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Unfinished Tales

Page 60

by J. R. R. Tolkien

  *Lórinand See Lórien (2).

  Lossarnach Region in the north-east of Lebennin about the sources of the river Erui. (The name is stated to mean ‘Flowery Arnach’, Arnach being a pre-Númenórean name.)

  Lótessë Quenya name of the fifth month according to the Númenórean calendar, corresponding to May. See Lothron.

  Lothíriel Daughter of Imrahil of Dol Amroth; wife of King Éomer of Rohan and mother of Elfwine the Fair. Lothlórien The name Lórien with the Sindarin word loth ‘flower’ prefixed.

  Lothron Sindarin name of the fifth month. See Lótessë.

  Loudwater See Bruinen.

  Lune Spelling of Lhûn.

  Lúthien Daughter of Thingol and Melian, who after the fulfilment of the Quest for the Silmaril and the death of Beren chose to become mortal and to share his fate. Called Tinúviel ‘Nightingale’.

  Mablung Called the Hunter; Elf of Doriath, chief captain of Thingol, friend of Túrin.

  Maedhros Eldest son of Fëanor.

  Maeglin Son of Eöl and Aredhel Turgon’s sister; became mighty in Gondolin, and betrayed it to Morgoth; slain in the sack of the city by Tuor.

  Maggot, Farmer Hobbit of the Shire, farming in the Marish near the Bucklebury Ferry.

  Maiar (Singular Maia). Ainur of lesser degree than the Valar.

  *Malantur Númenórean, descendant of Tar-Elendil.

  Malduin A tributary of the Teiglin.

  *Malgalad King of Lórien, slain in the Battle of Dagorlad; apparently identical with Amdír.

  *malinornë Quenya form of Sindarin mallorn.

  mallorn Name of the great trees with golden flowers brought from Tol Eressëa to Eldalondë in Númenor, and afterwards grown in Lothlórien. Quenya malinornë, plural malinorni.

  mallos A golden flower of Lebennin.

  *Mámandil Name given to himself by Hallacar in his first encounters with Ancalimë.

  Mandos The name of the dwelling in Aman of the Vala properly called Námo, but who was usually himself called Mandos. Curse of Mandos; Doom of Mandos; Second Prophecy of Mandos.

  Manwë The chief of the Valar. Called the Elder King. See Witnesses of Manwë.

  Mardil First Ruling Steward of Gondor. Called Voronwë ‘the Steadfast’ and the Good Steward.

  *Marhari Leader of the Northmen in the Battle of the Plains, where he was slain; father of Marhwini.

  *Marhwini ‘Horse-friend’, leader of the Northmen (Éothéod) who settled in the Vales of Anduin after the Battle of the Plains, and ally of Gondor against the Wainriders.

  Mark, The Name among the Rohirrim for their own country. Riddermark; Mark of the Riders; Marshals of the Mark. See East-mark, West-mark. Master of Doom See Turambar.

  mearas The horses of Rohan.

  Melian Maia, Queen of King Thingol of Doriath, about which she set a girdle of enchantment; mother of Lúthien and foremother of Elrond and Elros. Girdle of Melian.

  Melkor The great rebellious Vala, the beginning of evil, in his origin the mightiest of the Ainur; afterwards named Morgoth.

  Menegroth ‘The Thousand Caves’, the hidden halls of Thingol and Melian on the river Esgalduin in Doriath.

  Menel High heaven, the region of the stars.

  Meneldil Son of Anárion and third King of Gondor. Meneldur See Tar-Meneldur.

  Meneltarma Mountain in the midst of Númenor, on whose summit was the Hallow of Eru Ilúvatar (see Eru). (unnamed, in Tuor’s dream). Translated Pillar of the Heavens (the Pillar). Called also the Holy Mountain, the Hallowed Mountain of the Númenóreans.

  *Men-i-Naugrim ‘Way of the Dwarves’, a name of the Old Forest Road. Translated Dwarf Road.

