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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

Page 8

by Sara Hess

  “I wanted to get Carrie’s advice on some shafts. She was helping me Saturday but I had to take off for practice.” Nic’s voice sounded terse.

  “Carrie’s just started here and doesn’t really know all that much. I’d be happy to help you. Although, I don’t know why you would need any help at all since you probably know more about shafts than me or John, collectively?” Mark offered with a sham smile.

  “Yeah, but John wants her to become more familiar with the equipment so I thought I’d help her out.” Nic said with a smile that was just as forced.

  My brows were near my hairline at their dialogue. Did these guys have some bad history or something, because they seemed to really dislike each other?

  What looked like a sneer crossed Mark’s face. “You’re all about being helpful, aren’t you, Nic? Can’t help hearing about how helpful you are all over campus.”

  Nic’s face flushed with anger…and something else. His gaze flickered my way and what looked like discomfiture filled his eyes. I understood what Mark was trying to infer. I’d already heard some talk about Nic. I knew he’d slept with a few girls on campus, and if I went on rumors it could be a lot more than a few. But I disliked rumors and tried not to let them direct my behavior. Nic had been nice to me from day one and rumors weren’t going to influence my behavior toward him.

  “Uh, Mark, Nic’s a...friend…” I hope he was okay with me calling him that even after my meltdown. “And he has been helping me to learn more about lacrosse.” I interjected before something was said that shouldn’t be. I wasn’t sure if Mark was trying to protect me or if he had some kind of ‘beef’ with Nic, but I didn’t want to be in the middle of it, and I didn’t need his protection either. Not from Nic.

  The two males continued to glare at each other. I rolled my eyes and walked around the counter. “Come on, Nic, lets’ go look at the shafts.”

  “That’s not the only shaft he wants to show you.” Mark said.

  My face instantly burned with embarrassment. I knew that shaft was another term for penis.

  Nic had turned to follow me but at Mark’s words he spun back around. Reaching out he gripped Mark by his polo shirt and hauled him half over the counter. I gasped in dread at the possibility of violence.

  “Listen to me Mark; Carrie is my friend not a groupie. You need to watch what you say around her and to her. You hear me?” Nic gave Mark a little shake as if to emphasize his point and then shoved him away. Mark stumbled back, his face beet red.

  “John’s going to hear about this.” Mark said angrily straightening his shirt.

  “He’ll be hearing from both us then, about everything that was said. Just remember that.” Nic retorted. The anger on Mark’s face deepened.

  Nic turned away and grabbing my hand pulled me toward the lacrosse section. I followed silently, skipping a little to keep up. When we reached the section he released me and began making fists with his hands.

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one who has to do that.” I said watching him in fascination.

  He turned toward me, confusion joining the anger covering his face. “Do what?”

  I held my hands up, clenching and unclenching them. “Fist and release, fist and release. That’s the same technique I use to get control. I focus on the muscles tightening and loosening, but I also concentrate on my lungs and how my breaths enter and leave them.”

  The confusion and anger were slowly draining from his face as I talked. He walked up to stand in front of me, and I had to tilt my neck way back to look up at him. I shifted nervously at having him so close. Where Mark’s proximity had made me feel uneasy, Nic’s just made me feel warm and tingly and breathless and excited and...lots of other things.

  His hand lifted and his finger traced a line from the corner of my eyebrow down to my chin. Heat suffused my skin at the intimate contact. His thumb continued the caress along my bottom lip and the green of his eyes darkened as my lips parted in a shaken exhale from the sensations of his touch.

  “I’m sorry for getting angry like that in front of you. But I don’t regret setting him straight for what he said, because it embarrassed you. And what he implied before, about me helping out all over campus…” Red flags slashed across his cheeks.

  I put my hand on his forearm and squeezed. I had a feeling it was unusual for Nic to become tongue-tied. It was quite endearing…too bad it was over a conversation about his number of sexual partners.

