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Mended - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 6)

Page 13

by J. L. Drake

I stop at the tree line and take in all the glass lanterns marking the pathway. Drawn by their light, I follow them, thinking how strange it is I’m not with anyone. I take comfort in knowing someone will be watching me. The farther along I go, the more I see the lanterns ahead. They are so pretty. Their warm twinkle leads me deeper into the woods, and the soft snow falling from the trees is soothing. Flames flicker with the tiny breeze, making the forest look magical. If I were to write a fairytale, it would be just like this. Heavy snow weighing down the branches, little hues of light with a glow bright enough to look warm, an untouched forest waiting to spill its secrets. The only thing missing is…I turn a bend to a clearing and see him…oh!

  Chapter Nine

  Cole stands by an open fire, and the orange glow makes it easy to see his smile when his eyes lock onto mine. Dozens of candles are nestled into the snowbanks, creating a magical scene. He holds out his hand as I get closer.

  “Hi.” I grin, loving how just one look from this man makes my insides melt. “It’s so beautiful, Cole. What’s going on?”

  He looks down at me. “Do you remember what happened here a few months ago?”

  “Of course. It’s where we said we loved each other,” I say, thinking I might have figured out what’s happening.

  “Savannah, I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw your picture. It just took me a while to realize what that feeling was.” His free hand runs down my temple. “Your eyes are so beautiful, it’s as if someone removed a star and made you from all its beauty.” My breath catches as my eyes water. “There has never been anyone I’ve ever wanted more in my life. You’ve opened my eyes, made me see that my life at the house doesn’t mean I can’t fall in love and be happy.” His hand moves to my belly. “Baby or no baby, you’ve always been mine.” He bends down on one knee, pulling out a light blue box. “Savannah Miller, I swear under a thousand stars that I love you and will fight to the end to make you happy.” He kisses my left hand. “Will you marry me?” He slowly opens the box, revealing a sparkling princess cut diamond.

  “Yes! Yes!” I cry, laughing, as my heart pounds a tattoo inside my chest. He slips it on my finger then jumps up, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

  “I love you,” he sighs, pressing me tightly against his chest, his voice muffled by my hair. He pulls back, looking down at me. His eyes are glossy, making mine water even more.

  “I love you too, Cole.” I take in my surroundings and see all he did to make this moment perfect. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I’d do anything for you.” He steps up, grabbing my face and kissing me with such passion it takes my breath away.

  “Well?” Mark’s voice chirps out of Cole’s pocket. I laugh at how normal it is that he’d have a radio in his pocket.

  “Raven One to Raven Two,” Cole winks, “she said yes.”

  The roar that erupts from the house can be heard all the way up to where we’re standing.

  “You ready to tell the family about our baby?” He holds my hand as we walk along the snowy path down to the house.

  I take a deep, slow breath through my nose, drawing the scent of the forest in, letting this amazing feeling rush through me and around me. “I am. I can’t wait.”

  Everyone hugs, kisses, and cheers when we return to the house. It isn’t until dinner is finished and Mark digs into the dessert that Cole stands, taking my hand and helping me out of my seat.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” Cole clears his throat, and the noise dies down. “First, I want to say thank you to everyone who made my proposal happen. Second, Savannah and I have something we’d like to share with you.” He waits for me to say it, but I can’t. I’m next to tears with happiness, so Cole slips his hand over my belly, and everyone’s eyes drop.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Sue says, grabbing Daniel, who is already tearing up. “Really?”

  “Really,” I choke out. “Just over eight weeks.”

  Mark turns to Keith. “You still owe me, dude.”

  The whole table starts to laugh, and anyone’s thoughts about the tension around the last time I was pregnant quickly fade, and Abigail and June attack me with hugs, saying they can’t wait for their little Fritter.

  Sue finds me after dinner. Dabbing her red eyes, she takes my hand and leads me over to the stairs away from everyone. She tucks my hair behind my ear. Now I know where her son gets it.

