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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

Page 37

by Sara Hess

  The sink turned on telling me that Carrie was probably going to the bathroom…I’d already picked up on that she didn’t want me hearing her piss. Whether this was a Carrie thing or a girl thing I wasn’t sure. After about three minutes I heard the bathtub start and thought I’d give her another couple more minutes to get settled.

  As I waited I checked my phone for any texts and found that my dad had left me one. The only thing it said was, ‘I told you what would happen’. I hadn’t spoken to him since he’d threatened me concerning Carrie, but I knew right away what the text meant. A reporter at the game yesterday had brought up my pre-game conduct saying that my and Carrie’s kiss had been uploaded onto the school’s website already with the caption ‘Star player kisses fan in stand before game’.

  The reporter had asked who it was I had been kissing. I had debated on what to tell her because I didn’t want Carrie to have to worry about being exposed, but I also didn’t want it to seem like she wasn’t important to me. So all I’d confirmed was that she was my girlfriend and that she’d surprised me by being at the game. I hadn’t named her, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the reporter found out her name and ran a more in-depth article.

  What was being said or written was the crucial question.

  The bathtub water was still running so I went to my laptop and punched in my and Carrie’s full names. A dozen articles popped up, but there was one that concerned both Carrie and me. A local paper had run an article this morning about my outstanding performance this season and even gone back to mention the past two championships years.

  It was a fantastic piece of exposure for me that I would have been excited over if it hadn’t also gone into depth about Carrie and her background. It looked like they’d rewritten the shoddy information located on the internet, the same stuff Nikki had first found. It basically said that there had been an altercation in the family home and that Carrie had attacked her father killing him and then been sent to a hospital for psychological treatment with none of the essential details of what had really taken place.

  Son of a fucking bitch! This was what Carrie had feared would happen. She had worried that her negative publicity would attach itself to my name. I didn’t give a shit about that, but I knew she would. What I did care about was how she was going to handle her name being bandied about in the news and if this might cause her to have another attack, an even worse one? She’d just gotten out of the hospital. What if this sent her right back, and for an even longer period of time than before?

  Fuck! If only I hadn’t kissed her in front of the entire stadium…but I had been so damn happy to see her I hadn’t been thinking, and with the way she’d set it up and greeted me I don’t think she’d been thinking about it either.

  Well, that ship had sailed, now we needed to deal with the aftermath. If it had been possible I wouldn’t even tell Carrie about the article, but there was no way to hide it. Anyone could come up to her and shove it in her face. She needed to be forewarned so she wasn’t surprised.

  Closing down the computer I walked toward the bathroom with a heavy heart wondering how Carrie would receive what I had to tell her. However, my thoughts blanked momentarily as I opened the door and saw the vision before me.

  Carrie was lying back in the tub her body submerged in water with only the tips of her breasts peeking up out. The ends of her hair floated around them giving me small glimpses of her plump mounds and perky peaks. She hadn’t heard me open the door over the running water; her head remained tilted back against the tiled wall, eyes closed in relaxation, beautiful face serene.

  I stood there enjoying the sight for a moment before silently closing the door and walking toward the tub. Crouching down I slipped my hand into the water and smoothed it over her stomach. She jerked in surprise eyes flying open, but she calmed at once at the sight of me.

  Slipping a little deeper into the tub, I assume for more coverage, she gave me a sweet smile. “Hey.”

  I quirked a brow. “You wouldn’t by chance have room in there for me, would you?”

  The flush on her face from the heat of the water turned even rosier. She did arch a brow at me playfully though. “I don’t know…you’re awfully large. Do you think you’ll fit?”

  She wasn’t trying to be sexual but that statement was too good to pass up. “I like tight fits.” I replied huskily, skimming my hand down over her sex so she wouldn’t miss my innuendo, and there went her face getting even redder. “Scoot forward a bit.”

  Turning off the water I stood up dropping the towel and slid carefully into the very hot water arranging her between my legs. Her wet black hair plastered itself instantly to my chest. I grabbed some soap and caressed it over her arms, stomach, and breasts and she slowly relaxed back against me. My cock swelled but I ignored it even though it was a little hard to overlook the stiff pipe smashed between our bodies.

  “Can you tell me about your time in the hospital?”

  Carrie sighed and her hands stroked over my thighs, which didn’t help my already stimulated senses. “You’re wondering why I could let you lay on top of me?”

  “Yes.” I answered simply.

  “Mona put me through some intense therapy for my anxiety of being confined. She put heavy blankets on me that would get heavier each night. She would talk with me until I was comfortable and then leave me alone. It was difficult at first but I gradually became accustomed to it. Most of my anxiety was stemming from not dealing with my father’s actions though.”

  I forced my body to stay lax but my eyes widened as Carrie spoke of her father. She was never able to speak about him without some difficulty. “What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

  “When I was in the hospital previously I hadn’t fully dealt with what my father had tried to do to me. I sort of pushed it to the back recesses of my mind. This time I actually talked about it with Mona.” She absently moved her hands over me as she talked. “For some reason I blocked my father completely from my memories. I couldn’t even recall what he was like from my childhood. However, these last four weeks I had a breakthrough in my memories. I remember an attentive father, someone who spent time with me. I don’t recall any incidents of him touching me inappropriately before that night.”