  “Nic, he isn’t the first person I’ve heard stories from about you.” His face became even more ill at ease. I patted his arm. “I don’t pay attention to rumors. What you do…” I waved my hand and shifted my gaze away from his awkwardly. “…with other people is none of my business. You’ve been nothing but nice to me and that is what I’m basing our friendship on.” I took a step back because being this close to him was messing with my head and hormones.

  He frowned. “I don’t like that you’ve heard rumors about me, but it’s my own fault. I’ve told you about the groupies, you’ve see them, and, well…they sort of make themselves available. I don’t feel like I’ve gorged myself, but I probably availed myself more than I should have.” His face flushed further and he rubbed the back of his neck.

  I had no right to judge him. In truth, I was the last person in the world who had the right to judge. The thought of him with other girls in an intimate manner did make me sick to my stomach, but that was probably because of my own personal issues and I wasn’t going to let them interfere with our burgeoning friendship.

  “Nic, really, it’s none of my business.” And I really didn’t want to continue talking about it.

  He still looked discomfited. “Hell, I’d never thought I’d regret my past…” He cut himself off with a shake of his head and looked at me with apprehension. It was kind of a novel look on him, he normally appeared so self-assured. “Hey, you get off at eight, right?”

  I almost did a double take at his abrupt topic change. “Yes.” I replied tentatively.

  “Would you let me drive you home again? I promise it will be better than last time.” He smiled ruefully.

  “Um, okay.” I said nervously. My heart felt like it was about to thump out of my chest.

  He stepped back and turned toward the shafts, and I blushed slightly at the wayward thought that shot through my mind. Stupid historical romance novels.

  We spent the rest of my shift discussing the properties of shafts and why Nic preferred one over another. I only heard about half of what he said because my mind was awash with rioting emotions. Had he come in just to give me another ride home? If he had, why did he want to? He’d been extremely bothered at the idea of me taking the bus; maybe he was just trying to be nice.

  It was exhausting attempting to analyze his motives so I forced that part of my brain to shut up.

  Two minutes to eight Nic finally made his selection and brought his…‘chosen equipment’ to the register. Mark didn’t say anything when I left with Nic, but his expression revealed that there was a lot that he wanted to say.

  Nic guided me out the door as Mark locked up behind us. It was dark out but the parking lot was brightly lit as we made our way to his truck. The temperature had dropped with the sun to what felt like thirty degrees. I stuffed my hands in my pockets. Once again Nic helped me up into his truck again, and I found his chivalry charming. No one had really watched after me for such a long time.

  “Have you had dinner yet?” Nic asked climbing into the driver’s seat and starting the engine.

  I fastened my seat belt. “No, and I’m not going to let you buy me anything.” I stated firmly.

  He grinned. “I was just going to ask if you would like me to stop anywhere for you.”

  I shrugged. “That’s okay; I’m going to have something when I get home.”

  I really couldn’t afford spending my cash on eating out. I could have asked him to stop at the cafeteria, but I didn’t want to put him out. From the expression on his face he might know the reason I’d ref
used, so I decided to lay it out there.

  “Actually, I really need to watch my spending and that’s why I try not to eat out.” I admitted. I wasn’t going to be embarrassed about it.

  He nodded as though he were familiar with the practice―which I doubted―or he could see why I would need to do that―which was way more likely. “That’s fine.” He threw me a sideways glance as he pulled out onto the road. There was barely any light in the cab of the truck so I couldn’t read his expression. “But it’s not going to stop me from asking you out to a meal every now and then. My treat.”

  “Friends don’t take advantage of other friends like that.” I said softly, unsure of what he was trying to convey. I was so bad at this.

  His hand reached over and clasped mine, and I sighed inwardly at his warm touch. “Carrie, I like spending time with you. How about every once in a while you take pity on me and let me have my way.” He held up our entwined hands. "Or you will force me take extreme measures.”

