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A Very Lusty New Year [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Cara Covington

  She’d barely complied when she felt his hot breath, and then his lips and tongue, sliding and slipping, sucking and savoring. Head back, eyes closed, she trusted Jackson to hold her as Craig totally melted her bones, seeming to drink the strength right out of her. His tongue swept up one side of her labia, down the other, then delved into her pussy. Then he used it to stroke over her clit, coaxing whimpers from her throat. His hands traveled up her legs, and even as she felt Jackson adjust his hold of her, making room, Craig’s hands gripped her bottom, immobilizing her to his lusty lapping.

  “Oh, yes!” Anna came, the force of the orgasm weakening her knees. Craig held his face even closer to her pussy, and she felt her juices become his. Her nipples pulled tight, and Anna could only hang on to one man and allow the other to own her as her climax rocked her.

  Craig moved quickly, surging to his feet, easing her hands away from Jackson, and then lifting her into his arms. He laid her on the bed and didn’t even take the time to remove his clothing. He dropped his pants, and then settled between her legs.


  She understood the trembling in his body and the fire in his eyes. He would give her something she only just understood she needed, if she didn’t give him even a moment to think about it. So she did something bold and daring, using words that had rarely entered her thoughts.

  “I need you inside me. Fuck me. Craig, fuck me now.”

  A growl, low and masculine, filled the air and stirred her inner woman. And then Craig thrust his cock into her, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and met him stroke for stroke.

  * * * *

  Jack kept his eyes on his woman, the look of triumph she wore the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  They’d been taking things slow, hesitant to push, to demand, and as he watched he wondered if that hadn’t been a mistake. Anna’s thrill at having Craig lose his control was telling.

  It took only a minute to drop his clothes. Then he came around to the side of the bed and crawled up.

  Anna opened her eyes, her attention focused on his cock. She met his gaze, and then did something that nearly made him shoot his load right then and there.

  She licked her luscious, made-for-sex lips.

  Entranced, Jack held his cock at its base, and moved closer—just close enough—and waited to see what she would do.

  How fucking wonderful was it that she didn’t hesitate, that she didn’t let doubt shake her? Anna loosed one hand from around his brother’s neck, placed her hand over his, and urged him into her wet, waiting mouth.

  Jack groaned, his entire body giving a shudder of joy as the velvet heat of his wife’s mouth surrounded his cock. He’d closed his eyes for one moment, the pleasure so great he needed to try and get a handle on it. He didn’t want to flood her mouth with his seed in the first moment. He wanted to relish this incredible gift.

  When he opened his eyes and looked down, he met her gaze. “That’s it, Bella. Run your tongue along my shaft as you suck...damn that feels good.”

  He sensed Craig’s attention, and recognized the fierce look his brother wore. He’d been fucking their wife in a sharp, quick rhythm, but now, watching his cock disappear into Anna’s mouth, Craig had slowed.

  Anna sent a quick glance to Craig, and then she lifted her hips. Judging by the way his brother’s eyes just crossed, she’d also likely squeezed his dick with her inner muscles.

  Craig began to move and a determination lit his face.

  “We’ll come together, wife. Keep sucking Jackson’s cock while I fuck your cunt hard and fast and deep.”

  His words enflamed their woman—hell, the images Craig just put in his head enflamed him. He reached out and combed his fingers through Anna’s blonde curls, the strands silky and soft, and perfect for gripping.

  Anna’s lips and tongue seduced his dick, and Jackson felt his balls draw up, felt the slight twitch that told him he was on the edge. “I’m close, Bella. Let go. You don’t need to swallow.”

  Her eyes widened, and then she did the opposite of what he’d bid her to do. She sent him a sultry smile, and then she began to draw on his cock with a fierce, steady deliberation.

  Craig seemed to sense what was happening. Without breaking his pace, he licked his thumb and forefinger, then reached down and pinched Anna’s clit.

