Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 26

by Sara Hess

  “Wrap your legs around me.” Unable to wait for her to comply I grasped her thighs lifting them over my hips. Thankfully, she locked them there by clenching tightly and this rubbed me in just the right way wrenching a groan from me in painful pleasure…painful because our clothes really needed to go.

  I was way past my initial actions of trying to get her to share her thoughts with me. I was now completely out of control and ruled by my dick and what it needed. Gripping her luscious ass I situated her so that she was wedged between the seat and my hips allowing me to hit her sweet spot perfectly, at the same time it freed up one of my hands which went right to her breast. Cupping the firm round orb I squeezed at the same time pushing against her pussy. She gasped and whimpered and I dove even more fiercely into those plump lips of hers while simultaneously rocking into her rhythmically.

  I don’t think I’d ever been this out of control before. My thoughts were focused on getting her to experience her second ever orgasm and for me to follow along after. I didn’t care that we were in a parking lot where anyone and their neighbor could see us. I forgot that this was all new to her and I was probably overwhelming her with everything I was doing. It also completely slipped my mind that she wasn’t comfortable with being trapped between two unmovable surfaces.

  That is until she ripped her mouth from mine to press her face against my neck. She was gasping for breaths and in between she said my name in a faltering husky tone. I pulled back immediately in dread.

  “Shit, Carrie, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” Lifting my hands to her face I tilted it back so I could see if she was going into another episode. Thank God…her beautiful bright blue eyes were dazed and languid but in the here and now.

  “I’m okay. Everything was overwhelming and I just needed to catch my breath there for a second.” She said breathing heavily. The bulb from the cabs interior highlighted the excited blush that stretched across her face and neck.

  “Shit, I got carried away again. I feel like a dog in heat trying to dry hump you right here in the parking lot for the entire world to see.” I had to get control of myself around her or I would end up scaring her away. Sure, I needed to treat her like a normal woman but she still needed special care, and damn, it wasn’t like I was into exhibitionism. And I especially didn’t want anyone seeing Carrie in that way.

  “Actually, I’m sort of glad it happened.” She said softly.

  Her quiet remark had my head spinning. “What?!”

  She was finally meeting my eyes. “When you asked me before if I was okay, well…I wasn’t. When you dropped me off earlier you gave me a kiss on the nose. Prior to today every time you dropped me off you always kissed me on the mouth. I was afraid that after hearing my story you felt different toward me, that you saw me differently; maybe damaged or…I don’t know…maybe as a killer.”

  Seth’s words from earlier hit me upside the head. He’d been absolutely right. Carrie had noted right off that I’d acted differently toward her and it had messed with her confidence, making her doubt my feelings. That she thought I might actually think her a killer gutted me.

  I wrapped my arms around her. “Carrie, I never once thought of you as damaged, and I definitely don’t think of you as a killer. I can’t say that what I heard didn’t affect me, making me want to treat you a little more carefully, but unlucky for you I have no control over myself when it comes to you, hence, my jumping your bones in public.”

  Carrie huffed out a laugh into my chest and I smiled at my ingenuity in taking care of our first couple crisis.

  “Come on; let’s get you back to your dorm room. I have a surprise for you that I’m pretty sure you’re going to ream me out for.” I tucked her back into her seat and shut the door on her frowning ‘what’ reply giving her a smile through the window. When I opened the driver’s door it was waiting for me though.

  “What do you mean I’m going to want to ream you out? What did you do?” She demanded with an adorable frown.

  I tapped her on the nose and started the truck. “You have to be patient, because I’m in no hurry for your entirely justified tirade.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m really not going to like this am I?” She remarked intuitively.

  I nodded gravely.

  I asked if she needed to stop at the cafeteria for food, but she said that John had bought pizza and had shared it with the staff. So ten minutes later I found a spot that wasn’t too far away from her dorm and we head up quietly to her room. She kept giving me pinched looks like she had a good idea what awaited her behind those closed doors. I was never in doubt of her intelligence.

