low profile and figure out what’s next,” Phoenix said.

  “Do you mean figure out how to get back to Earth?” Luka asked.

  “Yeah, if that will ever be possible. I don’t see how it is without a ship,” Phoenix said.

  “Or without anything to trade for a ship. This is a market so they must have money of some kind or trade. So it is possible to buy a ship, but we have nothing. Everything we had sank with our ship in that strange lake. We are stranded out here,” Luka said.

  “Well, we were already stranded, remember? We were drifting aimlessly in space running out of food and whatever. At least now we have access to food, water, and shelter, but I am just really upset we had to lose our crewmates in the process,” I said.

  “Yes,” Luka said as she stood up. She raised her glass of water as tears formed in her eyes, “To Captain Wallace, Marcy, and Jason – the brave souls that will never be forgotten. They are loved. To the crew…”

  “To the crew…” Phoenix and I said as we raised glasses of water with her. Then we sat in silence mourning the death of our friends and thinking about an uncertain and unknown future.

  “I’m going to lay down for a bit,” Luka said.

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Phoenix said as they both moved to the sleeping benches. As soon as they said it, I felt my body grow tired. It had been almost forty-eight hours since we’d slept. I took a sleep bench in the corner and laid down, staring at the strange ceiling above me. The ship’s material was glossy and unlike anything that I had ever seen before. It was almost as if it was made of liquid glass.

  While I stared at the ceiling, one image kept popping into my mind: Dekario. I could not stop thinking about that kiss and his sideways grin. Before I knew it, that image was circulating in my mind. Dekario’s full lips were on mine. He was brushing them softly back and forth over my own trembling lips. Then he moved them down over my neck going lower and lower until Dekario’s mouth was on my cleavage. His tongue played there with my skin, making me feel a burning sensation as though his mouth were fire.

  Then he moved lower still as his massive hand cupped my breast. He squeezed and rolled my nipple between his fingers. I sighed. I wanted him to keep going, lower and lower. Then, as though he knew what I was begging for, Dekario moved lower over my belly. He kissed me softly. His tongue traced a line down from breasts to my already wet and pulsating center. Dekario’s face pushed between my thighs and he pressed against my slit. I cried out in ecstasy as I opened my thighs wider for him to explore. Dekario groaned in pleasure, happy to be able to please me. His tongue flicked against me and before I knew it, I was in a deep orgasm that built within me and burst. I felt my whole body vibrate and jolt.

  My eyes shot open. “What the hell?” I whispered to myself. The room was dark. I sat up and remembered where I was. I was in the living quarters inside the Draqua ship. I must have fallen asleep, and the dream I was having was just a sex dream. But it felt so very real, and I could feel the wetness between my legs in my spandex space suit.

  I took a few deep breaths. Get a hold of yourself, Reena. It was just a dream, I told myself. In the dim room, I looked over at a sleeping Luka in the opposite corner. She was curled up with a blanket over her. Phoenix was on the other side of the room, asleep as well. He was so tired he was snoring. We had all been throu
gh a lot and rest was much needed. Then my body jolted again, just like in the dream. “What?” I whispered. I realized then that it wasn’t the jolt of orgasm in my dream that had moved me: it was the ship. The damn ship was moving.

  “What in the name?” I said as I got up and ran out of the living quarters. I made my way down the long narrow hall and found Dekario alone on the flight deck. He was facing the windshield.

  “Oh my god! Are you kidding me!” I shouted as I walked in and looked out the windshield. It was the blackness of space.

  “Did you sleep well? I thought I heard you say something when I checked on you?” he said as he turned to me and grinned. I froze. Had he heard me moaning and groaning in my sleep? I quickly searched my memory to see if I had called out his name in my dream. I was so embarrassed that I chose not to answer his question. Instead, I was going full fury.


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