Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 29

by Sara Hess

  I turned and grabbed Nic’s hand. He wore a bemused expression. “This is Nic, and yes he’s a new friend.” I leaned forward and whispered. “So be nice, I really like him.”

  Carl was looking Nic up and down. Nic held out his hand. “Nic Stanford, it’s great to meet you.”

  Carl’s expression eased into a wide smile, he was just too affable for anything else. “And is good to be meetin any friend of Carrie’s. She a special girl.” He placed his big mitt of a hand on my head and rubbed, totally messing up my plait. I slapped it away good-naturedly laughing.

  “You don’t have to tell me that.” Nic replied looking at the two of us in wonder.

  Carl nodded. “I meet this girl when she fifteen; as soon as I see her I knew she was special.” He wagged his finger at Nic. “You lucky to be her friend, make sure you treat her well.”

  Nic placed his hands on my shoulders. “I know I am, and I will.” He answered in a serious tone.”

  Carl looked at Nic and then at me before nodding again. “Good. Follow me and I’ll get you set up.”

  “Set up for what?” Nic growled in my ear.

  Carl heard of course, and without losing stride he answered. “We going swimming with the sharks.”

  I felt Nic stumble behind me and giggled.

  “What?!” He exclaimed.

  Carl turned his head and gave me a totally fake disappointed look. I’d already informed him that Nic knew nothing of this and that it was a surprise.

  “Care Bear, you just going to throw him in the shark tank and see if he can swim. That ain’t like you. When you get all blood thirsty?” He faced forward chuckling.

  “Yeah, when did you get all blood thirsty?” Nic asked gripping my shoulders firmly.

  “When I noticed how manipulative you could be. Manipulation comes with a price.” I warned.

  He lowered one hand to poke me in the side. I squealed and shuffled sideways but he didn’t let me go. Carl just chuckled again.

  When we reached the back room Carl pointed to the two restrooms. “Go get into your bathing suits and meet me by the equipment. I got everything ready.” He walked away whistling.

  “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.” Nic said in disappointment.

  I rummaged in my backpack and pulled out a pair of trunks. “Here you go.”

  “You little sneak. When did you swipe those?” He asked, taking them from my hands.

  “Wednesday, when you went down for popcorn.” I smirked heading for the girl’s room.

  “Thinking about you rummaging through my drawers makes me hot.” He called after me.

  I giggled as I closed the door. I pulled out my plain, old black swimsuit with a grimace. I was starting to become conscious of how old, loose, and drab my clothes were. I wanted to appear more attractive around Nic, but I didn’t really have the money for a complete makeover. However, I could start looking for some cheap clothes that fit me better.

  Stripping down I pulled the suit on and folded my clothes back into my pack. Stepping out of the bathroom I saw Nic waiting for me wearing his suit and holding his clothes. My eyes trailed over his naked chest keenly and I took note that his gaze went hot as he looked me over appreciatively in turn. My skin burned from his stare. He didn’t seem to care that my bathing suit was old and worn.

  “This surprise has already reached way above what I’d imagined.” He said stepping closer and running his palm over my hip. My breath caught at the touch.

  I sidestepped him. “Not in front of Carl.” I said breathlessly wagging my finger. “That would just be too weird. Here, put your cloths in my pack.” I held the pack out away from my body.

  He chuckled and did as I said, but his gaze was still checking out my body. I could feel myself getting red and very warm, everywhere. Setting the pack down on a chair I led Nic over to where Carl was waiting for us.

  “Oh, damn. This isn’t good.” He choked out behind me.

  I twisted around in concern at his pained tone. “What?”

  Nic had his hand cupped in front of his groin. “The sight of your ass just made my semi go all the way hard.” He groaned.

  My mouth dropped open in astonishment and I didn’t think I could have gotten any hotter, but I did.

  Nic actually looked chagrined. “I’m not all that happy with it either.” He muttered.

  I was still embarrassed, but I wasn’t able to stop my giggle at his predicament and expression. Turning I walked self-consciously to where Carl was waiting for us knowing Nic was probably starring at my butt the entire way.

