Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 18

by Maia Starr

  “What the hell is going on here? Where are we going? Didn’t you think it was necessary to tell us that we were leaving Tiok? We are not your prisoners, you know! We had the right to choose if we wanted to stay there!” I said as I got right in his face. I could feel my face flushed red and my chest was heaving up and down as I breathed heavily in anger.

  “We are going to my home planet of Kelon. You will be safer there. Tiok is a very dangerous place. Not good for humans. My planet is beautiful and safe for your kind. Your kind is very, very welcome on Kelon,” he smiled.

  “That is great! That is just wonderful!” I shouted at him sarcastically. “But didn’t you think you should have informed us? This is not right. This is complete bullshit. You cannot do this to us. You are freaking infuriating! You know that?” I said as I stomped out into the hallway. “The nerve of these damn dragons,” I muttered under my breath. I opened the door to the living quarters and turned on the lights.

  “Wake up! Luka! Phoenix! Wake up!” I shouted as I shoved each of them to wake up. They sleepily woke and sat up in bed.

  “What is it, Reena?” Luka asked.

  “We’re in freaking space, that’s what!”

  “What?!” Phoenix said as he stood up.

  “Yeah, I woke up a few minutes ago and realized the ship was moving so I went to the flight deck and there it was outside the windshield: SPACE!” I said.

  “No,” Luka said as she and Phoenix walked out into the hall and onto the flight deck.

  This time Dekario was not alone. Commander Triq was on deck as well.

  “What is going on here? Where are you taking us?” Phoenix asked he stood defensively in front of us.

  “Oh, good to see that you all are awake. Did you rest well?” Commander Triq asked.

  “Where are you taking us?” Phoenix asked again with a stern tone.

  “We are going home, and we are taking you with us. I thought that it was best. This way we can guarantee your safety,” Commander Triq answered.

  “Why were we not consulted on this? We thank you for your help but leaving Tiok is a decision we should have made for ourselves,” Phoenix said.

  “Because you are not informed. If you were informed that Tiok is a hostile place for humans and Kelon is a hospitable place for humans then you would no doubt make the decision to come with us. If we would have left you on Tiok, you would be dead by now, and the females would be slaves,” Commander Triq said.

  “Wait. What do you mean by that?” I asked.

  “Slaves?” he said.

  “No, not that. You said Kelon is a hospitable place for humans. What do you mean by that? How would you know that if there are not humans already there?” I asked.

  Dekario and the Commander exchanged looks as they became quiet. I got a chill up my spine as I realized that we weren’t the only humans that these Draqua knew. But how? How could that be possible?

  “Perhaps you should wait and see with your own eyes. You will see that it was the best decision. Now if you will return to your quarter's food will be brought to you,” the Commander said.

  “How long? How long before we arrive on your planet?” Phoenix asked.

  “Another twenty hours or so,” Commander Triq answered.

  “We want to go back to Earth. If Kelon is a friend to us humans as you say, then it sounds like it could be arranged. We would need transport of some kind or our own ship,” Phoenix said.

  “When we arrive, you may see the king. King Hydros makes those decisions and will be able to assist you,” Commander Triq said.

  “Come, let’s get back to the room,” Phoenix said as he turned to us and stared at Commander Triq suspiciously over his shoulder. He didn’t trust him, and neither did I. There was something tricky about him, but I didn’t know exactly what that was.

  We moved into the hall and toward the room. “I’ll be right there. I just want to check out the view from that port window over there,” I said, pointing down the other end of the hall.

  “Hurry. I don’t trust these Draqua. There’s something going on here, and we shouldn’t be apart too long,” Phoenix whispered to me. I nodded my head.

  I was pissed. These Draqua were taking advantage of us. But that anger quickly turned to awe as I saw the view from the window. It was spectacular. In the distance, I could see the orange and white planet of Tiok, but what held my gaze were giant pillars of green and purple gasses that seemed to stand still. “Nebula,” I whispered to myself. “This is incredible.”

  I was moved to tears as I saw something that I never thought I would. I had no idea where we were in space. Phoenix wanted a ship to return, but even if we had a ship, it would be an alien ship. We wouldn’t know how to work it, and we definitely wouldn’t know which direction to go in order to get to Earth. It was all impossible. I knew then that returning to Earth would not be in our future and I would have to embrace this new path. But could I really?

  “It’s beautiful,” a voice said. I turned to see Commander Triq walking toward me. He was looking at me up and down, and it made me uncomfortable. He was obviously older, and if he were a human man, I would place him in his early fifties. He was not elderly; he was a very formidable warrior still, but definitely older than the other Draqua on the ship.

  “Yes, it is. What is it called?” I asked turning my gaze out the window.

