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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I

Page 2

by Various

  Settling back in her chair again she glanced at the screen. Joshua and AJ were frozenAJ in a moment of pleasure, and Joshua with his head pulled back a little from AJ’s crotch. Goddamn, the pussy lips were gleaming. How the hell had the programmers done that?

  Impressed, Andy slipped back into her glove and tried to move Joshua back to his previous occupation.

  He didn’t budge an inch.

  “Come on, Joshua. You know you like giving her head. C’mon, boy, let’s get that tongue going…” Andy muttered quietly to the screen as she tried a few combinations of commands. The monitor flickered, and she held her breath. She exhaled on a deep sigh when it returned to normal.

  Moving her fingers she tried to straighten Joshua’s head.


  Joshua 4.0

  She gasped. AJ had moved. What the fuck?

  Christ. She’d switched the links somehow, and now she was moving AJ. Every twitch of her fingers resulted in a twitch from the woman on the screen.

  No hours of plotting paths, no fidgeting with musculature, just a smooth glide.

  She bit her lip and thought hard. Hmm. Hoookay. Let’s try this.

  Andy let AJ’s fingers slide through Joshua’s hair as he remained frozen between her thighs.

  Holy shit.

  The unmistakable sensation of hair transmitted itself through her sensory input devices to the skin of her fingers.

  She jumped clean off her chair, un-sticking her underwear quite satisfactorily at the same time.

  She was feeling what AJ was feeling. This was fucking incredible.

  Her mind whirled. Hell, this was almost too good to be true. She could experience the best oral sex of her life. And no one would be any the wiser, since it was all virtual.

  She settled into her chair again, and widened AJ’s stance, shifting the image a little closer to Joshua.


  The asshole didn’t move. Like the rest of her dates, Joshua was apparently uninterested in doing anything more. Crap on a cracker. It figures. I can’t even get sucked by a computer program.

  * * * * *

  Josh Miles was cursing his hard-on, and struggling into the virtual reality hookups.

  He probably should have added one for his cock, since it was pulsing inside his jeans and could probably have powered a router, a couple of servers and several ISP

  addresses from its heat alone.

  He’d watched the power spike, the fluctuations and the odd transitions that were happening inside Andrea Jane’s computer as he’d made the connections and snapped the links into place.

  He knew what had happened.

  He didn’t know why yet, nor did he care particularly. That was what the techs were for. Let them earn their pay by figuring it out. Josh just wanted to play.

  With Andrea Jane.

  He bypassed the firewalls, created the connections, and felt a little zing as the final link dropped into place. He was in.

  And he was in AJ’s pussy.


  Sahara Kelly

  He blinked. He could damn near taste it. Carefully he moved Joshua’s head closer and slid the hands up the back of AJ’s thighs to her buttocks.

  Holy shit.

  He could feel the smooth curves of her flesh. Since when had his VR system included a touchy-feely mode?

  His palms itched for more, and he squeezed his fingers together, absorbing the sensation of firm, warm skin flexing in his grip. AJ’s expression changed slightly, the eyes widening and her breasts rising on a breath.

  Christ on a crutch…this was amazing.

  The level of interactivity was astounding on a technical level, but Josh wasn’t thinking on a technical level. He was thinking on a very fundamental level. He wanted that pussy. Bad.

  He moved his hands again, letting them slip to the backs of her knees and gently smooth the sensitive skin where the joints flexed.

  AJ’s eyes closed and her lips parted.

  Torn between his two heads, Josh began to lose himself in the action on the screen.

  His cock was about to explode through his fly like the alien creature through that guy’s chest in a Sigourney Weaver film, and his mind tried to get itself around the fact that he was now connected to a woman sitting miles away.

  Unable to stand the pain, Josh quickly slipped a hand to his pants and freed his cock.

  Sure enough, on the screen Joshua 4.0’s hand fell to his crotch, and the virtual image stroked himself. Blinking with relief, Josh noted AJ’s downward glance and the tongue that flickered out between her lips.

