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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I

Page 21

by Various

  Across his lap, the little botanist he had been forced to accept on the mission was unconscious, her hair having been torn from the neat braided knot she kept it in and flowing around her body.

  The first thing he thought of was sex. Damn. They had nearly hurled to their deaths and now that they were safely on land, his cock was engorging, his entire body so hyper that for one tense minute he thought of nothing but stripping her uniform from her body and stuffing her pussy full of the cock surging beneath his own clothes.

  Adrenaline was a bitch. And the woman in his arms was a weakness; he had known it the minute she had been assigned to the crew.

  “Is she alive?” Mike was breathless, gasping, his short brown hair dripping with moisture as he leaned back in his seat and looked over at them.

  Evidently, Saber thought, he wasn’t the only one with sex on his mind. Mike’s pants were straining at the seams as well.

  “Damn. I’m glad she’s unconscious,” he sighed as he hastily checked the wound at her temple, her vitals, and pupils. “Possible concussion. But hell, she’s alive.”

  Her ass was right over his cock, a soft, tempting pad of flesh. He shook his head, cursing, not for the first time, his more than heated attraction to the little botanist. Now wasn’t the time for it. They were in a hell of a situation and sex should be last on his list of priorities.

  “Let’s get out of here. See how bad it is.” He released the catch on his harness, wrapped his arms around Amelia’s small body and rose to his feet. “Let’s pray we can at least keep warm.”


  Time-share: Amelia’s Journey

  Chapter 1

  Two Months Later

  It was so much like Earth.

  Amelia Collins stood beneath the thick tent awning Major Madison had set up for her lab and stared into the lush valley stretching out before her. The humidity had peaked; thick and heavy for midday, causing her to strip off the outer uniform shirt she normally wore. The light gray undershirt was much cooler, more comfortable in the growing heat. She wished she could strip off the uniform pants as well.

  She stared around the deserted area of the camp they had set up. Saber and Mike would be gone for hours yet, searching the surrounding forest and hoping to meet up with other members of the four teams that had entered the atmosphere with them weeks before.

  The magnetic disturbances from the planet weren’t apparent from space, but the minute they had entered the atmosphere all electronics had gone haywire. It was an unexpected development, as there had been no problems with the unmanned robotics sent in for years to take samples from the planet.

  It was still creating havoc with their communications equipment. Amelia had managed to get the lab equipment working, though, and ran her tests daily as required on varied vegetation the men brought in. The tests were proving surprising. It was almost identical to Earth. There were still unknown properties she hadn’t been able to identify in the vegetation, water and, to a lesser degree, in the oxygen. But habitation was looking more and more promising. If only the heat would ease.

  Setting aside the reports she was writing, Amelia stripped the hated pants from her body and draped them over the back of the chair with her shirt. Relief. The breeze that flowed through the opened sides of the tent caressed her moist flesh and sent a cooling kiss over her body. Several long strands of dark brown hair had fallen from the careless ponytail she had pinned it into it, it caressed her shoulders, making her shudder with the pleasurable sensations.

  It made her think of sex. Made her think of Saber. Tall, broad shouldered, his body muscular and fit, he had become the center of her most erotic fantasies. Fantasies she had never considered during her hectic, boring life on Earth. It was becoming harder and harder to maintain the cool distance established at the beginning of training.

  It was obvious he was at least interested in her, even if he rarely looked at her. But there was no mistaking the way his pants filled out when he watched her, the bulge that would press hard and demanding against the usually loose-fitting uniform. And at night…


  Lora Leigh

  Her eyes flickered closed as she thought of their sleeping conditions. Wedged between the two men in the less than private atmosphere of the shared bed they had created for safety and warmth during the cold nights, her body hummed with arousal, with no relief. There wasn’t even the privacy required to masturbate.

  Instead, there were two broad male bodies backed against her, heated warmth penetrating her uniform and stroking a fire in her pussy that was becoming harder by the day to ignore. The nights were just hell.

  But, the men were gone now. They were gone, her tests were completed for the day, and several hours stretched ahead of her before they returned. She could feel her pussy pulsing in hot, hungry demand for attention. She had never been so hot, so damned in need, in her entire life. Her hands ran over the material of the T-shirt at her stomach.

  Her fingers created a wake of sensation as she sat down on the metal chair beside her, considering her options. Her options—and the thick cream dampening her panties.

  Slouching back in the chair, she stared off into the direction Saber and Mike should return. Her fingers ran over her crotch, her breath hitching in despair. She had seen both men naked on more than one occasion. Both were very well endowed, their cocks thick and long even at rest. Aroused, a trembling moan escaped her lips as her fingers inched beneath her panties. They would be hard thick stalks of flesh that could more than fill her hungry cunt. But Saber. She whimpered. He was larger than Mike by at least an inch and thicker. He would fill her to overflowing, stretch her until she screamed.

  Her fingers danced over her clit, sliding down the narrow slit between the slick lips and circling her sensitive entrance. Her head fell back, neck resting against the metal back of the chair as she gave in to a need she had fought for so long.

