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Unfinished Tales

Page 56

by J. R. R. Tolkien

  Aldarion See Tar-Aldarion.

  *Aldburg The dwelling ofÉomer in the Folde (Rohan), where Eorl the Young had his house.

  Aldor Third King of Rohan, son of Brego son of Eorl the Young.

  alfirin A small white flower, also called uilos and simbelmynë (Evermind).

  *Algund Man of Dor-lómin, one of the outlaw-band (Gaurwaith) that Túrin joined.

  *Almarian Daughter of the Númenórean mariner Vëantur, Queen of Tar-Meneldur and mother of Tar-Aldarion.

  *Almiel The younger of Tar-Aldarion’s sisters.

  Alqualondë ‘Haven of the Swans’, chief city and haven of the Teleri on the coast of Aman.

  Aman ‘Blessed, free from evil’, the land of the Valar in the uttermost West. The Blessed Realm, Blessed Land. See Undying Lands.

  Amandil (1) See Tar-Amandil.

  Amandil (2) Last Lord of Andúnië, father of Elendil the Tall.

  *Amdír King of Lórien, slain in the Battle of Dagorlad; father of Amroth. See Malgalad.

  *Amon Anwar Sindarin name of Halifirien, seventh of the beacons of Gondor in Ered Nimrais. Translated Hill of Awe and partially as Hill of Anwar; also simply Anwar. See Eilenaer, Halifirien, Wood of Anwar.

  *Amon Darthir A peak in the range of Ered Wethrin south of Dor-lómin.

  Amon Dîn ‘The Silent Hill’, first of the beacons of Gondor in Ered Nimrais.

  Amon Ereb ‘The Lonely Hill’ in East Beleriand.

  Amon Ethir The great earthwork raised by Finrod Felagund to the east of the Doors of Nargothrond. Translated the Spyhill.

  *Amon Lanc ‘The Naked Hill’ in the south of Greenwood the Great, afterwards called Dol Guldur.

  Amon Obel A hill in the Forest of Brethil, on which was built Ephel Brandir.

  Amon Rûdh ‘The Bald Hill’, a lonely height in the lands south of Brethil; abode of Mîm, and lair of Túrin’s outlaw band. See Sharbhund.

  Amon Sûl ‘Hill of the Wind’, a round bare hill at the southern end of the Weather Hills in Eriador. Called in Bree Weathertop.

  Amon Uilos Sindarin name of Oiolossë.

  Amroth Sindarin Elf, King of Lórien, lover of Nimrodel; drowned in the Bay of Belfalas. The country of Amroth (coast of Belfalas near Dol Amroth). Amroth’s Haven, see Edhellond.

  Anach Pass leading down from Taur-nu-Fuin (Dorthonion) at the western end of Ered Gorgoroth.

  Anar Quenya name of the Sun.

  Anárion (1) See Tar-Anárion.

  Anárion (2) Younger son of Elendil, who with his father and his brother Isildur escaped from the Drowning of Númenor and founded in Middle-earth the Númenórean realms in exile; lord of Minas Anor; slain in the siege of Barad-dûr. Heir of Anárion.

  *Anardil The given name of Tar-Aldarion with suffix of endearment, Anardilya. [The sixth King of Gondor was also named Anardil. ]

  Ancalimë See Tar-Ancalimë. The name was also given by Aldarion to the tree from Eressëa that he planted in Armenelos.

  *Andrast ‘Long Cape’, the mountainous promontory between the rivers Isen and Lefnui. See Ras Morthil, Drúwaith Iaur.

  *Andrath ‘Long Climb’, defile between the Barrow-downs and the South Downs through which the North-South Road (Greenway) passed.

  *Andróg Man of Dor-lómin, a leader of the outlaw-band (Gaurwaith) that Túrin joined.

  Androth Caves in the hills of Mithrim where Tuor dwelt with the Grey-elves and afterwards as a solitary outlaw.