  Goddamn. He should have locked his office door. If anyone came in and saw him like this, they’d figure him for some kind of pervert.

  He grinned. Well, if the shoe, or in this case the VR unit, fits…

  * * * * *

  Andy was panting.

  She couldn’t stop herself. Her quick glance downwards had translated itself onto the screen, and she just knew what her virtual self was seeing. One really fine piece of flesh, lengthening just for her.

  She wiggled AJ’s hips, just to give Joshua the general idea.

  C’mooon, baby, put that mouth of yours on me.

  Joshua was running his hands up and down the backs of AJ’s thighs. And damn if she couldn’t feel the same thing.


  Joshua 4.0

  Ghostly sensations were tracing fire up and down Andy’s own legs, and liquid was seeping from her pussy at the touch. She was getting one major case of the screaming sweats from this program.

  God, I’m a pervert.

  Her clit was aching now, on fire and throbbing. She spread her legs on her chair to ease the tension, and sure enough AJ also moved, spreading her virtual legs and adding a little thrust of her hips. Shit, she IS me. Andy realized she’d just done the exact same thing.

  On the verge of disconnecting the whole shebang and diving for her Super Sized pink buddy, Andy licked her lips against the flood of arousal that was driving her slowly insane.

  She had no idea why Joshua was moving, or why she was now activating AJ, but she couldn’t have cared less. All she was aware of was the burning need between her thighs and the screaming desire to ease her tensions and just come, dammit, right there on her ergonomically designed computer chair.

  Slowly, the image of Joshua stood up.

  Oh noooo.

  Andy slumped, shattered by the loss of his touch. Fucking swell. Now he’d probably turn, walk off the screen and go nail some virtual bimbo. He’d show up on, coming all over the face of some plastic morph who wouldn’t appreciate it. With an audio feed too.

  But Joshua didn’t turn and leave. To Andy’s amazement, he closed the gap between the images and pressed himself against AJ’s body.

  She frowned. Usually the images merged. Now they didn’t. They were definitely touching, since AJ’s breasts were flattening slightly.

  So were her own.

  She felt the pressure against her nipples and gasped, pleasure sweeping over her and bringing her arousal up to the red line all over again.

  Her eyes were glued to the screen as Joshua’s hand lifted to AJ’s face.

  Andy’s cheek throbbed.

  Someone… something…was touching her. Or at least sending impulses to her brain telling it that something was touching her. Because of course nothing was actually touching her. She blinked.

  Joshua’s hand continued its caresses as his other one slid down over AJ’s hip and disappeared between the two bodies.

  Oh fuck me. Andy knew precisely where Joshua’s hand was. She could feel the goddamned thing.

  It was cupping her mound.

  Andy couldn’t help it. She moaned aloud.


  Sahara Kelly

  Her twin image opened her mouth, mimicking Andy’s expression. She probably would have moaned too if she’d been equipped with an audio track.

  It felt so frickin’ good.

  It felt even better when a twitch in
Joshua’s upper arm muscle indicated that he was moving his hand. Covered by their bodies, Andy couldn’t see what he was doing. She could only feel it. Feel the slight increase in pressure as the hand thrust against her. Feel a thumb search for the right spot…oh…oh… there!

  She jerked, and so did AJ.

  Ay ay ay… the thumb was pressing, rotating, sliding over the most intimate of spots, and Andy’s body was starting to squirm.

  So was AJ’s.

  Hell, this had to be some kind of electro-magnetically induced hallucination.

  Dragging her mind off her aching clit for a second, she reached down. If she was feeling this good, maybe it was time for AJ to see what she could do to Joshua.

  Her hands groped the air, and for a split second, she felt nothing. But then… there it was.

  A very distinct sensation of holding a length in her palms. A throbbing length, smooth and hard, and…and…Andy let her fingers learn its shape…ridges and veins and whole bunches of fun stuff all in the right places.