  Men of the Sea See Númenóreans.

  Meriadoc Brandybuck Hobbit of the Shire, one of the Fellowship of the Ring.

  Mering Stream ‘Boundary Stream’, flowing down from Ered Nimrais to join the Entwash, and forming the boundary between Rohan and Gondor; in Sindarin called Glanhír.

  *Methed-en-Glad ‘End of the Wood’, a stronghold in Dor-Cúarthol at the edge of the forest south of Teiglin.

  Middle-earth Passim . Called the Dark Lands the Great Lands.

  Mîm The Petty-dwarf, in whose house (Bar-en-Danwedh) on Amon Rûdh Túrin dwelt with the outlaw-band, and by whom their lair was betrayed to the Orcs; slain by Húrin in Nargothrond.

  Minalcar See Rómendacil II.

  Minardil Twenty-fifth King of Gondor.

  Minas Anor ‘Tower of the Sun’, afterwards called Minas Tirith; the city of Anárion, at the feet of Mount Mindolluin. See Anor-stone.

  Minas Ithil ‘Tower of the Moon’, afterwards called Minas Morgul; the city of Isildur, built on a shoulder of the Ephel Dúath. See Ithil-stone.

  Minas Morgul ‘Tower of Sorcery’, name of Minas Ithil after its capture by the Ringwraiths. See Lord of Morgul.

  Minastir See Tar-Minastir.

  Minas Tirith (1) ‘Tower of Watch’, built by Finrod Felagund on Tol Sirion. Minas of King Finrod.

  Minas Tirith (2) Later name of Minas Anor. The Hallows of Minas Tirith; the White Tower of Minas Tirith. See Mundburg. Minhiriath ‘Between the Rivers’, region of Eriador between Baranduin and Gwathló.

  *Minohtar Nephew of King Ondoher; slain in Ithilien in Third Age 1944 in battle with the Wainriders.

  Min-Rimmon ‘Peak of the Rimmon’ (a group of crags), fifth of the beacons of Gondor in Ered Nimrais.

  Mírdain See Gwaith-i-Mírdain.

  Míriel See Tar-Míriel.

  Mirkwood The great forest east of the Misty Mountains, earlier called Eryn Galen, Greenwood the Great. See Taur-nu-Fuin, Taur-e-Ndaedelos, Eryn Lasgalen; Mountains of Mirkwood.

  miruvor The cordial of the Eldar.

  Misty Mountains Great mountain-range of Middle-earth running north and south and forming the eastern boundary of Eriador; called in Sindarin Hithaeglir. In many of the following references the mountains are not named.

  Mitheithel River of Eriador flowing from the Ettendales to join the Bruinen (Loudwater). Translated Hoarwell.

  Mithlond The Havens of the Eldar on the Gulf of Lhûn, ruled by Círdan. Translated the Grey Havens.

  Mithrandir Gandalf’ s name among the Elves of Middle-earth. Translated the Grey Pilgrim, the Grey Wanderer; cf. also the Grey Messenger

  *Mithrellas Elf of Lórien, companion of Nimrodel; taken to wife by Imrazôr the Númenórean; mother of Galador first Lord of Dol Amroth.

  mithril The metal known as ‘Moria-silver’, found also in Númenor.

  Mithrim Name of the great lake in the east of Hithlum, and also of the region about it and of the mountains to the west, separating Mithrim from Dor-lómin.

  *Mittalmar The central region of Númenor, translated Inlands.

  Morannon The main (northern) entry to Mordor. Translated the Black Gate; called also the Gates of Mordor. Watch-towers of the Morannon; see Towers of the Teeth.

  Mordor The land under the direct rule of Sauron, east of the Ephel Dúath.

  Morgai ‘Black Fence’, inner ridge much lower than the Ephel

  Dúath and separated from it by a deep trough; the inner ring of the fences of Mordor.

  Morgoth Later name of Melkor. Part 1 § II passim, Called the Black King; the Dark Lord; the Enemy Bauglir; and by the Drúedain the Great Dark One.