  Her scream around Jack’s cock, as she came, triggered his own volcanic eruption. Throwing his head back, his brother’s shout of completion ringing in his ears, Jack came harder and stronger than he ever had.

  He honest to God saw stars behind his closed eyes, and just barely had the presence of mind to throw out his right arm to catch himself as he collapsed.

  Anna’s mouth still held him within, and her tongue, that tiny, dainty destroyer, stroked soothing caresses along his deflating shaft. She released him and sent him the most beautiful smile.

  “Did I please you?”

  “Please is too weak a word, my Bella.” He eased himself down onto the bed, moving so that his head was close to hers. Their woman cradled Craig between her thighs, her arms around him, her hands gently caressing his back, over his shirt.

  “I didn’t even take the time to strip.” Craig looked up, and Jack saw the regret that bracketed his mouth. He saw, as well, the instant his brother realized that Anna looked smug as hell about that fact.

  “I had no idea I could do that,” she said.

  Jack knew, instinctively, she wasn’t talking about giving oral sex.

  “Bella, you take us apart and put us together again every time you kiss us.”

  “You’ve said as much before, but this was the first time I actually felt it was true. Thank you.”

  Jack met his brother’s gaze. The last thing they wanted, the two of them, was to make any mistakes with their wife. Yet it seemed as if they’d been doing just that.

  His love for her burned in his chest, his need to share the words nearly taking all his air. Yet he hesitated, believing he had to give Anna more time to get accustomed to the reality of being his wife—their wife.

  He needed to wait until he knew his words would be believed—until he could be sure that she wouldn’t think he was trying, in any way, to deceive her.

  Craig leaned over her and placed a kiss on her lips. “Let’s have a shower, and then that hot tub. And then, wife, we do need to get dressed and head over to the New House.”

  “All right. But you have to promise me something—the both of you.”

  “Name it,” Jack said. He’d promise her anything, he already loved her that much.

  “You have to promise to stay close. From what you’ve told me, I’ll be meeting a lot of new relatives today. And I know it’s not very sophisticated of me to admit it, but I’m nervous about that.”

  “We both promise to stay close,” Craig said.

  “But you won’t need us to for long,” Jack said. “Because I know that every member of the families is going to love you.”

  “Families? As in plural?”

  “Well, you see,” Craig said. “You have your Jessops and your Kendalls and your Jessop-Kendalls.”

  “Not to mention your Benedicts, and Parkers, and Joneses.”

  “Let me guess. There are Parker-Jonses, too?”

  “Only one left. She’s our librarian.”

  “There’s a library here?”

  “There is, indeed.” Jack wondered at the way Anna’s eyes glowed with pleasure. Then he recalled some of the conversations they’d had. He guessed, if he and his brother were as clever as they liked to think they were, they really ought to start paying more attention to the clues and the signals their Anna gave them, and less to their grand plan.

  He just hoped he could hold on to that resolve.

  Chapter 13

  Anna’s eyes widened as they drove through Lusty toward what her men called the New House. She could see two very large mansions ahead—one to the west, and one to the east.

  “They were the first buildings erected here. T
hat one”—Jackson pointed to the west—“we call the Big House. It’s the Benedict family’s base. It was here that Sarah Carmichael married Caleb and Joshua, after the death of Tyrone Maddox.”

  “When Adam and Warren married Sarah’s cousin, Amanda, they built that house in 1890, in the antebellum style, because she’d come to them from Richmond.”

  “And that is why it’s called the New House? Because it is newer than the original, even though it’s not new at all?”

  “Exactly! Miss Ellie—Eleanor Parker-Jones—has the family’s history down pat. I know she’d love to share it with you.” Craig smiled as he placed his hand on her leg. For the short ride from their house to the party, Anna had chosen to get into the front seat of Craig’s Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. Just a year old, the car was similar to one her father drove. She enjoyed riding in the front seat with both men. There was definitely something to be said for being surrounded with potent male heat.

  “Will she be at the dinner today?”