  “I wasn’t talking about the view outside the window. I was speaking of my own view,” he said as he ran a finger down my cheek. It startled me. I was not expecting this from him.

  “Um… oh, um…” I said as I took a step backward removing my face from his touch.

  “Don’t be frightened, Reena. I could make you happy. I could protect you. If you agree to be my mate then your future is a very happy, safe, and bright one,” he said as he ran the back of his hand down my arm. It again was shocking to me.

  I didn’t know what to say. “That is an…interesting offer, but I have no plans to be anyone’s mate,” I said sternly narrowing my eyes at him.

  He grinned. It wasn’t a delicious, adorable grin like Dekario’s grin. This was different. It was a dark grin of defiance, as though to say, oh yes you will. It made me gulp even though I was trying not to show that I was scared.

  “Excuse me,” a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Kavik standing behind me carrying a large tray with food and drink.

  “I was just taking this to your quarters,” he said, implying that we were in the way.

  “Thank you. I’m famished,” I said as I quickly moved away from Commander Triq and down the hall, walking in front of Kavik to the quarters. I was glad for the interruption.

  “What the hell is going on, Reena? This is fucked, I don’t like it,” Phoenix said as I walked in, not knowing that Kavik was behind me.

  “Phoenix,” I said widening my eyes toward the door just as Kavik walked in.

  “I brought some food and drink for you. Commander Triq’s orders. This is all from our home planet and is safe for human consumption,” he said as he set the tray on the table. I watched Luka as she watched the muscular alien move. He did have very strong, toned muscles, and the loincloth and calf high boots left little the imagination. Luka’s mouth opened slightly as she watched him and I knew immediately what she was thinking.

  “Kavik, you have to tell us more about what is going on,” I said to him.

  “I don’t know what you are referring to,” he said in a charming way as he walked toward the door.

  “She means being taken against our will. Are we prisoners?” Phoenix said bluntly.

  “No, not prisoners. Guests,” Kavik said as he looked directly at Luka. She blushed in return. “Eat, rest. You will need your energy for arriving on Kelon. It is a sight to see. I promise that,” he smiled and closed the door behind him as he left.

  “Shit. We’re screwed,” Phoenix said.

  “I don’t know. Maybe not. Maybe they are being truthful and they are helping us. They did save us, remember?” Luka said.r />
  “Yes, they did, but it is not normal to just take off like that from Tiok and not tell us. Who knows what waits for us on this planet of theirs. It could be enslavement, or death,” I said as I sat at the table and dug into the food. As I did so, I remembered something. “Why did he say that?”

  “Say what?” Luka asked.

  “He said this food was safe for human consumption. How would he know that unless humans have eaten it before?” I said.

  “What are you getting at, scientist?” Phoenix said.

  “The way they talk, they have said several times certain things about humans. I think we are not the first that they have encountered. I think they know humans. I think there are humans on Kelon,” I said.

  “But how?” Luka said.

  “She’s right,” Phoenix said. “They have mentioned humans quite a bit. It is a good observation, Reena. I guess we will know in twenty hours when we land on this planet. A part of me hopes they don’t have humans enslaved there, but at the same time it will be a relief to know that we are not the only humans there.”

  “And if there are humans there, then perhaps it will be a good thing because it means we will have a chance of going home to Earth,” Luka said.

  “Well, let’s eat and get as much energy reserves and as much rest as we can. We need to all be on our game when we land,” Phoenix said. He was forever thinking like a Navy SEAL, and it was a good thing.

  After we ate, we all washed up in the washroom and then quietly went to bed. I was ready for a very long sleep. I needed it. I was able to rest easy knowing that there wasn’t much worse that could happen now that we were in space. I slept soundly until I felt something on my leg.

  I was in a deep sleep with lots of hallucination-like dreams when I felt a hand rest on my calf. At first, I thought I was dreaming, another sex dream that I was going to welcome in if it was about Dekario. But then I felt the hand grow tight around my leg. I stirred and shifted from one side to another, but as I did so, I woke up. I felt a presence in the room. The light from the hallway came in through the cracked open door. There Commander Triq stood, staring at me. I gasped as I sat up quickly. He smiled and just stood there. He stared at me quietly, letting his eyes move up and down the length of my body. I felt very exposed.

  “Soon, my mate. Soon…” he whispered. Then he left and closed the door. I was left breathing heavily in fear. I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Luka… Phoenix…?” I whispered. But there was no answer, only the soft breathing of their sleeping rhythms. I laid down again, staring wide awake at the ceiling. I was scared to go back to sleep because he might return. Why the hell did he want me? What did I do to set his sights on me? Then I remembered how he had berated Dekario when we went into Pacu. I understood now that he was yelling at him because he was jealous of Dekario’s attention toward me and not because Dekario was disobeying orders. This could not be good for me.

