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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I

Page 18

by Various

  She took a deep breath and looked at his chin again. “Sometimes I just know things.

  Things I don’t really want to know.” Her gaze met his then. “Things the men I’m dating wish I didn’t know.”

  He didn’t answer for a long moment. “What did you see about me?”

  The vision replayed itself in her memory. God, that woman was beautiful. Petite, thin, young. Nothing like Faith. She couldn’t speak, so she shook her head.

  “Faith.” He sounded annoyed now. “I’m a man like any other. You can’t hold my past against me. I’m sure you have a past, too.”

  “Yes, but you won’t know when I’m thinking about it.”

  He touched her mouth gently with his forefinger. “I might. I’ve been picking up on things from you, too.”


  Doreen DeSalvo

  Did he know what she’d seen? She looked up and saw the knowledge in his eyes.

  And she felt his feelings on the subject. It’s over. Long over. She knew he wasn’t lying.

  “I don’t lie,” he said, no doubt because he’d sensed her thoughts. “Faith, I don’t know where this…this thing between us is going. I can’t promise we’ll be together in a year, or even in a week.” His hands tightened on her arms. “But I can promise you that I want to find out. I don’t lie. And I don’t cheat.”

  She could tell that was true, too. Maybe he was worth the risk. He could hurt her intensely…but the flip side was that he could make her intensely happy, too.

  “And for every time you get jealous,” he went on, “I’m sure I’ll be twice as bad.”

  Oh, she could well believe it, as domineering as he seemed. She almost smiled.

  “You? Jealous?” She tried to feign surprise.

  He gathered her against him, and she willingly snuggled against his warmth. “Yes, I’m horribly jealous. Jealous, possessive, territorial. Probably overbearing and arrogant as well.” He kissed the top of her head. “There, now you know all my faults.”

  She leaned back and smiled at him. “Those don’t sound like faults to me.”

  He gave her a cocky grin. “You won’t find any faults if you come upstairs with me, either.”

  He’d see plenty of faults with her, though. She started to pull away, but he caught her close.

  His eyes were angry. “Don’t,” he ordered. “Don’t even think it.”

  He took her hand and pressed it against his cock, hard and hot even through the fabric of his pants. “Feel how much I want you,” he demanded. “The only way you could disappoint me, Faith, is if you walk away from me.”

  She stared into his eyes and saw another vision—saw him naked, eyes closed in ecstasy while she knelt in front of him, sucking his hard, needy cock.

  He gave a startled, embarrassed laugh, more of an exhalation than anything else.

  He pulled her hand away, brought it to his lips, and gave her palm a kiss. “Sorry,” he muttered. “I know you saw that one.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” She met his gaze bravely. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  His brilliant smile made her breath catch. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her tightly. “You’re not getting away again,” he growled.

  Despite his smile, she knew he meant the words. He’d track her down no matter where she tried to run. She took a deep breath and blew it out.

  “No,” she agreed. “I’m not.”

  * * * * *


  At His Mercy

  When they left the long hallway, he guided her away from the elevators, toward the lobby.

  Where was he going? She gave a breathless laugh. “Your room isn’t off the lobby, is it?”

  He stopped and smiled down at her. Up close, his eyes were vividly blue. “You’re not reading my mind anymore?”

  He said it with a smile, but something in his tone, his expression, held a challenge.

  This was a test. “Give me a minute.”

  She stared into his eyes, let her concentration drift…and saw his hand roll a condom over his beautiful, erect penis.

  “Protection,” she said.

  Another lucky guess, she heard, as if he’d spoken.

  She pulled back a bit. “I’m not guessing.”

  He gave a start, then smiled. “Very good. You impress me, Faith. And you scare me a little, too.”

  “Ditto,” she admitted.

  He looked relieved. His head bent. “I’d kiss you right here,” he whispered, his breath hot in her ear, “but once I start, I won’t be able to stop.”

  She saw a different scenario in his mind—his hands ripping open her shirt, buttons flying. It only took a slight movement of her head to bring her lips against his ear.

  “That’s not exactly what you’re thinking.”


  “No. You’re thinking that once you kiss me, you’ll start tearing my clothes off.”

  “Right again.” His hand curled around the nape of her neck. “But first I’ll take your hair down from this ridiculous bun.”

  She’d wanted to look professional. To convince him that her research was worthwhile. Vaguely hurt, she pulled back until she could see his face. “You don’t like it?”

  He gave a frustrated, thoroughly masculine groan. “You’re beautiful, Faith. But the bun makes you look…”

  “Serious? Respectable?”

  He shrugged. “Yes. Maybe even a little…prudish.” His hand slid around her neck; his thumb stroked over her lower lip in a slow, sensual glide. She had to lock her knees to keep from tilting into him. “And I know you’re not a prude.”

  He drew her toward the lobby again. “Now come on, before I change my mind and drag you behind those palm trees in the corner.”

  In the small lobby drug store, he grabbed a box of condoms—a huge box. If he went through a dozen tonight, she wouldn’t be able to walk in the morning.

  She wouldn’t be walking, but she’d be smiling.