  I breathed a little easier. Spending time together wasn’t that bad. “Extreme measures, huh? I guess we’ll just take it one day at a time.”

  He rubbed his thumb over mine. “That sounds really good.”

  My breathing escalated again at the caress. “I could always take you out to lunch at the cafeteria, my treat.” I joked nervously knowing that as a scholarship athlete he most likely received free food like I did.

  He laughed. “It’s a date.”

  My heart skipped even though I knew they were just a play on words.

  Nic held my hand the entire ride to my apartment and we exchanged comments on our day. It was nice. When we arrived he put his truck in park but kept it running. “I don’t suppose you’d let me walk you up?”

  My heart quivered. I didn’t want him anywhere near my mother. “No, that’s okay, really Nic.” I unbuckled my seatbelt. “Thank you for the ride though…again.”

  “You know, this is the second time I’ve driven you home and I still don’t know your last name.” Nic declared suddenly.

  I tensed at the thought of him knowing my last name. He could find out so much about me; the information was out there for him to look up. However, there was no way I could avoid telling him without it seeming odd.

  “Harper, Carrie Harper.” I waited anxiously, but he only smiled and I almost slumped in relief that my name wasn’t familiar to him.

  His hand reached out and squeezed mine. “Well, goodnight Carrie Harper.”

  “Goodnight, Nic Stanford.” I slipped from the truck an overload of emotions rolling through me.

  Chapter Nine


  The rest of the week passed in periods of fast and slow. Morning and afternoon classes crawled by, but lacrosse practice went swiftly, and I have to say that my moves on the field were pretty damn impressive. I couldn’t seem to do anything wrong this week.

  However, the times between classes and practice moved sluggishly as I caught up on course work or whatever else I needed to be doing. Moreover, during that block of time I was jittery and had a difficult time concentrating. I found myself constantly looking at the clock…waiting.

  The first couple of nights I don’t think it ever was a conscious plan that when seven-thirty rolled around I dropped whatever I was doing and drove over to the Sports shop. I just did it. However, on day four when I walked through that door and saw Carrie’s face light up upon seeing me, and my heart responded by doing some kind of funky ass pitter-patter in my chest, I could no longer fool myself. I was chasing a girl.

  Friday I mulled over this shocking fact wondering what the hell I was doing, but I didn’t come up with any illuminating answers. What's more, it didn’t stop me from going back to the Sports shop.

  I had to deal with Mark once more on Tuesday, but I handled it better than I had Monday. One lethally cold glare directed his way when I entered kept him on the other side of the store out of my way. I really didn’t like the idea of Carrie working with the douche bag. I could tell the prick was interested in her just from his demeanor and remarks, and because…who wouldn’t be.

  Carrie didn’t show any reciprocating interest, but it still chafed my ass that they were going to be spending a lot of time together. When he’d stepped in her space Monday I’d wanted to reach across the counter and drag him the hell away from her, but I’d controlled myself. However, I’d ended up doing it anyway because of that fucking comment he’d made. The little shit had deserved a punch in the face for embarrassing her like that.

  I had to admit though that my anger had been a culmination of things; his interest, his snide remarks, but also his divulging of my reputation―my well earned reputation. It wasn’t like Mark had been lying so I couldn’t really be angry at the little fucker for that, and hell; it hadn’t even mattered because Carrie had already heard the rumors from others. Fortunately, for me, Carrie didn’t seem fond of rumors and hadn’t let them influence her decision in regards to our…friendship.

  It was amazing the relief I’d experienced at that.

  Thankfully, John supervised Carrie Wednesday thru Friday, and the look on his face as I ambled around the store was pure amusement. I wanted to rip that smirk off his face but if I was in his shoes watching me I would have been laughing my ass off as well. I was behaving like one of my groupie’s; showing up at her place of work and acting as if I needed something from the store when I didn’t.

  I had a stockpile of lacrosse supplies I had no need of.