  Morgul, Lord of See Lord of the Nazgûl, Minas Morgul.

  Moria ‘The Black Chasm’, later name for the great works of the Dwarves of Durin’s race under the Misty Mountains. East-gate of Moria; West-gate. See Khazad-dûm.

  Mormegil Name given to Túrin as captain of the host of Nargothrond on account of his sword (see Gurthang), and used afterwards in Brethil. Translated Blacksword (also written Black Sword) with reference to the Black Sword itself.

  Morthond ‘Black-root’, river rising in a dark valley in the mountains due south of Edoras, called *Mornan, not only because of the two high mountains between which it lay, but because through it passed the road from the Gate of the Dead Men, and living men did not go there.

  Morwen (
1) Daughter of Baragund (nephew of Barahir father of Beren), wife of Húrin and mother of Túrin and Nienor. See Eledhwen, Lady of Dor-lómin (in entry Dor-lómin).

  Morwen (2) of Lossarnach A lady of Gondor, akin to Prince Imrahil; wife of King Thengel of Rohan.

  Mound of the Elf-maid See Haudh-en-Elleth.

  Mountain Kingdom See King under the Mountain.

  Mountains of Dor-lómin See Dor-lómin.

  Mountains of Mirkwood See Emyn Duir, Emyn-nu-Fuin.

  Mountains of Shadow See Ered Wethrin.

  *Mountains of Turgon See Echoriath.

  Mourning See Nienor.

  Mundburg ‘Guardian Fortress’, name in Rohan of Minas Tirith.

  Naith of Lórien The ‘Triangle’ or ‘Gore’ of Lórien, land at the angle of Celebrant and Anduin.

  Námo Vala, commonly called Mandos from the place of his dwelling. See Fëanturi, Nurufantur.

  Nandor Elves from the host of the Teleri who refused to cross the Misty Mountains on the Great Journey from Cuiviénen, but of whom a part, led by Denethor, came long afterwards over the Blue Mountains and dwelt in Ossiriand (the Green-elves); for those who remained east of the Misty Mountains see Silvan Elves. Adjective Nandorin.

  Nanduhirion The glen about Mirrormere between the arms of the Misty Mountains into which the Great Gates of Moria opened; translated Dimrill Dale. The Battle of Nanduhirion; see Azanulbizar.

  *Nan Laur See Lórien (2).

  Nan-tathren ‘Willow-vale’, where the river Narog flowed into Sirion. Translated Land of Willows.

  Narbeleth Sindarin name of the tenth month. See Narquelië. Nardol ‘Fiery head’, third of the beacons of Gondor in Ered Nimrais.

  Nargothrond ‘The great underground fortress on the river Narog’, founded by Finrod Felagund and destroyed by Glaurung; also the realm of Nargothrond extending east and west of Narog. See Narog.

  Narmacil I Seventeenth King of Gondor.

  Narmacil II Twenty-ninth King of Gondor, slain in the Battle of the Plains.

  Narog The chief river of West Beleriand, rising at Ivrin under Ered Wethrin and flowing into Sirion in Nan-tathren. Sources of Narog; Vale of Narog; People of Narog; Lord of Narog.

  Narquelië ‘Sun-fading’, Quenya name of the tenth month according to the Númenórean Calendar, corresponding to October. See Narbeleth.

  *Narrows of the Forest The ‘waist’ of Mirkwood caused by the indentation of the East Bight.

  Narsil The sword of Elendil that was broken when Elendil died in combat with Sauron; reforged for Aragorn from the shards and named Andúril.

  Narvi Dwarf of Khazad-dûm, maker of the West-gate, close friend of Celebrimbor of Eregion.

  Narya One of the Three Rings of the Elves, borne by Círdan and afterwards by Mithrandir. Called The Ring of Fire; the Red Ring; the Third Ring.