  The next day, we landed on Kelon.

  “Holy shit,” Phoenix said as we stepped out of the ship.

  “You can say that again,” Luka whispered.

  “Holy shit,” I repeated.

  We had stepped out of space and into paradise, literally. The planet of Kelon was like a tropical paradise on Earth, like Hawaii or an exotic place in the Caribbean. The waters were crystal clear, and the beaches were pristine. We were high up in the trees on a landing pad, and we could see for miles.

  “This looks like a fairy tale. They live in the trees,” Luka said as we looked at all the thatched roofed huts in the trees connected by bridges. It was beautiful.

  “I guess it makes sense if you can fly,” Phoenix said.

  “This way. I’ll show you to your huts,” Nalox said as he stepped in front of us.

  “Huts?” Luka said.

  “I thought we were to meet with the king?” Phoenix said.

  “Yes. Commander Triq will meet with him to tell him about you and then you will be summoned. Come this way,” he said.

  We all looked at each other. What choice did we have? So we followed. We took in all the sights as we followed him to a very large tree.

  “Look at that,” Luka whispered. We all looked at one bridge over from us where a few female Draqua were passing. They looked very much like human females, but they were tall, at almost eight feet. They were not shifted with wings, and I wondered if the females could shift at all. They wore small cloths covering their breasts and loin cloths.

  “Yes, I see,” Phoenix said, amused.

  “Calm down now. You don’t want to get one of these dragon men after you for messing with his woman,” I whispered to him. Luka laughed. Soon we were at the edge of the bridge where there was a large platform built all the way around the tree. It was mid-way up the tree. There were plenty of huts high above us, and the center of the village was below on the beach. The platform had four small huts evenly spaced from each other.

  “Take your pick. These are empty. They are guests’ quarters. If you are going to roam the village, just always return here. Make note of the tree,” Nalox said.

  “We are free to roam around?” Phoenix said surprised.

  “It is an island. Where would you go?” Nalox said as he turned and left us.

  We all looked at each other, confused by this freedom.

  “Well at least we don’t have to fear giant spider creatures,” Luka said.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t separate though,” Phoenix said, looking at the huts on the platform.

  “They’re not separate; we’re in the same tree,” I said playfully. They both laughed. We knew that this was absolutely absurd and we didn’t know what would happen next. But for now, we might as well make ourselves at home.

  “I think I’ll take the one that faces the ocean,” I said as I quickly walked toward it. Luka and Phoenix both went off in the other direction to check out the other huts.

  I opened the thick wooden door to the hut expecting to find very primitive dwellings, but I was wrong.

  “I can’t believe it,” I whispered as I walked in. The vaulted ceiling of the hut met at a point, and it was beautiful. There was a very large bed area with a plush bed and fine, sheer curtains surrounding it. I ran across the room to the view of the ocean outside the window. It was stunning, and the sea breeze caressed my skin. Then I moved to the other side where there was a large tub and a private washroom. I was surprised by how luxurious it was and the fact that there was running water. I grabbed a cup of water and sat on the bed. I could not wait to explore this village and learn all that I could about the race known as the Draqua, but two things stood out in my mind. One was that there were humans somewhere on this island, but I didn’t know where. The other was that Commander Triq wanted me and I didn’t know if I would be able to fight him off.



  Finally, we were home. I always missed Kelon when we went away even though I was always down for a dangerous mission. I was the best damn warrior on this island, and I needed to be out there in danger to keep my skills sharp. But every time we returned home, I always felt proud of my homeland. But this time I had returned with a little treasure called Reena. She was smart, feisty, and she wanted me. I would give her want she wanted in time, but now there was business to attend to.

  “King Hydros wants to see you,” a young warrior messenger said to me as I packed away the artillery I had taken with me on the mission.

  “Now?” I asked.

  “Yes, right now,” he said.

  I stepped away from the artillery and shifted into dragon form. Flight was always the fastest way to the king in his palace high in the trees. I ran off the platform and flew toward the palace. I took in the sights of the village below. Then I turned to the guests’ tree. It was where the guests were kept, and I knew that Reena would be in one of those huts by now. She was probably lounging in a hot tub, naked and delicious. I had to clear my mind from thinking about it as I landed on the wide veranda of the

  “The king has summoned me,” I said to one of the many guards.

  “I will take you,” one of them said as he escorted me through the maze of hallways and finally to the king’s private chambers high in the palace.

  “Dekario Dundra,” the guard said.

  “Let him in,” the king said

  “King Hydros,” I said with a bow as I walked in.

  “Dekario, my best warrior. How was Tiok? Commander Triq says you brought back three humans?” he said smiling.


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