  Anduin ‘The Long River’ east of the Misty Mountains; also the River, the Great River. Frequently in the Vale(s) of Anduin. Part 3 §§ I and II passim. See Ethir Anduin, Langflood.

  Andúnië ‘Sunset’, city and haven on the west coast of Númenor. Bay of Andúnië. Lord(s) of Andúnië.

  *Andustar The western promontory of Númenor. Translated the Westlands. Lady of the Westlands, Erendis.

  Anfalas Fief of Gondor; coastal region between the mouths of the rivers Lefnui and Morthond. In Westron translated Langstrand.

  Anfauglith Name of the plain of Ard-galen after its desolation by Morgoth in the Dagor Bragollach.

  Angband The great fortress of Morgoth in the North-west of Middle-earth. The Siege of Angband.

  *Angelimar Twentieth Prince of Dol Amroth, grandfather of Imrahil.

  Anglachel Beleg’s sword. See Gurthang.

  Angmar The Witch-realm ruled by the Lord of the Nazgûl at the northern end of the Misty Mountains.

  *Angren Sindarin name of the Isen (also Sîr Angren, River Isen). See Athrad Angren.

  Angrenost Sindarin name of Isengard.

  Angrod Noldorin prince, the third son of Finarfin; slain in the Dagor Bragollach.

  Annael Grey-elf of Mithrim, fosterfather of Tuor.

  Annatar ‘Lord of Gifts’, name given to himself by Sauron in the Second Age. See Artano, Aulendil.

  Annon-in-Gelydh Entrance to a subterranean watercourse in the western hills of Dor-lómin, leading to Cirith Ninniach. Translated Gate of the Noldor.

  Annúminas ‘Tower of the West’, ancient seat of the Kings of Arnor beside Lake Nenuial; afterwards restored by King Elessar.

  Anórien Region of Gondor north of Ered Nimrais.

  Anor-stone, Stone of Anor The palantír of Minas Anor.

  *Anwar See Amon Anwar.

  *Ar-Abattârik Adûnaic name of Tar-Ardamin.

  Ar-Adûnakhôr Twentieth Ruler of Númenor; named in Quenya Tar-Herunúmen.

  Aragorn Thirty-ninth Heir of Isildur in the direct line; King of the reunited realms of Arnor and Gondor after the War of the Ring; wedded Arwen, daughter of Elrond. See Elessar, Elfstone, Strider, Thorongil.

  *Arandor The ‘Kingsland’ of Númenor.

  *Arandur ‘King’s servant, minister’, Quenya term for the Stewards of Gondor.

  Aranrúth ‘King’s Ire’, Thingol’s sword.

  Aranwë Elf of Gondolin, father of Voronwë. Aranwion, son of Aranwë.

  Aratan Second son of Isildur, slain at the Gladden Fields.

  *Ar-Belzagar Adûnaic name of Tar-Calmacil.

  Arda ‘The Realm’, name of the Earth as the Kingdom of Manwë.

  Aredhel Sister of Turgon and mother of Maeglin.

  Ar-Gimilzôr Twenty-third Ruler of Númenor; named in Quenya Tar-Telemnar.

  Ar-Inziladûn Adûnaic name of Tar-Palantir.

  Arkenstone The great jewel of the Lonely Mountain.

  Armenelos City of the Kings in Númenor.

  Arminas Noldorin Elf, who with Gelmir came upon Tuor at Annon-in-Gelydh, and afterwards went to Nargothrond to warn Orodreth of its peril.

  Arnor The northern realm of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth. The North(ern) Kingdom, Northern Realm.

  Aros The southern river of Doriath.

  Ar-Pharazôn Twenty-fifth and last Ruler of Númenor, who perished in the Downfall; named in Quenya Tar-Calion.

  *Arroch The horse of Húrin of Dor-lómin.

  Ar-Sakalthôr Twenty-second Ruler of Númenor; named in Quenya Tar-Falassion.

  Artamir Elder son of Ondoher King of Gondor; slain in battle with the Wainriders.