  Handing her back the key card she’d lent me Carrie swiped the card to her door and with one last narrowed eyed look in my direction she opened it and then went entirely still.

  I watched her anxiously unsure at how mad she would be, I only knew there was no way I was getting around the mad. If she made me I’d take everything back…well, some of it back…but there would be a fight involved.

  She continued to stand there quietly taking everything in. I’d bought a new mattress for her like I’d planned; plus, two sets of sheets, two pillows, and a big plush ocean blue quilt. However, that wasn’t all; I’d also gotten her some throw rugs for the wood floor, a big bean bag chair, a lamp for her desk, posters of sea life for her walls to brighten up the room, a shelving unit that reached from the floor to the ceiling and contained a multitude of baskets…some of which held a variety of other little things I’d bought for her, and the piece de resistance…a laptop.

  That was going to set her off for sure.

  I had hopes that it might be the one item she focused on making everything else look insignificant. If I had to take the laptop back so she’d keep everything else I’d be okay with that. She didn’t know about the cell phone I’d added to my plan for her. It really hadn’t been all that expensive to include, just thirty bucks a month.

  Her continued silence was making me edgy. “I went to the store to get you a blanket and a pillow because I didn’t see one with your stuff we brought up, and everything else kind of found its way into the cart before I even knew it. I know I got a little carried away, but it was like letting a kid loose in a candy store. I couldn’t help myself. I kept all the receipts so if you want me to take it all back I will. But I hope you won’t make me, because I had a really fun time getting everything for you.” I stopped my jabbering before I told her that I bought the blanket because it reminded me of her eyes. Seth had already given me shit about it.

  “Carrie, come on, say something. This quiet before the storm is killing me.” Fuck, I almost whined there.

  She finally turned allowing me to see her face, and her eyes…brilliant with unshed tears. Double damn, I’d made her cry. I opened my mouth to tell her I’d take it all back―she could spend most of her time at my house anyway―when she reached out and gripped my arms.

  “I should be furious with you, I am furious with you.” She said huskily.

  She was furious? She didn’t look furious; she looked sad...and happy. This had to be a girl thing.

  “But this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me and I don’t want to spoil your efforts with a…reaming.” She chuckled wetly at that word.

  I breathed out an exaggerated sigh of relief that wasn’t completely faked. “I can’t believe you’re letting me live.”

  “It’s not all sunshine and roses just yet.” She said. Her eyes were still a sad and happy combo, but now they also held determination. “The laptop has to go. I can’t afford it, but I can make payments on everything else.”

  I groaned at her words and shuffled her inside the room since we were hanging out in the door frame. She walked over to the bed and caressed the quilt, and then her eyes lifted to the poster on the wall picturing a school of colorful fish. The look on her face caused my heart to twist; wonder and pleasure mixed together. When I’d been buying everything for Carrie Dr. Mathews words had been rolling around in my head about how
Carrie’s mother had only provided a bed a dresser for her when she’d left the institution.

  I wasn’t going to allow her live deprived any longer…material or emotional wise.

  “How about we negotiate. I’ll concede on the laptop but you only pay half of what I paid. I don’t feel right having you pay for things I forcibly bought you. Minus the laptop it really wasn’t all that much anyway.” I had a card up my sleeve if she was going to be obstinate.

  She laughed and took off her coat hanging it on the back of the desk chair. “Not much for you maybe. You have to realize that a hundred dollars is probably a drop in the bucket for you, but its three-fourths of the bucket to me.”

  I took off my jacket and set it over hers. I noticed her gaze traveling over my chest and lower before she turned jerkily away. I smiled at her obvious awareness of me, but it also set off responses of my own; namely my chronic swelling.

  “With that logic it makes perfect sense to cut the price in half. I won’t miss the half you don’t pay me and you won’t feel put upon to pay what you can’t afford. They cancel each other out.”