  “Have you ever been scuba diving?” Carl asked Nic as soon as we walked up.

  “No, just snorkeling.” He answered.

  Carl immediately went into explaining how the equipment worked. Since I’d been dozens of times I went and grabbed a wet suit my size. Dunking it into the oversized sink I began wiggling into it.

  “Hey, pay attention boyo. I’m sure she’s fun to watch but what I’m telling you could save your life.”

  My head swiveled to see Nic watching something Carl was doing his face flushed red. Face red again, I went back to putting on my wet suit with a lot less wiggle and just more tugging. Grabbing a size that would fit Nic I walked over to find them practicing with the air tanks.

  “Well, you a fast learner. I think you be okay. Go ahead and put that wet suit on that Carrie’s got and then we’ll suit you out with the air tanks.”

  Nic knew how to put on the wet suit, and then Carl was fitting us both with the air tanks. I helped Carl with his and then we headed for the shark tank. Carl checked Nic one more time before we climbed in the water. I could see by Nic’s expression that he was nervous but excited.

  “Nic, you okay?” Carl asked over the underwater microphones once we were in the water.

  “I’m good.” He replied.

  “Care Bear?”

  “Good.” I replied.

  “Holy shit!” Nic suddenly exclaimed.

  I turned and watched a shark swim past Nic almost brushing against him.

  “That’s a Mako shark, Nic.” I said excitedly.

  “These things are tame, right?” Nic asked twisting in the water. I could see that he was anxious about what else could be coming up behind us.

  Carl chuckled over the line. “Carrie, your friend is funny. Boy, you can’t tame sharks, but they been fed good, so they all happy and lazy. But there always a chance that you might look good as dessert.”

  “That’s not all that reassuring.” Nic muttered.

  “Don’t worry, Nic, they won’t bite. They’re familiar with humans.” I assured him.

  “Yeah, as snacks.” He joked.

  I laughed over the line. “Relax Nic; you don’t want them to smell your fear. It’s like catnip to them.”

  “Carrie! That’s not funny.” He growled.

  Carl laughed over the line giving the impression that it certainly was.

  Chapter Thirty


  We swam around and I thought I was catching on pretty well to the whole scuba diving thing if not the swimming with the shark’s thing. Carrie glided gracefully through the water and around the sharks like it was something she did every day, and I guess it was. She stayed close to me laughing and pointed out every shark recounting everything about them. I barely paid attention to the facts she was telling me, I was more fascinated by her personality in these surroundings.

  She was more relaxed and comfortable than I had ever seen her, and I was a bit awestruck at how fearless she was in a tank full of predators. At one point she grabbed hold of the fin of one shark and held on as it swam around. I about had a heart attack thinking it was going to twist around and snap at her for daring to touch it like that. She tried to get me to do the same thing and I actually latched on to one for a couple seconds until it jerked slightly causing me to let go instinctively in self-preservation.

  I wasn’t going to find out if it had jerked in an effort to turn and gnaw my hand off.

rrie laughed and gave me a thumbs up for my bravery, and hey, I accepted it pretending that it hadn’t scared the shit out of me.

  We spent about thirty minutes down in the tank before Carl directed us back up. Sitting on the side of the tank I took off my mask and breather as Carrie did the same. Her face was lit up in compete joy and she never looked more beautiful…even with mask lines on her face.

  “That was completely, totally, and absolutely awesome.” I said giving her an enormous smile. Her face just brightened more and I swear I was almost blinded.

  Leaning forward I gave her a kiss. “That was the best damn surprise anyone has ever given me, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She grinned back at me.

  “Do I get a kiss too, boyo?” Carl asked giving me a look while taking off his gear.

  “I don’t want you feeling left out, Carl.” I stood up and walked toward him.

  Carl shoved the air tanks in my hands with a grin instead. “Boyo, they hanging heavy on you, yah? Turn around so I can get your gear off.” He said with a twirl of his finger.