  *Artanis Name given to Galadriel by her father.

  *Artano ‘High-smith’, name given to himself by Sauron in the Second Age. See Annatar, Aulendil.

  Arthedain One of the three kingdoms into which Arnor was divided in the ninth century of the Third Age; bounded by the rivers Baranduin and Lhûn, extending eastwards to the Weather Hills, and with its chief place at Fornost.

  *Arthórien Region between the rivers Aros and Celon in the east of Doriath.

  Arvedui ‘Last-king’ of Arthedain, drowned in the Bay of Forochel.

  Arwen Daughter of Elrond and Celebrían; wedded to Aragorn; Queen of Gondor.

  Ar-Zimraphel Adûnaic name of Tar-Míriel.

  Ar-Zimrathôn Twenty-first Ruler of Númenor; named in Quenya Tar-Hostamir.

  *Asgon Man of Dor-lómin, who aided Túrin’s escape after the slaying of Brodda.

  Atanamir See Tar-Atanamir.

  Atanatar Alcarin (‘The Glorious’), sixteenth K
ing of Gondor.

  Atani The Men of the Three Houses of the Elf-friends (Sindarin Edain).

  *Athrad Angren Sindarin name (also in plural form Ethraid Engrin) of the Fords of Isen.

  Aulë One of the great Valar, the smith and master of crafts, spouse of Yavanna. Adjective Aulëan. Children of Aulë, the Dwarves.

  *Aulendil ‘Servant of Aulë’, name given to himself by Sauron in the Second Age. See Annatar, Artano.

  Avallónë Haven of the Eldar on Tol Eressëa.

  Avari Elves who refused to join the Great March from Cuiviénen. Dark Elves. See Wild Elves.

  Azaghâl Lord of the Dwarves of Belegost; wounded Glaurung in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and was killed by him.

  Azanulbizar The valley below the East-gate of Moria where in Third Age 2799 was fought the great battle that ended the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. See Nanduhirion.

  Azog Orc of Moria; slayer of Thrór, and slain himself by Dáin Ironfoot in the Battle of Azanulbizar.

  Bag-End Dwelling at Hobbiton in the Shire of Bilbo Baggins, and later of Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee.

  Baggins A family of Hobbits of the Shire. With reference to Bilbo Baggins.

  Balar, Bay of The great bay to the south of Beleriand into which the river Sirion flowed. Balar.

  Balar, Isle of Island in the Bay of Balar where Círdan and Gil-galad dwelt after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Balar.

  Balchoth An Easterling people akin to the Wainriders whose invasion of Calenardhon in Third Age 2510 was crushed at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant.

  Balin Dwarf of the House of Durin; companion of Thorin Oakenshield, and afterwards for a brief time Lord of Moria.

  Balrogs See Gothmog.

  *Barach A forester of the People of Haleth in the story of ‘The Faithful Stone’.

  Barad-dûr ‘The Dark Tower’ of Sauron in Mordor. Lord of Barad-dûr, Sauron.

  Barad Eithel ‘Tower of the Well’, the fortress of the Noldor at Eithel Sirion.

  Baragund Father of Morwen the wife of Húrin; nephew of Barahir and one of his twelve companions on Dorthonion.

  Barahir Father of Beren; rescued Finrod Felagund in the Dagor Bragollach, and received from him his ring; slain on Dorthonion. The Ring of Barahir.

  Baranduin ‘The long gold-brown river’ in Eriador, in the Shire called the Brandywine. Brandywine, Brandywine Bridge; the River.

  Bar-en-Danwedh ‘House of Ransom’, the name that Mîm gave to his dwelling on Amon Rûdh when he yielded it to Túrin. See Echad i Sedryn.

  *Bar-en-Nibin-noeg ‘House of the Petty-dwarves’, Mîm’s dwelling on Amon Rûdh.

  *Bar Erib A stronghold in Dor-Cúarthol, not far south of Amon Rûdh.

