Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 28

by Sara Hess

  “Your father is in his office.” Maggie gave my arm a comforting squeeze knowing most of my sessions with him weren’t the average father-son discussions.

  I raised my brow at her. “Do you know what he wants to talk to me about?”

  “Why would I know?” She huffed indignantly.

  “Because you hear things.” I whispered knowingly. She was here all the time, how could she not.

  Dropping her indignant expression Maggie looked around furtively. “Sorry, I haven’t heard anything.”

  “Oh well, thanks anyway.” Giving her a kiss on the cheek I made my way down the hall. The house was a two story, twenty-thousand square foot Tudor Revival. It had been way too much space for three people, and now only two people resided here.

  My father was talking on the phone when I stepped in the room. He waved me to the seat in front of his desk but I instead ambled over to the leather couch by the windows. I wasn’t going to place myself in a subservient position behind his desk like one of his underlings. The only sign of his displeasure was a slight dent between his brows.

  James Stanford was a handsome man in his early fifties. I took after him in looks; we each had the same blonde curly hair and green eyes. My father wore his hair shorter and had some gray creeping in on the sides but it was barely noticeable interwoven with the blonde. He also kept himself in fairly good shape. Looking at him I could see what I’d look like in thirty years I just didn’t want to be where he was; in a cold marriage and working behind a desk.

  I relaxed back on the couch displaying outwardly patience. I even picked up one of the magazines on the coffee table; I’d learned the epitome of nonchalance from my nanny’s knee. Flipping through the pages I came across an article about oceanic tides and reefs reminding me of Carrie. I was actually getting into it when my father finished with his call and came over sitting down in the chair next to me.

  “What are you reading? You seemed particularly engrossed.” He leaned back in a casual manner swirling a glass of cognac. I wanted to roll my eyes at the obvious display of idle disinterest.

  I closed the magazine setting it back on the table. “It was about marine life and how the tides are affecting the reefs.”

  He raised his brows. “Really, I didn’t know you were interested in that.”

  Raising my brow similarly I smiled coolly. “You are exceedingly ignorant of many of my interests.” His mouth tightened in displeasure at my observation. I would have liked to shown my delight in getting his goat but when talking to my father it was better to show no emotion at all.

  “Yes, well, I’m sure a lot of parents fall into that category. Children go their own way when they reach adulthood and their interests become less understandable.”

  I knew that was a dig at lacrosse. He didn’t comprehend why I put so much effort into it since I couldn’t really make a career out of it. If I continued after college I would only make around twenty-five thousand a year. Like I’d told Carrie, lacrosse wasn’t big like football or baseball. I played for the love of it, not to make money.

  However, dear old dad wanted me completely entrenched in the family business, something I absolutely didn’t want. It was a never ending argument between us.

  Keeping my face impassive I sighed with just the right amount of boredom. “I hope you didn’t have me come all the way over here for another discussion, in a long line of discussions, about my intolerable lacrosse hobby.”

  He took a sip from his glass, but his gaze was fixed on me. “I had something else I wanted to talk to you about. I received a call three days ago from an unknown woman who seemed exceedingly concerned about some girl you’ve been seen with. She informed me that the girl has a scandalous past and that I should warn you about who you are being photographed with as it could put an unfavorable light on you and the family.”

  My temperature instantly skyrocketed. I jolted forward…screw nonchalance. “Some unknown woman, huh? Did she stay unknown or did you find out who it was?” I asked tightly.

  My father’s eyes narrowed at my display. “No, I did not find out who it was that called, nor do I particularly care. I do care about the information she told me. The woman informed me of the girls name and I looked into her background and it was quite disturbing. The girl killed her father when she was fourteen and was put into a mental hospital. I called you here so I could update you about what I found out if you didn’t already know.” His eyes narrowed even further and I knew he didn’t like the idea that I might have known and was still hanging out with her.

  “I already know about Carrie’s past and it’s not as cut and dried as what’s presented for public scrutiny. Carrie was attacked by her father in her bed when she was fourteen. She didn’t know it was her father attacking her, suffocating her, when she protected herself by stabbing him in the neck with a pencil. The reason she went to the hospital was at the realization that she had kill her father. It was rather traumatic for her.” I said in irate sarcasm.

  I was totally pissed off that someone had called my dad to warn him about Carrie. She had warned me about the backlash, and even though it was happening I didn’t care about myself. I was worried that it could get back to her and cause her pain at the reemergence of her past.

  “While what you’ve told me does put a different spin on the tale it doesn’t change the fact that the girls past is…unpleasant, and would give you and this family negative publicity. It could also do great harm to your lacrosse plans.” He smirked.

  Fuck, he didn’t a shit about my lacrosse plans, or bad publicity. This was a power play on his part, in an effort in trying to control me.

  I leaned toward him angrily. “Carrie has nothing to be ashamed of. She was protecting herself from a sadistic individual. I’m not ashamed to be seen with her and I don’t care what people say. She was actually worried about the same thing, but I told her it would probably only enhance my reputation.” I gave him a smirk of my own.