  She had never been particularly sexual, which had worried her at times. Her work had consumed her. Her attraction to Saber Madison during training had been almost instantaneous, but until their enforced isolation on the planet, had not filled her every waking minute. Now, all she could think about was fucking him. Of spreading her thighs, which she did now, and watching that thick, long cock sink into the folds of flesh.

  Licking her lips, the fingers of her other hand fumbled on the table beside her until she gripped the cool weight of the Pyrex pestle she used to grind plants and various substances for testing. She had just finished sterilizing it once again. The thick blunt-tipped end and thinner shaft suddenly seemed her best bet to fill the aching depths of her pussy.

  She gripped it, pulling her panties over the small mound and running the thick knob along her aching slit. She shuddered. It wasn’t as thick as she knew Saber’s cock would be, but it had been years since anything larger than one of her fingers had invaded the portal.


  Time-share: Amelia’s Journey

  She rested the ball-shaped tip at the weeping entrance to her pussy. Did she dare?

  Of course she did. She was so greedy for fucking she would take whatever she could get.

  She whimpered as the thick bulb began to press inside her. Her cunt rippled in a sharp spasm of pleasure as the pinching pain vibrated through the channel. She was so tight. It had been so long. Her mouth opened as she panted for breath and worked the pestle deeper, hissing in pleasure. The thick knob forced her muscles open, parting her, stroking nerve endings that hadn’t been caressed in so long she couldn’t remember the last time.

  Her other hand pushed her shirt above her breasts, her fingers cupping the hard swollen mound, her forefinger and thumb gripping her nipple and pinching it hard.

  Her hips nearly came off the chair as she plunged the makeshift dildo deeper up her cunt at the same time.

  “Oh yes.” Her whimpering moan shattered the stillness of the area as she began to move the pestle in rapid strokes between her thighs. She fucked herself deep, her thighs tightening,
straining, as her muscles gripped the thick ball-shaped device digging into it.

  She was going to come. She could feel it. The coil of heat was building in her belly, white-hot sparks of volcanic heat rippling from her pussy and up her spine as the sounds of moist thrusts and panting moans wrapped around her.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me.” Her eyes were closed as she imagined Saber between her thighs, his cock working inside her, stretching her pussy, fucking her with strokes that left her screaming.

  The pad of her hand rubbed against her clit. Her fingers sank the pestle up her fist-tight channel in rapidly building thrusts until she tightened, her body arching as her orgasm began to rip through her stomach, tearing through her nerve endings and sizzling across her flesh in near violent streaks of pleasure.

  Her cunt tightly locked on the smooth device invading her, clenching and convulsing before releasing a flood of thick, syrupy juices that coated it and dripped from the sides. Her hips jerked several times before the euphoria, hollow though it was, began to ease through her body. Her moans of completion echoed in the air around her as she gasped for breath.

  It wasn’t a hard, hot cock, but it was enough to still the rapidly building hunger tormenting her body. She would content herself with that and pray for rescue. Because if she didn’t get off this damned planet soon, she was going to be begging Saber to fuck her.

  And she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if Saber managed to get his cock inside her, Mike wouldn’t be far behind.


  Lora Leigh

  Chapter 2

  “This isn’t going to work.” Mike’s voice was tortured as they stood atop the small rise over the clearing, both men training their binoculars on Amelia as she fucked herself to peak in the clearing below.

  Her fingers were saturated with her glistening cream, her little mound swollen, the folds reddened from the fucking she was giving it. The pestle was obviously less than satisfactory, but she was making due with amazing efficiency. Sweat gleamed over her body, her sweet juice coating her fingers and her pussy. Slick. Slippery. How easy it would be, he thought, to slam every inch of his cock up that sweet, tight little sheath.

  “Damn, when is she going to stop?” Mike’s voice was tormented as they watched the thick-knobbed tip of the device ease from her gripping muscles then stroke along the slit.

  Saber was silent. His cock ached like a vicious wound, but he knew if he didn’t allow the woman time to ease her hungers then her restless twisting against his body at night was going to end up getting her fucked eventually.

  It was too cold to consider sleeping alone with their meager supplies. They needed the body heat to survive the frigid temperatures. They hadn’t expected with such lush greenery that the nights could be so hellishly cold. Only one large thermal survival blanket had been included in their supplies because of this. That and their body heat kept them warm enough, but the soft female body between the two men was driving them both insane.

  Jacking off wasn’t helping much. Saber had given Mike the order days ago to relieve his need before night fell. They took turns escaping the camp and finding the privacy to achieve the relief. But it flared instantly back to life the minute Amelia slipped into sleep and began rubbing that sweet body against their backs. Small mewling sounds of arousal would escape her lips. Her hands would wander, slipping between his thighs, delicate silken fingertips finding his balls. Jacking off inside the blanket had become a habit now. She was killing them both. And watching her finally masturbate was making him insane.

  Seeing the blunt tip of that pestle opening her up, sinking inside the silky, hot entrance as her fingers erotically pinched her nipples was making him crazy.

  Sometimes she would even rub the device around her little puckered anus, making the two men hold their breath in anticipation, wondering if she would invade that tight little hole. But she never did. She obviously wanted to.