  Barrow-downs Downs east of the Old Forest, on which were great burial-mounds said to have been built in the First Age by the forefathers of the Edain before they entered Beleriand. See Tyrn Gorthad.

  Barrow-wights Evil spirits dwelling in the burial-mounds on the Barrow-downs.

  Battle of Azanulbizar See Azanulbizar.

  Battle of Dagorlad See Dagorlad.

  Battle of Dale Battle of the War of the Ring in which Sauron’s northern army defeated the Men of Dale and the Dwarves of Erebor.

  Battle of the Camp The victory of Eärnil II of Gondor over the Wainriders in Ithilien in Third Age 1944.

  Battle of the Field of Celebrant . See Field of Celebrant.

  *Battle of the Gwathló The rout of Sauron by the Númenóreans in Second Age 1700.

  Battle of the Hornburg Assault on the Hornburg by the army of Saruman in the War of the Ring.Battle of the Pelennor (Fields) See Pelennor.

  *Battle of the Plains The defeat of Narmacil II of Gondor by the Wainriders in the lands south of Mirkwood in Third Age 1856.

  Battle of Tumhalad See Tumhalad.

  Battle Plain See Dagorlad.

  Battles of the Fords of Isen Two battles fought during the War of the Ring between Riders of Rohan and Saruman’s forces out of Isengard.

  Bauglir ‘The Constrainer’, a name of Morgoth.

  Bay of Balar See Balar.

  Bay of Belfalas See Belfalas.

  Beacons of Gondor

  Beleg Elf of Doriath; a great archer, and chief of Thingol’s march-wardens; friend and companion of Túrin, by whom he was slain. Called Cúthalion, translated (the) Strongbow.

  Belegaer ‘The Great Sea’ of the West, between Middle-earth and Aman. The Great Sea in many other passages called simply the Sea.

  Belegost One of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.

  Belegund Father of Rían wife of Huor; nephew of Barahir and one of his twelve companions on Dorthonion.

  Beleriand Lands west of the Blue Mountains in the Elder Days. East Beleriand (divided from West Beleriand by the river Sirion). Tongue of Beleriand, see Sindarin. First Battle of Beleriand. Adjective Beleriandic.

  Belfalas Fief of Gondor; coastal region looking on to the great bay of the same name. Bay of Belfalas.

  Bëor Leader of the first Men to enter Beleriand, progenitor of the First House of the Edain. House of, People of, Bëor; Bëorian (s).

  Beornings Men of the upper Vales of Anduin.

  *Beregar Man from the Westlands of Númenor, descended from the House of Bëor; father of Erendis.

  Beren (1) Man of the House of Bëor, who cut the Silmaril from Morgoth’s crown, and alone of mortal Men returned from the dead. Called after his return from Angband Erchamion translated One-hand; and Camlost ‘Empty-handed’.

  Beren (2) Nineteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor, who gave the keys of Orthanc to Saruman.

  *Bereth Sister of Baragund and Belegund and ancestress of Erendis.

  Berúthiel Queen of Tarannon Falastur, twelfth King of Gondor.

  Bilbo Baggins Hobbit of the Shire, finder of the One Ring. See Baggins.

  Black Captain See Lord of the Nazgûl.

  *Black Easterling See Khamûl.

  Black Gate See Morannon.

  *Black King See Morgoth.

  Black Riders See Nazgûl.

  Blacksword, Black Sword See Gurthang, Mormegil. Blessed Realm See Aman.

  Blue Mountains See Ered Lindon and Ered Luin. Blue Ring See Vilya.

  Blue Wizards See Ithryn Luin.

  Book of the Kings One of the chronicles of Gondor.

  Book of the Stewards See Stewards of Gondor.

  Boromir Elder son of Denethor II, Steward of Gondor; one of the Fellowship of the Ring.

  *Borondir Called Udalraph ‘the Stirrupless’; rider of Minas Tirith who brought the message of Cirion to Eorl asking for his aid.

  *Bough of Return See Oiolairë.

  Bracegirdles A family of Hobbits of the Shire. Lobelia Brace-girdle.