  Doreen DeSalvo

  He glanced around, headed for a shelf in the back, and picked up a toothbrush. “Do you need anything else for the morning?”

  Thoughtful of him, considering he wasn’t familiar with the etiquette of one-night stands. During one of their connections, she’d had a vague impression that this was rather new to him—almost as new as it was to her. When he had a woman, he kept her long-term…he didn’t let her stray. And he didn’t stray, either. Comforting thought.

  She stretched up on her toes to whisper in his ear. No reason to entertain the clerk.

  “The only thing I’ll need in the morning is breakfast in bed…naked.”

  When she lowered herself again, she caught sight of his wolfish grin. “I can handle that.”

  He paid the clerk and led her back to the elevators, keeping her close the whole way. A small group of men were entering the elevator, and one held the door for them.

  Jake pulled her closer in the elevator, despite their audience. Maybe he wanted to hide the erection she felt pressing against her belly. But her head fit perfectly under his chin, and his sweater was soft and warm under her cheek, so she stayed in his embrace.

  As they rode silently upward, she saw two of the strangers exchange a smirk. With Jake’s arm wrapped around her waist and his suit jacket over her shoulders, no doubt everyone knew how they planned to spend the night. She felt too excited to even blush.

  Jake’s arm tightened, forcing her to step closer. Get your own woman, she heard from his mind. His possessiveness made her smile. She probably weighed as much as he did, but he made her feel delicate. Womanly. It helped that he was so much taller…and solid muscle. The broad chest underneath this sweater was rock hard.

  Their audience left on the 20th floor. Jake’s suite was all the way at the top. He said nothing as they rode the rest of the way, just held her quietly. She could tell he was keeping himself reined in.

  The elevator stopped, and she heard the door open behind her. When she moved away from him, a few
strands of her hair caught on the faint stubble on his jaw. He tenderly brushed them behind her ear. Soon, he thought.

  The walk down the hallway seemed to take forever. She only vaguely noticed the dimmed wall sconces, the delicately flocked wallpaper, and the soft, plush carpeting.

  All so elegant and refined.

  He opened a door and stepped back so she could walk in. More elegance—a table and chairs, a sectional sofa in a light earth tone, a tall dark wood cabinet that no doubt hid the television. An open doorway probably led to an equally tasteful bedroom.

  He pulled her gently into his arms. The jacket slipped from her shoulders as she tilted her face up to his. Her purse fell to the floor, hitting the carpet with a dull thud.

  She barely heard it, with his lips so close to hers. His fingers reached behind her head, tugging at her bun, until he had the pins out and her hair fell in a sweep over her shoulders. “Much better,” he murmured.

  His big, warm hands framed her face as he bent his head and kissed her. Slowly.

  Carefully. Too carefully. She could sense his reluctance…his fear of intimidating her.


  At His Mercy

  “Don’t hold back,” she said. Then she touched his lips with the tip of her tongue.

  And he went wild, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, backing her up against the wall, grinding his hips against hers. She moaned and pressed into him.

  His hands dropped to her chest, cupping and kneading her breasts. Her nipples immediately peaked into hard, aching points under his tormenting fingers. A flash of an image burst into her consciousness—his hands ripping her shirt off.

  She grabbed his wrists and turned her head away from his rampaging mouth.


  He groaned. “No?”

  He thought she was stopping him. And his anger was so fierce, so primal, that she had to retreat from his mind. It took her a moment to focus and ground herself…and even then, passion made her a little unsteady. “Don’t tear my shirt,” she said. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  He pulled back and gazed down at her with a speculative look on his face. “You have an unfair advantage over me, Faith.”

  She blinked. How could he sound so rational after that heated kiss? “I do?”

  He nodded. “You can see everything I want to do to you…and stop me before I do it.”

  “I can’t help it,” she said. “What you’re thinking—it just comes to me.” She didn’t bother explaining that it had only happened with him. With everyone else, she had to consciously work at connecting.

  “Hmm. Maybe we can level the playing field.”

  That speculative look in his eyes made her wonder. “How?”

  His smile looked positively sinful. “If you don’t know what I’m thinking, you’ll just have to be surprised.”

  She saw it then—saw herself tied down. Naked. Spread-eagled.

  Sweet Lord.

  He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. Yes, it was as classy and tasteful as she’d imagined. And soon she’d be naked and sweating on that tasteful bed.

  With this sexy, handsome man.

  She shivered.

  He put his hands on her shoulders, his touch gentle and hesitant. She loved this gentleness, the way he tempered his natural dominance. He wanted to rip her clothes off with these big hands, to wrap his long fingers around her wrists and pull her arms behind her back, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t want her to fear him.

  Not much.

  She tilted her head and brushed her cheek against the back of his hand. “Do whatever you want.”


  Doreen DeSalvo

  He squeezed her shoulders gently. “You’re saying that because you think you know what I want.”

  No, she didn’t. Not exactly. But she knew what he wanted her to say. She had to close her eyes, hiding from him, before she could say it. “I’m all yours tonight, Jake. I only want to please you.”

  He said nothing, but his fingers moved down her blouse, unbuttoning. He slipped the fabric off her shoulders and left it hanging over her arms, the buttoned cuffs caught on her wrists. Just like the first vision she’d seen in the restaurant.