  “I expect so.” Jackson lifted her hand and kissed it. “Practically everyone who can be here will be. This might be grandmother Chelsea’s last Christmas with us.”

  “Madeline’s, too, possibly. Grandmother Madeline is eight years older than Grandmother Chelsea—but Chelsea hasn’t coped well with losing her husbands.”

  “I’m sorry to hear it. Did they die recently?”

  “Grandfather Jeremy passed away in 1977, and Dalton the very next year.”

  “Grandmother Madeline is also widowed, but she’d lost Sam several years back. Grandfather Charlie died just last year.”

  “Jeremy and Dalton were sons of Adam, Warren, and Amanda,” Jackson said. “Grandmother Chelsea was the youngest child and only daughter of Caleb, Joshua, and Sarah. They fell in love when they were children and always knew they’d marry.”

  “No wonder, then, she’s been grieving.” Anna sighed. She wondered what it would be like to be able to look back over eight decades on such a wonderful personal love story.

  “I don’t know if she’s grieving so much as she’s just ready to join her men,” Craig said.

  Anna could hear love for both elderly ladies in her men’s voices.

  Craig pulled the Caddy into the large circular driveway. The beautiful home did indeed remind her of an antebellum mansion from the Deep South. There were several steps leading up to a large front door. The house was quite a bit larger than her own parents’ home—but if she expected to see liveried servants either answering the door or distributing beverages inside, she soon learned such was most certainly not the case.

  The sounds of celebration—music and voices raised either in song or laughter washed over them as they entered the house. Anna couldn’t help but stare, because there were a lot of people here. The sound of a baby or three was sprinkled throughout the home, a particular kind of family spice she hadn’t ever tasted before.

  “Ah, there you are, then, boyos.” The woman’s brogue-tinged words clearly greeted Craig and Jackson, but her attention was all on Anna.

  “Mother. Merry Christmas.” Craig had hold of Anna’s hand as he kissed his mother’s cheek. “This is our Anna.” He turned to Anna. “This is our mother, Madison Murphy Jessop.”

  Anna hadn’t let herself imagine what sort of welcome she’d receive when she met Craig and Jackson’s mother. She recalled the scathing words her own mother had for her and her men.

  “Anna, it’s pleased I am to meet you. Welcome to the family.” Madison Jessop then stepped forward and drew her into a hug.

  Anna didn’t know what to do for a full five seconds. She’d simply never been hugged by an adult woman before—although she recalled years of wishing that her mother would do just that. It was the memory of those long ago wishes that showed her what to do. Cautiously, she hugged her mother-in-law back.

  Madison stepped back and took both her hands in hers. “You’re every bit as beautiful as they told me you were. Now, you’re to call me Madison.”

  Anna blushed. “You’re very kind, Madison.”

  “It’s true that I am, but I am also truthful. Come, there are many people here anxious to meet you, but first I want to introduce you to my aunt—though everyone calls her Grandmother Chelsea.”

  “” Before Anna could protest, Craig touched his mother’s arm.

  “Mother, we promised Anna that we’d stay with her—at least for the first while.” He looked around the room, and Anna knew he was taking in just how many people were there.

  “Did you, now?”

  “We did,” Jackson said.

  “Well done, boys.” She, too, looked around the room. “It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was just newlywed and being welcomed by this family—and it’s much larger now than it was then.” Madison smiled. “Right then, keep up with us, boys.” She led Anna away but Craig and Jackson were right behind her.

  “’Tis true that the men have always outnumbered the women here in Lusty—and just as true that the women have always outranked them in turn. But in a kind, and loving way.”

  “I would have thought that the men were exceedingly good at cosseting the women,” Anna said.

  “Ah, well they do, at first, until we set them straight. You’ll want to see to that chore first off, Anna. Men seem to think we women need to be protected, or taken care of—when in truth all we really need is to be seen clearly and loved unreservedly by our men.”