  Nazgûl The slaves of the Nine Rings of Men and chief servants of Sauron. Ringwraiths; (Black) Riders; the Nine. See Lord of the Nazgûl.

  Near Harad See Harad.

  Neithan ‘The Wronged’, name given to himself by Túrin among the outlaws.

  *Nellas Elf of Doriath, friend of Túrin in his boyhood; bore witness against Saeros in the trial of Túrin before Thingol.

  Nen Girith ‘Shuddering Water’, name given to Dimrost, the falls of Celebros in the Forest of Brethil.

  Nénimë Quenya name of the second month according to the Númenórean calendar, corresponding to February. See Nínui.

  *Nen Lalaith Stream rising under Amon Darthir in Ered Wethrin and flowing past Húrin’s house in Dor-lómin. See Lalaith.

  Nenning River in West Beleriand, at whose mouth was the Haven of Eglarest.

  Nenuial ‘Lake of Twilight’ between the arms of the Hills of Evendim (*Emyn Uial) north of the Shire, beside which the oldest Númenórean seat of Annúminas was built. Translated Evendim.

  Nenya One of the Three Rings of the Elves, borne by Galadriel. Called the White Ring.

  *Nerwen Name given to Galadriel by her mother.

  *nessamelda Fragrant evergreen tree brought to Númenor by the Eldar of Eressëa. (The name perhaps means ‘beloved of Nessa’, one of the Valier; cf. vardarianna, yavannamírë.)

  Nevrast Region south-west of Dor-lómin where Turgon dwelt before his departure to Gondolin.

  *Nibin-noeg, Nibin-nogrim The Petty-dwarves. Bar-en-Nibinnoeg; Moors of the Nibin-noeg. See Noegyth Nibin.

  Nienna One of the Valier (‘Queens of the Valar’), Lady of pity and mourning.

  Nienor Daughter of Húrin and Morwen and sister of Túrin; spell-bound by Glaurung at Nargothrond and in ignorance of her past wedded Túrin in Brethil in her name Níniel. Translated Mourning.

  Nimloth (1) ‘White Blossom’, the Tree of Númenor. The White Tree.

  Nimloth (2) Elf of Doriath who wedded Dior Thingol’s Heir; mother of Elwing.

  Nimrodel (1) ‘Lady of the White Grotto’, Elf of Lórien, beloved of Amroth, who dwelt beside the falls of Nimrodel until she went south and was lost in Ered Nimrais.

  Nimrodel (2) Mountain stream falling into the Celebrant (Silver-lode), named from Nimrodel the Elf who dwelt beside it.

  *Nindamos Chief settlement of the fishermen on the southern coast of Númenor, at the mouths of Siril.

  Nine, The See Nazgûl.

  Nine Walkers, The The Fellowship of the Ring.

  Níniel ‘Tear-maiden’, the name that Túrin, ignorant of their relationship, gave to his sister Nienor.

  *Nîn-in-Eilph ‘Waterlands of the Swans’, great fens of the lower reaches of the river called in its upper course Glanduin. Translated Swanfleet.

  Nínui Sindarin name of the second month. See Nénimë.

  Nirnaeth Arnoediad The Battle of ‘Unnumbered Tears’, described in The Silmarillion ch. 20; also called simply the Nirnaeth.

  *Nísimaldar Land about the Haven of Eldalondë in western Númenor; translated in the text as the Fragrant Trees.

  *Nísinen Lake in the river Nunduinë in western Númenor.

  Noegyth Nibin The Petty-dwarves. See Nibin-noeg.

  Nogothrim The Dwarves. (See Appendix to The Silmarillion, entry naug. )

  Nogrod One of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.

  *Noirinan Valley at the southern feet of the Meneltarma at the head of which were the tombs of the Kings and Queens of Númenor. Translated Valley of the Tombs.