  He set his glass on the table with a clunk. “I’m assuming she’s just another one of your fan girls. I’ve seen a picture of her and yes she’s exceptionally beautiful, but so are dozens of other women. I doubt if you are particularly attached to her as I know you are quite the player, so just go out and find another.”

  “What, like you do?” I sneered angrily. “I might have been a player, but I’m not anymore and Carrie isn’t interchangeable to me.” I didn’t bother to tell him ‘I loved her’ because he wouldn’t comprehend it…the man was clueless about love and affection.

  He sighed deeply and his lips thinned into a straight line. “If this girl becomes a problem then I will have to take drastic measures.”

  I stood up and loomed over him with my fist clenched. “You go anywhere fucking near her and I’ll kick your ass old man.” I shouted furiously. The thought of my father intimidating Carrie with threats put me in a killing mood. I wasn’t just threatening him, I would literally kick his ass if he went anywhere near her.

  My father’s eyes widened recognizing that I was serious, but then they narrowed in calculation. “When I spoke of drastic measures I was referring to what I would have to do to you.”

  I laughed harshly. “What could you possibly do to me?”

  “Rescind your trust fund, college tuition, and credit cards, and basically disown you from this family. I will not have this family connected to someone with her distasteful past. She’s not even part our social circle which in some ways could have offset some of the negative publicity. She’s basically destitute.”

  His snobbery and self-centeredness wasn’t a shock to me. “Our social circle…that’s rich.” I sneered. “If I had my way I wouldn’t be connected to our social circle. It’s full of self-indulged, hypocritical jackasses. Do you really think I care about your money? Sure, it’s there and I’ll use it, but it doesn’t rule me. I can get a school loan for college if I need to. Or I could accept one of the many offers I’ve had to go pro in lacrosse. Either way I will do fine without your money. In re
gards to the trust fund, you only added to that; grandfather set it up and you can’t rescind it. So don’t think you can try to threaten me, father.” I said the last word with all the scorn I was feeling.

  He stared up at me and I was gratified to see surprise in his eyes. Most of our arguments had been conducted in cool detachment, and my outburst and revelations had knocked him off kilter. He also hadn’t expected me to counteract his threats.

  “So do what you have to do, but Carrie stays in my life. And I meant what I said, don’t go anywhere near her unless I’m with her and it’s to say ‘nice to meet you’.”

  I departed the room with those last words. Maggie was just outside the door with tears in her eyes. We didn’t say anything I just gave her a hug goodbye and left the house. She would be the only thing I missed if I never came back.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  I skipped out of the Sports store toward Nic’s truck eagerly. I had a surprise for him today and I could barely contain my excitement. He’d been doing so many nice things for me that I wanted to do something nice for him; something spectacular.

  He was waiting at the passenger door holding it open for me, but I didn’t jump in right away because I noticed that even though he was smiling there was noticeable tension around his mouth and eyes.

  Reaching up I smoothed my hands over each tension mark. “What happened?” I asked worriedly.

  He took hold of my hand and kissed my palm. “Nothing to worry about, now take me to my surprise.” He commanded with a smile.

  Remembering how he’d gotten me to talk last week I reached up and pulled his head down. Moving my mouth over his I licked at his bottom lip and then slipped my tongue into his mouth. Needing no other encouragement he pulled me into his body and hungrily consumed my mouth, attacking my lips and sucking on my tongue.

  I could feel the conflict in him as he kissed me, and I just wanted to make him feel better. Curling my fingers in his hair I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist losing myself in him.

  “Shit!” Nic muttered explosively against my mouth. Stepping closer to the truck so that we were more hidden he pressed me against the leather seat. It pushed me harder against his arousal which in turn set off my own and I couldn’t stop myself from wiggling as the ache hit me down there.

  I whimpered at the same time that Nic groaned and tore his mouth from mine. He switched it to my neck and started sucking.

  “Damn, we can’t do this here. It’s daylight and we are very noticeably close to fucking.” He said hoarsely continuing to rock and suck.

  Heat exploded inside me at his graphic words, and because we were very visible in an intimate embrace.

  Breathing hard and aching internally I pulled his head back and looked into his eye. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  I saw recognition flash in his eyes. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” He demanded.

  “Just like you did it purposely last week; now talk.”

  His head fell back and a self-mocking grin spread across his face. “I’m never going to be able to get away with anything with you, am I?”

  “I hope not.” I replied with a grin. “Now talk.”

  He sighed and set me away from him on the seat. “I went to see my father today and we had an argument. It was the same old argument; he doesn’t want me taking lacrosse seriously, he wants me taking over the family business. Hell, I’m not sure what I want to do, but I definitely don’t want to work for him, or around him. I want to continue with lacrosse after I graduate, and maybe start my own business possibly something having to do with sports. He made some threats about cutting off my tuition, credit cards, and my trust fund, and I told him to go ahead but that he was blowing smoke about my trust fund because it was from grandfather and he didn’t have any say over that. I think I surprised him with my comeback. I left quickly after that.”

  I watched him in concern as he revealed what happened. “You never really talk about your parents. Do you and your father not get along well, or was this just an argument that got out of hand.”