  I heard a childlike tone to her voice, a sort of hope that what she remembered to be true was actually the truth. It broke my heart, her hope. It also made me all that more angry toward her father and I had to consciously keep my hands from tensing on her arms and shoulders as I washed her.

  Carrie continued in a sadly bewildered tone. “I have memories of loving my father and of him loving me. They’ve told me about his internet child pornography and I have this notion that he was a man afflicted with this…problem but tried his best to not succumb to it. He was drunk the night he attacked me and I have to wonder if that might be the reason why he did it, because he wasn’t entirely himself.”

  Damn, she was killing me. I didn’t give a fuck what her father’s reasons were. All I cared about was how it affected her. It being her father I could see how she would make excuses for him, but how was this affecting her mind-set on protecting herself by killing him? Would she put more blame upon herself? It wasn’t something I would allow her to do.

  I wrapped my arms around her tightly and kissed the top of her head. “What was in your father’s head no one will ever know, but if what you’re thinking is true and he loved you, than he would have wanted you to protect yourself. Even from him.” I stated strongly.

  She sighed sorrowfully. “Yes, that’s the same thing Mona said, and I believe it’s something easy to say. It’s the same thing I would tell another in my place, but I also know it’s something I will have to come to grips with in time.”

  Damn, her fortitude was remarkable. “And I will be there next to you the whole time.” I vowed.

  Carrie turned to look at me, her gaze bright. “You are always there for me. I want to be that same strong post for you.” She leaned forward to press a soft kiss against my
lips. “I love you.”

  My chest constricted. “I love you too.” I returned her kiss a little harder running my hand down her side and then back up to cup her breast. I was getting a tad too excited so I broke the kiss. I still needed to talk to her about that article.

  I settled her back against my chest and went back to soaping her. “There’s something I need to tell you. When we shared that kiss in front of the entire stadium…well, it was put up on the universities website.” She stiffened and I knew I couldn’t tell this to the back of her head. I turned her around in my lap so she straddled me. Her expression showed surprise at my abrupt arrangement of her person. My stiff cock lay sandwiched between our abdomens and her breasts pressed into my chest, but I ignored them pulling her tighter into my embrace. “Moreover, because of that kiss a reporter asked me who you were.”

  Carrie’s eyes widened and the dread in them was easy to see. “What did you say?”

  I rubbed her shoulders in comfort. “I only told her you were my girlfriend.” Her alarmed expression started to ease. “But, she found out your name and when she wrote the article she named you…” Damn, I hated to have to tell her this, especially as her face was already white in distress. “…and she found your story online citing it in her article.”

  “Oh, my god.”

  I watched her breathing carefully in case she had an attack. It appeared steady, but the acute dismay on her face caused my heart to clench. Seeing her upset set my teeth on edge.

  “I’m so sorry, Nic. I was afraid that this might happen. Is this going to cause big problems for you? I can step out of the picture if you need me to.”

  Carrie rambled on apologizing and I just stared at her in astonishment. She was upset about possibly causing me problems. What the Hell! She didn’t seem to care at all that everyone was finding out her past.

  “You need to stop that shit right now.” Carrie’s mouth froze in an ‘O’ and her eyes widened in surprise. As a rule I tried not to swear in front of her, but she needed to stop thinking the shit she was thinking. “I love you and there is no way you’re stepping back from us. I’m not worried about me. I told you your past won’t cause me any harm, but I am concerned about you. Four weeks ago you had a severe panic attack because your past was exposed in front of a crowd of people. I don’t want you to have to go through that again.”

  Closing her eyes she sighed and leaning forward laying her head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes as the wet glide of her stomach on my hard dick sent a jagged arrow of pleasure to my balls. “I will be fine as long as there’s no fall out on you. I’ve finally come to terms with my past…mostly…and I don’t think…at least I’m pretty sure I’m over freaking out just because someone mentions my father or what happened to me.”

  Gliding my hands up her wet back I took enjoyment in the silkiness of her skin. If what she was saying was true than I was extremely relieved for her, I never wanted to see her have another panic attack in my life, but I wasn’t happy that she might have to deal with the jerk wads out there who might give her shit about her past. It wasn’t going to be pleasant for her to deal with the comments and rumors, and the stress of coping with said jerk wads could possibly push her into an episode.

  “I can assure you that your past will not affect lacrosse, and if it did I would choose you over it any day.” I said meaning every word. Lacrosse had been my whole life before Carrie, but after having been without her for a month I can honestly say that she was more important…hands down.

  Carrie raised her head and looked at me in incredulity. “Nic, I don’t want you to do that. You love lacrosse, and you are so good at it. I would feel terrible if you lost it because of me.” She raised both her hands to my face. “We’ll figure it out, okay. I don’t want to be pessimistic anymore, let’s just wait and see what happens and we will take it day by day.” She leaned forward pressing her entire body into mine hugging me. “Maybe it won’t be so bad.” She whispered.