  Now this was what Andy would call a very nice cock.

  She squeezed.


  Joshua 4.0

  Chapter 4

  Josh let out a strangled squawk as invisible fingers tightened around his cock.

  Thank God it was getting late and the building was emptying of employees. He couldn’t begin to imagine what would happen if anyone peeked in and saw him with his cock out, squirming in the grasp of a bunch of cables and fondling thin air.

  They’d have him in a padded room before he could say “download”. And he could probably kiss off his 401K plan too.

  The virtual sensation on his cock moved and all thoughts of discovery fled. The images on the screen were squirming now, much like Josh was, and he noted AJ’s head tipping backwards as he moved his thumb a certain way.

  He did it again.

  Damn. He was losing his focus as the virtual hands moved slowly up and down his cock, learning its surface and tracing the long vein that ran from his balls to the head.

  He hadn’t been this hard or this excited since…well, since he couldn’t remember when.

  He flashed back to his last date with difficultyit had been quite a while ago.

  Nope. Nothing like this.

  The figures on the screen moved in a carefully choreographed dance, their bodies hiding their hands. All Josh could see was AJ’s expression, and Joshua’s spine. But he could feel…ahhh, could he feel.

  The hands released him, and he almost sobbed as his own movements found no soft folds of pussy.

  What was she doing?

  He stared as the image of AJ lowered herself to her knees and tugged on the arms of the image in front of her.

  Oh baby. What now? What do you want?

  Josh slid from his chair onto the floor watching as Joshua followed suit.

  The images knelt, face-to-face, breast-to-breast, and AJ’s head leaned against Joshua’s as she reached between them.

  With no real flesh to bar his way, Josh reached down as well. He moved one arm and saw his virtual self clasp AJ’s buttock, pulling it close. With the other, he sought heaven.

  There was nothing in his armsit was all in his mind. All in some mysterious secret file that the VR unit had accessed from deep in the most miraculous of super-computersthe human brain.

  And his was telling him he was getting the hand-job of his life.


  Sahara Kelly

  He blew air through his lips as the sensation of fingers pulling on the hot skin of his cock made him crazy.

  His hand pushed there, fingers working fast now, seeking, thrusting, finding a place that made the image of AJ open her mouth wide in a silent cry of pleasure.

  He noticed her eyes were closed.

  Were Andrea Jane’s closed too? Was she experiencing this…this incredible virtual sex? She had to be. He watched her face as a new rich pink texture overlaid the color of her cheeks, and her throat moved slightly.

  His fingers forced themselves upwards against something soft and welcoming, the merest brush of what felt to him like flesh. There was no heat, no moisture, it wasn’t like feeling a woman.

  It was…it was different, but watching his actions cause reactions on the figure of AJ

  was the biggest erotic turn-on he could ever have imagined. Well, hell. He never could have imagined this!

  AJ’s hands were starting to move faster, much faster than the animation parameters should have allowed, and Josh knew if she kept it up, then both he and his image were going to come.

  He bit the inside of his cheek, letting the small pain hold his climax back, working his own hand frantically and hanging on to a virtual buttock with the other.

  His eyes were glued to the screen, watching as AJ began shuddering in Joshua’s virtual arms. Holy hellshe was coming.

  Josh could swear he felt the twitches of her cunt around his fingers and he pressed even deeper, his fingers bunched now as he forced two of them inside her body. The silence was unnervinghe wanted to hear the scream he knew was erupting from her gut.

  The pressure on his cock had almost fallen away as his ghostly partner sought her own orgasm. It didn’t matter though. Watching her come like this, even though she was nothing but an assemblage of pixels, was the most erotic thing he could ever remember.

  Unreal fingers dug into his shoulders and he gasped as AJ’s head fell backwards and her mouth opened on a silent cry of ecstasy. She fell apart on the screen.


  Pixels exploded everywhere, scattering like dust over the control screen and making every damn light on his units flash like a Christmas tree on crack.