  Nic stabbed his finger through his hair pulling at it. “My father and I have a very cold and distant relationship. Neither of my parents are affectionate; I was raised by nannies and maids. Since starting college my father has been trying to mold me into the next executive but I wasn’t having it and he hasn’t been happy with my dissention. I basically told him today that he has no control over what I do and he could shove his money.”

  I raised my brows. “Did you say where or did you leave it to his discretion?”

  He gave me a real smile. “His discretion, there were just too many places I wanted to tell him to shove it.”

  I grabbed a hold of him and hugged him hard. “I’m sorry that you had to deal with that today.”

  Stuffing his face in my neck again he whispered. “You know I love you, right?” After a second I nodded. I loved hearing him say it, but it also still caused my insides to clench in anxiety. He pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes. “I don’t want you to forget that no matter how difficult things might seem or get for us. No one has any control over our relationship except us. I’ve put my trust in you and I want you to put your trust in me.” His gaze lightened. “It’s you and me against the world, baby.” I smiled at his corny line, even though the previous words had sounded kind of omen’ish. Was he expecting trouble to come our way?

  “Do you want to continue with our plans or do something else?” I asked. He was putting forth a careless attitude and I wasn’t certain how much of façade it was.

  He frowned. “Of course. I’ve been looking forward to it as soon as you mentioned it. Now take me to my surprise, I’m dying of curiosity here, woman.” He settled me in the seat and closed the door. I watched as he jogged around to the driver’s side. Buckling up he turned my way eagerly. “Where to?”

  “First Street and Washington Avenue.” I answered with a smile at his eagerness.

  His face turned contemplative as he started the engine. “Waiting to the last minute, huh? Okay, I can wait.” He drove out of the parking lot.

  It was a twenty minute drive and Nic stopped so we could get something to eat. At least with his mouth full he was unable to pester me with questions.

  Twenty minutes later I pointed to the right. “Take a right into this parking lot.”

  He turned and smiled. “The Aquarium; you giving me that behind the scenes tour.”

  I grinned slyly. “Oh yeah.”

  His brows rose at my tone. “Carrie, what do have going on in that sneaky little mind of yours?”

  Ignoring his question I jumped out of the truck hauling my backpack with me. “Come on.”

  He snatched my hand in his as we walked up to the building. Lizzy was working the entrance and I gave her a smile. She was a couple years older than me with curly brown, shoulder length hair. She had a very outgoing personality and was very pretty. I knew everyone that worked here and got along with everybody, but I spent more time with the behind the scenes staff, thus I was more comfortable with them.

  “Hey Carrie.” She greeted with a smile. Her gaze was on Nic though, and the smile wasn’t one she normally threw in my direction. It was wider, and looked really avaricious.

  I didn’t like it.

  “Hi Lizzy.” I returned and realized that my tone had been slightly terse. She didn’t seem to notice because her focus stayed glued on Nic. I pushed his admission money through the windows gap. I had an annual pass so mine was already taken care of. “See you, Lizzy.” I pulled Nic after me away from her.

  Nic chuckled and I looked up at him with a frown of confusion. “What?”

  His eyes twinkled down at me. “Nothing.”

  I narrowed my eyes at his brief reply that seemed to have loads more meaning behind it. He leaned down suddenly and gave me a kiss that made my thoughts scatter. When he pulled away, and after my wits returned, I looked around self-consciously and tugged at him to follow me.

/>   For thirty minutes I took him on the normal tour. We got to see all the many fish, jelly fish, stingrays, and sharks, and even though it was the everyday tour I knew he enjoyed it. During that time I returned waves with other employees and could feel their curious eyes on me and Nic. I tried to not let their concentrated stares agitate me, but I was never comfortable with so much attention focused on me. Whenever I did wave to someone I noticed that Nic moved closer wrapping his arm around me. It was like he was making it known to every person that we were together.

  The time was passing quickly so I led Nic to a door that read ‘Employees only’ and pulled him through.

  “Should we be back here?” He asked, not looking all that concerned.

  “I know people.” I said importantly.

  “Cool, I’ve always wanted to know someone that knew people.” He replied in exaggerated awe.

  Grinning, I led him further down the hall to where the big tanks were and saw who I was looking for. “Carl!” I called.

  Carl looked up from the small tank he had his hands in and smiled at seeing me. Carl was six-foot, burly, African American, in his early sixties, with a head full of white hair, but he didn’t look sixty, or act like it.

  “Care bear, it’s so good to see you.” He pulled his hands out of the tank and walked over to me with his arms out wide, and dripping wet. I walked into them not caring. Carl was my best friend, and he’d helped me through a lot.

  He swung me side to side in a big bear hug. Releasing me he held me away from him examining me.

  “I don’t see any missing limbs or broken bones. How come you don’t come see me sooner?” Carl was also from Georgia and had a bit of an accent.

  “A lot has happened in the last several weeks. I moved out of my mom’s house and am now living in the dorms, and I started a new job.”

  He looked over my head with a sharp glare that held a sparkle. “You meetin new friends, too. Who’s this?”


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