  His forefinger drew a path down her front, and his gaze followed. “This still feels safe, doesn’t it? You saw me thinking about this earlier.”

  She nodded.

  “And you’d stop me if you guessed…if you somehow sensed that I was about to go beyond your comfort zone.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know.”

  His hands cupped her breasts, then skimmed around her back. She felt him fumbling with the hooks on her bra. “You’re used to being in control,” he said.

  I’m not in control with you.

  “You know exactly what a man wants to do to you,” he went on. “You stop him before he tests your limits.”

  She couldn’t remember any men but him: his hard chest under this soft cashmere sweater, his hands peeling off her bra. Her breasts spilled out as the straps caught on her shirt sleeves, still hanging by the cuffs.

  “That’s why you want me,” he went on. “Because I won’t let you stop me.”

  She’d already forgotten what he’d been saying; the heated look in his eyes as he stared down at her naked breasts drove all thought from her mind.

  “I want control, Faith.”

  Yes. “I’ll give you control.”

  He smiled wickedly. “Control isn’t something you give. It’s something I take.”

  He dipped his head and caught one nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, using his tongue to press her breast against the roof of his mouth. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight against his solid chest. She couldn’t move her hands to hold him—

  they were trapped in the tangle of her shirt and bra.

  He pulled his head away and gasped for breath against the sensitive skin between her breasts. “I’m going to take control. Total control.”

  “I won’t stop you.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to make sure you can’t stop me.”

  Her breath caught at the sexy edge in his voice. It sounded like a promise.

  Or a threat.

  “Yes, that’s a promise,” he said.


  At His Mercy

  He’d read her mind. She was already out of control—completely out of control, her intuition running wild, like a live current between their minds.

  He moved behind her, and she felt his fingers against the small of her back, unhooking her skirt. The zipper sounded like a long, slow tear in the quiet room. He pulled everything down at once—her skirt, her nylons, her panties, all bunched around her knees. Being half naked like this, her clothes pulled helter-skelter to expose the parts he wanted to see—she loved it. She’d never felt so…nasty. So desired.

  “Turn around,” he ordered.

  Did he expect her to balk? He’d already seen her nude—she’d given him an accurate picture. And she knew he found her sexy.

  She’d face him naked. She stepped out of her shoes and bent to tug off the rest of her clothes.

  “Did I tell you to get undressed?” His tone was low. Almost menacing.

  She froze. “No.”

  His hand stroked over her bare ass, a heated, silky caress. “Naughty Faith,” he murmured. “Already disobeying me.” He wrapped his free arm around her midriff and pulled her back against his chest. His fingers found the crease of her ass and inched lower…lower… “I’ll have to punish you.”

  Maybe I’ll spank your luscious ass.

  Her fingers tightened on his forearms. Would he really—

  He slapped her ass, and the sharp sting made her jump.

  “Surprised?” he murmured, his deep voice sending vibrations along the sensitive skin of her neck. “I’m getting little flashes from you. I thought this psychic stuff went both ways.”

  With his fingers moving lower, creeping toward her aching clit, she couldn’t even think, let alone speak.
“It’s…sporadic. I don’t see everything. It’s like you said…little flashes.”

  He dipped into her with just a teasing fingertip. “You saw that little fantasy I had of going down on you, didn’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “You saw me lapping up all this juice?”

  Her breath caught. She nodded again.

  “Do you mind if I talk dirty to you, Faith?”

  Mind? She loved it. “No.”

  “That’s too bad. Because I’d do it anyway.”

  His finger, wet from her silky fluid, slid easily back up her ass. He pressed against her asshole for a second.

  She gasped, and her body went tight.


  Doreen DeSalvo

  “You didn’t see that one? Didn’t see me thinking about fucking this sexy ass of yours?”

  Oh, God. She shook her head.

  “I guess I’ll have to tell you about it, then.” He bent low, his breath hot in her ear. “I imagined you on your hands and knees. I knelt behind you, and I touched you just like this. And you begged me for it.”

  I might. Even though I’ve never done it before.

  Neither have I, she heard his thoughts answer.

  His finger teased her again, pressing gently against her tight hole. “Would you let me in here, Faith?”

  “I…I don’t know.”

  He growled against her neck, making her shudder with the threatening vibrations.

  “You said you wanted to please me. That I could do whatever I want.”

  Yes, she had. And she trusted him. Trusted him intuitively. She’d been in his head, in his heart. She knew he was a good man at heart. A good dominant man. He’d take control…and he’d make it good for her. “Yes,” she said recklessly. “I’ll let you.” I’ll even let you pretend you’re forcing me.

  He groaned. His fingers moved lower again, back to the sensitive spot right behind her vagina. “You have no clue how tempting you are. But not tonight,” he murmured.

  “Why not?” Her voice came out like a croak.

  “No lubricant. And I’m not leaving you to go get some.”

  His finger dipped into her vagina again. “Besides, I want in here just as much.”

  Oh, yes.

  He set her free, backing away from her slowly. “Now get undressed,” he said. More like a command.


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