  Anna let herself imagine, for just one moment, what it would be like to be seen clearly and loved unreservedly by Craig and Jackson Jessop. No, I wouldn’t need another thing in this world if that was my reality. She didn’t, however, have the heart to tell Madison that her sons had only married her to help her establish her independence. So she nodded, and met the woman’s laughing green gaze. “That makes perfect sense to me.”

  In what appeared to be a formal parlor, two very comfortable looking chairs had been placed side by side at one end of the room. There, as if holding court, sat two elderly women. Dressed in what Anna would call semi-formal attire, their dresses were simple and floor length. Both women smiled as they chatted with each other and those around them. But even from across the room, she could see one lady appeared a little more fragile than the other.

  The lady on the left, with silver hair piled high, sat with her back straight, and as Anna watched, she motioned to someone, who came forward and placed a light blanket across the lap of the other lady, one with white hair cut in a modern, short coif.

  Both familial matriarchs appeared to be enjoying the day. Anna could see the open affection in which these two women were held by the entire family.

  Then the lady on the left looked up and caught sight of her. She reached over and touched the other woman’s hand.

  Madison headed straight for the family matriarchs. “Grandmother Mattie, Grandmother Chelsea. This is our Anna—Craig and Jackson’s wife.” Madison finished the introductions, and Anna learned she’d been right as to which woman was which.

  “Welcome, Anna.” Mattie Benedict held out her hand and Anna took it. The matriarch shot a look at Craig. “I understand you followed in your father’s footsteps, rushing this young woman off to Las Vegas without so much as a wedding gown.”

  “Yes, Grandmother Mattie, we did. We couldn’t take the chance that she’d get a real good look at us and take off running in the other direction.”

  Chelsea Jessop-Kendall shook her head. “So many of the young men in this family sound like my father, Joshua,” she said. “You’ve rushed the wedding, boys, but be assured we will see to it that our Anna has a proper one for the Commitment Ceremony.”

  “Of course,” Jackson said.

  Fortunately, they’d already told her about the ceremony, so she understood the reference. Anna didn’t want either Craig or Jackson on the receiving end of grandmotherly censure. “I don’t need anything fancy, Grandmother Chelsea.”

  “Most young women grow up with their heart set on a certain kind of wedding,” Chelsea

  “Although, in these modern times, some women are more content to be career women than wives,” Mattie said, “eschewing the roles of wife and mother altogether.”

  “Oh, no.” Anna didn’t think, she just let her words come. “I always wanted to work so that I’d be useful, of course, but I never dreamed of any particular kind of wedding. I never thought any man would ever—” Realization of what she nearly said sped her heart and slammed her mouth shut. Aware that people were staring, she reached for something to say that didn’t make her sound as pathetic as she felt. “That is to say, I just never had those kinds of daydreams.”

  Fortunately, the silence didn’t last long. “Well, between all of us, I’m certain we can plan something special—something you’ll hold in your heart for the rest of your life.” Chelsea reached out and Anna took her hand. “My experience was different than yours, of course. I always knew that one day, I’d be married to my Jeremy and my Dalton. And when I close my eyes, I can see the day we pledged to each other as if it was a movie on television I’d just watched.”

  “I can see the love you shared in your eyes when you speak of them.” Anna blushed. Something about being at this place and at this time had set her tongue free.

  “What a very nice thing to say. I like you, Anna Jessop. And I’m thinking that my two great-grandsons have definitely met their match.”

  * * * *

  What a pleasure it was to sit back and watch Anna begin to blossom. Craig knew she’d been worried about meeting so many new people in one fell swoop. Who could blame her? He loved every single person filling this house, but it was the truth that combined, they were often too much even for him.

  He and Jack had followed Anna and their mother around the house, watching and listening as the people who’d always been important to them greeted the woman who so quickly had become the very center of their lives.

  Their fathers seemed to sense how delicate Anna was. Oh, she was capable and smart and beautiful. But she’d been denied the kind of open affection every person needed. No, as she finally received that basic commodity, she was like a sweet butterfly just emerging from her cocoon.


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