  Noldor (Singular Noldo). Called the Loremasters; the second of the Three Kindreds of the Eldar on the Great Journey from Cuiviénen, whose history is the chief matter of The Silmaril-lion. High King of the Noldor; Gate of the Noldor, see Annon-in-Gelydh; High Speech of the Noldor, see Quenya; Lady of the Noldor, see Galadriel; lamps of the Noldor, and see Fëanor. Adjective Noldorin

  *Nólimon Name given to Vardamir, son of Elros (for the meaning see Appendix to The Silmarillion, entry gûl).

  *North Cape The end of the Forostar, the northern promontory of Númenor.

  North Downs Hills in Eriador north of the Shire, where was built Fornost.

  North(ern) Kingdom, Northern Realm See Arnor.

  Northern Waste Region of cold in the far North of Middle-earth (also called Forodwaith, see Introduction).

  *Northlands (of Númenor) See Forostar.

  Northmen The horsemen of Rhovanion, allies of Gondor, ancestrally related to the Edain; from them derived the Éothéod; with reference to the Rohirrim. Free Men of the North.

  North-South Road See Roads.

  *Núath, Woods of Woods extending westward from the upper waters of the river Narog.

  *Númellótë ‘Flower of the West’ = Inziladûn.

  *Númendil Seventeenth Lord of Andúnie. Númenor (In full Quenya form Númenórë. ) ‘Westernesse’,‘Westland’, the great island prepared by the Valar as a dwelling-place for the Edain after the ending of the First Age. Part 2 §§ I –III passim. Called the Great Isle, Isle of Kings, Isle of Westernesse, Land of Gift, Land of the Star; and see Akallabêth, Elenna·nórë, Yôzâyan. References to the Downfall of Númenor are given in
a separate entry.

  Númenóreans The Men of Númenor. (The following references include Númenórean used as an adjective.) Part 2 §§ I –III passim; Kings of Men; Men of the Sea and see Dúnedain. Númenórean tongue, speech, see Adûnaic.

  *Númerrámar ‘West-wings’, the ship of Vëantur in which Aldarion made his first voyage to Middle-earth.

  *Nunduinë River in the west of Númenor, flowing into the sea at Eldalondë.

  *Núneth Mother of Erendis.

  Núrnen ‘Sad Water’, inland sea in the south of Mordor.

  *Nurufantur One of the Fëanturi; the earlier ‘true’ name of Mandos, before it was replaced by Námo. See Olofantur.

  Ohtar Esquire of Isildur, who brought the shards of Narsil to Imladris. (On the name Ohtar ‘warrior’).

  *Oghor-hai Name given to the Drúedain by Orcs.

  *oiolairë ‘Ever-summer’, an evergreen tree brought to Númenor by the Eldar of Eressëa, from which was cut the Bough of Return set upon the Númenórean ships. (Corollairë, the Green Mound of the Trees in Valinor, was also called Coron Oiolairë: Appendix to The Silmarillion, entry coron). Bough of Return.

  Oiolossë ‘Ever-snow-white’, the Mountain of Manwë in Aman. See Amon Uilos, Taniquetil.

  *Old Company Name given to the original members of Túrin’s band in Dor-Cúarthol.

  Old Ford Ford over Anduin on the Old Forest Road. See Ford of Carrock.

  Old Forest The ancient forest extending eastwards from the borders of Buckland.

  Old Forest Road See Roads.

  *Old Púkel-land, Old Púkel-wilderness See Drúwaith Iaur.

  Old Took Gerontius Took, Hobbit of the Shire, grandfather of Bilbo Baggins and great-great-grandfather of Peregrin Took.

  *Olofantur One of the Fëantúri; the earlier ‘true’ name of Lórien, before it was replaced by Irmo. See Nurufantur.

  Olórin Gandalf’ s name in Valinor.

  Olwë King of the Teleri of Alqualondë on the coast of Aman.

  Ondoher Thirty-first King of Gondor, slain in battle with the Wainriders in Third Age 1944.

  *Ondosto A place in the Forostar (Northlands) of Númenor, probably particularly associated with the stone-quarries of the region (Quenya ondo ‘stone’).


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