  “Thank you,” she sniffs, struggling to hold herself together. “Thank you for coming into our lives, for loving us the way you do, and for making my son and the rest of us incredibly happy.” She loses her grip and starts to cry as I reach for her hand, giving her a little squeeze. She takes a moment, getting a grip on herself. “I can’t believe you’re pregnant again.”

  I press my lips together, trying to hold myself together too. “I know. I’ll be okay, Sue. Things are different this time around.”

  “I know, honey.” She hugs me and wipes her cheeks. She walks me back into the living room, where Daniel wraps an arm around me, kissing my head.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, seeing Mark standing in front of a whiteboard he brought up from the office downstairs.

  “Okay!” Mark calls, writing out the guys’ names. “Who wants the first week in August?”

  “I want the eleventh!” I announce, and Mark points his marker at me.

  “Yes! Now we’re talking. The baby mamma is on board.” He scribbles my name down. “What about the father?”

  “The fourteenth,” Cole calls out from behind me, wrapping his arms around my midsection, “and I bet it’s a girl.”

  “Ohhhh, this just got interesting!” Mark shouts. “Who’s next?”

  My fingers drum on the bar top. My phone is burning a hole in my pocket. It’s been three and a half months since Cole proposed to me, and two weeks since he left on his trip to Mexico. The trip is running smoothly. They’ve been gathering information on a client who’s gone missing for the second time in the past three years. Washington has been using all their manpower trying to locate the man. They’re not allowed to tell me who it is, and I’m not sure I want to know. However, it’s been over five days since they were scheduled to return. I should know better than to worry, as they’ve been checking in twice a day, but something feels off.

  I rub my stomach as Jake places my dinner in front of me. We didn’t get a chance to eat this evening, as it was so busy, and we’re both starving. We decide to eat at the bar since the night is now slowing down.

  The burger is delicious. I love how our cook knows about my love for mushrooms, as I’ve got lots piled under the bun. I load up part of my plate with mustard and ketchup, swirling it around to make the perfect combination. This baby likes some odd things.

  “That’s disgusting.” Jake nearly gags on a fry.

  I shrug and dip the mushroom burger into the blend then bite off too big a piece. “So good.” I roll my eyes back, loving the tangy taste.

  “Oh, sweet Lord, that’s…” Jake chucks his burger down on his plate, wiping his fingers clean. “I don’t think we should eat together anymore.” I laugh with a mouth full of food. “You’re such a vision right now, Savi.”

  “Thanks.” I down a glass of water to push the meat down faster. This baby is hungry!

  Someone sits down, but I can’t make out who it is, nor do I care. The burger is all I can focus on right now. Jake hands his plate to a server before he heads over to the customer.

  “Hey, what can I get you tonight?”

  “Actually, I need to see her.” The voice makes me ill. His being here only means two things. He stands in front of me, while Jake comes to my side. “Could we have a moment alone, son?” He nods at Jake, who doesn’t move.

  “Jake stays.” I push my plate away despite my stomach’s protest. “What are you doing here, Frank?”

  Frank shakes his head, not liking the extra set of ears, but he treads carefully. “I need you to come to Washington tomorrow. Lyn
n’s case is up, and we need your testimony.”

  “And if I say no?” I counter, handing Gabe my plate as he stops to see who our guest is. “I’m not supposed to be put in stressful situations. If I got a doctor’s note, would that help?”

  Frank rubs his head. “Believe me, Savannah, I’ve tried to move mountains to get you out of this, but the court will subpoena you. You can either do it now or later after the baby is born. My advice is to get it over with now, so when that little tot comes, you can start fresh with all this behind you.”

  I pull out my phone and check for a possible missed call. “Does Cole know?” I want to cry out ‘but he promised,’ but I know I’m stronger than that. Frank shakes his head. I drop onto the lower counter, suddenly exhausted. “Who will be coming with me?”

  “Who do you want?”

  I want Keith, but he’s out with the team. “Mike?”