  Within microseconds, AJ disintegrated.


  * * * * *


  Joshua 4.0

  Andy disintegrated. She fell, shuddering, onto her insulated mat as her cry of pleasure echoed around her room. This was so much better, so much more incredibly real than the fantasies she’d woven around Joshua’s virtual body.

  The orgasm racked her from head to toe, rolling her eyes back in her head and sending a flood of moisture into her shorts and over her thighs. Cables crackled, lights flickered, and Andy rode out the earthquake inside her body, wondering if she could ever survive the experience.

  It became apparent after a few minutes of gasping on the floor like a hooked fish, that her life was, in fact, destined to continue.

  Although given the state of her shorts, it would be an uncomfortable one.

  Groaning, she eased up off her knees, peeled her shins off the plastic mat, and winced as the wetness between her thighs met cool air. Shit, she was a wreck. But a really happy one. Which was more than could be said for AJ. With horror, Andy surveyed the wreckage on her monitor. AJ was gone. Poofed out into cyber-infinity.

  Note to self: orgasms are not good for pixilated images.

  But hot damn, they were good for her. She grinned as she unsnapped the VR

  equipment and took a long deep breath. She hadn’t felt this great in years. She wanted a drink, a nap, a shower and a large pizza. Not necessarily in that order.

  She glanced at Joshua affectionately.

  Oh hell.

  The poor guy! He was frozen in an attitude of extreme arousal. And extreme was an understatement. His cock, visible now that AJ had met her cyber-doom, was one long length of flesh, hard as a rock, the head swollen and deep red, and there was even a little drip oozing from the tip.

  His eyes were wide, his mouth open, and his expression one of agony.

  She tried to hit the “save as” command…this was one hellaciously fine image of a man in the throes of his own orgasm. Or, correct that, almost-orgasm. Trembling on the brink of coming, his muscles were knotted and bunched, his lungs obviously heaving, and his arms holding an imaginary woman to his body.

  If she zoomed in, there would probably be sweat on his face too. Curious, she reached for her mouse.

  Fucking g
oddamn. “Program Not RespondingEnd Now?”

  Shit, shit and double shit. Frantically, Andy clicked around, hit every combination of keys she could think of and waited, hoping against hope that whatever had happened would un-happen, and she could at least save this shot.

  Nope. The cyber-demons were against her. Or at least against Joshua 4.0.

  Andy had created a man hung like a god.

  And he had hung the system.


  Sahara Kelly

  * * * * *

  Josh stared death in the face.

  On his knees, wired to a gazillion dollars worth of state-of-the-art technology, and here he was, about to die from a fucking hard-on that wouldn’t quit. He spared a sympathetic thought for the janitor who would find his body in the morning.

  Did cocks shrink after death? He hoped they did, since his mother would probably have to identify the body, and the sight of him fully clothed with a massive boner sticking out of his pants would probably unnerve her.

  Or maybe not. She’d always had the weirdest sense of humor.

  Pain swamped his tangled thoughts as the flooding arousal refused to go away.

  There was no help for it. He grimaced and reached for a box of Kleenex. He was gonna have to do what a man had to do.

  Ripping off the sensors, Josh took matters into his own hands.

  Closing his eyes, he let the vision of AJ/Andrea Jane fill his thoughts. It was so easy. He could see her still, the cords in her neck taut as he finger-fucked her into her own personal heaven.

  God, if she was like that in real life…

  He needed only one stroke. With a hoarse cry, he came. Flooding the tissues in his hand and spilling out onto the floor, great jets of come spurting from somewhere in the vicinity of his back teeth. He sobbed with joy, rolling through spasms of heat, and shivering violently as his cock finally eased.

  His balls ached with the ferocity of it, his heart rate pounded out a rhythm that would have sent a drummer out for Valium, and he struggled for breath as the final throb signaled that he was spent.

  Finished. Done. His pop-up thermometer had popped up and exploded.


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