  Finally, mercifully, she seemed to tire out. She was flushed from head to toe, her breathing harsh as trembling fingers dropped the device. Then, glistening with her juice, the tips disappeared inside her mouth as she tasted herself.


  Time-share: Amelia’s Journey

  Saber’s cock jerked; his mouth watered. How much longer were they going to be stranded on this forsaken planet? Much longer and he was going to lose the battle over his lusts and fuck the hot little scientist. And if he did, there was no way he could deny Mike the same pleasure.

  Problem was, the thought of that wasn’t eating him alive. Saber had always considered himself a possessive man and he had been attracted to Amelia from first sight of her. That possessiveness seemed to be slowly easing, though. His dreams were haunted with the vision of sandwiching her between him and Mike, both of them pleasuring her, fucking her until their cocks finally eased the desperate erections that were making them mad to devour her.

  “We’re fighting a losing battle.” Mike was doing no more than expressing Saber’s own fears. Both men were tormented by the hunger and their own sense of honor where she was concerned.

  “We fight as long as we can, Mike,” he growled as he eased the binoculars down and took a deep breath. “We’ll give her a while to compose herself then go in. Dark will be coming soon.”

  It would be time to pack into the bed he had made, drawing the survival blanket over them, feeling her heat soaking into his skin.


  Lora Leigh

  Chapter 3

  Something wasn’t right. Amelia stared into the microscope, advancing it further to get a birds-eye view into the pollination she had forced on one of the plants. It was amazing. The little microorganisms were screwing themselves silly. And it wasn’t just in the plants. She had tracked the pollen-like organism through the water, fruits, and the air around them, too. The planet was one big biological orgy in progress.

  She shook her head in confusion. These readings hadn’t been present while the mission was being prepped. She knew it wasn’t. She, herself, had tested the samples the unmanned bots had brought back. This was something new. Something that had only begun in the course of a few months.

  She took a deep breath as she straightened, staring down at the small array of plants she had arranged around the table. She had run tests until she was blue in the face, had worked tirelessly to figure it out, and she was damned if she could. Of course, the heat building in the air around her wasn’t helping.

  Mike and Saber were working around the camp in only their uniform pants, sweat soaking on their bodies as the heat continued to build. It was like this every afternoon.

  The temperature readings never changed, but the humidity shot up to nearly intolerable levels.

  She had ditched her shirt hours ago, just as the men had, leaving her clad in the small, damp undershirt. It clung to her breasts, drawing attention to the hard nipples poking against the cloth. And Saber had noticed. When he came to the tent earlier to bring in more samples, his gray eyes had gone immediately to the hard little points.

  Amelia pushed back the fringe of sweat-dampened hair that escaped her ponytail and tucked her glasses more firmly on her nose as she thought. The planet was growing at a very rapid rate. Oxygen, cloud cover, vegetation and, amazingly enough, small insects. There had been no sign of any insects or animals when the previous unmanned samples had been taken. But there was no sign of any chemical influence at work. No supernatural aphrodisiac, nothing except the fact that it seemed to be at its height during the sweltering heat of midday. The process then seemed to cool as evening and night descended. The next morning, the growth rate could be noted. Not a lot of growth, but more than normal.

  Amelia was starting to fear that it affected more than the plant life. She noticed her own arousal peaking at midday, then seeming to settle down until she drifted into sleep. As her mind relaxed, it appeared her body was becoming more active.

  More than once she had awakened herself, her fingers desperately searching along Saber’s body, searching for
the source of satisfaction she knew could be found between his thighs. At the same time, she would find herself relishing the head of Mike behind 172

  Time-share: Amelia’s Journey

  her, longing to have him touch her, rubbing against him as her arousal built. She was growing so desperately heated in her sleep, with her dreams spurring her on, that she knew the men’s control was going to snap soon.

  “Saber.” She called out to him as he and Mike stared into the guts of the communications equipment. He shot her a questioning look. “Could you come here a minute?”

  He frowned before rising to his feet and moving with long, powerful strides to the tent. Dark muscles gleamed with a moist sheen, rippling in movement. Her cunt rippled in response.

  “What’s wrong, doctor?” His gaze flickered to her swollen breasts then back to her eyes.

  Amelia drew in a deep breath, feeling her face flush. “We might have a problem.”

  He lifted a black brow a bit sardonically.

  “Okay, we have another problem then.” She grabbed hold of her temper as she stared up at him in frustration.

  He roughly sighed, running his hands over his close-cropped black hair as he closely watched her.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “I need blood and cell samples from you and Mike as well as,” she cleared her throat, “semen samples.”

  He blinked down at her, his gaze becoming flat and cold. “I must have misunderstood you.” He shook his head. “Could you repeat that last part?”

  She cleared her throat again, ignoring her own blush. “I need semen samples,” she hissed, knowing he had to have heard her.

  He didn’t say a word for long moments. His gaze flickered back to her breasts, making her nipples throb at the flare of heat in his gaze.

  “For what?” he finally asked with studied calm.


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