  Tuesday, I bought a new head for the new shaft I’d purchased Monday. Wednesday, I procured some lacrosse mesh. Thursday, I paid for some sidewall string. On Friday Carrie walked up to me, her face self-consciously red, and handed me a key chain with a donkey that read ‘you’re an ass’. When I looked at her in surprise she told me that was the last thing she was ever going to sell me and if I needed anything else from the store I would have to have another store employee ring me up. She informed me she wasn’t going to enable me any longer, and then she’d stalked off in an adorable huff. All I could do was laugh.

  “So Friday night; got any plans?” I asked as Carrie and I walked out the front door of the Sports shop. John clicked the door locked behind us.

  Carrie shifted her backpack on her shoulder; the thing looked like it weighed at least twenty pounds. Reaching over I slid it off her shoulder and threw it over mine. Yep, about twenty pounds. Damn, what did her course work consist of?

  Carrie immediately started protesting. “Nic, you don’t…”

  “Carrie, we’re going thirty feet. It’s no problem.” I interrupted.

  “That should be my line. I already carried the thing miles today. What’s another thirty feet?” She groused.

  I grinned at her attitude. “I wasn’t walking with you then, now I am.” I answered reasonably. I never considered myself a chivalrous person, but Carrie made me want to open doors, carry backpacks, and do a host of other things for her. Actually, there was quite a long list of things I wanted to do to her, but that was another matter.

  Unlocking the door to the truck I set Carrie’s backpack in the back and then assisted her in the passenger seat. It gave me an excuse to touch a part of her person, not in any kind of dick move, just a helping hand to her arm and thigh. They were innocent touches but they worked hell on my libido.

  Shutting the door I jogged around to the driver’s side. “So…Friday…plans?” I reiterated starting the engine.

  Carrie’s beautiful face displayed confusion. “Uhm, I’ve got some homework that I need to do, but that’s about all; then I usually go to bed.”

  Homework on a Friday! “You’re not hanging out with friends tonight?” I asked wanting to know her plans and who she was doing them with.

  “I don’t really have…I just normally stay…I focus on my school work pretty much.” Carrie wrapped up her disjointed ramble.

  I was glad it was dark because Carrie’s words were causing definite frown lines to take over my face. Was this girl really telling me that
she had no friends…at all? I just didn’t understand it. I mean, I was a private person but I had several close friendships, especially the guys I lived with. Carrie was a way nicer person than me; she should have people knocking her down for a chance at being her friend. The only possible explanation that she didn’t must be because she wasn’t opening herself up to the possibility.

  I had sensed that she was somewhat reticent, but no friends seemed pretty extreme. She seemed to be trying with me but I watched her struggle with it.

  I suddenly recalled the look of determination that had crossed her face when I’d first asked her out to lunch. I had thought that look meant she was taking a chance at trusting me to not kidnap and molest her, but it hit me that she had trusted me with more than that ride. Carrie had been opening herself up to a friendship.

  It was a bit of a gut wrenching revelation.

  “Well, are these homework plans of yours set in stone or could I offer you an alternative?” I asked keeping my voice free of the disquiet I was feeling.

  Carrie shrugged and looked out her side window. “Not necessarily set in stone.” Her hands fiddled with the zipper of her coat and she threw me a sideways glance. I catalogued all this because I was watching her carefully.

  “So, I have a chance of convincing you into doing something else. This could be tricky because homework is probably rated rather important to a girl on a scholarship. I’m going to need a minute to think about this. While I do that are you hungry?” I asked.

  Carrie had turned to look at me fully. “You really want to do something…tonight…with me?” She asked with a frown.

  I wanted to do a lot of something’s with her, but I kept that to myself because her question was asked innocently with mystified surprise. She had no idea of the pull she had on me.

  “Yeah, I do. Do you?” I asked, and shit, I was actually nervous for her response.

  Carrie’s hands twisted the fabric of her coat. “Uhm, sure, but I’m not really dressed to go anywhere.”


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