  She lifted one of the pillows off the bed and hugged it to her body before turning back to me; a brow lifted in skepticism...the brow with the mole. It set my body humming.

  “There’s some screwy reasoning, and it has the smell of manipulation.” She sniffed the air and I couldn’t hold back my smile at her gesture. She grinned mischievously. “Dark musky cologne, cocky attitude…” She sniffed again. “…and unfaltering confidence. That’s definitely the smell of ‘Manipulation by Nic.’”

  I stalked forward and her eyes widened, not in apprehension, but in excitement. “Are you saying I’m manipulative?” She was absolutely right on the mark of course.

  “If the totalitarian hat fits.” She laughed, and the next thing I knew I was getting wacked in the head by the big fluffy pillow I’d bought her. “Oh Nic, thank you so much for the pillows, they’re awesome.” She hit me again.

  Rushing her I tackled her to the bed causing her to shriek in laughter. I ripped the pillow out of her hands but she wasn’t done in; she’d gotten a hold of the other pillow and continued the battering, gasping out laughter. My heart about exploded in my chest at the sound. Struggling with her and laughing myself I tossed the second pillow away.

  Looming over I grinned evilly as she slumped back on the bed breathing hard. Of course this brought my attention to her heaving breasts. I jerked my gaze back up to her joy-filled face.

  “I’m not giving in.” She tried looking stern, but the grin kept getting in the way ruining it.

  Leaning over I brought my finger up and traced the skin around her collarbone giving her a smirk. She narrowed her eyes at me. “What?”

  “Seth reminded me of something this afternoon that I completely forgot about.” I trailed my finger up to her ear and she shivered. “He’s been hanging on to some money that belongs to you from a certain poker game you were in. It amounted to two-hundred and sixty-five dollars.” Carrie’s mouth dropped open and I chuckled at her look of shock.

  “Oh, my god. I can’t believe I was playing in a game with that kind of money.” She looked horrified. “What if I’d lost that money instead of winning it, I would have felt awful.”

  Well, this wasn’t going as well as I thought. “You would have never known.”

  I got fierce glare for that. “That does not make me feel better. You or Landon should get that money for spotting me.”

  “Landon refused on the grounds that it would make him look like a sore loser and douche bag. He pushed the money on you to play and you won fair and square. I only put my I.O.U. in and he didn’t accept that either.”

  She shook her head in bemusement. “It’s crazy playing for that kind of money in a card game.”

  I continued my finger trail down her neck to swell of her breasts. “Two-hundred and sixty-five dollars covers half of what I spent, excluding the laptop, so I will relent and allow you to make payments to me every other week for what you deem necessary.” It was actually more, but close enough.

  “Will you really? You’re so kind.” I could tell she wanted to sound sarcastic, but her voice came out too breathless.

  I gave her a smug look. “I am, aren’t I?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You’re going tomorrow, right?” I asked to change the subject of money, and because she’d never really given me an answer.

  “Yes, I would like to if it’s still alright with Amanda?” She answered hesitantly.

  Her hand was drifting over my wrist and forearm that was anchored next to her waist and it was like a straight line of delight to my cock. It amazed me what the slightest touch from her could do to me. I had to clear my throat. “I confirmed it with her today. She would love for you to go.” I assured her throatily.

  “What time?” She asked, her fingers still caressing.

  “The game starts at twelve, so she’ll be here between ten and ten-thirty. The ride is about an hour depending on traffic and then parking.” Setting my other hand next to her head I leaned down and ghosted my lips over her smooth jaw. I nuzzled that exquisitely soft patch of skin between her ear and shoulder, drowning in her fresh exclusive scent. Her breath caught and she tilted back giving me more access. Boy, did I want more access.

  “I…I have school work…” Her gasped in a breath when I sucked at the skin on her neck. “…that I need to get done if I’m going to go.”