  If Carl was referring to my balls, then yeah, they always were around Carrie. Both Carl and Carrie showed me how to pack up the gear and then we were changing back into our clothes and saying goodbye. Carl gave Carrie another bear hug and made her promise not to wait so long between visits again.

  We left through a back door and leaving reminded me of when we entered and Carrie’s brusqueness toward the girl behind the glass. She wasn’t normally like that with other people and it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one getting jealous in this relationship, and surprisingly, observing hers had only gotten me hotter for her.

  “That really was one of the best times I’ve ever had, it’s a no wonder that you’re going into marine biology if you can do that stuff all the time.” I said after we’d climbed in the truck.

  “Was it better than lacrosse?” She asked with a grin.

  I frowned thoughtfully. “That’s hard to say. It was right up there if not a close second. It was just so damn stimulating swimming with something that could just as easily take a bite out of you. If I could stick check them without the fear of losing a hand, then maybe.” I said grinning.

  “I love being down there. It wakes up everything in my body, being surrounded by the water and the feeling of weightlessness. When I’m down there every worry I have just floats away…pun intended.” She grinned.

  “So, Care Bear, what’s the story with Carl and how come you’ve never told me about him? You two see seem pretty close.” I asked, not understanding why she hadn’t told me about someone who seemed to have such a close relationship with her when she had so few of them.

  She sighed and gave me an apologetic look. “I met Carl at a pretty low part of my life. I was going to the aquarium almost every day soon after I got back from the hospital. I was living with a hostile stranger, my mom never meeting my gaze or talking to me. I was spiraling down into a deep depression. To get out of the house I started going to the aquarium. With my school I.D. it was basically free and it settled my soul.

  After several weeks Carl came up to me and started up a conversation about the tank I was sitting in front of. Each time I came in he’d find me and tell me something new about each and every fish they had and some they didn’t. Carl has a degree in marine zoology and he’s been working at the aquarium almost from the time it started up. Back then he didn’t have a degree, but he loved everything about it so much he went back to school to get one. He was the one that brought me in as a volunteer slash apprentice and taught me everything he knew. He’s the reason why I’m going into the field. I don’t know what made him come up to me the first time, but he changed my life. He saved me in a way. I never brought him up because you have to know Carl to appreciate him, and he’s really special to me. Carl was part of the surprise.”

  Man, every time I heard part of her past I wanted to cry for her. Hearing her describe how depressed she’d been because of her mother’s actions had me reflecting on the ‘what if’s’. What if it had spiraled too far? What if she’d reached a point where she couldn’t have handled it anymore and just thrown it all in? I wanted to go back to that aquarium and give Carl the kiss I threatened him with and a big ‘thank you’. I had an idea of what had drawn Carl to Carrie; he’d seen the sadness in her and being the kind of guy he was he had wanted to help her.

  I squeezed Carrie’s hand. “Thank you for the surprise, for introducing me to Carl, and for sharing that story with me. I’m glad and beyond thankful that he was there for you when no one else seemed to be. You’ve had two great people to help you through something awful, and it shows me where you’ve gained the optimism and strength you carry around with you. You’re an amazing person, Carrie.”

  A blush spread across her cheeks and she returned my grip. “Nic, you are an amazing person too, and I’m thankful that you came into my life. You know, I didn’t just take you to meet Carl; I wanted Carl to meet you. He’s important in my life and so are you.”

  “And that right there means the world to me.” I said kissing her knuckles. “Carrie, I want to ask you something, but I’m not sure how you’ll take it?” I gave her a sidelong look truly anxious on how she’d take my request.

  “What?” She asked, looking at me curiously.

  “You’ve spent the night at my house twice now but it only came about because of something that happened. I was wondering if you’d spend the night with me tonight, not for anything sexual, but because I want you there. I wouldn’t be pressuring you for anything. I just like knowing that you are there next to me, and waking up to you lying next to me is even better.”

  She blushed and a small smile twisted her lips, but then an expression of doubt puckered her face. “You have a game tomorrow; me being there won’t mess with your schedule or anything will it?”