  Bragollach See Dagor Bragollach. Brand Third King of Dale, grandson of Bard the Bowman; slain in the Battle of Dale.

  Brandir Ruler of the People of Haleth in Brethil at the time of the coming of Túrin Turambar, by whom he was slain. Called by Túrin Club-foot

  Brandywine See Baranduin.

  Bree The principal village of the Bree-land at the crossing of the Númenórean roads in Eriador. Men of Bree; Hobbits of Bree.

  Brego Second King of Rohan, son of Eorl the Young.

  Bregolas Brother of Barahir and father of Baragund and Belegund.

  Bregor Father of Barahir and Bregolas.

  The Bow of Bregor , preserved in Númenor.

  Brethil Forest between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion in Beleriand, dwelling-place of the People of Haleth. Men of, People of, Brethil; and see Woodmen. Black Thorn of Brethil, see Gurthang.

  Brithiach Ford over Sirion north of the Forest of Brethil.

  Brithombar The northernmost of the Havens of the Falas on the coast of Beleriand.

  Brithon River flowing into the Great Sea at Brithombar.

  Brodda Easterling in Hithlum after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad who took as wife Aerin, kinswoman of Húrin; slain by Túrin. Called the Incomer.

  Brown Lands The desolate region between Mirkwood and the Emyn Mui

  Bruinen River in Eriador, tributary (with the Mitheithel) of the Gwathló; translated Loudwater. Ford of Bruinen, below Rivendell.

  Bucklebury Ferry Ferry across the Brandywine River between Bucklebury and the Marish.

  Bywater Village in the Shire a few miles south-east of Hobbiton.

  Cabed-en-Aras Deep gorge in the river Teiglin, where Túrin slew Glaurung and where Nienor leaped to her death. Translated the Deer’s Leap. See Cabed Naeramarth.

  Cabed Naeramarth ‘Leap of Dreadful Doom’, name given to Cabed-en-Aras after Nienor leaped from its cliffs.

  Cair Andros Island in the river Anduin north of Minas Tirith fortified by Gondor for the defence of Anórien.

  Calenardhon ‘The Green Province’, name of Rohan when it was the northern part of Gondor.

  Gap of Calenardhon ; King of Calenardhon, Eorl. See Rohan, Gap of Rohan.

  Calenhad Sixth of the beacons of Gondor in Ered Nimrais. (The name probably meant ‘green space’, with reference to the flat turf-covered crown of the hill: had being derived, with the usual mutation in combinations, from sad ‘place, spot’.)

  Calimehtar Thirtieth King of Gondor, victor over the Wainriders on the Dagorlad in Third Age 1899.

  *Calmindon The ‘Light-tower’ on Tol Uinen in the Bay of Rómenna.

  Camlost See Beren (I).

  Caradhras, Pass of The pass over the Misty Mountains called ‘Redhorn Gate’, beneath Caradhras (Redhorn, Barazinbar), one of the Mountains of Moria.

  Caras Galadhon ‘City of the Trees’ (for the word caras see 333), chief dwelling of the Elves of Lórien.

  Cardolan One of the three kingdoms into which Arnor was divided in the ninth century of the Third Age; bounded in the west by the Baranduin and in the north by the East Road.

  Carn Dûm Chief fortress of Angmar.

  Carnen ‘Redwater’, river flowing down from the Iron Hills to join the River Running.

  Carrock, The A rocky islet in the upper Anduin. See Ford of Carrock.

  Celduin River flowing from the Lonely Mountain to the Sea of Rhûn. Translated River Running.

  Celeborn (1) ‘Tree of Silver’, the Tree of Tol Eressëa.

  Celeborn (2) Kinsman of Thingol; wedded Galadriel; Lord of Lothlórien. (For the meaning of the name see 346 – 7.) See Teleporno.

  Celebrant River rising in Mirrormere and flowing through Lothlórien to join Anduin. Translated Silverlode. See Field of Celebrant.


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