  Well, damn. With one last gentle bite to her earlobe I reluctantly pulled away. Her eyes had been closed and when she opened them they were dazed. I wanted to kiss her but knew if I did I wouldn’t be able to stop. Standing up I brought her with me and settled for an embrace which was still hell on my libido; feeling all her soft curves pressing against mine.

  “I’m going to go then so you can get that done. I don’t want to cause you to fall behind, and it wouldn’t hurt to get some of my own work done either.” With one last squeeze I released her and grabbed my coat. She followed me to the door and I turned back to her in the doorway for a quick and platonic goodnight.

  She surprised me though. Stepping up to me and taking my head in her hands she went up on her toes and pulled me down for one of the sweetest kisses I’d ever experienced. It was soft and tender and over way too swiftly. I scarcely had the fortitude to not jerk her into me and give her something deeper.

  Releasing my lips but not my face she leaned back. “Thank you for everything today; going with me to Dr. Mathew’s, and then doing this room for me. Just…” She seemed to swallow with difficulty and her eyes were glistening again. “…thank you. You make me feel special and do such nice things for me. It seems like I’m living a dream a lot of the time, but then I pinch myself and know that I’m not. You’re for real and actually here in my life.”

  Fuck, those words shattered me. It was like she thought she didn’t deserve to be treated special or have nice things done for her. She absolutely deserved it.

  Taking her face between my hands I leaned down and tried to give her the same sweet kiss she’d given me. I knew it wasn’t the same though because I wanted her too damn much. “You deserve the sun and the moon, but regrettably I can’t get those for you.”

  She smiled beautifully. “You are my sun, remember, and that’s all I need.”

  Sweeping her back in my arms I stuffed my face in her neck overcome. “God, I love you.”

  She didn’t say anything, just wrapped her arms around me and squeezed hard. Even though she couldn’t say the words yet I knew what she felt, she was just too fearful to verbalize them because of her past. I could wait till she was ready.

  Chapter Twenty-seven


  Amanda and I jumped up and down cheering loudly as the Cavalier’s scored another goal. It was even more exciting because Nic made it. I was yelling so loudly that I knew my voice box was going to be hurting later, but I didn’t care. Nic was playing an awesome game.

  “Damn, Nic’s
always been a fabulous player but he has been phenomenal in the last two weeks. It’s like you’re his good luck charm.” Amanda yelled gleefully over the noise of the crowd.

  I couldn’t help but smile madly. The exhilaration of seeing Nic play so well and the excitement of the game had my emotions in an all-time high. Nic was running back down the field toward the center and he looked my way giving me a wave. I waved back enthusiastically. We’d been able to get front row seats right behind the Cavalier’s with some help from Nic. He’d actually saved the seats for us.

  The game only had another couple minutes to go, but the Cavalier’s had already won and were slapping each other on the backs in congratulations. The score was 11 to 4 and there was no way Richmond was going to be able to catch up.

  The last two minutes went quickly. Richmond didn’t bother stretching out the game with time-outs since they were so far behind. People had been leaving during the last five minutes realizing that their home team had already lost and there was no longer any reason to stay and watch the continued annihilation.

  The buzzer sounded and the minority of Cavalier fans screamed and stomped their admiration. The player’s on the sidelines rushed the player’s on the field and they all came together in a massive pile of bodies, jumping and slapping each other. I tried to keep my eyes on Nic but he got lost in the mass.

  Amanda and I turned to each other smiling broadly. “I feel so jealous that you’ve been able to watch Noah play for years. Nic is so amazing out there I feel like I’ve lost out not seeing him play the last two years.”

  Amanda grinned. “Like I said, Nic was great before, but he’s only been amazing since meeting you.”

  “I would be happy just watching him run around; that’s pretty amazing in itself.” I said, grinning appreciatively.

  Amanda expression exhibited the same appreciation. “Yeah, especially when they take off their shirts, all those fine muscles on display. Yummy.”


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