  She was picking at her coat but I could see she wasn’t discomfited by the conversation, only interested in the idea, and that had me smiling in relief and satisfaction. “I don’t have to be at the stadium until eleven, so that leaves us plenty of time in the morning. We can wake up late, have breakfast together, and then you can either head out with me or Amanda. We can stop at your room and grab what you need for tonight and tomorrow.”

  Her gaze tracked my way for a second before returning to her coat. “The other guys won’t mind?”

  “Nope; Amanda spends the night all the time.”

  She looked out the window and then her gaze met mine. The blush was still prominent but she was smiling hesitantly. “Okay.”

  I wanted to do a fist bump in the air but settled for an asinine smile. “Cool.” Her smile twitched at my reply.

  We went by her dorm so she could grab what she needed and then headed to the house. It looked empty when we arrived; everyone off doing their own thing.

  “Why don’t you go up and use the shower and I’ll grab us something to eat and a movie for us to watch.” I said.

  “You don’t need help?” She stood there looking a little lost.

  “Nope, go ahead.” I gave her a kiss and a gentle push toward the stairs. She probably needed a little time to herself to get relaxed to the idea.

  Going through the DVD collection I grabbed a few choices. It was mostly guy movies but Carrie seemed to like action flicks. I whipped us up three grilled ham and cheese sandwiches; two for me and one for her, and added some fresh carrots, snap peas, pineapple, and strawberries. Piling it all on one serving platter with some bottled water I headed up the stairs.

  I stepped in my room to find Carrie sitting on my bed wearing long white underwear and one of my shirts that reached to her knees. It was the same shirt I’d given her last time, and it was making my groin twitch seeing her in it. She’d blown dried her hair and it was black silk falling around her face and down her back. God, I loved seeing it down. I liked it when it was up though too; it made her eyes and striking Spanish features stand out that much more.

  She looked down and
smiled self-consciously. “Is it okay that I borrowed your shirt? I wasn’t thinking when I grabbed my sleep shirt; it’s kind of short and I wanted something longer.”

  “It’s perfectly alright. I like seeing you in my clothes. In fact, that can be your official sleep wear for when you spend the night.” Which hopefully would happen a lot.

  Setting the food on the bed I tossed the movies on the bed. “Which one do you want to watch tonight?”

  She picked them up and then looked up at me incredibly. “Jaws, Sharknado, and Deep Blue Sea. Are you trying to tell me something, or just scare me so I don’t go back into the water?”

  “You don’t even have to be in the water for the sharks in Sharknado.” I said with a wicked grin.

  She picked up the Sharknado movie. “Is it as bad as I’ve heard?”

  “Way worse. It’s the optimum of B-movie flicks; bad acting, implausible plot, and people dying in far-fetched ways.”

  She held the movie out with a smile. “You’ve sold me.”

  I moved over to DVD player to put the movie in. “I’m going to jump in the shower real quick. Go ahead and start eating without me.”

  Grabbing a pair of boxers and sweats I headed into the bathroom and rushed through the quickest shower ever. I walked back into the bedroom to see Carrie frowning at the television. “You weren’t kidding about the bad acting.” She looked my way and then blushed as her locked on my naked chest.

  Grinning at her blush and obvious interest I threw myself down on the bed next to her and grabbed one on the sandwiches. “Oh, it gets worse. The scenes don’t even match up. One scene it will be sunny and then the next cloudy, it will be raining one minute and then the next minute it’s not.” I took a bite of the sandwich.

  Her gaze moved up over my shoulders and she sighed before coming back to my face. Her blush was still going strong and her eyes were dilated. I was hoping her emotions were moving from embarrassed to arousal. “Why do you have the movie if it’s so bad?”

  “It’s so bad it’s hilarious.” I mumbled around my sandwich.

  We critiqued the movie as we finished up the food and Carrie’s coloring returned to normal as she accustomed herself to the situation. When we finished eating Carrie went to brush her teeth and I took the platter back down stairs. Returning to the bedroom I found Carrie back on the bed under the blankets.


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