  His face shows me he’d prefer Mike to stay running the house. “What about Sue?”

  “Really?” I’m surprised by this.

  “All right, I’ll call Sue and let her know you agree.” Frank stands, zipping his coat. “Tomorrow, oh-nine-hundred hours, plan to be away for four days. And, Savannah, please don’t run off this time.” His eyes are not smiling.

  I don’t say anything; my nerves are already crawling to the surface.

  Later that night as I crawl into my bed on the couch, I stare up at the ceiling and wonder what my father is doing right now. Is he with Lynn? Or is he staying away from her so as not to draw attention to their sick relationship? How on earth did I not know that the two of them were screwing behind my back? Am I that flipping naive? I let the events of the past run through my mind. I’ve been trying too hard to put this behind me, but it’s not finished. I know it needs to be played out so I can be done with it once and for all. It doesn’t make it any easier. I flop to the side, staring blankly at the TV that’s playing the mini-series, The Hatfields and McCoys, on mute. The old movie makes so much sense. It’s so cut and dry; you just take a gun and end the problem. Although if that were the case, I’d be dead long ago.

  I chuck the blankets off and head to the bathroom for the fifth pee in the past thirty minutes. I haul my shirt up and look at my tummy in the mirror. I’m five and a half months and have a nice round bump forming. I think about how these last few months have gone. Cole has been wonderful, but his over-protectiveness is growing right along with the baby. It nearly killed him having to leave on this trip. I know he’s been traveling a lot more lately to tie up as many cases as possible before little Sim comes.

  The sound of the latch being unlocked on my door sends me to the living room, pressed against the wall in the shadow across from the door. My heart is pounding, but I know there are only three people who have a key. Jake, Keith, and Cole. A bag is tossed in first, followed by heavy footsteps. My fists clench as the dark figure is revealed, slumped with exhaustion, but the moment he spots me, his face lights up.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Cole closes the door behind him.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper, staying where I am. He looks sexy in his Army pants and jacket. His navy blue sweater peeks out the top of his scarf, making his eyes darker than normal, or he’s just as excited to see me as I am him. He kicks off his boots and sheds his jacket.

  “Come here,” he commands with a dirty little twinkle in his eye. I step out from the wall and walk slowly toward him. His eyes drop to my favorite shirt. “Damn, baby, I love you in my clothes.” He reaches out, touching my belly. “How’s my little one behaving?”

  “The little mite has an appetite.” I place my hand over his. “Can’t seem to get enough food.”

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “Yes, but not food.” I step back, pulling his shirt over my head and tossing it to the couch. He runs his hand over his five o’clock shadow while he thinks about his next move. “Do you normally hesitate this much when you’re in the field, Colonel?” I smirk, waiting for him to strike.

  He smirks back at me. “This is different. I want to toss you up against the wall and hold you still while I work out the last two weeks of frustration on that tight little hole of yours, but,” my chest feels heavy as my legs clench together, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I roll my eyes as my sexual drive takes over. “Fine. I can find other ways that don’t involve an overprotective fiancé. I have a showerhead with a multitude of settings.” I turn on my heel but don’t get three feet before he’s behind me, bending me carefully over the kitchen table.

  “Can your showerhead make you scream?” I hear his zipper, and his pants drop. I smile into the table, needing this so badly it hurts. His fingers explore how turned on I am, and they push in easily, pulling a moan from my chest. He bends his body over mine, kissing his way up my spine. “Spread your legs, baby.” I do and feel him brush my lust. He doesn’t remove his fingers; he twists them around as I flex tightly onto him. “I needed you so badly I came right from North Dakota.” His fingers slide out of me, and in slips his erection. “Oh god,” he hisses.

  Starting a gentle flick of the hips, he rotates side to side, moving in all directions, raising my desire, my need, escalating my lust. His hands slide from my hips up to my shoulders. Once he has a firm grip, he presses me back into him. I scream his name, followed by a silent curse.