  I enfolded her in my arms and prayed for her words to be true. I also prayed that she didn’t find out about my father basically disowning me, because she would not take it well. I could give a flying fuck myself. It wasn’t like the family dynamics was going to undergo any great adjustment, and I still had my trust fund. So the hell with them.

  Chapter Thirty-nine


  It was Monday and my first day back to classes and work. The classes had gone okay. I’d arrived early for both classes to talk to my professor’s. They’d been apprised of my situation and neither one looked at me differently, welcoming me to class with pleasant smiles which I thought was nice of them since I had probably inconvenienced them somewhat. Each of my classes consisted of about fifty students and besides a few curious looks from the people I typically sat next to who had maybe noted my month long nonattendance no one seemed to pay me any undue attention.

  It was a relatively smooth return after four weeks of absence.

  I walked into the Sports store to find John manning the counter. I’d talked to him last night about returning to work and he said he was pleased to finally have me back. He wouldn’t hear any apologies saying that all my shifts had been covered by exemplary individuals who knew their sports so it had worked out great.

  “Hi John.” I greeted him with a cautious repentant smile. If he wouldn’t let me apologize verbally I could at least show it.

  He gave me a huge smile and came around the desk to give me a quick hug. “Carrie, it’s great to have you back. It was fun having the guys cover your shifts but they just aren’t as pretty as you; although, our business did pick up from all the females coming in to see them.”

  This was surprising news and not something I really wanted to know. I could just imagine all the groupies and other girls overflowing the store to see Nic.

  John’s smile widened and he threw me a wink. “Don’t you worry about Nic, he treated them all impersonally. It was pretty funny actually. Girls would come in trying their best to get his interest but he would hide behind the counter looking put out by all the attention. Landon, Blake and Evan lapped it up though.”

  The picture he was painting in my head had me laughing.

  “It was a stellar few weeks for lacrosse jerseys; we sold out.” John commented laughing.

  “Maybe after a while I could fall sick for a week and we could stock up on sweatshirts.” I joked.

  “Now you’re thinking like a salesman.” John held up his hand for a high-five which I returned.

  It was the perfect way to come back, no awkwardness or animosity.

  John’s expression turned somber suddenly. “Just to let you know I came across the article on you that the reporter did…” My heart dropped and my smile froze as John continued. So much for no awkwardness. “…and I’m sure that there’s more to it, but it doesn’t matter to me. It was heartbreaking to read what I did and I’m sure what wasn’t revealed is probably worse, so I don’t want you worrying about what I might be thinking. The only thought in my head is that you’re a damn good kid that had some really bad shit happen in her life.” John squeezed my shoulder. “You’re a good person, don’t let anybody make you think different, and no matter what remember that you have friends who are there to help you. I think they’ve demonstrated that in the last four weeks.”

  There was no way I couldn’t get choked up after that, but I was able to reign in most of the water-works. “Thanks John.”

  He stepped back and cleared his throat. “Well, let’s get to work then.”

  I couldn’t stop my grin at observing his self-consciousness…guys and their inability to handle emotional displays…sheesh.

  We went to work and it was basically a normal day apart from all the girls that came in and then left when they realized there were no lacrosse players working today. The constant bell ringing was going to haunt me in my sleep.

  At seven o’clock Blake came in to say hello to me. That he was taking the time out of his schedule just to see me pleased me to
no end. It felt great to know I had family in my life again that cared about me. Samantha had also called last night at around nine-thirty. Nic had been lying in my bed at the dorm with me as we’d just finished making love and he’d absently caressed my naked skin during my conversation with her. The soft touches had been somewhat distracting but I was able to focus enough that for fifteen minutes she and I had an enjoyable girl conversation about hair styles and dresses she was considering for her upcoming junior prom in six weeks. Again, it had been nice knowing that our relationship was growing.

  It was about twenty minutes to eight, Blake had left a couple minutes ago, and I was restocking the lacrosse jerseys with new ones that had been delivered today when the bell dinged yet again. I didn’t bother to look as it had been going off all day.

  “Well if it isn’t UVA’s own murderess.”

  My stomach bottomed out and I spun to find the voice spewing the malicious words. It was Beatrice. She must have read the article, but at least she was alone. Unfortunately, there were several people milling around looking at stuff that could hear her words and were looking our way with interest. I could feel my face burning in embarrassment and anger, but I decided my best course of action was to ignore her words.

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked in a strained polite tone. I was at my job and I was going to make an attempt at being courteous.

  Beatrice’s pretty face twisted into a nasty expression. “I don’t need help from someone who killed her own father.”

  Even though I recognized she was being cruel to make me feel bad because of Nic the words still hurt, but I didn’t feel any shortness of breath like I would have two weeks ago. “Okay then.” Shoulder’s stiff I turned back to the jersey’s hoping that would be the end of her taunting.

  There was a pause in which the door dinged again and my hopes began to rise that she was going to walk away, but then she appeared in front of me riffling through and destroying my organized pile of clothes. My throat tightened at what she might say. I could feel the other people in the background still hanging about probably hoping to overhear something else.


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