  “Don’t ever question my need for you, Savannah.” He grunts between each gentle but firm thrust. “I could snap you in two with the feelings that come over me when you’re near.” He pulls me up so I’m flat against his chest. His hands massage my breasts as he nips my neck. “Now I want you to come for me.” His voice is a soft growl. “I need to feel you come, feel how much you missed me.” He gently pushes me back over the table, lifts one of my legs so it’s bent, and starts thrusting hard and deep. His uncharacteristically measured, firm movements send me higher.

  I claw, scream, and bite down as an orgasm rips through me. I can’t see and can barely hear as I come back to myself. Cole carries my limp body to the bed, pulling the covers up.

  “I need a shower.” He kisses me roughly and disappears into the hallway.

  His lazy smile remains imprinted on my brain as I drift off to a deep sleep.


  Cole wraps the towel around his midsection and peeks in on Savannah, who’s passed out in the middle of the bed, her belly peeking out of the side of the blanket.

  Her fridge is nearly empty, and her cabinets are bare. What the hell has she been living on? Then he finds her stash. He grabs a spoon, and leaning against the counter, he scoops a huge ball of peanut butter into his mouth as his phone goes off in his coat pocket. He lunges for it, pressing the button before it can wake Savannah.

  Frank: You made it there all right?

  Cole: Yes, thanks for the heads up, Frank. I’ll see you in Washington.

  He thinks for a moment then types.

  Cole: What has she been eating these past two weeks?

  Not even a moment later, he feels a vibration.

  Jake: You don’t even wanna know.

  Cole: Try me.

  Jake: You asked. Mustard-ketchup combo, mustard and potato chips, ketchup and potato chips. Oh! And her favorite right now is mustard, chips, and pickles all combined. Your baby likes some f’d up foods, dude. I’m actually gagging right now.

  Cole: Thanks for the visual. Appreciate it.

  He changes quickly and heads outside.

  “Savi,” Cole whispers in her ear, but she doesn’t move. “Baby, you need to get up.” He kisses her cheek. “I have something you might like,” he adds, but still nothing. “I went to the market and got pickles and mustard.” One of her eyes opens, and he grins. “I got all kinds of nasty food for you and Fritter.”

  “So, we’re back to Fritter?”

  “Yes, it sounds cuter.” She gives him an adorable smile. “Now, get up. There’s a pile of pickles with your name on it.”

  “Really? Are you playing me?” She raise
s an eyebrow.

  “No, I promise.”


  “Jake.” He squeezes her tight little bottom, enjoying the resulting moan.

  “God, love a bestie who never sleeps.” She stretches and rolls over, letting the sheet fall behind her. Her hand runs along her bare leg and up her side while she stares at him through those long lashes.

  He tosses her a shirt. “As much as I want to roll around with you in this bed all day, you have a flight to catch in,” he looks at her clock, “two hours.”

  Her face falls, and she pulls the covers over her body again, not hiding from him, but from the idea of what’s to come. He climbs in next to her, tucking her into his side.

  “I know you’re scared, but I’ll be there with you every step of the way.” She nods then slides off the bed, grabbing her robe and heading for the shower. She stops at the last minute, her hand holding onto the doorframe for a beat before she turns to look over her shoulder.

  “I love you, Cole.” She leaves before he can say anything.

  On the drive to the airport and through the flight, Savannah is very quiet. Her fingers flip the pages to her book, The Beach House by James Patterson, but she’s yet to open it. Cole understands her need for quiet and just keeps a firm grip on her thigh to comfort her. When they touch down in Washington, Frank is there to greet them at the gate, and he drives them directly to the base.

  Frank’s glance flickers to Savi’s in the rearview mirror. “We’re going to be briefing you on the case so you’re up to speed on everything.” He clears his throat when she doesn’t respond, continuing to watch the countryside fly by. Cole reaches for her hand, but she doesn’t turn. She tilts her head and traces a fallen raindrop on the glass. “So,” Frank moves on, “after that, we’ll have dinner and—”


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